Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

14:45, 17.06.2024

Deac to represent Romania at Superbet Chess Classic Romania 2024

Deac to represent Romania at Superbet Chess Classic Romania 2024

Chess player Bogdan Deac will represent Romania at the 2024 edition of Superbet Chess Classic Romania, the second leg of the international Grand Chess Tour (GCT) circuit, that will start at the end of June at the…

11:21, 17.06.2024

Election protest goes into fourth day

Election protest goes into fourth day

Dozens of people on Sunday evening participated in a protest rally in Victory Square in Bucharest over irregularities reported in the June 9 elections, with the protesters demanding the resignation of Chairman…

21:10, 16.06.2024

Scriitoarea româno-americană Cristina A. Bejan lansează cel mai recent volum de piese de teatru, FINALLY QUIET, la Drama Book Shop din New York

Scriitoarea româno-americană Cristina A. Bejan lansează cel mai recent volum de piese de teatru, FINALLY QUIET, la Drama Book Shop din New York

ICR New York organizează, în parteneriat cu Drama Book Shop și Jay Michaels Global Communications, un eveniment de lansare a celui mai recent volum de teatru al scriitoarei româno-americane Cristina A. Bejan, FINALLY…

12:01, 16.06.2024

Tech Expo 2024 aduce la standuri încuietoarea inteligentă,prin care poţi deschide uşa cu ajutorul telefonului

Tech Expo 2024 aduce la standuri încuietoarea inteligentă,prin care poţi deschide uşa cu ajutorul telefonului

Încuietoarea inteligentă Netatmo Smart Door Lock va putea fi testată de către toţi pasionaţii de tehnologie în cadrul ediţiei din acest an a evenimentului Tech Expo, eveniment organizat la Romexpo, în marja Bucharest…

14:50, 15.06.2024

Nicusor Dan: We have started process of modernizing public lighting system in Bucharest

Mayor Nicusor Dan announces that the process of modernizing the public lighting system in the Capital has begun."We have already installed approximately 1,900 new lighting fixtures, from the 4,900 LEDs purchased…

12:50, 14.06.2024

Romanians poorly performing, immensly costly public system is stalling progress (Buzau mayor)

Romanian's poorly performing, immensly costly public system is stalling progress (Buzau mayor)

In the introduction to his book 'Kaizen in Public Administration. A Necessary Reform in Romania' launched the other day at the local Gaudeamus Radio Romania Book Fair, Buzau city mayor Constantin Toma points out…

22:40, 13.06.2024

Ultimele zile din Bucharest Opera Festival – All Puccini Edition

Ultimele zile din Bucharest Opera Festival – All Puccini Edition

Ultimele patru zile ale Bucharest Opera Festival – All Puccini Edition aduc pe scena operei bucureștene Opera Maghiară din Cluj Napoca cu La Rondine, Opera din Braşov cu Il Trittico, Teatrul Naţional de Operă şi…

20:50, 13.06.2024

CCIBs Stocklosa: We are considering additional transport option for goods arriving in Poti

CCIB's Stocklosa: We are considering additional transport option for goods arriving in Poti

An additional variant of transporting the goods arriving in Poti is being taken into account, with maritime ships in the Sulina Commercial Port and their transshipment on river barges destined for Danube ports…

18:56, 13.06.2024

Teatrul National de Opera si Balet Oleg Danovski prezinta opera Tosca la Opera Nationala Bucuresti

Teatrul National de Opera si Balet Oleg Danovski" prezinta opera Tosca" la Opera Nationala Bucuresti

In aceasta saptamana, Teatrul National de Opera si Balet "Oleg Danovski va prezenta in deplasare, opera "Tosca.Spectacolul are loc duminica, 16 iunie, ora 19:00 la Bucuresti in cadrul "Bucharest Opera Festival…

15:40, 12.06.2024

Fundația Dan Voiculescu pentru Dezvoltarea României, partener Educațional al Tech Expo. Echipa ROMSPACE, prezentă la eveniment

Fundația Dan Voiculescu pentru Dezvoltarea României, partener Educațional al Tech Expo. Echipa ROMSPACE, prezentă la eveniment

Fundația Dan Voiculescu pentru Dezvoltarea României a devenit partener educațional al TECH EXPO, cel mai mare festival de tehnologie din România. TECH EXPO este un eveniment de amploare care reunește pasionații…

20:05, 11.06.2024

Senate ratifies agreement between US, Romanian governments on travel info use

Senate ratifies agreement between US, Romanian governments on travel info use

The Senate has ratified, as the decision-making legislative body, the draft law for the ratification of the Agreement between the Government of Romania and the Government of the United States of America on cooperation…

09:30, 11.06.2024

Code Orange for heatwave in 16 counties and Bucharest

Code Orange for heatwave in 16 counties and Bucharest

Most of Muntenia, Oltenia (south), the mainland of southeastern Dobrogea and southern Moldova will be under a Code Orange for heatwave and severe thermal discomfort until Wednesday morning, according to a warning…

00:20, 11.06.2024

Ţara noastră colaborează cu SpaceX şi poate trimite un român în spaţiu, în mai puţin de şase luni

Ţara noastră colaborează cu SpaceX şi poate trimite un român în spaţiu, în mai puţin de şase luni

România poate trimite, în mai puţin de şase luni, cu SpaceX, un român în spaţiu, după 50 de ani, dacă luăm această decizie la nivel naţional, a declarat, ieri, Pavel Popescu, vicepreşedinte al Autorităţii Naţionale…

23:55, 10.06.2024

Triumf Bucharest Opera Festival – All Puccini Edition

Triumf Bucharest Opera Festival – All Puccini Edition

Primul week-end a fost un autentic succes pentru Bucharest Opera Festival care a prezentat publicului La Fanciulla del West – producție a Operei Naționale Române Cluj Napoca, Gala Puccini 100 – susținută de soliștii…

20:06, 10.06.2024

PSDs Ciolacu says PSD-PNL alliance did win Bucharest district 1, district 2 mayoralties

PSD's Ciolacu says PSD-PNL alliance did win Bucharest district 1, district 2 mayoralties

National leader of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Marcel Ciolacu said on Monday that the PSD - National Liberal Party (PNL) alliance did win the Bucharest district 1 and district 2 mayoralties [where the score…

12:21, 10.06.2024

România este țara din UE care investește cel mai puțin în cercetare, avertizează Geoană

România este țara din UE care investește cel mai puțin în cercetare, avertizează Geoană

Dintre toate țările Uniunii Europene, România este cea care investește cel mai puțin în domeniul cercetare – dezvoltare, a avertizat secretarul general adjunct al NATO, Mircea Geoană. Liderul adjunct al NATO a…

12:10, 10.06.2024

”Capul plecat sabia nu-l taie!”. Digitalizare, mai pe-nțeles

”Capul plecat sabia nu-l taie!”. Digitalizare, mai pe-nțeles

Nu este normal ca, la 35 de ani de la Revoluţie, să mai stăm cu capul plecat în faţa unui ghişeu, zice  Andrei Niculae, vicepreşedintele Autorităţii pentru Digitalizarea României (ADR). Statul român trebuie să…

12:06, 10.06.2024

România poate trimite un român în spaţiu

România poate trimite un român în spaţiu

România poate trimite, în mai puţin de şase luni, cu SpaceX, un român în spaţiu, după 50 de ani, dacă luăm această decizie la nivel naţional, a declarat, luni, Pavel Popescu, vicepreşedinte al Autorităţii Naţionale…

22:45, 09.06.2024

LOCAL ELECTION 2024: CURS-Avangarde exit-poll: Nicusor Dan 45%, Gabriela Firea 24% for Bucharest

LOCAL ELECTION 2024: CURS-Avangarde exit-poll: Nicusor Dan 45%, Gabriela Firea 24% for Bucharest

LOCAL ELECTION 2024: CURS-Avangarde exit-poll: Nicusor Dan 45%, Gabriela Firea 24% for BucharestThe incumbent mayor of Bucharest, Nicusor Dan, supported by the United Right Alliance, obtained, on Sunday, 45% of…

22:31, 09.06.2024

PSD candidate Gabriela Firea thanks citizens of Bucharest for their voting

PSD candidate Gabriela Firea thanks citizens of Bucharest for their voting

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) candidate for Capital City Hall, Gabriela Firea, declared on Sunday evening that she is confident and thanked the citizens of Bucharest who went to the polls, both those who voted…

20:05, 09.06.2024

Orthodox Church Patriarch Daniel cast his vote for both EP, local elections, in Bucharest

Orthodox Church Patriarch Daniel cast his vote for both EP, local elections, in Bucharest

The Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church, Daniel, voted on Sunday afternoon in the European Parliament and local elections at a polling station within the Ienachita Vacarescu secondary school in Bucharest,…

12:55, 09.06.2024

PNLs Burduja: I voted for the future, I voted for change

PNL's Burduja: I voted for the future, I voted for change

National Liberal Party (PNL) candidate for mayor of Bucharest Sebastian Burduja said, at the exit polls, that he voted for the future, for change, for the citizens of Bucharest, who want more from this city.

22:10, 07.06.2024

Solutions for streamlining traffic in Bucharest - expanding metro, public surface transport on Berlin model

Solutions for streamlining traffic in Bucharest - expanding metro, public surface transport on Berlin model

The solution to streamlining road traffic in Bucharest is the extension of the metro and, at the same time, the efficient organization of public surface transport following the Berlin model, Prime Minister Marcel…

20:20, 07.06.2024

City of Brasov has been awarded organisation of winter edition of European Youth Olympic Festival

City of Brasov has been awarded organisation of winter edition of European Youth Olympic Festival

The city of Brasov was awarded on Friday the organisation of the 18th edition of the European Youth Olympic Winter Festival (EYOF) in 2027, a decision made at the European Olympic Committees (EOC) General Assembly…

22:45, 06.06.2024

Promises of PSD-PNL candidates in Bucharest: development, rebuilding, end of experiments, bringing sectors to light

Promises of PSD-PNL candidates in Bucharest: development, rebuilding, end of 'experiments', bringing sectors to light

The candidates of the PSD - PNL Alliance for the sector municipalities promised, on Thursday, at an electoral event organized by the social democrats, which ended the campaign for the June 9 elections, development…

22:36, 06.06.2024

June 9 elections are about a dignified Romania in the EU, says Bucharest Mayor Nicusor Dan

June 9 elections are about a dignified Romania in the EU, says Bucharest Mayor Nicusor Dan

Bucharest General Mayor Nicusor Dan, who is seeking a new term in office, said on Thursday that the June 9 elections are aimed at "civilization", "lawfulness" and "a dignified Romania in the European Union", urging…

18:40, 06.06.2024

Russias accredited ambassador to Bucharest reminded of his countrys responsibility for war at border

Russia's accredited ambassador to Bucharest reminded of his country's responsibility for war at border

Secretary of State for Strategic Affairs Ana Tinca received on Thursday, according to diplomatic practice, the ambassador of the Russian Federation to Romania, Vladimir Lipaev, for the presentation of copies of…

21:35, 05.06.2024

Numărătoare inversă până la debutul BUCHAREST OPERA FESTIVAL – ALL PUCCINI EDITION, 7-16 iunie 2024, la Opera Națională București

Numărătoare inversă până la debutul BUCHAREST OPERA FESTIVAL – ALL PUCCINI EDITION, 7-16 iunie 2024, la Opera Națională București

La finalul acestei săptămâni, anul centenar puccinian va fi sărbătorit la Opera Națională București prin cea de-a treia ediție Bucharest Opera Festival, care se va desfășura în perioada 7-16 iunie 2024.

19:31, 05.06.2024

President Iohannis, Bosnia and Herzegovinas FM emphasize collaboration in field of security

President Iohannis, Bosnia and Herzegovina's FM emphasize collaboration in field of security

President Klaus Iohannis received, on Wednesday, at the Cotroceni Palace, the minister of Foreign Affairs of the government of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Elmedin Konakovic, on the occasion of his official visit to…

12:55, 05.06.2024

Romania, Albania strengthening co-operation in labour, pensions, social security

Romania, Albania strengthening co-operation in labour, pensions, social security

Romania's Minister of Labour and Social Solidarity Simona Bucura Oprescu and Albania's Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Igli Hasani signed on Wednesday in Bucharest an administrative arrangement for the…