Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

20:05, 11.06.2024

Senate ratifies agreement between US, Romanian governments on travel info use

Senate ratifies agreement between US, Romanian governments on travel info use

The Senate has ratified, as the decision-making legislative body, the draft law for the ratification of the Agreement between the Government of Romania and the Government of the United States of America on cooperation…

15:51, 04.06.2024

Trade agreements to protect our European way of life

Trade agreements to protect our European way of life

Europe’s wealth and prosperity depend in large part on our open trade relations with the rest of the world. We are the most openly trading continent globally, geographically located between the largest economy,…

09:05, 29.05.2024

Banca Transilvania Group, agreement for acquisition of BRD Pensii

Banca Transilvania Group, agreement for acquisition of BRD Pensii

Banca Transilvania Financial Group reached an agreement with BRD - Groupe Societe Generale and Societe Generale Assurances for the acquisition of BRD Societate de Administrare a Fondurilor de Pensii Private (BRD…

13:15, 13.05.2024

Gheorghe Falcă nu agreează ideea unui candidat comun la prezidențiale: Nu ar fi o treabă serioasă

Gheorghe Falcă nu agreează ideea unui candidat comun la prezidențiale: 'Nu ar fi o treabă serioasă'

PNL este obligat să aibă propriul candidat la alegerile prezidențiale din acest an, declară la RFI vicepreședintele formațiunii Gheorghe Falcă. El spune că ar fi neserios să existe un candidat comun PNL-PSD, așa…

14:40, 01.05.2024

Govt approves draft law for ratification of Agreement with U.S. on collaboration in use of travel information

Gov't approves draft law for ratification of Agreement with U.S. on collaboration in use of travel information

The Government approved on Tuesday the draft law for the ratification of the Agreement between the Government of Romania and the Government of the United States of America on collaboration in the use of travel…

11:05, 23.04.2024

Romania, South Korea sign defence co-operation agreement

Romania, South Korea sign defence co-operation agreement

AGERPRES special correspondent to Seoul, South Korea, Oana Ghita reports:Romania's Defence Minister Angel Tilvar and his South Korean counterpart Shin Won Sik signed on Tuesday a defence co-operation framework…

20:06, 18.04.2024

Hidroelectrica and Masdar expand scope of collaboration agreement

Hidroelectrica and Masdar expand scope of collaboration agreement

Hidroelectrica and Masdar have agreed to expand the scope of the joint venture company (JVC) to be established, so that it includes the implementation of on-shore and floating solar photovoltaic projects, as well…

08:15, 09.04.2024

EU agrees on tougher restrictions on Ukrainian farm imports

EU agrees on tougher restrictions on Ukrainian farm imports

EU states and the European Parliament on Monday agreed tougher restrictions on some Ukraine farm imports, European Union presidency holder Belgium said, according to France24. The accord extends the duty-free access…

19:00, 08.04.2024

Zone de agreement și recreere pe malul râului Cugir și la Vinerea: Parc de aventură în Poiana cu Goruni, piste de biciclete, scenă și locuri pentru grătar. Investiție de peste 30 de milioane de lei

Zone de agreement și recreere pe malul râului Cugir și la Vinerea: Parc de aventură în Poiana cu Goruni, piste de biciclete, scenă și locuri pentru grătar.…

Zone de agreement și recreere pe malul râului Cugir și la Vinerea: Parc de aventură în Poiana cu Goruni, piste de biciclete, scenă și locuri pentru grătar. Investiție de peste 30 de milioane de lei Zone de agreement…

15:25, 28.03.2024

Poland, Ukraine close to agreement on food imports, says Tusk

Poland, Ukraine close to agreement on food imports, says Tusk

Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal was in Poland on Thursday for talks with his counterpart Donald Tusk to address Polish and Western European farmers’ demands that regulations be applied to the cheap Ukrainian…

11:20, 22.03.2024

EU agrees to start talks with Bosnia in latest enlargement push

EU agrees to start talks with Bosnia in latest enlargement push

European Union leaders agreed to open membership talks with Bosnia-Herzegovina as the bloc seeks to pull a divided Western Balkan country closer into its orbit to counter growing Russian influence, according to…

12:40, 19.03.2024

EU agrees on sanctions on Hamas, violent Israeli settlers

EU agrees on sanctions on Hamas, violent Israeli settlers

After weeks of disagreements, EU foreign ministers on Monday agreed in principle to impose sanctions against Israeli settlers for attacking Palestinians in the West Bank and to add further sanctions on members…

14:06, 18.03.2024

Bulgarian foreign minister Mariya Gabriel agrees to form new government

Bulgarian foreign minister Mariya Gabriel agrees to form new government

Bulgarian Foreign Minister Mariya Gabriel of the center-right GERB party agreed on Monday to form a new government, following the resignation of Prime Minister Nikolai Denkov on March 5, according to Reuters. Denkov’s…

11:46, 18.03.2024

EU agrees to controversial €7.4bn migration deal with Egypt

EU agrees to controversial €7.4bn migration deal with Egypt

European leaders and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi have struck a deal to curb migration from Egypt, with the EU bloc agreeing to provide €7.4 billion in aid until 2027 to help manage migrant flows and…

10:16, 14.03.2024

EU agrees 5 bln euro boost for Ukraine military aid fund

EU agrees 5 bln euro boost for Ukraine military aid fund

European Union countries agreed on Wednesday to provide 5 billion euros for military aid to Ukraine as part of a revamp of an EU-run assistance fund, handing Kyiv a timely boost as its forces struggle against Russia‘s…

14:35, 06.03.2024

Bulgaria’s prime minister resigns as planned, part of a power-sharing agreement

Bulgaria’s prime minister resigns as planned, part of a power-sharing agreement

Bulgarian lawmakers on Wednesday unanimously approved the resignation of Prime Minister Nikolay Denkov and his government, part of a power-sharing agreement by the two main political parties after elections last…

12:05, 06.03.2024

Majoritatea românilor, mulțumiți de comasarea alegerilor. Doar o treime agreează însă alianța dintre PNL și PSD la europarlamentare.

Majoritatea românilor, mulțumiți de comasarea alegerilor. Doar o treime agreează însă alianța dintre PNL și PSD la europarlamentare.

Un sondaj realizat recent arată că românii au o părere bună despre comasarea alegerilor, însă două treimi sunt de părere că decizia PSD si PNL de a avea liste comune la europarlamentare si separate la locale este…

13:05, 05.03.2024

EU Parliament, Council agree to ban products made with forced labour

EU Parliament, Council agree to ban products made with forced labour

European Union Council and the European Parliament on Tuesday reached a provisional agreement to ban the entry of products made with forced labour into the European single market, according to Reuters.  The agreement…

20:00, 06.02.2024

Kelemen, on merging elections: If they agree on first step, they also agreed on second

The President of UDMR, Kelemen Hunor, considers that if the coalition leaders agreed on merging the European parliamentary elections with the local ones, then they also agreed on the second step - merging the parliamentary…

07:10, 03.02.2024

Parlamentul şi Consiliul Uniunii Europene au agreeat textul noii directive privind repararea echipamentelor electrice şi electrocasnice.

Directiva introduce obligaţii mai stricte privind garanţia aparaturii vândute şi face posibilă repararea acestora şi după expirarea garanţiei în condiţiile eficienţei de cost. Sunt urmărite două obiective principale:…

21:15, 01.02.2024

TeraPlast acquires Wolfgang Freiler Group for 16.5 million euros

The TeraPast Group signed the agreement for the acquisition of the Wolfgang Freiler Group from the Uhl family of Austria, a transaction worth 16.53 million euros."Following the completion of the negotiations, the…

14:10, 01.02.2024

EU summit agrees on Ukraine aid, overcoming Hungary’s objections

European Union leaders unanimously agreed on Thursday to extend 50 billion euros in new aid to Ukraine, the chairman of the summit said, overcoming weeks of resistance from Hungary, according to Reuters. Before…

10:40, 01.02.2024

Gov't, healthcare unions getting closer to agreement

Health minister Alexandru Rafila said on Thursday that most of the demands of the Sanitas healthcare trade unions will be resolved "for sure" and that the two sides are "close to reaching an agreement.""We will…

13:36, 31.01.2024

AgriMin: We agreed to extend capping markups by 60 days

The government adopted a 60-day extension to capping markups on staple foods and amended the list of products in question, Agriculture Minister Florin Barbu said on Wednesday, adding that there butter and traditional…

11:05, 31.01.2024

Chisinau signs EIB deal for highway to link EU with Republic of Moldova, Romania, Ukraine

The Republic of Moldova signed an agreement with the European Investment Bank (EIB) on Tuesday to secure funding for the Iasi-Ungheni-Chisinau-Odesa highway, marking the first step towards the construction of what…

06:35, 30.01.2024

Cum pot câștiga fermierii bani din certificatele de carbon. Soluțiile pentru România ale liderului mondial în domeniu, Agreena

”Sechestrarea” sau, poate mai corect spus, stocarea carbonului în sol este, în România, unul dintre cele mai noi trenduri în agricultură. La nivel global ar avea potențialul ca, în următorii ani, să reducă emisiile…

22:30, 28.01.2024

IPS Calinic agreează căsătoria între persoane de confesiuni diferite. ”Am cunoscut persoane de altă confesiune sau religie care au sprijinit cu multă…

Arhiepiscopul Sucevei și Rădăuților, IPS Calinic,  agreează căsătoria între persoane de confesiuni diferite arătând că important este ca cei doi să se înțeleagă și să facă lucruri frumoase împreună. El a răspuns…

10:51, 18.01.2024

EU agrees on stricter rules to combat money laundering and capture cryptoassets

The European Union reached a provisional deal on Thursday to improve how national authorities work with each other to combat money laundering, including in the crypto sector, according to Reuters. Representatives…

11:35, 17.01.2024

Scandal între sistemul bancar si Guvern. Băncile nu agreează intenția Guvernului de suspendare a plății ratelor pentru fermieri

Băncile nu sunt de acord cu intenția Guvernului de suspendare a plății ratelor pentru fermieri și au cerut de urgență o întâlnire. După ce au analizat proiectul de ordonanță de urgență, bancherii ar fi solicitat…

12:10, 16.01.2024

Romanian government reaches agreement with farmers following a week of protests

An agreement was reached between Romania‘s Agriculture Ministry and representatives of major agricultural organizations on Monday, with the former addressing several demands by farmers who have been protesting…