Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

11:45, 15.03.2024

Iohannis: Hungarian minority contributes to strengthening a modern, performant and inclusive Romanian society

Iohannis: Hungarian minority contributes to strengthening a modern, performant and inclusive Romanian society

President Klaus Iohannis sent a message on Friday, March 15, Hungary's National Day, saying that the local Hungarian minority contributes to "consolidating a modern, performant and inclusive Romanian society."…

21:05, 07.03.2024

Karl Nehammer a repostat mesajul lui Marcel Ciolacu! Întâlnire prelungită între cei doi demnitari

Karl Nehammer a repostat mesajul lui Marcel Ciolacu! Întâlnire prelungită între cei doi demnitari

Cancelarul Austriei, Karl Nehammer, care ține în șah o țară întreagă, după ce s-a opus de nenumărate ori intrării României în spațiul Schengen, a fost primit astăzi de premierul României, Marcel Ciolacu. Cancelarul…

10:55, 05.03.2024

Iohanniss approval rating among Hungarian community - even lower than Iliescus worst performance (UDMR)

Iohannis's approval rating among Hungarian community - even lower than Iliescu's worst performance (UDMR)

President Klaus Iohannis's approval rating among the Hungarian community, which once voted for him in proportion of over 80 percent, has plummeted dramatically, Chairman of the Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania…

10:55, 05.03.2024

Poland’s prime minister criticizes Hungary and Slovakia foreign ministers for meeting Lavrov

Poland’s prime minister criticizes Hungary and Slovakia foreign ministers for meeting Lavrov

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk on Monday sharply criticized the Hungarian and Slovak foreign ministers for meeting with their Russian counterpart during a regional forum in Turkey, according to AP News. Tusk…

18:40, 01.03.2024

EU unblocks about €2 billion from suspended funding for Hungary

EU unblocks about €2 billion from suspended funding for Hungary

Hungary managed to unblock about €2 billion in European Union funds as Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s government made further progress in the recovery of crucial financing, according to Bloomberg. The European Commission…

21:46, 27.02.2024

Marksman Luca Joldea wins bronze in European Championships 10m junior pistol event

Romanian marksman Luca Joldea won on Tuesday the bronze medal in the junior pistol event of the European 10m Shooting Championships in Gyor, Hungary, told Agerpres. Joldea (who trains at the CSM Arad sports club…

11:10, 27.02.2024

Sweden ready to enter NATO, clears last Hungarian hurdle

Hungary gave its green light on Monday for Sweden to join NATO, thereby removing the final hurdle and paving the way for Sweden to become the military alliance’s 32nd full member, according to Euractiv. After 20…

22:11, 26.02.2024

Tamas Sulyok, ales de parlamentul ungar noul președinte al Ungariei, după demisia lui Katalin Novak

Parlamentul Ungariei l-a ales luni, 26 februarie, pe Tamas Sulyok, președintele Curții Constituționale, ca noul președinte al țării, la două săptămâni după demisia neașteptată a lui Katalin Novak, transmite Reuters.Tamas…

11:45, 20.02.2024

Hungary set to ratify Sweden’s NATO bid on Feb 26 after long delay

Hungary‘s ruling Fidesz party proposed on Tuesday that parliament should vote to ratify Sweden‘s bid to join NATO on February 26, a move that it would support, according to Reuters.  “Our group wishes to support”…

10:45, 08.02.2024

Six foreign nationals caught attempting to illegally cross border into Hungary

Six foreign nationals were detected by border police from the western Sannicolau Mare sector on Wednesday evening attempting to cross the border illegally into Hungary, near the village of Pordeanu.The six foreigners…

09:55, 07.02.2024

Germany urges Orbán to ratify Sweden’s NATO bid as ‘a matter of loyalty’

Germany is piling pressure on Viktor Orbán to speed up approval of Sweden‘s NATO membership bid after the Hungarian leader’s ruling Fidesz party held up ratification on Monday, according to Politico. “We believe…

17:55, 06.02.2024

UDMR's Kelemen Hunor: Discussion on military service should have started from the president

The discussion on military service should have had a natural order, from the president of Romania, then to Parliament and then General Gheorghe Vlad should come up with arguments, Hungarian Democratic Union of…

21:15, 01.02.2024

TeraPlast acquires Wolfgang Freiler Group for 16.5 million euros

The TeraPast Group signed the agreement for the acquisition of the Wolfgang Freiler Group from the Uhl family of Austria, a transaction worth 16.53 million euros."Following the completion of the negotiations, the…

14:10, 01.02.2024

EU summit agrees on Ukraine aid, overcoming Hungary’s objections

European Union leaders unanimously agreed on Thursday to extend 50 billion euros in new aid to Ukraine, the chairman of the summit said, overcoming weeks of resistance from Hungary, according to Reuters. Before…

12:20, 30.01.2024

Romanian lorry driver calls 112 to report migrants in trailer

A Romanian lorry driver who was about to cross the border at Nadlac II border crossing point called 112 on Tuesday morning to say that he heard noises in the trailer and that there might be migrants hiding there,…

12:15, 29.01.2024

Hungary open to using EU budget for Ukraine aid package, Orban’s adviser says

Hungary signalled its readiness on Monday for a compromise allowing a proposed European Union aid package for Ukraine to be financed from the bloc’s budget ahead of an emergency summit on Thursday, according to…

13:51, 27.01.2024

PSD's Ciolacu: I hope there will be no more breaking news that we have sold Transylvania

Social Democratic Party (PSD) Chairman, Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu, on Saturday, told the PSD Satu Mare County Conference, that we must return to a normality of public speech on Transylvania, because both Romania…

13:50, 26.01.2024

Dozens of tons of waste brought from Netherlands, Belgium and Hungary, blocked from entering Romania

Dozens of tons of waste brought from the Netherlands, Belgium, and Hungary were blocked by the authorities in western Arad and Bihor from being introduced into the country, finding that the shipments were illegal.Three…

10:25, 26.01.2024

Turkey’s President Erdogan signs off on Sweden’s NATO membership ratification

Turkey published a measure approving Sweden‘s membership in NATO in its official gazette on Thursday, finalizing the ratification that brings the previously nonaligned country a step closer to joining the military…

13:35, 25.01.2024

EP election: PSD would get 31 pct, PNL 20 pct, AUR 19 pct (Avangarde survey)

EP election: PSD would get 31 pct, PNL 20 pct, AUR 19 pct (Avangarde survey)If European parliamentary election were to be held on Sunday, the Social Democratic Party (PSD) would get 31 pct of the votes, the National…

18:35, 24.01.2024

Viktor Orban și-a exprimat sprijinul pentru aderarea Suediei la NATO într-o discuție cu Jens Stoltenberg

Premierul Ungariei, Viktor Orban, a declarat, într-o convorbire la telefon cu secretarul general al NATO, Jens Stoltenberg, că va face apel la Parlament să ratifice „cu prima ocazie posibilă” cererea Suediei de…

19:05, 23.01.2024

Iuliu Winkler: Over 90% of European citizens are worried about rising cost of living

More than 90% of the European citizens are worried about the increase in the cost of living, European parliamentarian Iuliu Winkler (Democratic Union of Hungarians of Romania, European Peoples Party) said on Tuesday…

18:30, 23.01.2024

Biro Rozalia: EPP women candidates for EP will be presented at EPP Congress in Bucharest

The candidates of the European People's Party (EPP) in this year's European Parliament elections will be promoted in Bucharest, in a related event of the EPP Congress from March 6 to 7, president of the European…

20:40, 11.01.2024

UDMR's Kelemen Hunor: It's going to be a disastrous year, mayors panicked after seeing budgets

Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR) Chairman Kelemen Hunor in Oradea on Thursday said that he has received many signals of panic from mayors about the 2024 budget, as they are unhappy with the income tax…

08:50, 11.01.2024

Tax deduction of up to 1,500 RON from employer to cover nursery, kindergarten costs

Tax deduction of up to 1,500 RON from employer to cover nursery, kindergarten costsParents can receive a tax deduction of up to 1,500 RON from the employer, to cover the costs of nursery and kindergarten, Hungarian…

11:55, 03.01.2024

Dozens of migrants caught at western border trying to leave country illegally in two trucks

Dozens of migrants were caught by border police trying to leave the country illegally through the western border of the country, hidden in two trucks, while some were walking on a field to Hungary, Agerpres reports.On…

13:50, 29.12.2023

Szeklerland autonomy bills rejected by Senate

The Senate rejected on Friday, in its capacity as legislative decision-making body, the three bills dealing with the envisaged autonomy of the Szeklerland initiated by deputies Kulcsár-Terza József-György and Zakarias…

09:30, 29.12.2023

Germany expects EU deal on Ukraine aid package, even without Hungary

Germany expects European Union member states to pass their next Ukraine support package either way, even if Hungary should continue to block an unanimous decision, according to Bloomberg. EU leaders have been looking…

19:35, 28.12.2023

River Danube bursts its banks in Budapest, water highest since 2013

The River Danube burst its banks in Budapest on Thursday, with water levels at their highest in a decade as heavy rain and snow followed by mild weather triggered unusually early winter floods, according to Reuters.…

08:30, 27.12.2023

38 foreign citizens, detected while trying to cross into Hungary, hiding in a truck

Border police officers from western PTF Nadlac II detected 38 foreign citizens who were trying to cross illegally into Hungary, hidden in a truck with textiles, the Romanian Border Police announces.The foreign…