Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

10:50, 13.03.2023

Flights at several German airports disrupted by 1-day strike

Flights at several German airports were severely disrupted on Monday by the latest in a string of one-day strikes related to various pay disputes, according to AP News. The ver.di union called workers out on “warning…

09:35, 13.03.2023

China’s new premier strikes conciliatory tone on ties with US

New Chinese Premier Li Qiang touted trade ties with the US and questioned the need for decoupling, a sign that Beijing may be trying to put a floor under simmering tensions with Washington, according to Bloomberg.…

10:55, 10.03.2023

EU strikes watered down deal to boost energy efficiency

European Union member states and the parliament struck an accord to increase energy efficiency across the economy as part of plans to cut emissions and diversify away from Russian oil and gas, according to Bloomberg.…

13:16, 09.03.2023

Russia strikes Ukraine with biggest missile barrage in weeks

Russia on Thursday launched a massive attack against Ukraine, using kamikaze drones and a barrage of missiles, in the first major assault against Ukrainian energy and civil infrastructure in weeks, according to…

14:15, 07.03.2023

Strikes spread as French unions intensify pension reform fight

French truck drivers and garbage collectors joined nationwide strikes against President Emmanuel Macron‘s pension reform plans on Tuesday as trade unions stepped up their campaign to force a policy U-turn, according…

13:21, 03.03.2023

Strike, protests in Greece as anger grows over train crash

Greek railway workers extended their strike to a second day on Friday, and more protest rallies were planned, amid anger over a devastating train crash that killed at least 57, among them many university students,…

15:55, 21.02.2023

Vânătorii de munte ai Brigăzii 61 au participat la activităţi de instrucţie împreună cu militari din SUA şi Franţa

Soldaţii din cadrul Brigăzii 61 Vânători de Munte "General Virgil Bădulescu" din Miercurea Ciuc participă periodic la module de instruire cu militari din ţările aliate, în ultima perioadă fiind desfăşurate activităţi…

11:51, 16.02.2023

Russia launches fresh missile strikes as West pledges more aid for Ukraine

Russia battered Ukraine with multiple missile strikes on Thursday as its troops sought to advance in the east, Kyiv said, but Western allies pledged even more military aid for an intended Ukrainian spring counter-offensive,…

09:16, 07.02.2023

France’s Macron faces third round of pension reform strikes

President Emmanuel Macron and his government on Tuesday braced for a third wave of nationwide strikes and protests against plans to make the French work longer before retirement, as the bill started its bumpy passage…

12:21, 06.02.2023

Major earthquake strikes Turkey, Syria; hundreds dead, many trapped

More than 500 people were killed and thousands injured on Monday, after a major earthquake of magnitude 7.8 struck central Turkey and northwest Syria, collapsing buildings and triggering searches for survivors…

11:25, 31.01.2023

Legea pensiilor scoate milioane de oameni în stradă. Franța, din nou în grevă generală - FOTO

„Nu, acest lucru nu mai este negociabil. Pensionarea la 64 de ani și accelerarea reformei este compromisul pe care l-am propus după ce am ascultat organizațiile patronale și sindicale, după ce am făcut schimb de…

13:26, 26.01.2023

Strikes disrupt several French refinery sites

TotalEnergies said strike action had interrupted shipments at several production sites in France, as the euro zone’s second-biggest economy continues to face widespread protests over government plans to increase…

11:45, 25.01.2023

Berlin airport cancels all flights on Wednesday amid wage strike

Berlin’s airport said it has canceled all passenger flights Wednesday because of a strike organized by the Verdi union, severing the German capital from international air travel, according to Bloomberg.  The dispute…

16:55, 19.01.2023

Greve masive în toată Franța. Muncitorii au ieșit în stradă împotriva planurilor de creștere a vârstei de pensionare

Trenurile și zborurile au fost anulate în Franța, școlile primare au fost închise și mii de polițiști au fost mobilizați, în timp ce sindicatele organizează o serie de greve masive la nivel național pentru a protesta…

17:50, 15.01.2023

Cei 300 de oameni care au protestat la Davos împotriva Formului Economic Mondial au paralizat traficul în micuțul oraș elvețian

Mitingul împotriva Forumului Economic Mondial (WEF) de la Davos (16-20 ianuarie) a strâns în jur de 300 de activiști și a produs o coadă de mai bine de doi kilometri la intrarea în orașul elvețian cu 11.000 de…

10:50, 24.11.2022

„Nu vom uita R.Moldova, care a fost afectată și de întreruperile de apă și electricitate”. Președintele Franței, alături de Moldova, după ce a rămas în…

Președintele Franței, Emmanuel Macron, a anunțat că Ucrainei i se va oferi și mai mult sprijin internațional pentru a rezista atacurilor rusești, dar nu va uita și de Republica Moldova, care este afectată de întreruperile…

11:20, 11.10.2022

Ukraine leader to make case to G7 for more arms after deadly Russia strikes

President Volodymyr Zelensky is expected to ask the leaders of the G7 group of nations to urgently supply Ukraine with weapons to defend itself from Russian missiles, a day after Moscow launched retaliatory strikes…

11:10, 10.10.2022

Russia bombs Ukrainian cities at rush hour in apparent revenge strikes

Russia bombed cities across Ukraine during rush hour on Monday morning in apparent revenge strikes after President Vladimir Putin declared an explosion on the bridge to Crimea to be a terrorist attack, according…

14:31, 16.09.2022

French air traffic controllers’ strike disrupts travel throughout Europe

Around 1,000 flights to and from France were cancelled on Friday as the country’s air traffic controllers went on strike, causing delays across European airspace, according to France 24. France’s DGAC civil aviation…

10:31, 02.08.2022

Cele mai scumpe cinci avioane din lume. Cât costă?

Avioanele de vânatoare sunt cele mai avansate, cele mai puternice, cele mai complexe din punct de vedere tehnologic.  Este firesc ca sunt si cele mai scumpe. Deci, daca ar fi trebuit sa cumperi unul, care sunt…

08:15, 27.07.2022

Lufthansa passengers face day of turmoil as ground staff strike

Deutsche Lufthansa AG passengers in Frankfurt and Munich face an almost complete shutdown of operations on Wednesday as a walkout by ground crew forces Europe’s largest airline group to cancel more than 1,000 flights…

09:36, 07.07.2022

Company strike-offs in Romania increase by over 9pct five months into 2022

The number of companies stricken off in Romania nationwide increased by 9.25% in the first five months of 2022, as against the same period in 2021, to 29,634 strike-offs, according to statistics with the National…

15:15, 03.07.2022

Streik, grève, strike: Interpreții Parlamentului European renunță la slujbă

Aceasta este cea mai recentă încurcătură între UE și interpreții săi, care sunt supărați din cauza problemelor de sănătate cauzate de ascultarea unor conexiuni digitale slabe. Săptămâna trecută, interpreții Parlamentului…

10:20, 28.06.2022

Russian missile strike hits crowded shopping mall in Ukraine

Firefighters and soldiers searched on Tuesday for survivors in the rubble of a shopping mall in central Ukraine after a Russian missile strike killed at least 18 people in an attack condemned by the United Nations…

11:01, 06.06.2022

Russia strikes Kyiv again after weeks, Putin warns West on missile supplies

Russia struck Kyiv with missiles for the first time in more than a month, while President Vladimir Putin warned he would hit new targets in Ukraine if western nations supplied the country with longer-range missiles,…

12:40, 02.06.2022

French diplomats strike over reforms, cost cuts, lack of recognition

French diplomats went on strike on Thursday for the first time in 20 years in protest at a perceived lack of recognition, fewer means, and reforms pushed by President Emmanuel Macron that they say could hurt France‘s…

12:16, 18.03.2022

Missiles strike Lviv as Biden pressures Xi to abandon Moscow

Russia fired missiles at an airport near Lviv on Friday, a city where hundreds of thousands of refugees are sheltering far from Ukraine’s battlefields, as Moscow tries to regain the initiative in its stalled campaign…

10:56, 24.02.2022

Russian forces launch invasion of Ukraine with strikes on defences

Russian forces fired missiles at several cities in Ukraine and landed troops on its coast on Thursday, officials and media said, after President Vladimir Putin authorized what he called a special military operation in…

09:05, 10.02.2022

Public administration unionists enter Japanese strike on Thursday

Public administration employees, members of the unions affiliated to the National Federation of Administration Unions (FNSA), are starting a Japanese strike on Thursday, according to a press release sent on Wednesday…

14:25, 28.01.2022

Proteste în Polonia după ce încă o femeie a murit în spital din cauza legilor antiavort

Noi proteste de stradă zguduie Polonia în ultimele zile după moartea unei femei de 37 de ani căreia i-a fost refuzat avortul, din cauza noilor legi antiavort implementate de partidul ultraconservator aflat la putere…