Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

14:35, 03.10.2023

Warsaw, Kyiv make breakthrough on Ukrainian grain transit

Warsaw and Kyiv announced on Tuesday they had agreed to speed up the transit of Ukrainian cereal exports through Poland to third countries, a first step in resolving their grain war, according to Euractiv. The…

14:25, 03.10.2023

President Iohannis participates in Granada in European Political Community summit, European Council's informal reunion

President Klaus Iohannis will participate on Thursday, in Granada, in the third Summit of the European Political Community (EPC), and on Friday he will be present at the informal meeting of the European Council,…

10:35, 03.10.2023

Bulgaria bans the entry of Russian-registered cars

Bulgaria became the latest EU country on Tuesday to ban the entry Russian-registered cars, joining Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland and Poland, according to Euractiv. Russians can currently enter Bulgaria with…

19:50, 01.10.2023

Protest de amploare al opoziției în Varșovia. Peste un milion de oameni au ieșit în stradă

Peste un milion de oameni, potrivit organizatorilor, s-au adunat duminică la un mare marş antiguvernamental, în centrul Varşoviei, la apelul opoziţiei, o adevărată demonstraţie de forţă cu 15 zile înainte de alegerile…

12:45, 29.09.2023

După livratori și chelneri, România ar putea avea și șoferi de TIR din Asia - Soluție la criza de forță de muncă în domeniu

Uniunea Transportatorilor Rutieri din România (UNTRR) consideră că, în contextul crizei acute de şoferi profesionişti din domeniul transporturilor rutiere şi al barierelor legislative, angajarea şoferilor străini…

11:00, 29.09.2023

Poland says it will uphold its veto on EU migration pact

Poland will uphold its veto on a European Union migration pact, its prime minister said on Friday, as the bloc searches for agreement on a system for the sharing out asylum seekers who reach Europe outside of official…

11:40, 28.09.2023

Germany announces border controls to combat migrant surge

Germany will introduce new border controls with Poland and the Czech Republic this week, the German interior minister announced on Wednesday, saying that more should be done to protect the European Union‘s fragile…

10:15, 26.09.2023

Tensions rise between Germany and Poland as Scholz mulls border checks

The German government is weighing whether to impose checks on the border with Poland in order to stem an influx of asylum seekers, but tense relations between the two countries and now an open diplomatic row may…

10:40, 25.09.2023

Tensions are lowering between Poland and Ukraine. President Duda “sees no problem” in resuming arms deliveries to Kyiv after Warsaw replenishes its stockpile:…

The Polish president appeared to extend an olive branch to Ukraine after weeks of tests between Warsaw and Kiev, Sky News reports. A bitter public spat over grain deals, aid packages and refugees eventually led…

09:50, 21.09.2023

Romania, Ukraine to work on import-export licensing system

Romania will work with Ukraine over the next 30 days on a grain export control plan that will help protect Romanian farmers, Agriculture Minister Florin Barbu said on Wednesday, according to Reuters. Romania is…

09:20, 21.09.2023

Poland stops sending weapons to Ukraine amid grain fight, Warsaw says

Warsaw has stopped supplying weapons to Kyiv and is focusing on arming itself instead, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said Wednesday, amid a dispute over Ukraine’s agricultural exports, according to Politico.…

11:05, 14.09.2023

Scheduled events for September 14

Scheduled events for September 14PRESIDENCY:- President Klaus Iohannis receives, on the occasion of the presentation of letters of accreditation, the ambassador-at-large of the Republic of Sudan, Almansour Ibrahim…

11:20, 11.09.2023

Prince Radu supporting team Romania at Invictus Games 2023 in Dusseldorf

Prince Radu supporting team Romania at Invictus Games 2023 in DusseldorfPrince Radu is in Dusseldorf from Monday to Wednesday to support the Romanian military team at the Invictus Games 2023. TeamRomania, made…

08:55, 07.09.2023

Most EU countries oppose Polish-led calls to keep Ukraine grain curbs

Most EU countries are against extending an import ban on Ukrainian grain beyond mid-September, four EU diplomats told Politico, pushing back against calls by five eastern member countries to keep the restrictions…

22:31, 06.09.2023

President Iohannis: Romania offered the main route for the export of Ukrainian grains

President Iohannis: Romania offered the main route for the export of Ukrainian grainsRomania offered the main route for the export of Ukrainian grains, with almost 25 million tonnes of grains from Ukraine having…

12:30, 04.09.2023

Polonia: liderul unui partid extremist aflat pe val înaintea alegerilor, surprins într-un clip în care amenința cu „un registru al persoanelor LGBT”

Declarațiile datează din 2014, iar oficialii grupării extremiste „Confederația” spun că ele nu reprezintă politica lor actuală, dar mulți lideri ai acestui partid au un lung istoric de afirmații homofobe sau antisemite,…

16:15, 01.09.2023

International Olympiad of Hellenism will bring together students from 12 countries this year

The eighth edition of the International Olympiad of Hellenism, which will take place between September 7 and 10 in Bucharest, will bring together students from 12 countries, the Hellenic Union of Romania (UER)…

13:45, 01.09.2023

Orașul polonez care a fost primul atacat în cel de-al Doilea Război Mondial pe 1 septembrie 1939 cere despăgubiri din partea Germaniei

Documentul, care este primul de acest fel emis de o autoritate locală poloneză, a fost salutat de oficialul guvernamental însărcinat cu supervizarea cererii Poloniei de despăgubiri de război de până la 1.300 de…

11:45, 29.08.2023

Poland asks EU’s top court to cancel three climate policies

Poland has filed legal challenges attempting to annul three of the European Union’s main climate change policies, which the Polish government argues would worsen social inequality, documents published on Monday…

10:45, 23.08.2023

Poland suspends benefits for thousands of Ukrainian refugees who left

Poland has suspended payment of childcare benefits for thousands of Ukrainian war refugees due to them leaving the country, the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) said, according to Euractiv. From June, ZUS suspended…

18:15, 16.08.2023

Marius Copil advances to Lotto Kozerki Open quarterfinals

Romanian tennis player Marius Copil advanced on Wednesday to the quarterfinals of the  $118,000 Lotto Kozerki Open Challenger Tour (Poland), after defeating Australian Marc Polmans 6-2, 6-2.Copil (aged 32, ATP…

12:45, 16.08.2023

Romania, 6th in the world in terms of business services industry (report)

Romania, 6th in the world in terms of business services industry (report)Romania ranks 6th in the world in terms of business services industry and 2nd in Europe, after Poland, according to a report of a professional…

12:15, 15.08.2023

Poland holds huge military parade as voters focus on defence

Poland‘s biggest military parade since the Cold War takes place in Warsaw on Tuesday as the NATO-member country flexes its military muscle in what the government hopes will be both a message to Moscow and to voters…

09:55, 14.08.2023

Poland prime minister floats migration referendum with grim video

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki proposed holding a referendum asking citizens whether they support the arrival of “thousands of illegal migrants coming from the Middle East and Africa” under the European…

12:40, 08.08.2023

Poland says it fixes leak in Druzhba oil pipeline

Polish pipeline operator PERN said on Tuesday that it had restored the Druzhba oil pipeline to full functionality as expected, after a leak had been discovered, according to Reuters.  PERN halted pumping through…

11:00, 07.08.2023

Poland hopes to fix leak in Russia’s Druzhba oil pipeline by Tuesday

Polish pipeline operator PERN said it had halted pumping through a section of the Druzhba pipeline, which connects Russia to Europe, after detecting a leak in central Poland on Saturday, but it expects flows to…

16:15, 03.08.2023

Poland and Lithuania say they fear provocations from Russia and Belarus at NATO’s eastern flank

Polish and Lithuanian leaders held an urgent meeting Thursday in a strategically sensitive area where their NATO nations border Belarus and the Russian territory of Kaliningrad, warning that they are bracing for…

10:00, 02.08.2023

Europe is set for a record solar summer and is wasting it

The European Union should take steps to stop the waste of solar energy and limit negative pricing in order to encourage investment, according to renewable energy groups, according to Bloomberg. While Europe will…

09:40, 02.08.2023

Poland says two Belarusian helicopters violated its airspace, adding to tensions

Poland’s government said that two Belarusian helicopters entered Poland’s airspace on Tuesday, an incident that comes amid rising tensions along the NATO member’s border with the Russian ally, according to Bloomberg.…

22:50, 01.08.2023

Polonia anunță că va trimite mai multe trupe la graniță, acuzând Belarusul că i-a „încalcat spațiul aerian”. Cum răspunde Minskul

Ministerul polonez al Apărării a anunțat marți, 1 august, că va crește numărul de trupe la granița cu Belarus, acuzând faptul că două elicoptere din țara vecină au încălcat spațiul aerian al Poloniei în timpul…