Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

23:45, 04.10.2023

Un deputat sătmărean atrage atenția asupra faptului că Satu Mare este un oraș din România

Un deputat sătmărean, Radu Cristescu de la PSD, semnalează pe pagina sa oficială faptul că în presa străină apar atentate la adresa apartenenței orașelor din România, unul dintre ele fiind Satu Mare. ,,Presa ungară…

13:21, 04.10.2023

Slovakia putting temporary controls on border with Hungary amid migration rise

Slovakia will impose temporary controls on its border with Hungary due to a rising number of illegal migrants, the government said on Wednesday, a reaction to checks that the Czech Republic and Poland put on Slovak…

14:25, 03.10.2023

President Iohannis participates in Granada in European Political Community summit, European Council's informal reunion

President Klaus Iohannis will participate on Thursday, in Granada, in the third Summit of the European Political Community (EPC), and on Friday he will be present at the informal meeting of the European Council,…

12:51, 02.10.2023

Hungarian economic woes prompt call for euro by business leader

The head of one of Hungary’s biggest manufacturers called for euro adoption after policies under Prime Minister Viktor Orban produced one of the worst economic crises in the European Union in the past year, according…

00:10, 01.10.2023

Cu investiţii germane, Ungaria ar putea deveni un exportator major de arme

Lucrările de construcţii la o nouă fabrică de muniţie în apropiere de Varpalota, aproape de Budapesta, merg conform planului, relatează Hungary Today, preluat de Ziarul Financiar și citat de mediafax.Fabrica este…

13:10, 29.09.2023

Hungary’s Orbán casts doubt on European Union accession talks for Ukraine

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán cast doubt Friday on the prospect of the European Union beginning negotiations any time soon for Ukraine to join the bloc, saying it was unrealistic to launch the accession…

08:35, 25.09.2023


SEPTEMBER 25 IN HISTORYThe Day of Giving 1396 - The Battle of Nicopolis. Allied crusader armies commanded by Hungary's King Sigismund of Luxemburg (1387-1437), joined by Wallachia's ruler Mircea the Elder (1386-1418),…

16:05, 22.09.2023

'Enescu-Bartok' concert, exhibition in Hungary

Under the auspices of the George Enescu International Music Festival, on the stages of the Romanian Cultural Centre at the Nicolae Balcescu High School in Gyula, Hungary, a chamber recital took place on September…

13:15, 22.09.2023

Migrants spotted by drone in the field, before crossing the border into Hungary

Several migrants were detected by the Arad border policemen with the help of a drone and thermal imaging cameras, in the night from Thursday to Friday, being caught before crossing the border into Hungary.The group…

09:50, 21.09.2023

Romania, Ukraine to work on import-export licensing system

Romania will work with Ukraine over the next 30 days on a grain export control plan that will help protect Romanian farmers, Agriculture Minister Florin Barbu said on Wednesday, according to Reuters. Romania is…

10:15, 15.09.2023

Hungary taunts Sweden over stalled NATO bid

Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó on Thursday accused Stockholm of making “unfair and unjust” remarks on the state of democracy in Hungary, which he said were in “contradiction” to Sweden’s bid to join…

17:41, 13.09.2023

ECC2023/ Hungarian Days in Timisoara come with attractive novelties, emphasizing multicultural diversity

The 8th edition of the Hungarian Days in Timisoara, scheduled in the 2023 European Capital of Culture Timisoara between September 21-24, comes with a spectacular program that will take place in Victory Square/…

12:21, 13.09.2023

Hungary signals national ban on Ukrainian grains imports beyond Sept 15

Hungary has agreed with Romania, Slovakia and Bulgaria that the four countries would impose national bans on Ukrainian grain imports to protect their markets if the EU does not extend a ban that expires on September…

08:25, 10.09.2023


1709 - Birth of Antioh Cantemir, Romanian-born Russian writer and diplomat, son of Dimitrie Cantemir, ruler of Moldova (1710-1711) (d. April 11, 1744) 1848 - Romanians gather in Orlat to protest against the union…

08:55, 07.09.2023

Most EU countries oppose Polish-led calls to keep Ukraine grain curbs

Most EU countries are against extending an import ban on Ukrainian grain beyond mid-September, four EU diplomats told Politico, pushing back against calls by five eastern member countries to keep the restrictions…

10:00, 05.09.2023


1858 - Birth of poet, prose writer Alexandru Vlahuta, honorary post-mortem member of the Romanian Academy (d. November 19, 1919) 1921 - Birth of historian, literary theoretician and critic Adrian Marino (d. March…

08:20, 03.09.2023


1546 - Death of Petru Rares, ruler of Moldova (1527-1538; 1541-1546) 1848 - Third National Assembly in Blaj. The Romanians declared they didn't recognize "the union" of Transylvania with Hungary and started gathering…

16:15, 01.09.2023

International Olympiad of Hellenism will bring together students from 12 countries this year

The eighth edition of the International Olympiad of Hellenism, which will take place between September 7 and 10 in Bucharest, will bring together students from 12 countries, the Hellenic Union of Romania (UER)…

15:20, 01.09.2023

'International situation deteriorating': EU faces record numbers of migrants (enr)

The European Union faces the highest arrival of migrants since 2015 with record numbers of people arriving in Italy and Greece, putting reception mechanisms under severe strain. This year, member states reached…

08:20, 29.08.2023


AUGUST 29 IN HISTORYChristian Feast: Beheading of Saint John the Baptist 1829 - Birth of orthodox Metropolitan Iosif Gheorghian, honorary member of the Romanian Academy (d. January 24, 1909) 1832 - Birth of Neculai…

15:05, 24.08.2023

Hungarian president pushes past Orban to reset Ukraine relations

Hungary’s president took the lead in trying to reset relations with Ukraine, meeting her counterpart Volodymyr Zelenskyy in a bid to push past Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s Kremlin-friendly rhetoric, according…

17:35, 23.08.2023

IntMin Predoiu, in Vienna: Interior Ministry's ambition, to make Romania border protection standard

IntMin Predoiu, in Vienna: Interior Ministry's ambition, to make Romania border protection standardInterior Minister Catalin Predoiu said in Vienna on Wednesday, at the end of a meeting with his Austrian counterpart…

12:25, 23.08.2023

Citizens from Bangladesh and Nepal, detected trying to leave the country illegally

Border police officers from the western Cenad Border Crossing Point found two citizens from Bangladesh and two from Nepal, hiding in a van, who tried to illegally cross the border into Hungary.The driver, a Romanian…

11:20, 21.08.2023

Hungary, Turkey to consult on Sweden’s NATO entry bid this fall

Hungary and Turkey will continue to coordinate their policy on Sweden’s bid to join the NATO military alliance, Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said, after the two nations’ leaders met, according to…

14:20, 17.08.2023

Border police stops two cars carrying nine migrants close to the Hungarian border

Two cars carrying nine migrants were stopped in traffic, on Thursday, by the border police, in the Curtici area, on a road near the border with Hungary, the drivers, one of them Pakistani, currently being investigated…

09:11, 17.08.2023

Georgiana Lirca secures Romania's first medal at Under-20 World Wrestling Championships

Georgiana Lirca secures Romania's first medal at Under-20 World Wrestling ChampionshipsGeorgiana Carla Lirca secured Romania's first medal at the Under-20 World Wrestling Championships in Amman (Jordan) on Wednesday…

16:35, 16.08.2023

One-off exhibition unveiled about life in the depths of the heliothermal Ursu Lake

Cluj Napoca-born biophysicist and scientific research diver Dr. Peter Hantz, a visiting lecturer and research associate at Hungary's Eötvös Loránd University - Organic Chemistry Department, and Janos Fulop-Nagy,…

08:20, 03.08.2023

August 3 in history

August 3 in history1889 - Death of poetess Veronica Micle (b. Apr. 22, 1850) 1895 - Death of Dimitrie Brandza, physician and naturalist, member of the Romanian Academy (b. October 10, 1846) 1903 - In Budapest appears…

13:45, 01.08.2023

US tightens entry rules for Hungarians, citing security concerns

The US tightened entry rules for Hungarians under its visa-waiver program, citing security concerns about a fast-track naturalization plan Prime Minister Viktor Orban put in place for people living outside Hungary’s…

13:45, 31.07.2023

HlthMin Rafila: There are therapeutic, financial resources for 200 spinal muscular atrophy patients

HlthMin Rafila: There are therapeutic, financial resources for 200 spinal muscular atrophy patientsHealth Minister Alexandru Rafila on Monday said that there are therapeutic and financial resources for 200 spinal…