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11:56, 20.03.2024

Blinken heads to Middle East a sixth time in Gaza diplomacy push

Blinken heads to Middle East a sixth time in Gaza diplomacy push

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken returns to the Middle East on Wednesday for his sixth visit since the start of Israel‘s war with Hamas to push for a deal to secure a temporary pause in fighting and the release…

11:56, 19.03.2024

Russian aggression against Ukraine and situation in Belarus - discussed by ForMin Odobescu at Foreign Affairs Council

Russian aggression against Ukraine and situation in Belarus - discussed by ForMin Odobescu at Foreign Affairs Council

Foreign Affairs Minister Luminita Odobescu attended the Foreign Affairs Council (FAC) meeting in Brussels on Monday, where she spoke about Russia's war against Ukraine and the situation in Belarus. The agenda of…

19:25, 07.03.2024

„O zi cu adevărat istorică”. Suedia a aderat oficial la NATO, după ce războiul din Ucraina a obligat-o să-și regândească politica de securitate | VIDEO

„O zi cu adevărat istorică”. Suedia a aderat oficial la NATO, după ce războiul din Ucraina a obligat-o să-și regândească politica de securitate | VIDEO

Suedia a aderat joi, 7 martie, la NATO, în cadrul unei ceremonii la Washington, la doi ani după ce invazia Rusiei în Ucraina a forțat-o să-și regândească politica de securitate națională și să concluzioneze că…

13:05, 08.02.2024

Blinken ends latest Mideast mission after new Israeli snub of proposed Gaza ceasefire plan

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken left the Middle East on Thursday with public divisions between the United States and Israel at perhaps their worst level since Israel’s war against Hamas in Gaza began in…

13:35, 10.01.2024

Blinken meets Palestinian leader Abbas in occupied West Bank

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken met Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas in the Israeli-occupied West Bank on Wednesday, after pressing Israel’s leaders to offer a pathway to a Palestinian state,…

11:50, 08.12.2023

US criticizes Israel on Gaza civilian toll as UN to hear ceasefire demand

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, in his strongest public criticism of Israel‘s conduct of the war on Hamas in south Gaza, said there was a gap between the government’s declared intentions to protect civilians…

11:46, 01.11.2023

Reacția Moscovei după ce băiețelul lui Antony Blinken a venit costumat în Volodimir Zelenski de Halloween. „E monstruos”

Maria Zaharova, purtătorul de cuvânt al Ministerului Rus de Externe, consideră cinism „curat” momentul în care copiii secretarului de stat american Antony Blinken au apărut la sărbătoarea de Halloween de la Casa…

12:05, 27.09.2023

Hillary Clinton, ironii la adresa lui Putin pe tema extinderii NATO: „Păcat, Vladimir, tu ai căutat-o”

Fostul secretar de Stat american Hillary Clinton a vorbit despre extinderea NATO marți, 27 septembrie, în timpul unui eveniment de la Departamentul de Stat al SUA, unde i-a fost dezvelit portretul oficial, relatează…

10:20, 08.09.2023

Blinken, Romanian minister discuss drone debris found in Romania near Ukraine border

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Romanian Foreign Minister Luminita Odobescu on Thursday held a call to discuss Romania’s investigation into drone debris found in Romania close to its border with Ukraine,…

09:15, 25.07.2023

At present, Romania has most important, solid security guarantees in history (ForMin)

At present, Romania, as a member of NATO and the European Union, has the most important or most solid security guarantees in history, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Luminita Odobescu, told private broadcaster…

11:31, 24.07.2023

Blinken says world is seeking responsible US-China relationship

Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the rest of the world is eager to see a responsibly managed US-Chinese relationship and he urged China to do its part, according to Bloomberg. Blinken’s comment on CNN’s Fareed…

17:20, 13.07.2023

Șeful politicii externe a Chinei a avut întâlniri cu Blinken şi Lavrov în marja reuniunii ASEAN

Şeful politicii externe a Chinei, Wang Yi, a avut joi, 13 iulie, întâlniri bilaterale cu miniştrii de externe din Rusia şi Statele Unite, în Indonezia, în marja unei reuniuni ASEAN, organizaţia care reuneşte ţări…

11:05, 26.06.2023

US officials see weakened Putin as Russia turmoil reveals ‘cracks’

The unprecedented challenge to Russian President Vladimir Putin by Wagner fighters has exposed fresh “cracks” in the strength of his leadership that may take weeks or months to play out, U.S. Secretary of State…

22:10, 21.06.2023

SUA acordă Ucrainei, la Conferinţa Internaţională a Reconstrucţiei, la Londra, un ajutor în valoare de 1,3 miliarde de dolari, destinat infrastructurii.…

Acest ajutor este destinat cu prioritate infrastructurii esenţiale ucrainene, devastată în războiul rus din Ucraina. The United States will send $1.3 billion more in aid to Ukraine to help the conflict-hit country…

16:20, 19.06.2023

Prima reacție a președintelui chinez Xi Jinping, după discuțiile cu secretarul de stat american Antony Blinken. VIDEO

Preşedintele chinez Xi Jinping a avut prima reacție oficială, după vizita de luni a secretarului de stat american, Antony Blinken, care s-a desfășurat, așa cum era normal la Beijing. Xi a salutat “progresele” înregistrate…

15:55, 19.06.2023

(VIDEO) Marea întâlnire n-a fost degeaba. Anunțul lui Xi Jinping

Preşedintele chinez Xi Jinping a salutat luni, cu prilejul unei întâlniri cu secretarul american de stat Antony Blinken, „progresele” şi „terenurile de înţelegere” între Beijing şi Washington, în pofida tensiunilor,…

11:05, 14.06.2023

China’s foreign minister urges Blinken to stabilize ties in call

Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang told Secretary of State Antony Blinken the US should stop hurting China’s security interests in the name of competition in a call before the American official’s expected trip to…

10:25, 03.06.2023

VIDEO. Blinken ia peste picior armata lui Putin: „A doua cea mai puternică din Ucraina”, nu din lume

Secretarul de stat american Antony Blinken a ironizat armata Rusiei spunând despre ea ca este „a doua cea mai puternică din Ucraina” din punct de vedere al capacităților sale, potrivit  Sky News . Observația, făcută…

10:55, 30.05.2023

EU, US to weigh China, AI, trade strains at high-level Sweden talks

Top US and European Union officials meet in Sweden on Tuesday to weigh how best to deal with China and cooperate on artificial intelligence and other future technology as well as EU complaints about Trump-era tariffs…

17:45, 20.04.2023

US SoS Blinken mentions Black Sea security importance to US

Romanian Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu on Thursday received a thank-you letter from the US Secretary of State Antony Blinken congratulating Romania on having successfully organised in Bucharest the Eighth Round…

20:50, 06.03.2023

ForMin Aurescu-US Secretary of State Blinken phone conversation on various topics,including Russia's war against Ukraine

Foreign Affairs Minister Bogdan Aurescu and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken had a phone conversation on Monday on priority topics for the bilateral Strategic Partnership, namely in the context of Russia's…

15:50, 02.03.2023

Blinken, Lavrov speak amid war of words over Ukraine at G20 meeting

The United States and its European allies sparred with Russia over the war in Ukraine at a meeting of G20 foreign ministers in New Delhi on Thursday, with the rival sides each accusing the other of destabilising…

10:56, 20.02.2023

Blinken pledges long-term aid for Turkey after devastating earthquakes

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said during a trip to Turkey that Washington will support its ally “for as long as it takes” after earthquakes rocked the country two weeks ago, Reuters reports. The United…

08:55, 01.12.2022

Romania National Day/U.S. Secretary of State Blinken: Wishing Romanian people a very happy national day

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken congratulates Romania on its national day and points out that 2022 is a "special year", as it marks the 25th anniversary of the Strategic Partnership between the U.S. and…

15:55, 29.11.2022

NATO2022 Bucharest/ Blinken: Romania can count on America being by its side

Having proceeded down the long road to democracy and now standing up for democracy everywhere, Romania can count on America to continue to be by its side, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken told a joint news…

15:05, 29.11.2022

NATO2022 Bucharest/ Blinken: Black Sea region - a critical component of NATO's defence

The Black Sea region is a critical component of NATO's defence, of NATO's strategy, but it is not an independent element, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken told a joint press conference with the Minister of…

12:10, 29.11.2022

President Iohannis welcomes U.S. Secretary of State Blinken at Cotroceni Palace

President Klaus Iohannis welcomed on Tuesday U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken at the Cotroceni Palace. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro pe Facebook stiripesurse.ro × Help…

11:55, 29.11.2022

PM Ciuca: Romania - USA Partnership, at highest level/ Blinken: Romanian people, a source of inspiration

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited, on Tuesday, at the Romanian Athenaeum, together with Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca, the photo exhibition "We the People - 25 years of strategic partnership", which presents…

11:05, 29.11.2022

US StateSec Antony Blinken, PM Nicolae Ciuca, visiting 'We the People: 25 years of Strategic Partnership' exhibition

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca are visiting, on Tuesday morning, the traveling exhibition "We the People: 25 years of Strategic Partnership", a thematic photographic essay…

09:40, 29.11.2022

US Embassy: Secretary of State Antony Blinken has arrived in Bucharest

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken arrived on Monday night to Tuesday in Bucharest, where he will participate in the Meeting of NATO Ministers of Foreign Affairs, the US Embassy announces. Fii la curent cu cele…