Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

09:55, 10.11.2023

Ukraine raises grain deliveries to Black Sea ports

The number of rail wagons heading to the ports of Ukraine‘s Odesa region continued to rise over the past week thanks to the successful operation of the alternative Black Sea exports corridor, a senior railways…

20:15, 07.11.2023

România are cel puţin 10 premiere europene în sectorul gazelor. Ministrul Energiei: 'Proiectul Neptun Deep este proiectul fanion'

România are cel puţin zece premiere europene în sectorul gazelor naturale şi este pe punctul de a deveni, din 2027, primul producător de gaze din Europa, a declarat, marţi, ministrul Energiei, Sebastian Burduja.…

17:06, 07.11.2023

Black Sea Estate SRL, raspuns negativ pentru un bloc de 9 etaje in Constanta

Primaria Constanta a eliberat un certificat de urbanism pentru Black Sea Estate SRL, care dorese sa edifice un bloc de 9 etaje, in municipiul Constanta. Valabilitatea documentului este de 12 luni Primaria Constanta…

18:00, 31.10.2023

Romania aims to become first country at Black Sea to have offshore wind legislation

Romania aims to become the first country bordering the Black Sea to have legislation in the offshore wind sector, said National Energy Regulatory Authority (ANRE) President George-Sergiu Niculescu, at the Global…

15:30, 26.10.2023

Ukraine suspends Black Sea grain corridor over threat from mines, warplanes

Ukraine has suspended the use of its new Black Sea grain export corridor due to a possible threat from Russian warplanes and sea mines, the Kyiv-based Barva Invest consultancy and a British security firm said on…

13:15, 23.10.2023

Iohannis: Romania will continue to contribute to improving regional and Euro-Atlantic security

Iohannis: 'Romania will continue to contribute to improving regional and Euro-Atlantic security'Romania will continue to contribute to improving regional and Euro-Atlantic security, including through its role as…

12:45, 19.10.2023

Americanii de la BSOG pot crește producția de gaze din Marea Neagră românească cu încă 25%, dar “e o problemă de reglementare”

Mihai Nicuț (e-nergia.ro) Black Sea Oil and Gas (BSOG), compania care extrage, din vara lui 2022, primele gaze “noi” din Marea Neagră arată că își poate crește producția de gaze chiar înainte de începerea iernii,…

10:45, 12.10.2023

Supreme Defence Council convening to tackle drug-taking

The Supreme Council for National Defence (CSAT) is convening today at the Cotroceni Presidential Palace under the leadership of President Klaus Iohannis. According to the Presidential Administration, the agenda…

12:41, 10.10.2023

NATO allies to form mine-sweeping force to clear Black Sea route

Turkey, Romania and Bulgaria are discussing the creation of a joint force to clear any mines that drift into their waters from Russia’s war against Ukraine, according to three officials familiar with the talks,…

12:01, 10.10.2023

Ukrainian president visits Romania to discuss Black Sea region security

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said on Tuesday he had arrived in Bucharest for talks with Romanian President Klaus Iohannis on security cooperation in the Black Sea region, according to Reuters.  Kyiv…

08:55, 06.10.2023

Prim-ministrul britanic anunță ajutor de 34 milioane de lire sterline Ucrainei (Video)

Prim-ministrul britanic Rishi Sunak a anunțat noi contribuții financiare pentru a ajuta Ucraina și a purtat discuții cu Volodymir Zelenski în timp ce participa la summitul Comunității Politice Europene din Granada,…

09:00, 04.10.2023

US Air Force Detachment's presence in Borcea, clear proof of allied solidarity (DefMin)

The presence of the United States Air Force Detachment in Borcea is a clear proof of allied solidarity, minister of Defense Angel Tilvar said on Tuesday, at a meeting with the chairman of the NATO Military Committee,…

17:05, 28.09.2023

Romania will become the largest gas producer in Europe, once the Black Sea is exploited

Romania will become the largest gas producer in Europe, with the exploitation of gas from the Black Sea, and all these investments must be protected and there should be a predictable climate for investors, the…

15:11, 26.09.2023

Russian drone strikes on Odesa hit port area and cut off ferry service to Romania

Russia struck the Black Sea port city of Odesa for a second night in a row in a drone barrage that damaged a warehouse, charred dozens of trucks and injured two drivers in fiery explosions that led officials to…

11:55, 25.09.2023

EnergMin Burduja: Parliament might pass offshore wind energy bill in December

EnergMin Burduja: Parliament might pass offshore wind energy bill in DecemberAn offshore wind energy bill could reach government in two weeks' time, at the latest, and December should be a feasible deadline for…

22:35, 22.09.2023

ForMin Odobescu, at Bucharest 9 meeting; emphasizes importance of keeping developments in the Black Sea in NATO's attention

ForMin Odobescu, at Bucharest 9 meeting; emphasizes importance of keeping developments in the Black Sea in NATO's attentionThe Minister of Foreign Affairs, Luminita Odobescu, participated on Friday in the ministerial…

21:45, 21.09.2023

Iohannis: Russia expected a weak international community; it miscalculated

Iohannis: Russia expected a weak international community; it miscalculatedRussia expected a weak international community when it attacked Ukraine, but "it miscalculated", President Klaus Iohannis said on Thursday.…

19:05, 20.09.2023

President Iohannis: Black Sea region must be protected against the effects of the war in Ukraine

President Iohannis: Black Sea region must be protected against the effects of the war in UkraineOur region, the wider Black Sea area, must be protected against the effects of Russia's war against Ukraine and its…

12:05, 18.09.2023

Bulgaria sends team to inspect drone that landed in Black Sea resort

Bulgaria‘s defence ministry said on Monday it had sent a special unit to inspect and deactivate a drone carrying explosives which landed on Sunday evening in the Black Sea town of Tyulenovo, according to Reuters.…

12:20, 15.09.2023

Romania-US High Level Defence Group discusses Russian attacks on Danube ports

Romania-US High Level Defence Group discusses Russian attacks on Danube portsA delegation of the Romanian Defence Ministry (MApN) led by senior official for defence policy, planning and international affairs Simona…

14:30, 12.09.2023

De ce să vizitezi Constanța în extrasezon

Constanța este o destinație populară în timpul verii și ofertantă pentru activități de o zi în vacanța de o săptămână la mare. Dar are foarte multe de oferit și în extrasezon, într-o vacanță de tip city-break,…

16:20, 11.09.2023

More than 200 soldiers from seven states start Sea Breeze 23.3 drill

More than 200 soldiers from seven states, including Ukraine, are participating in the 4-day Sea Breeze 23.3 multinational drill, starting on Monday, by the Romanian and United States Naval Forces, on the Black…

15:26, 08.09.2023

Romanian, US navies holding joint Black Sea, Danube Delta military exercise

The Romanian Navy and the US Navy jointly organise, September 11-15, the "Sea Breeze 23.3" multinational military exercise in the area of responsibility of the Romanian Navy in the Black Sea and the Danube Delta.According…

10:35, 07.09.2023

Russian attacks on Ukraine’s Danube ports to slow down grain exports says Romanian president

Russian attacks on Ukraine’s Danube River ports will slow down the export of grains and other routes need to be enhanced, Romanian President Klaus Iohannis said, according to Reuters. Since July, when Moscow abandoned…

16:50, 06.09.2023

EnergMin Burduja: Neptun Deep is a critical project, not only to Romania, but also to whole Europe

EnergMin Burduja: Neptun Deep is a critical project, not only to Romania, but also to whole EuropeNeptun Deep is a critical project, not only to Romania, but also to whole Europe and it will mean independence from…

18:15, 05.09.2023

La Braşov a început construirea fabricii de componente electronice a companiei germane DIEHL, investiţie de 40 de milioane de euro

” Astăzi, în prezenţa primarului Allen Coliban şi a preşedintelui Agenţiei Române pentru Investiţii şi Comerţ Exterior (ARICE), Rareş Burlacu, reprezentanţii companiei germane DIEHL Controls, în parteneriat cu…

14:06, 01.09.2023

FOTO. Rusia a ajuns să scufunde intenționat nave în strâmtoarea Kerci. Cât de departe merge Kremlinul pentru a salva podul spre Crimeea

În timp ce dronele navale mici, dar puternice ale Ucrainei, terorizează activele rusești în Marea Neagră, Rusia a recurs la scufundarea navelor vechi pentru a crea o barieră de protecție pentru Podul său cheie…

11:45, 01.09.2023

UN chief sends Russia bid to revive Black Sea grain deal

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres said on Thursday that he had sent Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov “a set of concrete proposals” aimed at reviving a deal that allowed the safe export of…

14:41, 31.08.2023

Alertă în Marea Neagră: O navă cu 8 oameni la bord, în pericol de scufundare în zona Portului Constanța - Operațiune dificilă de salvare

 Operațiune dificilă de salvare de la scufundare în Marea Neagră în cazul unei nave cargo, în apropiere de Portul Constanța. Alerta a fost dată miercuri în jurul orei 15:00. Abia în seara zilei de miercuri s-a…

20:55, 30.08.2023

S.O.S! A fost mare zarvă în Portul Constanța

UPDATE Vaporul aflat, miercuri, în pericol de scufundare în rada exterioară a Portului Constanţa este tractat de o altă navă către ţărm şi asistat de două ambarcaţiuni ale Agenţiei Române de Salvare a Vieţii Omeneşti…