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20:01, 05.01.2022

Photo gallery: Feast of Saint Seraphim of Sarov celebrated in Bucharest

Saint Seraphim of Sarov, one of the most beloved saints of Orthodoxy, was honoured on Sunday, January 2, 2022, at St. Nicholas – Tabacu Church in Bucharest with a Divine Liturgy celebrated by the parish priest…

16:15, 05.01.2022

Meghan Markle va primi 1 milion de lire sterline pentru încălcarea dreptului la viaţă privată de la o publicație. Ce au scris

The Mail on Sunday îi va plăti ducesei de Sussex 1 milion de lire sterline pentru încălcarea dreptului la viaţă privată prin publicarea unei scrisori pe care i-a trimis-o tatălui ei, scrie The Guardian.

16:01, 05.01.2022

Meghan Markle va primi de la publicaţia The Mail on Sunday 1 milion de lire sterline pentru încălcarea dreptului la viaţă privată

The Mail on Sunday îi va plăti ducesei de Sussex 1 milion de lire sterline pentru încălcarea dreptului la viaţă privată prin publicarea unei scrisori pe care i-a trimis-o tatălui ei, scrie The Guardian.

15:05, 05.01.2022

Ziarul The Mail, înfrânt în justiție de Meghan Markle, trebuie să-i plătească 1 milion de lire sterline

The Mail on Sunday îi va plăti ducesei de Sussex 1 milion de lire sterline pentru încălcarea dreptului la viaţă privată prin publicarea unei scrisori pe care i-a trimis-o tatălui ei, scrie The Guardian,…

13:35, 05.01.2022

Ce sumă va primi Meghan Markle ca daune pentru încălcarea vieții private de la tabloidul Mail on Sunday

Mail on Sunday îi va plăti ducesei de Sussex o liră sterlină drept daune pentru invadarea intimității ei prin publicarea unei scrisori private pe care i-a trimis-o tatălui său, relatează The Guardian.Documentele…

08:40, 03.01.2022

High school, secondary education pupils return to classes

High school, secondary education pupils, as well as those in vocational and post-secondary education, return to classes on Monday after the winter holidays, agerpres reports. According to the calendar approved…

18:46, 02.01.2022

CNCAV: 5,146 people vaccinated against COVID-19 in last 24 hours; 918 - with the first dose

5,146 doses of Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Johnson&Johnson vaccine were administered in the last 24 hours, of which 918 were the first dose, 1,596 - the second dose and 2,632 - the third dose, the National…

18:35, 02.01.2022

Person seriously injured after falling 200 m in the Bucegi massif

A person was seriously injured after falling into a ravine in the Bucegi massif on Sunday afternoon. According to mountain rescue team Salvamont Busteni, the accident happened in Galbinele Valley, the person in…

16:50, 02.01.2022

High school and secondary school pupils o return to classes on Monday

High school and secondary school pupils, as well as those in vocational and post-high school education, will return to classes on Monday after the winter holidays. According to the calendar approved by the Ministry…

14:25, 02.01.2022

GCS: A locality with an incidence of COVID-19 over 9 per thousand inhabitants

A locality in Romania has a cumulative 14-day COVID-19 infection rate exceeding 9 per thousand inhabitants, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) reported on Sunday, agerpres reports. Higher incidences are registered…

14:00, 02.01.2022

GCS: 314 fines in 24 hours for violating COVID-19 pandemic prevention measures

Police and gendarmes have applied, in the last 24 hours, 314 sanctions, amounting to a total of 192,900 lei, agerpres reports. The sanctions were applied as a result of violating the provisions of Law 55/2020 on…

13:50, 02.01.2022

GCS: 401 patients with COVID-19 in intensive care of whom eight children

A number of 2,355 people infected with SARS-CoV-2 are hospitalized in the health units, of which 55 are children, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) announced on Sunday, agerpres reports. According to the…

13:35, 02.01.2022

GCS: 17 deaths in SARS-CoV-2 infected patients reported in last 24 hours

A total of 17 deaths - 11 men and 6 women - in patients infected with the new coronavirus have been reported in the last 24 hours, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) reported on Sunday, agerpres reports. The…

13:25, 02.01.2022

GCS: 958 new cases of COVID; 17 deaths

A total of 958 new cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection have been reported in the last 24 hours and 17 deaths have been registered, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) reported on Sunday. "According to the data available…

13:20, 02.01.2022

Incidence of COVID-19 in Bucharest goes up - 0.79 cases per thousand inhabitants

The incidence rate of COVID-19 calculated at 14 days is, on Sunday, 0.79 cases per thousand inhabitants in Bucharest, increasing compared to the previous day, when a value of 0.72 was registered, according to the…

14:11, 28.12.2021

Moment istoric - Meghan Markle câștigă procesul cu The Mail on Sunday: ziarul prezintă mea culpa pe prima pagină

Tabloidul The Mail on Sunday a publicat duminică, pe prima pagină, decizia Curţii după ce a pierdut la începutul lunii procesul intentat de Meghan Markle, soţia prinţului Harry. Meghan Markle a câştigat procesul…

10:50, 27.12.2021

Emma Răducanu a semnat un contract de sponsorizare uriaş! Vezi câţi bani va câştiga!

Jucătoarea de tenis Emma Răducanu a semnat un contract de sponsorizare în valoare de peste trei milioane de lire sterline (3,5 milioane de euro). „The Mail on Sunday” a anunţat că negocierile au avut loc de câteva…

09:50, 27.12.2021

Un intrus înarmat cu arbaletă a fost arestat la Castelul Windsor în ziua de Crăciun

Un bărbat înarmat a fost arestat după ce a intrat, sâmbătă, pe domeniul Castelului Windsor, la periferia Londrei, unde regina Elizabeth a II-a şi-a petrecut Crăciunul, a indicat Poliţia, mass-media britanice precizând…

18:00, 26.12.2021

3,218 persons vaccinated against COVID-19 in last 24 hours; 408 with first dose

As many as 3,218 vaccine doses from Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Johnson&Johnson were administered in the last 24 hours, including 408 which received the first dose, 1,592 received the second dose and 1,218…

16:40, 26.12.2021

New bishop of Deva and Hunedoara, enthroned at cathedral in Deva

His Grace, father Nestor, was enthroned on Sunday as bishop of Deva and Hunedoara, where the Metropolitan Laurentiu of Ardeal participated, along with a council of priests. During the religious ceremony, which…

13:55, 26.12.2021

EY: German industrial engine in ”good shape”, after 2 years of Covid disruption

A majority of the small and medium-sized companies that power the German economy are in surprisingly good shape nearly two years into the coronavirus pandemic, according to a survey by consulting firm EY published…

12:45, 26.12.2021

349 new cases of COVID-19; 15 casualties

As many as 349 cases of people who were newly infected with SARS-CoV-2 were registered in the last 24 hours and 15 casualties were reported, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) informed on Sunday. "According…

12:25, 26.12.2021

Emma Răducanu ar fi semnat un contract de sponsorizare de 3,5 milioane de euro

Emma Răducanu, 19 ani, 19 WTA, este la mare căutare în rândul marilor companii, după ce sportiva britanică al cărui tată este român a triumfat la US Open venind din calificări, informează Gazeta Sporturilor , care…

11:51, 26.12.2021

Emma Răducanu, încă o lovitură de markenting - Sponsorul cu care a semnat

Jucătoarea de tenis Emma Răducanu a semnat un contract în valoarea de 3,5 milioane de euro cu o cunoscută companie de telefonie, porivit The Mail on Sunday. Potrivit unei surse citate de The Mail on Sunday,…

16:30, 25.12.2021

Penelope Cruz își protejează copiii de 8 și 10 ani: Fără rețele sociale înainte de 16 ani!

Într-un recent interviu pentru emisiunea ”CBC Sunday Morning”,  Penelope Cruz, în vârstă de 47 de ani, explică de ce vrea să-și protejeze cei doi copii de rețele sociale și de orice formă de tehnologie. Copiii…

09:00, 20.12.2021

Tennis: Monica Niculescu and Vera Zvonareva win Limoges doubles event (WTA 125)

Romanian-Russian pair Monica Niculescu / Vera Zvonareva won the title in the doubles event of the WTA 125 tournament in Limoges (France), with total prizes of 115,000 dollars, on Sunday, after defeating French…

20:45, 19.12.2021

Lovitură pentru Boris Johnson: Negociatorul Brexitului, David Frost, a demisionat din guvernul britanic, fragilizând guvernul conservator

O nouă lovitură, poate cea mai dură, ce-i fragilizează și mai mult situația politică, a primit premierul britanic Boris Johnson sâmbătă, 18 decembrie. Fostul negociator britanic al plecării Regatului Unit din Uniunea…

19:25, 19.12.2021

GCS: Over 14,000 people generate PLFs to enter Romania

More than 14,000 people have generated digital Passenger Locator Forms to enter Romania, most of them for the border crossing point at "Henri Coanda" International Airport, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS)…

18:11, 19.12.2021

CNCAV: 20,879 people vaccinated against COVID-19 in 24 hours; 3,301 - get first dose

20,879 doses of Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson vaccines were administered in the last 24 hours, of which 3,301 represented first doses, 6,708 second doses and 10,870 third doses, the National…

18:11, 19.12.2021

Romania's contribution to EU budget to be 12.8 billion lei in 2022

Romania's contribution to the European Union budget will be 12.878 billion lei in 2022, and will increase to 13.126 billion lei in 2023 and 13.376 billion lei in 2024, according to the draft on the Fiscal Budget…