Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

14:20, 19.04.2024

Alain Delon, decorat de Ucraina cu Ordinul Meritului. „Pentru noi este un simbol”

Conducerea de la Kiev a decis să-l decoreze cu Ordinul Meritului pe actorul francez Alain Delon în semn de mulțumire pentru susţinerea acordată Ucrainei în fața invaziei la scară largă a Rusiei, a anunţat ambasadorul…

19:10, 27.03.2024

Imagini cu Volodimir Zelenski în tranșee și buncăre. Liderul ucrainean a inspectat forticațiile care se construiesc în regiunea Sumî | VIDEO

Imagini cu Volodimir Zelenski în tranșee și buncăre. Liderul ucrainean a inspectat forticațiile care se construiesc în regiunea Sumî | VIDEO

Președintele ucrainean Volodimir Zelenski s-a deplasat miercuri, 27 martie, în regiunea Sumî, unde s-a întâlnit cu membri ai forțelor armate ale țării, relatează Sky News.După ce a ajuns în regiunea nord-estică,…

20:35, 06.03.2024

President Iohannis: I strongly condemn the attack in Odessa during Zelenskys meeting with Mitsotakis

President Iohannis: I strongly condemn the attack in Odessa during Zelensky's meeting with Mitsotakis

President Klaus Iohannis strongly condemns the attack in the area of Odessa during the meeting Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky had with Greek PM Kyriakos Mitsotakis. "I strongly condemn the attack in Odessa…

12:25, 22.02.2024

Zelenskyy allows foreigners to serve in Ukraine’s National Guard

Foreign citizens who legally reside in Ukraine can join the National Guard, according to a decree President Volodymyr Zelenskyy signed late Wednesday, according to Politico.  The National Guard of Ukraine is the…

14:45, 09.02.2024

Zelenskyy names ex-army chief Zaluzhnyi ‘hero of Ukraine’

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy named former army chief General Valeriy Zaluzhnyi a “Hero of Ukraine” on Friday, a day after he was replaced in the biggest shakeup of the war with Russia to date, according to Reuters.…

16:41, 09.01.2024

Romanian, Ukrainian presidents Iohannis, Zelensky telephone conversation on war in Ukraine, bilateral relation, 2024 priorities

President Klaus Iohannis had a telephone conversation on Tuesday with his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky, the two heads of state having exchanged views and assessments on the security situation in Ukraine…

13:30, 13.12.2023

Nordic leaders warn failure to back Ukraine will erode security

Ukraine‘s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy arrived in Oslo to meet some of this strongest supporters, having left Washington without a clear commitment to $61 billion in aid, according to Bloomberg. The meeting with…

11:35, 20.11.2023

Zelenskyy sacks military medical chief, urges reform of system

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Sunday, demanded rapid changes in the operations of Ukraine‘s military medical system as he announced the dismissal of the commander of the medical forces, according to…

11:15, 11.10.2023

Zelenskyy arrives in Brussels for surprise visit ahead of NATO meeting

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is set to meet with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg during a surprise visit to Brussels on Wednesday, a spokesperson for the military…

11:21, 25.07.2023

Ukraine’s Zelenskyy urges EU to ensure end to “unacceptable” farm goods restrictions

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy called on the European Union on Monday to ensure that an “unacceptable and clearly non-European” ban on Ukrainian grain imports to five countries is lifted by a September 15 deadline,…

11:20, 12.07.2023

NATO summit declaration says Ukraine’s future is in NATO and aid for Kyiv

Meeting in the Lithuanian capital Vilnius, NATO leaders promised to invite Ukraine to join the bloc “when allies agree and conditions are met” with an accelerated accession process. They also extended new aid to…

11:55, 15.05.2023

Zelenskyy visits UK on European tour seeking military aid

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy was visiting Britain on Monday, as the staunch ally of Ukraine promised to give Ukraine hundreds more missiles and attack drones in an effort to change the course of the war, according…

16:31, 08.03.2023

Ukraine and U.N. call at talks for Black Sea grain deal extension

Ukraine‘s president and United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called on Wednesday for the extension of a deal with Moscow that has allowed Kyiv to export grain via Black Sea ports during Russia‘s invasion,…

12:55, 20.02.2023

Biden makes unannounced trip to Kyiv ahead of war’s anniversary

U.S. President Joe Biden made an unannounced visit to Kyiv on Monday in a show of support ahead of the one-year anniversary of Russia’s invasion, promising President Volodymyr Zelenskyy that Washington would stand…

14:15, 08.02.2023

Zelenskyy heads to London, wins pledge to train pilots on NATO planes

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy was due in London on Wednesday for only his second trip abroad since Russia invaded Ukraine and won promises of new military aid, including training on advanced NATO fighter jets the…

11:10, 08.02.2023

Biden calls Putin’s invasion of Ukraine a ‘test for the ages’

President Joe Biden said Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine was a test that the US and its NATO allies had passed, and vowed again to stand with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy as long as needed,…

09:45, 03.02.2023

Ukraine renews case for membership to visiting EU top officials

Ukraine’s leadership on Thursday made an unequivocal plea for EU membership as the bloc’s top officials met their government counterparts in Kyiv in a first-of-its-kind gathering, according to Euractiv. Welcoming…

15:05, 17.01.2023

Ukraine presidential adviser offers resignation over Dnipro missile remarks

Ukrainian presidential adviser Oleksiy Arestovych tendered his resignation on Tuesday after causing a public outcry by suggesting a Russian missile that killed at least 44 people in the city of Dnipro had been…

10:30, 22.12.2022

Ukraine’s Zelensky tells U.S. Congress aid is ‘not charity’, urges more support

President Volodymyr Zelensky told the U.S. Congress that aid to Ukraine was an investment in democracy and “not charity” as he invoked American battles against the Nazis in World War Two to press for more assistance…

11:20, 11.10.2022

Ukraine leader to make case to G7 for more arms after deadly Russia strikes

President Volodymyr Zelensky is expected to ask the leaders of the G7 group of nations to urgently supply Ukraine with weapons to defend itself from Russian missiles, a day after Moscow launched retaliatory strikes…

12:45, 26.08.2022

Ukraine narrowly escapes nuclear catastrophe as plant loses power, says Zelensky

The world narrowly escaped a radiation disaster when electricity to Europe’s largest nuclear power plant was cut for hours, Ukraine‘s president said, urging international bodies to act faster to force Russian troops…

11:00, 17.06.2022

VIDEO/ EXCLUSIV. Volodimir Zelenski apărut la Paris sub forma unei holograme și a comparat forțele ruse cu personajele negative din „Războiul Stelelor”

Președintele Ucrainei, Volodimir Zelenski a apărut joi, la o conferință despre tehnologie de la Paris, sub forma unei holograme, făcând referire la „Războiul Stelelor” și al Doilea Război Mondial,  scrie The Guardian…

08:35, 17.06.2022

Zelenski a apărut sub forma unei holograme la un târg de tehnologie făcând referire la Războiul Stelelor: Vom învinge Imperiul

Președintele Ucrainei, Volodimir Zelenski, a apărut joi, la o conferință despre tehnologie de la Paris, sub forma unei holograme, făcând referire la „Războiul Stelelor” și al Doilea Război Mondial, relatează  The…

11:25, 05.04.2022

EU, US plan fresh Russia sanctions over Bucha massacre

The United States and Europe were planning new sanctions on Tuesday to punish Moscow over civilian killings in Ukraine, and President Volodymyr Zelensky warned more deaths were likely to be uncovered in areas seized…

13:30, 04.04.2022

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky to deliver speech in Romania's Parliament on Monday evening

Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky will deliver a speech in Romania's Parliament, the joint standing bureaus decided on Monday, Agerpres reports. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro…

07:05, 17.03.2022

(VIDEO) Zelenski, în Congresul SUA: Imaginile pe care le-a arătat!

Preşedintele ucrainean, Volodimir Zelenski, a cerut Statelor Unite, în discursul rostit prin videoconferinţă în faţa membrilor Congresului, să ofere asistenţă suplimentară Ucrainei şi să impună noi sancţiuni Rusiei,…

10:00, 11.03.2022

EU leaders back Ukraine but wont offer fast-track membership

EU leaders on Friday condemned Russia for unprovoked and unjustified military aggression and pledged unwavering support for Ukraine and for refugees fleeing the war, but they stopped short of putting Kyiv on a…

17:20, 06.03.2022

Clădiri în flăcări, un aeroport complet distrus și un apel al președintelui ucrainean după ce opt rachete ruseşti au lovit orașul Viniţa

Armata rusă a bombardat duminică aeroportul din oraşul Viniţa, situat la aproximativ 200 de kilometri sud-vest de Kiev, a anunţat preşedintele ucrainean Volodimir Zelenski, printr-un mesaj video publicat pe Telegram,…

15:35, 06.03.2022

Zelenski: Aeroportul din Vinița, distrus de 8 rachete

Aeroportul din Vinița, Ucraina, a fost distrus de 8 rachete rusești, a anunțat președintele Zelenski. Mai multe clipuri publicate de presa ucraineană arată coloane de fum gros care se ridică la cer în zona aeroportului.…

17:41, 27.02.2022

Negocieri Rusia - Ucraina, în Belarus. Prima condiție a Kievului: încetarea focului și retragerea trupelor

Într-o convorbire telefonică, Zelenski și Lukașenko au convenit ca delegația ucraineană să se întâlnească cu rușii fără condiții, preliminare la granița ucraineano-belorusă, în zona râului Pripijat.Liderul bielorus…