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11:10, 24.01.2024

Turkey approves Sweden’s NATO membership bid after 20-month delay

Turkey‘s parliament ratified Sweden‘s NATO membership bid on Tuesday, clearing the biggest remaining hurdle to expand the Western military alliance after 20 months of delay, according to Reuters.  Turkey’s general…

15:30, 11.01.2024

DefMin Tilvar: Russia's aggressiveness makes the Black Sea a problem with global implications

DefMin Tilvar: Russia's aggressiveness makes the Black Sea a problem with global implicationsThe Russian Federation's aggressiveness and disregard for the norms of international law make the Black Sea not only…

13:35, 11.01.2024

Turkey, Romania, Bulgaria sign deal to clear floating Black Sea mines

Turkey, Romania and Bulgaria signed an agreement on Thursday on a joint plan to clear mines floating in the Black Sea as a result of the war in Ukraine, following months of talks between the NATO allies, according…

17:35, 10.01.2024

Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey to sign memorandum establishing mine countermeasure group

Romania's Defence Minister Angel Tilvar and his Bulgarian and Turkish counterparts on Thursday in Istanbul will sign a memorandum of understanding regarding the establishment of a Black Sea mine countermeasure…

16:00, 10.01.2024

Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey to sign Black Sea demining agreement

Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey will sign a memorandum of understanding to set up a naval group to tackle increased mine threat in the Black Sea posed by Russia’s war in Ukraine, the Defence Ministry in Sofia said…

11:15, 08.01.2024

Black Sea mine clearance initiative calls on other countries to join

NATO members Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey have invited other countries to join the upcoming Black Sea demining operation, a joint initiative to clear the sea of mines and ensure the safety of sea lanes, Bulgaria’s…

11:41, 03.01.2024

Turkey to block UK minehunter ships intended for Ukraine

Turkey said on Tuesday it would not allow two minehunter ships donated to Ukraine by Britain to transit its waters en route to the Black Sea since it would violate an international pact concerning wartime passage…

10:05, 27.12.2023

Turkey’s parliamentary committee approves Sweden’s NATO membership

The foreign affairs committee of the Turkish parliament on Tuesday gave its approval for Sweden to join NATO, reported Turkey‘s Anadolu news agency, according to Politico.  This brings Sweden a step closer to joining…

08:30, 27.12.2023

38 foreign citizens, detected while trying to cross into Hungary, hiding in a truck

Border police officers from western PTF Nadlac II detected 38 foreign citizens who were trying to cross illegally into Hungary, hidden in a truck with textiles, the Romanian Border Police announces.The foreign…

11:31, 26.12.2023

Turkish parliamentary committee resumes debate on Sweden’s NATO bid

The Turkish parliament’s foreign affairs committee was poised on Tuesday to resume deliberations on Sweden’s bid to join NATO, days after President Recep Tayyip Erdogan linked the Nordic country’s admission on…

16:50, 23.12.2023

Șase militari turci, uciși într-un atac al kurzilor la o bază militară din nordul Irakului

Şase militari turci au fost ucişi, vineri seara, iar alţi patru au fost răniţi într-un atac al Partidului Muncitorilor din Kurdistan, la o bază militară turcă situată în nordul Irakului, relatează AFP, potrivit…

13:11, 18.12.2023

Turkey, Romania, Bulgaria plan joint force to clear mines floating in Black Sea

Turkey, Romania and Bulgaria plan a joint force to clear mines drifting into their areas of the Black Sea as part of the fallout from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, according to Bloomberg. The agreement, expected…

07:35, 18.12.2023

Emiratele Arabe dau o lovitură fără precedent: își cumpără efectiv poartă de intrare în Europa

Abu Dhabi urmează să cumpere un pachet de acţiuni la un port cheie al Turciei, din Izmir, potrivit unor patru surse care sunt la curent cu acordul, într-un nou semn al unei apropieri între foştii rivali geopolitici,…

10:50, 13.12.2023

US sanctions China, Turkey and UAE firms for supporting Russia

The US Treasury and State Departments sanctioned more than 250 companies and individuals in China, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates, alleging that their continuing support for Russia has been crucial to sustaining…

11:25, 29.11.2023

Turkey expects to ratify Sweden’s NATO accession ‘within weeks’ says Swedish minister

Turkey has told Sweden it expects to ratify its long-delayed accession to the NATO military alliance within weeks, Sweden’s foreign minister said on Wednesday, according to Reuters.  Sweden and Finland asked to…

15:25, 28.11.2023

Ministerul Mediului: Suprafaţa împădurită a judeţului Dolj ar putea creşte cu 12% până în 2026 cu ajutorul fondurilor PNRR

Prima pădure din nisipurile Olteniei a început să fie plantată, marţi, în zona localităţii Apele Vii, fiind vorba despre 70 de hectare pe care vor fi plantaţi, cu fonduri din PNRR, peste 350.000 de puieţi de salcâm,…

09:20, 24.11.2023

VIDEO. Cutremur puternic în Turcia în zona devastată în luna februarie. Oamenii au ieșit disperați pe străzi

Cutremurul de joi a fost urmat de o replică seismică de 4,7, iar ambele au avut epicentrul în provincia Malatya, a anunţat Agenţia turcă de gestionare a dezastrelor (AFAD). BREAKING – ???????? Disaster and Emergency…

11:36, 14.11.2023

Turkish approval for Sweden’s NATO bid draws closer

Turkey’s parliament is set to hold a debate this week over Sweden’s bid to join the NATO military alliance, as President Recep Tayyip Erdogan seeks to improve defense relations with US-led allies, according to…

09:40, 09.11.2023

Romania's Tourism Fair kicks off at Romexpo on November 9, holidays at prices up to 50 pct off

The autumn edition of Romania's Tourism Fair (TTR) will kick off on Thursday at Romexpo, where 107 companies from 11 countries will present for four days the most beautiful and affordable holidays and stays, as…

16:45, 08.11.2023

"Devrim Erbil: Istanbul of yesterday and today" exhibition, next week, at the National Art Museum

"Devrim Erbil: Istanbul of yesterday and today" exhibition, next week, at the National Art MuseumThe contemporary painting exhibition "Devrim Erbil: Istanbul of yesterday and today" will open on November 15, in…

14:25, 07.11.2023

JusMin Gorghiu, Turkish ambassador Altan discuss bilateral judicial co-operation

Justice Minister Alina Gorghiu on Tuesday welcomed Turkey's ambassador Ozgur Kivanc Altan to discuss bilateral judicial co-operation.Gorghiu congratulated the Turkish ambassador on the centennial of the Republic…

20:35, 24.10.2023

Gafă de proporții făcută de Donald Trump, în campania electorală. A confundat Ungaria cu Turcia. VIDEO

Fostul preşedinte american Donald Trump a făcut o gafă în campania electorală şi a confundat Ungaria şi Turcia în faţa unor simpatizanţi, la un miting, salutându-l pe foarte controversatul premier ungar – ”preşedintele…

09:20, 20.10.2023

Cea mai șocantă declarație: Se roagă pentru Hiler și ar „curăța lumea de iudei”

Declarație șocantă făcută de un politician din Turcia. Suleyman Sezen, unul dintre reprezentanții partidului de guvernământ al Partidului Justiției și Dezvoltării (AKP) în consiliul local din districtul Atakum…

13:55, 16.10.2023

O nouă experiență de învățare și de împărtășire a experiențelor în format hibrid a avut loc la Grădinița cu Program Prelungit Nr. 6 Buzău,

Eveniment în cadrul #ErasmusDays - o nouă experiență de învățare și de împărtășire a experiențelor în format hibrid a avut loc la Grădinița cu Program Prelungit Nr. 6 Buzău. A fost o oportunitate ideală de diseminare…

16:46, 13.10.2023

Romanian military sailors at Breeze 23 multinational drill

The Romanian Naval Forces, with the naval dredger 30 Sublieutenant Alexandru Axente and staff officers, participate, between October 13 and 22, in the Breeze 23 multinational exercise, organized by the Bulgarian…

12:41, 10.10.2023

NATO allies to form mine-sweeping force to clear Black Sea route

Turkey, Romania and Bulgaria are discussing the creation of a joint force to clear any mines that drift into their waters from Russia’s war against Ukraine, according to three officials familiar with the talks,…

14:30, 07.10.2023

DefMin Tilvar appreciates Turkey's decision to deploy air policing detachment to Romania

On an official visit to Ankara, Turkey, on Thursday and Friday, Romania's Defence Minister Angel Tilvar met his Turkish counterpart, Yasar Guler, expressing his appreciation for Turkey's decision to deploy, between…

10:35, 03.10.2023

Bulgaria bans the entry of Russian-registered cars

Bulgaria became the latest EU country on Tuesday to ban the entry Russian-registered cars, joining Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland and Poland, according to Euractiv. Russians can currently enter Bulgaria with…

13:05, 01.10.2023

Explozie puternică lângă Parlamentului Turciei. Guvernul denunţă un atac terorist

O explozie puternică a avut loc duminică în apropierea Parlamentului din Ankara. Presa turcă scrie că s-au auzit schimburi de focuri. Ministrul turc de Interne Ali Yerlikaya a denunţat într-o postare pe X un ”atentat…

10:56, 01.10.2023

BREAKING - Explozie puternică în apropierea Parlamentului din Turcia: a fost un atac terorist

O explozie puternică a răsunat duminică în capitala Turciei, în apropierea Parlamentului din Ankara, care urma să deschidă o nouă sesiune de lucru, potrivit unei corespondente, relatează AFP.Presa turcă scrie că…