Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

14:16, 16.11.2022

Romania's Schengen accession/Commissioner Valean: Very good evaluation, I've never seen such appreciative words

The assessment of Romania's accession to Schengen is very good, said on Wednesday the European Commissioner Adina Valean, the stage of preparation being spoken about in laudatory words, told Agerpres. Fii la curent…

13:31, 16.11.2022

Comisia Europeană invită România să adere la spațiul Schengen

Comisarul European, Ylva Johansson, a spus că România, Bulgaria și Croația sunt pregătite și trebuie să adere la spațiul Schengen. ”România, Bulgaria și Croația sunt pregătite pentru aderarea la spațiul Schengen.…

22:55, 09.11.2022

Commissioner Valean: Romania works with EC, Ukraine, Republic of Moldova to reduce waiting time at border

Romania has been an extraordinary partner and continues to work with the European Commission, Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova to further reduce the waiting time at the border, European Transport Commissioner…

17:15, 27.10.2022

Ciuca: There are positive perspectives so that Romania's CVM be raised

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca stated, on Thursday, that there are positive prospects for Romania to have the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism lifted, after the meeting he had in Brussels with the head of the…

20:30, 16.10.2022

EC Vice-President Dubravka Suica, Commissioner Mariya Gabriel visit Babes-Bolyai University

European Commission Vice-President Dubravka Suica, and European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth Mariya Gabriel visited on Saturday the Babes-Bolyai University (UBB) in Cluj-Napoca,…

15:31, 14.10.2022

R&I Minister Burduja, Commissioner Gabriel discuss European aerospace technology projects

Minister of Research, Innovation and Digital Transformation Sebastian Burduja met on Friday with European Commissioner for Innovation and Research Mariya Gabriel, with talks focusing on European aerospace technology…

19:40, 12.10.2022

Premierul Ungariei, Viktor Orbán, și-a deschis cont pe Twitter. De ce a ales să facă asta acum

Viktor Orban s-a alăturat pe Twitter în această săptămână, iar prima sa postare a sunat cam așa: „După prima mea zi pe Twitter, am o singură întrebare în minte. Unde este bunul meu prieten @realDonaldTrump?”, se…

19:35, 28.09.2022

Romania ranks 3rd in EU in terms of 'young people at risk of poverty or social exclusion' (study)

Romania ranks third in the European Union in terms of the percentage of young people at risk of poverty or social exclusion (31%), one out of four young Romanians between the ages of 25 and 29 has a monthly income…

11:15, 24.09.2022

Rule of law: What happens after EU Commission proposed to freeze funds intended for Hungary? (enr)

For the first time since ever the EU Commission has proposed to freeze payments to a member state, in this case Hungary, for violating the rule of law and alleged corruption. Now the member states will have to…

17:45, 14.09.2022

Commissioner Valean: Hopefully Romania's effort on borders security in context of war in Ukraine be appreciated

The European Commissioner for Transport, Adina Valean, said on Wednesday, in an interview with Agerpres, that she hopes that Romania's effort and performance from the point of view of border security in the context…

18:51, 19.07.2022

Incendii la periferia Londrei în cea mai caldă zi din istoria Marii Britanii

Mai multe case au fost avariate în urma unor incendii care au izbucnit marți, 19 iulie, în Wennington, un sat de la periferia capitalei britanice. Autoritățile au declarat situația ca fiind un incident major pe…

13:05, 19.07.2022

Statele Uniunii Europene și-au dat acordul pentru începerea negocierilor de aderare cu Albania și Macedonia de Nord

Uniunea Europeană a început discuții de aderare cu Albania și Macedonia de Nord, o mișcare descrisă drept un „moment istoric” de către șefa executivă a blocului, Ursula von der Leyen. „Este ceea ce cetățenii voștri…

15:50, 18.07.2022

Comisia Europeană încearcă să înlocuiască gazul rusesc cu cel din Azerbaidjan

Luni, președinta Comisiei Europene, Ursula von der Leyen, călătorește la Baku pentru a căuta mai multe gaze naturale din Azerbaidjan, a declarat executivul Uniunii Europene, în timp ce UE încearcă să-și reducă…

00:30, 24.06.2022

Iohannis: European Council approves Commission's proposal for Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia

The European Council has approved the Commission's proposal for setting the European perspective for Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova and Georgia, president Klaus Iohannis announced in Brussels on Thursday. Fii…

19:55, 11.06.2022

Ursula von der Leyen l-a anunțat pe Zelenski când va fi gata avizul Comisiei Europene privind aderarea Ucrainei la UE

Șefa Comisiei Europene, Ursula von der Leyen, i-a spus sâmbătă președintelui Volodimir Zelenski, în timpul unei vizite la Kiev, că avizul Executivului UE privind cererea de aderare a Ucrainei la blocul comunitar…

17:31, 06.06.2022

Trei europarlamentari cer ca Ursula von der Leyen să fie demisă: „A creat o problemă politică majoră”

Trei europarlamentari de la vârful grupului Renew Europe au cerut un vot de neîncredere împotriva șefei Comisiei Europeane, Ursula von der Leyen, pe motiv că a aprobat planul de redresare post-Covid al Poloniei…

20:26, 27.04.2022

Bruxelles taie în carne vie - Ungaria, taxată, în premieră, pentru statul de drept. Câți bani pierde

Anunțul a fost făcut de de comisarul european pentru buget și administrație,Johannes Hahn. Acesta a declarat că Budapesta trebuie să răspundă după condițiile impuse de Comisie.„Astăzi, Comisia Europeană a emis…

13:40, 26.04.2022

Anniversary of the Chornobyl accident: Joint statement by the High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell and Commissioner for Energy Kadri Simson

„Thirty-six years ago, the accident at the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant led to one of the most horrific nuclear incidents in history. This long-lasting tragedy has had widespread consequences in Ukraine, Belarus,…

12:36, 19.04.2022

Commissioner Valean: PNRR projects well-written, but Romania needs to keep them up

The projects on the transport infrastructure contained in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) are very well written and coherent, but Romania needs to keep them up, European Commissioner for Transport…

19:55, 15.04.2022

EU Commissioner Vălean: ”Mobility and logistics needs, absolutely necessary in Bucharest”

Bucharest needs to raise its comfort and prosperity level to match that of other European capitals, and on the transport side, an integrated approach of infrastructure, mobility and logistics needs are absolutely…

19:40, 15.04.2022

Commissioner Valean: Integrated approach for infrastructure needs, mobility and logistics in Bucharest, absolutely neccesary

Bucharest needs to raise its comfort and prosperity level to match that of other European capitals, and on the transport side, an integrated approach of infrastructure, mobility and logistics needs is absolutely…

16:45, 13.04.2022

Adina Pintilie's project for Venice Biennale, noteworthy for promotion of diversity and inclusion (Attila Kim)

Romania's Commissioner for the Venice Art Biennale, Attila Kim, stated on Wednesday that the project titled "Tu esti un alt Eu - O catedrala a corpului" (You Are Another Me - A Cathedral of the Body) of Adina Pintilie…

21:55, 11.04.2022

European commissioner for Environment, in Romania on Monday and Tuesday

European commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries Virginijus Sinkevicius is carrying out a visit in Romania during the period of April 11-12, 2022, the European Commission informs in a press release.…

20:31, 11.04.2022

PM Ciuca and Commissioner Valean discuss facilitating freight cargo from Ukraine and Moldova

Prime Minister Nicolae-Ionel Ciuca and the European commissioner for transports, Adina Valean, have agreed on a tight cooperation for facilitating freight transport from Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova, the…

18:20, 11.04.2022

Iohannis: Republica Moldova a primit chestionarul de aderare la Uniunea Europeană

Preşedintele Klaus Iohannis afirmă că înmânarea de către Comisia Europeană a chestionarului de aderare este o etapă importantă a drumului european al Republicii Moldova. „Înmânarea de către Comisia Europeană a…

17:30, 11.04.2022

Klaus Iohannis: Inmanarea chestionarului de aderare a Republicii Moldova la UE reprezinta o etapa importanta

Presedintele Romaniei, Klaus Iohannis, afirma ca inmanarea de catre Comisia Europeana a chestionarului de aderare este o etapa importanta a drumului european al Republicii Moldova, precizand ca Romania ii ofera…

15:56, 09.04.2022

Proteste în Rusia, în orașul de unde provin „măcelarii” din Bucha: „Putin, ești un ucigaș, criminal de război! Fii blestemat!”

Eroul activist Nikolai Zodchy și alți protestatari au fost din nou în Piața Komsomol pentru a protesta împotriva războiului din Ucraina. Locotenent-colonelul Omurbekov Azatbek Asanbekovici, unitatea militară 51460,…

14:05, 05.04.2022

Von der Leyen, Borrell to meet Zelenskyy in Kyiv

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell will meet Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in Kyiv this week, an EU spokesman said Tuesday, according to Reuters.…

14:10, 29.03.2022

Eastern EU countries call for help over refugee health cost

A group of countries from central and eastern Europe has called for the creation of a new EU fund to help cover healthcare costs for Ukrainian refugees, according to politico.  The joint proposal, backed by 11…

13:45, 25.03.2022

EU, U.S. reach preliminary deal to avoid disruption in data flows

The European Union and the United States reached a preliminary agreement to avoid major disruption in transatlantic data flows that had been jeopardized by a ruling of the EU top court, the EU Commission head and…