Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

12:41, 08.02.2022

French Minister: Europe shouldn’t be ‘dragged’ into following US on Nord Stream 2

French Economy Minister Bruno Le Maire said on Tuesday that Europe should not be “dragged” into following the U.S. position on the controversial Nord Stream 2 pipeline after U.S. President Joe Biden vowed to shut…

13:35, 07.02.2022

Planes bring U.S. troops to Poland to reinforce Eastern Europe allies

Two U.S. military planes could be seen landing at a Polish airport on Monday morning and more were expected later in the day, bringing the bulk of the extra troops that President Joe Biden ordered to Europe last…

15:50, 03.02.2022

Biden: U.S. forces kill Islamic State leader in Syria

U.S. special forces have killed the leader of the jihadist group Islamic State in a raid in northwest Syria, President Joe Biden said on Thursday, according to Reuters. A senior U.S. administration official said…

20:45, 02.02.2022

President Iohannis welcomes U.S. announcement about stepping up military presence in Romania

President Klaus Iohannis welcomes the announcement made by the United States of America regarding the deployment to Romania of a 1,000-strong Stryker squadron that will be present in Romania starting this month,…

18:00, 02.02.2022

U.S. to send troops to east Europe as Russia crisis escalates

President Joe Biden has approved the deployment of nearly 3,000 American troops to eastern Europe in the coming days amid a standoff with Russia over Ukraine in what the Pentagon said on Wednesday was a signal…

13:41, 21.01.2022

Blinken meets Lavrov as U.S. strives for clearer line on Ukraine

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov began security talks Friday after President Joe Biden warned Russia would pay a “heavy price” for any intervention in Ukraine, according…

11:10, 21.01.2022

President Iohannis to meet with Prime Minister to discuss security situation on East flank

President Klaus Iohannis will meet with Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca on Friday to discuss the security situation on the Eastern Flank, according to the Presidential Administration. The head of state welcomed on…

13:30, 20.01.2022

PM Ciuca: US commitment to strengthening US presence in Romania, real evidence of strong strategic partnership

The US commitment to strengthening the American presence in Romania is real proof of a strong strategic partnership, Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca said on Thursday after the announcement by US President Joe Biden…

09:55, 20.01.2022

U.S. clears Baltic states to send U.S.-made weapons to Ukraine

The U.S. State Department has cleared Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia to send U.S.-made missiles and other weapons to Ukraine, three sources familiar with the decision said, as President Joe Biden predicted Russia…

10:46, 31.12.2021

‘Serious’ talk between Biden and Putin sets stage for diplomacy

U.S. President Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday exchanged warnings over Ukraine but conveyed some optimism that diplomatic talks in January could ease spiralling tensions, according to…

12:11, 10.12.2021

Biden pledges continued consultation with NATO allies in Eastern Europe

U.S. President Joe Biden on Thursday called the leaders of nine NATO members in Eastern Europe and discussed the Russian military buildup and the need for a united, ready and resolute NATO stance for the collective…

08:45, 10.12.2021

Iohannis, in consultation with US President: We need to make sure NATO is fully equipped to meet Russia's challenges

President Klaus Iohannis participated on Thursday in consultations with the President of the United States of America, Joseph Biden, and with the other leaders of the allied states that are part of the Bucharest…

17:50, 09.12.2021

Iohannis: Romania, determined to prevent and combat all negative phenomena that undermine democratic trust

President Klaus Iohannis said in a message on Thursday conveyed to the Democracy Summit organized by US President Joe Biden, that Romania is determined to prevent and combat all negative phenomena that undermine…

12:40, 09.12.2021

President Iohannis to attend Summit for Democracy; phone call with Biden, in B9 format

President Klaus Iohannis participates on Thursday in the Summit for Democracy, organized by the President of the United States of America, Joseph R. Biden, in videoconference format, according to the Presidential…

08:50, 08.12.2021

Biden warns Putin of sanctions, aid for Ukraine military if Russia invades

US President Joe Biden warned Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday that the West would impose strong economic and other measures on Russia if it invades Ukraine, while Putin demanded guarantees that NATO…

12:00, 07.12.2021

Biden and Putin set to hold call at critical moment of escalating tensions over Ukraine

US President Joe Biden will hold a call with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday in what is expected to be a highly consequential meeting for the two leaders amid escalating tensions between Russia and…

09:15, 02.11.2021

Joe Biden a ațipit pentru câteva secunde în timpul summitului privind schimbările climatice de la Glasgow

Președintele american Joe Biden a fost surprins de camerele de filmat în timp ce pare că a ațipit pentru câteva clipe pe parcursul discursurilor din deschiderea Conferinţa ONU privind schimbările climatice (COP26),…

12:56, 16.09.2021

French furious at Biden for cutting them out of submarine deal

France’s top diplomat unleashed a stream of invective against President Joe Biden after the US and the UK announced a new security alliance for the Pacific region which will cost the French defence industry 56…

16:15, 11.09.2021

​LIVEVIDEO New York comemorează 20 de ani de la atentatele teroriste din 11 septembrie / Președintele Biden a ajuns la "Ground Zero"

America se reculege sâmbătă, când se împlinesc 20 de ani de atentatele teroriste din 11 septembrie 2001, cel mai sângeros atac străin comis vreodată pe teritoriul SUA. La New York are loc…

12:05, 01.09.2021

Reuters: Before Afghanistan collapsed, Biden pressed Ghani to ‘change perception’

In the last call between U.S. President Joe Biden and his Afghanistan counterpart before the Taliban seized control of the country, the leaders discussed military aid, political strategy and messaging tactics,…

13:20, 16.07.2021

Angela Merkel îşi ia un adio amical, la Casa Albă, de la Joe Biden, cu care are unele dezacorduri

Statele Unite şi Germania, aliate în cadrul NATO, se află în dezacord într-o serie de dosare, inclusiv cu privire la oleoductul Nord Stream 2, aproape finalizat, care leagă Rusia şi Germania, un proiect pe care…

09:30, 09.07.2021

President Iohannis meets heads of US Congress delegation at 3SI Summit

On Thursday, Romania's President Klaus Iohannis had a meeting with US Senators Roger F. Wicker and Ben Cardin, who lead the US Congress delegation at the Three Seas Initiative (3SI) Summit in Sofia, Bulgaria, on…

16:21, 28.06.2021

Viral printre suporterii QAnon. Misterul UMBREI lui Trump în biroul lui Biden

Nebunia a pornit după ce pe mai multe conturi asociate cu gruparea conspiraționistă QAnon au apărut fotografii care-l înfățișează pe președintele Joe Biden în Biroul Oval, însoțită de mesaje criptice de genul "Ați…

14:20, 25.06.2021

France and Germany drop Russia summit plan after EU’s east objects

European Union leaders on Friday rejected a Franco-German proposal to hold a summit with Russia after Poland and Baltic countries said it would send the wrong message as East-West ties deteriorate, according to…

11:10, 17.06.2021

Biden and Putin agree to steps on cybersecurity, arms control after summit

U.S. President Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin agreed on Wednesday to begin cybersecurity and arms control talks at a summit in Geneva, that highlighted their discord on those issues including human…

12:30, 16.06.2021

Cum îl întâmpină Geneva pe Putin, înaintea întâlnirii cu Biden: "Navalnîi, eroul vremurilor noastre" FOTO

Geneva se pregătește să găzudiască mult așteptatul summit dintre președintele american Joe Biden și omologul său rus Vladimir Putin. Orașul a fost împânzit de bannere, iar de pe ziduri &"zâmbește&"…

11:40, 16.06.2021

Face to face: Biden, Putin ready for long-anticipated summit

US President Joe Biden and Russia’s Vladimir Putin sit down Wednesday for their highly anticipated summit in Geneva, Switzerland, a moment of high-stakes diplomacy at a time when both leaders agree that U.S.-Russian…

11:26, 15.06.2021

After NATO, Biden turns to EU for renewal of transatlantic ties

U.S. President Joe Biden will intensify his push to renew relations with Europe on Tuesday after a summit at NATO, meeting with European Union leaders to seek a truce in trade wars and a 17-year-long aircraft subsidy…

16:55, 14.06.2021

Biden at NATO: Ready to talk China, Russia and soothe allies

President Joe Biden made his entrance at the NATO summit on Monday, aiming to consult European allies on efforts to counter provocative actions by China and Russia while highlighting the U.S. commitment to the…

11:55, 11.06.2021

Biden and G7 leaders will endorse a global minimum corporate tax of at least 15%

President Joe Biden and leaders of the G7 group of nations will publicly endorse a global minimum corporate tax of at least 15% on Friday, one piece of a broader agreement to update international tax laws for a…