Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

18:45, 24.02.2024

Ucraina și Italia au semnat un accord

Ucraina și Italia au semnat un acord privind garanțiile de securitate. Acest lucru a fost anunțat de președintele ucrainean Vladimir Zelenski. {{733029}}"Întîlnirile noastre cu șeful guvernului italian, Giorgia…

12:55, 24.02.2024

UKRAINE - TWO YEARS OF WAR/Extensive mine clearing actions in Kharkiv, some 1.2 ml hectares affected

More than 1.2 million hectares in the Kharkiv region in north-eastern Ukraine have been identified as potentially contaminated with explosive devices, deputy head of the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration…

20:20, 23.02.2024

AUR delegation, led by George Simion, participates in Washington, at Conservative Political Action Conference

A delegation of the Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR) party, led by the party's president George Simion, is in Washington DC until February 26 to participate in the conference of conservative leaders, CPAC…

13:55, 23.02.2024

Ministry of Energy signs financing contract for construction of capacities that can be adapted to hydrogen

The Ministry of Energy signed on Friday the financing contract within Key Program 2 regarding the construction of combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) electrical capacities, which can be adapted to operate on hydrogen,…

08:35, 23.02.2024

Peste 14 milioane de ucraineni și-au părăsit locuințele în cei doi ani de război. Unii au riscat și au revenit acasă. „Când ne-am întors, totul în jur…

De la începutul invaziei ruse, peste 14 milioane de oameni din Ucraina, adică aproape o treime din populația țării, și-au părăsit locuințele, arată datele Organizației Internaționale de pentru Migrație (OIM), publicate…

20:35, 22.02.2024

FinMin Bolos: Romania's first issue of green bonds was a real success

Romania's first issue of green bonds was a real success, being marked by a series of records, such as the extraordinary demand from the investment circles, according to the Minister of Finance, Marcel Bolos, agerpres…

15:00, 22.02.2024

KRAINE - TWO YEARS OF WAR/Kharkiv Police:Over 2,400 civilian deaths, 87 children included, since Russian invasion

More than 2,400 civilians, including 87 children, have died in Russian attacks since the beginning of the war in the Kharkiv region of north-eastern Ukraine, head of the Kharkiv Police Criminal Investigations Department…

13:25, 22.02.2024

Dmitri Medvedev spune că Rusia nu se va opri până nu va cuceri Kievul. „Avem multă treabă de făcut”

Dmitri Medvedev, vicepreședintele Consiliului de Securitate al Rusiei, a declarat joi, într-un interviu acordat presei ruse, că Rusia trebuie „să ajungă la Kiev, pentru a atinge obiectivele operațiunii speciale”,…

12:25, 22.02.2024

Zelenskyy allows foreigners to serve in Ukraine’s National Guard

Foreign citizens who legally reside in Ukraine can join the National Guard, according to a decree President Volodymyr Zelenskyy signed late Wednesday, according to Politico.  The National Guard of Ukraine is the…

09:05, 22.02.2024

Over 70 persons rescued off the mountains by Salvamont in past 24 hrs

As many as 71 persons were rescued, in the last 24 hours, by mountain rescuers, 24 of them being rushed to the hospital, Salvamont Romania announced on Thursday. In the past 24 hours, the National Dispatch received…

15:25, 21.02.2024

REPER: Combining elections will increase the danger of extremist parties capturing the political stages

A decision of the ruling coalition on combining elections will increase the danger of extremist parties taking over the political stages, MP Oana Cambera, deputy chair of the REPER party, and MP Andrei Lupu said…

13:25, 21.02.2024

Romania starts €200mn dredging operation at port used for Ukraine exports

The government of Romania has approved a decision earmarking more than RON1bn (€200mn) for dredging works in basins and navigable channels at Constanta Port, according to IntelliNews. The deepening of the port’s…

19:00, 20.02.2024

Over 441,400 tonnes of wheat and 301,000 tonnes of corn from Ukraine, in transit through Romania

Quantities of 988,152 tonnes of wheat and 18,286 tonnes of corn were placed, between May 2 and December 31, 2023, in transit on the territory of Romania, with Ukraine as the country of dispatch, through 14,584…

11:30, 20.02.2024

Number of job vacancies fell to 33,300, in Q4 of 2023

The number of vacant jobs, at the national level, was 33,300 in the fourth quarter of 2023, down by 8,600 compared to the same period in 2022 and by 6,700 compared to the previous quarter, according to the data…

12:01, 19.02.2024

More than 700 persons flagged in Schengen Information System tracked down in the week of Feb 9 - 15

In the week of February 9 - 15, 2024, the Romanian Police and their partners in the Schengen Area tracked down more than 700 people who were subject to alerts issued in the Schengen Information System (SIS), the…

10:05, 19.02.2024

68 people, rescued from mountain area, in last 24 hours

No less than 68 people were rescued, in the last 24 hours, by the mountain rescuers, 15 of them being transported to the hospital, Salvamont Romania announced on Monday, in a post on Salvamont's Facebook page.…

00:06, 17.02.2024

Egiptul neagă vehement că ridică o tabără în Sinai pentru palestinienii care vor fi alungați din Gaza în urma ofensivei israeliene de la Rafah

Egiptul neagă categoric acuzațiile privind implicarea sa în orice proces care implică strămutarea palestinienilor din Fâșia Gaza în Peninsula Sinai, a anunțat vineri Serviciul de Informații de Stat (SIS) al țării,…

20:00, 16.02.2024

DefMin Tilvar: Equipping Romania's army with cutting-edge technology is a priority

The minister of National Defense, Angel Tilvar, had, on Friday, a meeting with the chairman of the Lockheed Martin company, Jim Taiclet, on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference, in which context he spoke…

20:00, 16.02.2024

De minimis aid scheme of over 17 mln euros for SMEs affected by ROBOR increase during pandemic

State aid beneficiaries affected by the ROBOR increase, in the context of the economic crisis generated by the COVID-19 pandemic, will be backed through a de minimis aid scheme of over 86 million RON / 17 million…

13:45, 16.02.2024

Competition Council analysing SD Worx People Solutions NV taking over Romanian Software

The Competition Council is analysing the operation by which SD Worx People Solutions NV intends to take over Romanian Software. According to a press release the competition authority sent to AGERPRES on Friday,…

13:45, 16.02.2024

Romania's crude oil production down 4.4pct, imports 15.3pct lower in 2023

Romania produced 2.795 million tonnes of oil equivalent (toe) of crude oil in 2023, 129,200 toe less (-4.4%) than in the same period last year, according to data centralised by the National Institute of Statistics…

17:55, 15.02.2024

Natalia Osipova, first appearance in Romania, in Once Upon a Winter's Dream Ballet

The prima ballerina from The Royal Ballet, Natalia Osipova, will participate on February 26 in the Once Upon a Winter's Dream Ballet Gala, which will take place at the Ion Caramitru Hall of the I. L. Caragiale…

14:31, 15.02.2024

Germany now world’s third-largest economy, as Japan slips into recession

Germany is now the world’s third-largest economy, after Japan unexpectedly slipped into recession, according to Politico. Japan’s economy shrank by an unexpected 0.4 percent in the last quarter of 2023, according…

13:20, 14.02.2024

PNL announces that it is willing to ally with AUR against PSD

President of PNL Vâlcea, Cristian Buican, stated in a press conference last weekend that he wants to form an alliance "with anyone" to eliminate the "PSD mafia" from the county. According to local media, when asked…

12:55, 14.02.2024

ECB needs more information to be sure on inflation, says Guindos

The European Central Bank requires additional evidence that inflation is returning to its goal before it can safely begin loosening monetary policy, according to Vice President Luis de Guindos, according to Bloomberg.…

11:55, 14.02.2024

VIDEO: „Nava Cezar Kunikov a fost scufundată”. Ucraina publică imagini cu atacul cu drone maritime asupra navei ruse din Marea Neagră

Ucraina anunță că a atacat și distrus miercuri, 14 februarie, nava de debarcare rusă Cezar Kunikov în Marea Neagră, în urma unui atac cu drone. A fost vorba despre o operațiune comună a serviciilor de informații…

11:20, 14.02.2024

(VIDEO) Momentul când nava rusă atacată se scufundă

Armata ucraineană a anunțat că o navă rusă de debarcare de mare capacitate, Caesar Kunikov, a fost distrusă în largul peninsulei ocupate Crimeea. „Forţele armate ucrainene, împreună cu unitatea de informaţii a…

11:00, 14.02.2024

(VIDEO) Nava rusă Caesar Kunikov, distrusă de ucraineni

Armata ucraineană a anunțat că o navă rusă de debarcare de mare capacitate, Caesar Kunikov, a fost distrusă în largul peninsulei ocupate Crimeea. „Forţele armate ucrainene, împreună cu unitatea de informaţii a…

08:40, 14.02.2024

PM Ciolacu starting two-day visit to Rome to attend joint gov't meeting

Romania's Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu is starting today a two-day working visit to Italy to attend a third joint meeting of the national governments of Romania and Italy, 13 years after the previous edition.…

16:45, 13.02.2024

More than 550 new cases of measles registered last week

The National Institute of Public Health (INSP) informed on Tuesday that, between January 1, 2023 and February 13, 2024, 5,238 cases of measles were confirmed. In the last week, 559 new cases and no deaths were…