Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

13:55, 05.10.2022

ITU 2022/ Smart data center cooling technologies can help lower energy consumption

The recommendation of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is for new smart energy solutions, including outside cold air or liquid cooling, to be used for cooling data centers in such a way as to achieve…

12:25, 14.09.2022

Bucharest Stock Exchange starts Wednesday's session lower

The Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) started lower the session on Wednesday, and the BET, which shows the evolution of the 20 most liquid companies, registered a depreciation of 0.69pct 40 minutes into the transactions.…

11:36, 01.09.2022

Bucharest Stock Exchange opens Thursday's session lower

The Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) started Thursday's session down, and the BET, which shows the evolution of the 20 most liquid companies, registered a depreciation of 0.70%, 35 minutes after the beginning of…

12:10, 29.08.2022

BVB stocks open Monday trading session lower

The Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) stocks opened lower on Monday, with the main BET index reflecting the developments in the 20 most liquid stocks down 0.80%, 35 minutes into the session. Fii la curent cu cele…

19:11, 25.08.2022

BVB stocks close Thursday trading session lower

The Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) stocks closed lower on Thursday, with trades of 18.532 million lei (3.80 million euros). Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro pe Facebook stiripesurse.ro…

20:05, 24.08.2022

BVB stocks close Wednesday trading session lower

The Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) stocks closed lower on Wednesday, with trades of 20.72 million lei (4.24 million euros). Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro pe Facebook stiripesurse.ro…

19:40, 23.08.2022

Stock market closes lower on Tuesday

The Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) closed Tuesday's session lower on almost all indices, with a transaction value of 20.768 million lei (4.251 million euros). Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro…

22:00, 02.08.2022

PM Ciuca says non-taxation of pensions lower than 3,000 RON, one option to be discussed in the coalition

Chairman of the National Liberal Party (PNL), Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca stated on Tuesday that the option of not taxing pensions of lower than 3,000 RON was discussed at the meeting of the Liberals' leadership,…

00:06, 27.07.2022

Stock Exchange closes lower on Tuesday

The Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) stocks closed Tuesday's session lower on trades of only 28.55 million lei (5.78 million euros). Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro pe Facebook stiripesurse.ro…

19:05, 24.06.2022

Poteste masive anunțate în SUA și în fața ambasadelor americane din Europa, după ce Curtea Supremă a anulat dreptul constituțional la avort

Zeci de proteste sunt anunțate pentru vineri, 24 iunie, după ce Curtea Supremă a SUA a anulat dreptul constituțional la avort , notează The Guardian . De altfel, la câteva minute după anunțarea deciziei, sute de…

17:06, 15.06.2022

PSD: Oversized revenues should be overtaxed, and low incomes should benefit from lower taxes

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) considers that the main goal of reforming the Romanian tax system is to reduce social inequities and to ensure social solidarity among taxpayers. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi…

19:30, 03.06.2022

Bucharest Stock Exchange closes lower week's last trading session

The Bucharest Stock Exchange closed lower on Friday the majority of the indices, and the value of the transactions amounted to 32.467 million lei (6.568 million euros). Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește…

14:15, 26.05.2022

CFA Romania analysts lower 2022 GDP growth forecast to 2.3%

CFA Romania an association of investment professionals, said on Thursday it expects the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) to grow by 2.3% in 2022, and the budget gap to be equivalent to 6.9% of GDP, according…

12:45, 12.05.2022

BVB stocks opens Thursday trading session lower

The Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) stocks started lower on Thursday, with the BET index reflecting the developments in the 20 most liquid stocks declining 1.45% 55 minutes into the session. Fii la curent cu cele…

12:30, 22.04.2022

Euro edges lower after ECB comments; commodity currencies fall

The euro edged lower on Friday after European Central Bank officials made mixed comments, while expectations of a 50 basis points (bps) rate hike from the Federal Reserve supported the U.S. dollar, according to…

16:20, 23.03.2022

February unemployment rate stands at 2.67%

The national unemployment rate stood at 2.67% at the end of February, lower than in the previous month by 0.01 percentage points and lower by 0.69 percentage points than in February 2021, according to a National…

19:45, 14.03.2022

JusMin Predoiu terms USR's simple motion as ridiculous

Justice Minister Catalin Predoiu labeled today in the Lower House plenary the simple motion initiated against him by the Save Romania Union (USR) as "ridiculous". Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește…

02:55, 24.02.2022

Istorie mare și mică pe ritmuri de Ragtime

Aici se ascunde proiectul estetic major al lui Doctorow, în efortul de a „scurge" istoria înspre literatura dupa principiul vaselor comunicante. Textualizarea istoriei nu înseamna neaparat desacralizarea ei, ci…

11:11, 22.02.2022

Unemployment rate drops slightly to 2.68 pct at the end of January

The unemployment rate recorded at the national level was of 2.68% at the end of January of this year, lower by 0.01 percentage points than the previous month and by 0.66 lower than in January of 2021, Agerpres…

18:20, 16.02.2022

Romanian government analysts lower 2022 GDP growth forecast to 4.3%

Romania‘s economic output was revised downwards to an estimated 4.3% for 2022, finance ministry analysts said on Wednesday, compared to their previous forecast of 4.6% growth made in November, according to See…

11:55, 02.02.2022

PSD's Oprea: Healthy life expectancy in Romania is incomparably lower than in the EU

Social Democratic Party (PSD) spokesman Radu Oprea says retirement age cannot be raised in Romania because life expectancy has dropped and healthy life expectancy is "incomparably lower" than that in the European…

12:45, 21.01.2022

Romania's crude oil production falls 4.1% in first 11 months of 2021

Romania produced, in the first 11 months of 2021, a quantity of crude oil of over 2.848 million tons of oil equivalent (toe), by 122,000 toe (4.1%) lower than that produced in the similar period of 2020, according…

13:25, 12.01.2022

World Bank lowers Romania’s 2022 GDP growth projection to 4.3%

Romania‘s economy is expected to grow by 4.3% in 2022, the World Bank said, cutting its June forecast by 0.2 percentage points, according to SeeNews.  The World Bank estimates Romania’s economic growth in 2021…

15:50, 06.12.2021

Florin Citu announces support for lowering voting age to 16

The President of the Senate, Liberal leader Florin Citu, answered yes to a question regarding the possibility for the voting age to be lowered to 16, mentioning that an amendment of the Constitution in this sense…

11:56, 02.11.2021

BCR's 9-month net profit goes up 35 pct to 1.14 bln lei

BCR posted a 9-month net profit of 1.14 billion lei (232.5 million euros), up 35 percent compared to 845.8 million lei (175.2 million euros) in the first 9 months of 2020, as an effect of improved operational performance…

12:35, 19.10.2021

Jurma: Avem de 20 de ori mai multe cazuri decat în varful valului 1, când am stat 30 de zile în carantină

Biostatisticianul Octavian Jurma spune că am ajuns să avem  Avem de 20 de ori mai multe cazuri decat în varful valului 1, când am stat 30 de zile în carantină ca să nu ajungem ca în Lombardia. ”Chiar am sperat…

11:35, 19.10.2021

Medic epidemiolog: ”1 milion de români se vor îmbolnăvi în următoarele 2 săptămâni și 10.000 vor fi uciși de COVID-19!”

Medicul epidemiolog Octavian Jurma a analizat evoluția pandemiei în ultimele patru săptămâni și a ajuns la concluzia că în următoarele 14 zile aproximativ un milion de români se vor infecta și 10.000 vor muri din…

19:55, 17.09.2021

Gov't approves mandatory COVID certificate to access certain activities in areas with incidence above 3/1000

The government has approved, on Friday, by decision, the obligation to present a COVID green certificate to access certain activities in localities where the incidence rate for SARS-CoV-2 infections is greater…

16:00, 19.08.2021

Littoral for all: Rates by 70 pct lower from September 1

The tourist packages on the Romanian littoral will be cheaper by 70 pct starting with September 1, in comparison to the rates at the height of the season, once the Littoral for all program launches, the representatives…

16:48, 17.08.2021

Covid death risk for fully vaccinated persons 14 times lower than for unvaccinated individuals

Chairman of the National COVID Vaccination Coordination Committee, Dr. Valeriu Gheorghita said on Tuesday that the death risk for persons fully vaccinated for COVID-19 is 14 times lower than for unvaccinated persons.…