Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

13:31, 18.11.2020

Dozens of agricultural producers and workers are protesting in front of Gov't building over closure of markets

Dozens of producers and workers in the agricultural sector coming from several areas of the country are participating, on Wednesday, in a protest in Victoria Square, in front of the Government building, against…

13:55, 03.11.2020

Dozens of SANITAS unionized workers participate in "Exhaustion March" in front of Gov't building

A few dozen health and social assistance employees, unionized workers under the SANITAS Federation, are participating on Tuesday in a protest in Victoria Square, in front of the Victoria governmental Palace, titled…

21:00, 20.09.2020

​​VIDEO Belarus: Nou protest masiv la Minsk - zeci de mii de persoane i-au scandat "Demisia" lui Lukaşenko

Zeci de mii de oameni au participat, duminică, la un nou protest masiv în capitala Belarusului, Minsk, ei scandând: “Demisia!&" şi cerând astfel plecarea preşedintelui Aleksandr Lukaşenko.Au…

14:40, 13.08.2020

Women Rally in Bucharest Aug. 21-22

The Women Rally competition will take place for the first time in Bucharest, on August 21-22, being the second stage of the only national motorsport championship dedicated exclusively to women."Cristiana Oprea,…

21:37, 24.06.2020

Collection-worthy Romanian blouses, some heirlooms for dozens of years, on Village Museum alleys

On the alleys of the Village Museum in Bucharest, Wednesday was the day of the Romanian 'ie' (e.n. - the 'ie' is also known as the Romanian blouse, part of the Romanian national traditional dress).Craftspersons…

10:19, 16.06.2020

Dozens of localities affected by heavy rainfall in the last 24 hours

Heavy rainfall in the last 24 hours has affected 32 localities from 20 counties, the Department for Emergency Situations (DSU) informs on Tuesday morning."Intervention teams took action to pump the water from 140…

18:58, 09.04.2020

PM Orban urges minister to find way for bosses to share solidarity efforts

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban on Thursday asked Labour Minister Violeta Alexandru to come up with a formula whereby the dignitaries can be included in the emergency ordinance regarding short-time working in the…

20:25, 21.02.2020

Prosecutors investigating illegal shipment to Constanta of dozens of waste containers

Teodor Nita, the prosecutor in charge with investigating the case of 16 waste containers unloaded on Thursday in the Port of Constanta from a Dutch vessel coming from the UK and declared in the shipping documents…

11:57, 07.01.2020

Funeraliile generalului Qassem Soleimani s-au transformat într-o tragedie de proporţii. Peste 35 de morţi şi zeci de răniţi VIDEO

Imaginile de la faţa locului sunt absolut şocante, iar bilanţul se schimbă de la un minut la altul. Televiziunea de stat iraniană anunţă că zeci de persoane şi-au pierdut viaţa sau au fost rănite, mulţimea cuprinsă…

21:23, 09.12.2019

Dozens of AGERPRES photos from 1989 Revolution, on display at 'Our children will be free' exhibition

Dozens of photographs taken by AGERPRES photojournalists during the Revolution, postage stamps, but also articles from the Romanian and international press dedicated to the events of December 1989 are part of the…

15:47, 06.12.2019

Dozens of tourist sites rescued by Prince Charles-backed 'Ambulance for Monuments' project

Architecture and history lovers will be able to enjoy, starting December 10, an exhibition featuring dozens of tourist sites located in eight counties, which have been rescued by restoration performed by the volunteers…

19:24, 19.11.2019

Dozens of people improved their health with Kangoo Jumps during KAPO – Health on Boots study in Oradea

Dozens of people improved their health with Kangoo Jumps during KAPO – Health on Boots study in Oradea Kinga Sebestyen, the Romanian entrepreneur and sport guru who made Kangoo Jumps famous in Europa, launched…

15:22, 29.09.2019

VIDEO Noi confruntări între protestatari și poliție la Hong Kong: Cocktailuri Molotov versus gaze lacrimogene, gloanțe de cauciuc și tunuri cu apă

Poliția din Hong Kong a folosit tunuri cu apă, gloanțe de cauciuc și gaze lacrimogene, după ce protestatarii au aruncat cu Cocktailuri Molotov și cărămizi în una dintre cele mai violente manifestări antiguvernamentale…

18:24, 07.08.2019

'Home Alone' şi 'Night at the Museum' vor avea noi versiuni realizate de Disney+

Compania Disney a anunţat marţi că Disney+, noua sa platformă de 'streaming', va realiza noi versiuni ale unor filme ca 'Home Alone' (1990), 'Night at the Museum' (2006), 'Cheaper by…

09:37, 28.05.2019

Several dozens of protesters outside MAE headquarters ask ForMin Teodor Melescanu's resignation

Several dozens of people protested on Monday evening outside the Foreign Affairs Ministry (MAE), asking the resignation of Foreign Affairs Minister Teodor Melescanu, regarding the manner in which the voting unfolded…

15:23, 14.08.2018

Autostrada prabusita in Italia: Cel putin 10 oameni au murit, salvatorii cauta supravietuitori (Video)

Un pod rutier din orasul Genova, din nord-vestul Italiei, s-a prabusit marti. AFP anunta ca ar fi cel putin 10 morti. O parte din Ponte Morandi s-a prabusit marti dimineata, scrie La Repubblica, in accident fiind…

23:17, 25.06.2018

#GreaterUnionCentennial/ Dozens of inland, foreign youth choirs at Iasi international patriotic songs festival

Youth choirs and high-profile Romanian personalities will take part in the 6th edition of the "Gavriil Musicescu" International Youth Choral Festival and Competition dedicated to patriotic songs, running July 1…

13:05, 22.03.2018

Dozens of Police officers picketing Interior Ministry hdqrs

Dozens of police officers, members of the National Police Trade Union (SNAP), are picketing today the Interior Ministry, showing their dissatisfaction with working conditions and wages. The officers are playing…

15:13, 20.03.2018

Romania Will Be Once Again Hit By Snow and Freezing Temperatures

  We are rapidly approaching April, but winter has won over Romania, and is far from being over! The air traffic is severely affected by the weather conditions. Dozens of planes were delayed by almost 50...

11:57, 25.01.2018

O controversată peliculă indiană a declanșat un val de violențe și amenințări

Controversial film, Padmaavat, opens in India amid violence threats news New Delhi: Thousands of police in riot gear guarded cinemas across India on Thursday amid threats of violence by Hindu hardliners opposed…

22:04, 22.12.2017

Grav accident feroviar în Spania. Sunt zeci de victime

Aproximativ 40 de persoane au fost rănite, două fiind spitalizate, în urma unui accident feroviar produs vineri după-amiază la periferia oraşului spaniol Madrid, relatează presa spaniolă. Ministerul Afacerilor…

10:14, 31.05.2017

Explozie puternică în cartierul diplomatic din Kabul. 54 de morți, sute de răniți – UPDATE

O explozie puternică a avut loc în cartierul diplomatic din Kabul. Bomba a fost detonată în apropierea ambasadei Germaniei din capitala Afganistatului. UPDATE 10:03: Bilanțul victimelor a urcat la 54 de morți și…

12:43, 27.05.2017

TRIPOLI. Cel puţin 28 de morţi şi 120 de răniţi în lupte între trupe loiale Guvernului şi miliţii rivale – VIDEO

Cel puţin 28 de oameni au murit şi 120 au fost răniţi în confruntări violente între facţiuni armate rivale la Tripoli, capitala Libiei, unde trupe loiale Guvernului recunoscut de ONU (GNA) se opun miliţiilor şi…

09:14, 23.05.2017

Tom Holland posibil să-l interpreteze pe Nathan Drake în filmul Uncharted

Conform Deadline, actorul Tom Holland (Spider-Man Homecoming) îl va intepreta pe Nathan Drake în filmul Uncharted bazat pe franciza de jocuri video cu același nume. Holland îl va intepreta pe Drake în tinerețe,…

17:24, 04.04.2017

Parfumuri pentru orice tip de personalitate feminina

Alegerea parfumului in functie de personalitate nu este un mit, ci un aspect de care femeile ar trebui sa tina cont din ce in ce mai des, astfel incat sa nu mai ajunga in situatia de a oferi prietenelor sau mamelor…

12:54, 26.02.2017

(VIDEO) Noul Orlean: un vehicul a intrat în mulţime, peste 20 de răniţi

CHIȘINĂU, 26 feb — Sputnik. Şoferul unui pick-up, care la prima vedere era în stare de ebrietate, a lovit mai mulţi oameni care urmăreau parada Mardi Gras în Noul Orlean, Louisiana (sudul…

09:24, 18.01.2016

Numerous flight delays caused by heavy snowfalls

Snowfalls and blizzard wreaked havoc at the Otopeni International Airport. Dozens of flights were delayed, some of them by two hours even. A few flights were cancelled. Staring at the snow removal vehicles moving…

09:24, 18.01.2016

Buzău is worst hit county in Romania

Buzău is one of the Romanian counties most seriously affected by blizzard. Dozens of roads were closed to traffic and hundreds of cars were stranded in the snow. Rescuers made great efforts to save the lives of…

10:04, 21.12.2015

Big Santa run in Constanţa

There was a Santa run for a Claus through the streets of Constanţa yesterday. Dozens of people dressed up as Santa ran for a mile downtown. For many of them, the race was all adrenalin and fun, but those having…

11:42, 02.12.2015

New hope children born on Romania's National Day

The 'Collective' generation have demonstrated they Can change Romania for the better! For them and for those born after them! Dozens of Romanian couples became parents on the National Day. They are young people…