Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

11:16, 09.06.2022

European gas soars as fire in US compounds Russia supply concern

Europe’s natural gas prices surged after a fire at a large export terminal in the US promised to wipe out deliveries to a market that’s on high alert over tight Russian supplies, according to Bloomberg. Benchmark…

16:20, 31.05.2022

Russia widens Europe gas cuts as Gazprom halts Dutch trader’s supply

Russia widened its gas cuts to Europe on Tuesday with Gazprom turning off supply to top Dutch trader GasTerra escalating the economic battle between Moscow and Brussels and pushing up European gas prices, according…

10:45, 16.05.2022

U.S., Europe race to improve food supply chains after India bans wheat exports

The United States and the European Union are looking at how to improve food supply chains with export restrictions from India and other nations accentuating global problems, the EU’s trade chief told CNBC. G-7…

23:55, 02.05.2022

Romania to discuss security of energy supply solutions in Bulgaria on May 5 in Sofia with partners in region

Romania will participate on May 5, in Sofia, in the first regional working group, part of the European Union's Energy Platform for natural gas procurement, in which security solutions will be discussed in the energy…

13:25, 29.03.2022

US Treasury: More Western sanctions to target Russian economy, supply chains

The United States and its allies plan further sanctions against Russian supply chains and economic sectors that play a key role in the war in Ukraine, U.S. Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo said on Tuesday,…

08:45, 25.03.2022

President Iohannis: Unrealistic at this moment to impose sanctions on Russia over gas supply

It is unrealistic at the moment to impose sanctions on Russia over gas supplies, President Klaus Iohannis said on Thursday evening when asked about the possible extension of sanctions against the Russian Federation.…

17:35, 23.03.2022

Alliance for Agriculture and Cooperation: Romania to play key role in increasing EU's grain supply

Romania is currently the member state that can play a decisive role in increasing the supply of grains and vegetal protein of the European Union (EU), but for this it needs a reasonable flexibility in the application…

15:50, 17.03.2022

Iohannis: Romania is prepared to provide its own energy infrastructure to diversify natural gas supply

Romania is prepared to provide its own infrastructure to diversify the supply of natural gas from multiple sources, considering that the aim is to eliminate energy dependence on the Russian Federation, President…

12:16, 17.03.2022

Oil surges amid warnings of supply shortages

Oil prices climbed 4% on Thursday after the International Energy Agency (IEA) said three million barrels a day (bpd) of Russian oil and products could be shut in from next month and despite the U.S. Federal Reserve’s…

13:15, 07.03.2022

EnerMin Popescu: We will have no issues with supply of natural gas

Romania is looking at every single possibility regarding gas supply, and Azerbaijan certainly is a source and a supply route with natural gas, the Minister of Energy, Virgil Popescu, said on Monday, during a press…

18:16, 02.03.2022

EnerMin Popescu discusses with Azerbaijani President about Europe's gas supply

Romanian Energy Minister Virgil Popescu discussed with the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, in Baku, on Wednesday about cooperation in the field of energy and the supply of Europe with Azerbaijani…

21:25, 14.02.2022

Care sunt beneficiile aduse de sistemele MES 

În multe sectoare economice este necesară gestionarea eficientă a lanțului de aprovizionare (Supply Chain Management). Pentru realizarea acestui obiectiv se implementează soluții informatice specializate, care…

13:55, 10.02.2022

EU raises inflation forecasts on supply disruptions, energy crisis

The European Commission on Thursday raised its inflation expectations for this year, but is still expecting prices to move below the European Central Bank’s target of 2% in 2023, according to CNBC. The Brussels-based…

15:40, 08.02.2022

Romalimenta: Capping food prices would boost profiteering, jeopardise supply

Taking food price capping measures would jeopardise the population's food supply and boost profiteering, according to a press statement released on Tuesday by the Romalimenta federation of employers' organisations.…

11:55, 04.02.2022

     Ce sunt soluțiile software pentru supply chain și cum te ajută să-ți optimizezi activitatea?

Întreaga activitate economică și viața de zi cu zi a oamenilor se bazează pe fluxurile de aprovizionare, transport și livrare de produse diverse, iar eficiența acestor operațiuni este esențială pentru bunul mers…

11:46, 04.02.2022

Putin arrives in Beijing for Winter Olympics with gas supply deal for China

Russian President Vladimir Putin touched down in Beijing for the 2022 Winter Olympics on Friday, bringing with him a deal to increase natural gas supply to China amid rising tensions with the West, according to…

11:15, 04.02.2022

Japan to ensure its own natural gas supply before aiding Europe

Japan will make sure its own energy demands are met before aiding Europe with shipments of liquefied natural gas in the event conflict erupts over Ukraine, according to the nation’s trade minister, according to…

12:30, 16.01.2022

Flota condamnaţilor sau cum s-a născut Australia

În ianuarie 1788, o flota engleza, formata din 11 vase, acosta în Botany Bay. Pasagerii (în afara de membrii echipajului) erau detinuti, trimisi sa puna bazele primei colonii penale europene pe continentul de la…

12:10, 12.01.2022

Russian supply curbs fuel European gas surge before NATO meeting

European gas prices rebounded as supplies remain limited just as geopolitical tensions are running high before a North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) meeting to discuss Russia’s intentions in Ukraine, according…

12:00, 04.01.2022

Gov't: Electricity and gas supply, ensured

The electricity supply is ensured both for essential services and for consumers, and there are sufficient gas quantities for a normal supply, reads a Government press release, Agerpres reports. The clarifications…

19:00, 24.12.2021

Uniunea Europeană vrea să aibă forța de a menține aprovizionarea în perioade de criză prin controlul exporturilor

Uniunea Europeană analizează posibilitatea de a dobândi noi puteri, inclusiv cea de a controla exporturile, care i-ar oferi capacitatea de a proteja lanţul de aprovizionare al blocului comunitar în perioade de…

16:36, 07.12.2021

Cum vor arăta amenințările informatice în 2022, anul în care infractorii ransomware ar putea pune vieți în pericol

Atacurile de tip ransomware vor continua să fie un risc major în 2022, iar victimele pot fi vizate de mai multe ori. Infractorii cibernetici au observat că atacarea anumitor industrii înseamnă o mai…

16:35, 18.10.2021

ForMin Aurescu: I will ask European institutions to solve the gas crisis in Moldova

The interim Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bogdan Aurescu, on Monday announced that he will inform the heads of European diplomacies, who are meeting in Luxembourg, about the natural gas crisis in the Republic of…

14:45, 06.10.2021

Dacia a prelungit perioada de suspendare a activității cu încă o zi, din cauza lipsei de componente electronice

Dacia a prelungit perioada de suspendare a activității cu încă o zi, din cauza lipsei de componente electronice. În loc de 4 zile, cum au fost anunțați oficial, muncitorii vor sta acasă 5!  „Lipsa componentelor…

12:10, 30.09.2021

Over quarter of population not connected to public water supply system last year

The population connected to the public water supply system represented 72.4% of Romania's resident population in 2020, a release issued on Thursday by the National Institute of Statistics (INS) reads. Last year,…

08:05, 25.09.2021

Dacia, lovită în plin de criza lipsei de componente. Fabrica de la Mioveni se închide 2 zile

„Lipsa componentelor electronice continuă să afecteze industria auto, inclusiv Dacia. Depunem toate eforturile pentru a limita impactul asupra producţiei şi lucrăm într-un ritm susţinut cu furnizorii noştri. Avem…

19:30, 24.09.2021

Dacia opreşte producţia în fabrica de la Mioveni timp de două zile: de ce s-a luat această decizie

Producţia la Uzina Automobile Dacia din Mioveni se va opri timp de două zile, pe 27 şi 28 septembrie, din cauza crizei de semiconductori. Până acum, în acest an, producţia a fost oprită timp de 33 de zile, anunță…

16:35, 24.09.2021

Dacia, lovită în plin de criza lipsei de componente. Fabrica de la Mioveni se închide 2 zile

„Lipsa componentelor electronice continuă să afecteze industria auto, inclusiv Dacia. Depunem toate eforturile pentru a limita impactul asupra producţiei şi lucrăm într-un ritm susţinut cu furnizorii noştri. Avem…

16:25, 24.09.2021

Dacia opreşte producţia în fabrica de la Mioveni timp de două zile, din cauza crizei de semiconductori

“Lipsa componentelor electronice continuă să afecteze industria auto, inclusiv Dacia. Depunem toate eforturile pentru a limita impactul asupra producţiei şi lucrăm într-un ritm susţinut cu furnizorii noştri. Avem…

12:01, 23.09.2021

Euro area business activity slows amid supply strains

Business activity in the euro area lost momentum in September after demand peaked over the summer and supply chain bottlenecks hurt both services and manufacturers, according to Bloomberg.  Surveys of purchasing…