Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

18:11, 18.06.2024

Justin Timberlake a fost arestat la New York. A fost prins băut la volan

Starul pop Justin Timberlake a fost arestat la New York. Acesta urmează să fie acuzat oficial în scurt timp, scrie BBC . Cântăreţul a fost arestat sub acuzația de conducere în stare de ebrietate. Timberlake a fost…

08:45, 11.06.2024

EP ELECTION 2024/Provisional results: PSD-PNL 48.7 pct, AUR 14.95 pct, United Right 8.61 pct

EP ELECTION 2024/Provisional results: PSD-PNL 48.7 pct, AUR 14.95 pct, United Right 8.61 pct

The Social Democratic Party - National Liberal Party (PSD-PNL) electoral alliance obtained 48,70% of the votes cast in the European Parliament elections, Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR) 14,95% and the…

23:35, 09.06.2024

PSD wins elections, score from Capital City Hall, a lesson in democracy, PM Ciolacu says

PSD wins elections, score from Capital City Hall, a lesson in democracy, PM Ciolacu says

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) won the elections, and the score from the Capital's City Hall represents a lesson in democracy, declared, on Sunday, the leader of the social democrats, Marcel Ciolacu."Democracy…

22:31, 09.06.2024

PSD candidate Gabriela Firea thanks citizens of Bucharest for their voting

PSD candidate Gabriela Firea thanks citizens of Bucharest for their voting

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) candidate for Capital City Hall, Gabriela Firea, declared on Sunday evening that she is confident and thanked the citizens of Bucharest who went to the polls, both those who voted…

21:10, 27.04.2024

Autorul filmului „The Social Network” pregătește un nou film cu implicații explozive

Autorul filmului „The Social Network” pregătește un nou film cu implicații explozive

Aaron Sorkin, scenaristul premiat cu Oscar pentru „The Social Network”, pregăteşte un nou film. Noua producție va explora responsabilitatea Facebook în atacul asupra Capitoliului din Statele Unite, de la 6 ianuarie…

10:00, 27.04.2024

Aaron Sorkin pregăteşte un film despre responsabilitatea Facebook în atacul asupra Capitoliului

Aaron Sorkin pregăteşte un film despre responsabilitatea Facebook în atacul asupra Capitoliului

Aaron Sorkin, scenaristul premiat cu Oscar pentru "The Social Network", pregăteşte un nou film care va explora responsabilitatea Facebook în atacul asupra Capitoliului din Statele Unite de la 6 ianuarie 2021, informează…

09:56, 23.04.2024

PSD-PNLcoalition picks separate candidates for Capital hall, Gabriela Firea and Sebastian Burduja

PSD-PNLcoalition picks separate candidates for Capital hall, Gabriela Firea and Sebastian Burduja

The Social Democratic Party - National Liberal Party (PSD - PNL) coalition decided to go with separate candidacies for the office of Bucharest mayor general, respectively Gabriela Firea (PSD) and Sebastian Burduja…

16:21, 04.03.2024

Viață de bogătaș. Banii nu aduc stima, dar miliardul de dolari rămâne cool

Viață de bogătaș. Banii nu aduc stima, dar miliardul de dolari rămâne cool

„Un milion de dolari nu este cool”, îi explică Sean Parker unui Mark Zuckerberg prost crescut în filmul The Social Network din 2010. „Știi ce este cool? Un miliard de dolari.”  Astăzi, un miliard de dolari reprezintă…

19:25, 21.02.2024

PSD's Stanescu: Electoral alliance for local, European Parliament elections is being discussed

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) and the National Liberal Party (PNL) are currently discussing an electoral alliance for the local and European Parliament elections, but a final decision has not yet been made…

12:25, 21.02.2024

PSD, PNL leaders to announce tonight decision on organisation of this year's elections

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) - National Liberal Party (PNL) leaders of the governing coalition Marcel Ciolacu and Nicolae Ciuca, will announce on Wednesday at 19:00 the decision on the organization of this…

18:21, 29.01.2024

First Therapeutic Community Centre in Romania for treatment of addictions, inaugurated in Targu Mures

The Social MED association inaugurated on Monday in Targu Mures the first Therapeutic Community Centre in Romania, authorized to provide services for the treatment of addictions through a multidisciplinary approach,…

08:05, 14.12.2023

Atelier de educație financiară, organizat la Liceul German Sebeș

Vineri, 8 decembrie 2023, Liceul German Sebeș a găzduit primul atelier de educație financiară din cadrul proiectului „START MAJOR”. „START MAJOR” este un program de educație financiară și de carieră, care pregătește…

07:05, 25.11.2023

O româncă a fost acceptată în programul „Obama Scholars”

Adriana Preda este primul român selectat în cadrul programului „Obama Scholars”, derulat de Universitatea Columbia din New York și coordonat de fostul președinte al SUA, Barack Obama. Originară din Sfântu Gheorghe,…

17:36, 30.10.2023

Elevă a Colegiului “Petru Rareș” din Suceava invitată la Clubul de lectură Institutul Blecher din București

Clubul de lectură Institutul Blecher din București, coordonat de poetul și editorul Claudiu Komartin, a organizat duminică, 29 octombrie 2023, de la ora 18.30, în Hidden – The Social Space, ediția 287. La această…

12:55, 28.09.2023

Romanian ruling parties keep poll lead amid nationalist pressure

Romania’s ruling coalition parties are maintaining their leads in opinion polls, even as pressure mounts from a newly-formed nationalistic party ahead of next year’s elections, according to Bloomberg. The Social…

13:05, 25.09.2023

MP Orban: Social Democrats expelled Buzatu for getting caught not for taking bribery

MP Orban: Social Democrats expelled Buzatu for getting caught not for taking briberyDumitru Buzatu got expelled from the PSD not because he took bribery, but because he was caught, independent Deputy Ludovic Orban,…

18:10, 11.08.2023

AUR's MP Tanasa: All the proposals of Ciolacu or Ciuca are toxic to the Romanian business community

MP of the Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR) Dan Tanasa says that the measures suggested by the government to cut public spending would be "toxic" to the Romanian business community, and that and that there…

15:50, 03.08.2023

PSD government increases taxes and kills off part of the middle class (REPER's Ciolos)

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) government is increasing taxes and "killing off" part of the middle class, instead of consistently reducing public spending, said on Thursday REPER MEP Dacian Ciolos."After 30…

20:15, 12.06.2023

PSD's Ciolacu: There is a majority in Parliament just with PSD, PNL and the minorities

PSD's Ciolacu: There is a majority in Parliament just with PSD, PNL and the minorities. The Social Democratic Party (PSD), the National Liberal Party (PNL) and the minority group are currently holding a majority…

10:31, 01.06.2023

Actorul Armie Hammer nu va fi inculpat pentru agresiune sexuală

Procuratura din Los Angeles a anuntat, miercuri, ca, dupa o lunga ancheta a politiei, nu are suficiente dovezi pentru a-l acuza pe actorul Armie Hammer de o infractiune. „În acest caz, acesti procurori au efectuat…

14:30, 20.04.2023

PSD urges gov't to devise regulatory act providing for temporary suspension of Ukrainian grain imports

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) requests the government to devise in a fast-track procedure a regulatory act providing for the temporary suspension of grain imports from Ukraine."To this effect, the Minister…

13:45, 18.04.2023

PSD to request in ruling coalition suspension of agri-food products' imports from Ukraine

The Social Democratic Party announced on Tuesday in a press release sent to Agerpres that it would request the ruling coalition to temporarily suspend imports of agri-food products from Ukraine."PSD will request…

18:45, 13.04.2023

PSD welcomes intervention of ForeignMinistry for opening diplomatic dialogue regarding grain exports from Ukraine

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) welcomes the intervention of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) for opening of diplomatic dialogue regarding grain exports from Ukraine."The PSD welcomes the prompt response…

16:31, 11.04.2023

PSD: MAE to start negotiations with Ukraine to temporarily suspend grain exports on Romanian market

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) requested, on Tuesday, the Foreign Affairs Ministry (MAE) to start negotiations for the implementation in Romania of the "Polish model" regarding Ukrainian grain exports to the…

15:45, 28.03.2023

PSD does not support PNL project which tightens criminal sanctions in case of public protests

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) announced on Tuesday that it does not support the legislative proposal initiated by the National Liberal Party (PNL), which tightens the criminal sanctions in case of public protests,…

20:36, 09.03.2023

Ciolacu: Authorities in Chisinau to transfer building of former Theological School to Metropolitan Church of Bessarabia free of charge

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) President, Marcel Ciolacu, said on Thursday that the Action and Solidarity Party (PAS) parliamentarians submitted to the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova a bill by which the…

19:40, 04.02.2023

Actorul Armie Hammer vorbeşte pentru prima dată despre acuzaţiile de viol

"Da, am fost un nemernic si o persoana egoista". Parasit de agentul sau, alungat de la Hollywood în urma unei succesiuni de acuzatii de viol si agresiune sexuala, actorul Armie Hammer nu a vorbit niciodata despre…

15:01, 03.02.2023

PSD: Ultimate goal of solidarity tax is to support measures for reducing labor taxation

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) conveyed, on Friday, that the final goal of the solidarity tax is to support the measures to reduce labor taxation, especially for employees with low or medium income, as well…

17:20, 01.02.2023

PSD backs introduction of solidarity tax, decrease of labour taxation

The Social Democratic Party promotes the principle of a solidarity tax on the incomes of large companies and supports the reduction of labour taxation and the increase of employees' incomes. Fii la curent cu cele…

21:20, 30.01.2023

Ciolacu: Special pensions - priority #1, a chapter that must be closed once and for all

The Social Democrats consider that special pensions are "priority number one", Chairman of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Marcel Ciolacu said on Monday, emphasizing that a "constitutional form must be found…