Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

10:45, 14.12.2023

Countries call on EU to remove measures against Kosovo

Twelve countries, including Germany and the United Kingdom, are calling on the EU to end its temporary political and economic measures against Kosovo after months of violence led by its ethnic Serb population,…

11:35, 11.12.2023

Approximately 190 tons of waste brought from four European countries, sent back from border

The authorities in western counties of Arad and Bihor blocked the entry into the country of 14 trucks loaded with 190 tons of waste brought from Denmark, Germany, Austria and the Netherlands, which were supposed…

12:20, 08.12.2023

EU ministers need more time to agree on new fiscal rules

European Union finance ministers moved closer to an agreement on new EU fiscal rules early on Friday after eight straight hours of talks, but will need more time and possibly another meeting to reach a deal, two…

13:20, 06.12.2023

Scholz’s SPD puts cannabis legalization on hold

Germany’s plans to legalize cannabis appear to be in limbo after the Social Democratic Party of Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s three-party coalition announced on Tuesday that the law will not be passed this year as initially…

12:35, 30.11.2023

FILMUL capturării primarului penal Cătălin Cherecheș - Când a fost anunțată Poliția Română de autoritățile din Germania

 Date de ultimă oră despre cum a fost prins primarul penal Cătălin Cherecheș în Germania au fost prezentate de Realitatea PLUS. Fostul edil din Baia Mare stătea ascuns pe bancheta din spatele mașinii conduse chiar…

10:50, 29.11.2023

Catalin Chereches, tracked down and detained by the Bavarian State Police in Augsburg, Germany

Mayor Catalin Chereches, sentenced to five years in prison for corruption, has been tracked down and detained by the Bavarian State Police in Augsburg, Germany, the Romanian Police informs."On the evening of November…

14:30, 27.11.2023

German government to agree budget fixes as way out of crisis

Germany‘s ruling coalition was expected to agree a supplementary budget on Monday that will temporarily lift a self-imposed cap on borrowing limits after a constitutional court ruling tore up the government’s spending…

13:06, 27.11.2023

Guarantee-return system in Romania to be second largest in Europe (PM Ciolacu)

The guarantee-return system (SGR) in Romania will be the second largest in Europe, after Germany, from the perspective of the number of packages processed, Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu declared during the system's…

12:10, 23.11.2023

DefCamp 2023 offers white hacker competitors EUR 100,000 prizes

DefCamp 2023 offers white hacker competitors EUR 100,000 prizesThe prizes offered to "white hat" (ethical) hackers in the DefCamp-Capture the Flag (D-CTF) competition, one of the largest initiatives of its kind…

22:16, 22.11.2023

Avioanele de luptă Eurofighter din Germania au ajuns, miercuri, în România - 4 aeronave au aterizat la Baza Mihail Kogălniceanu

 Avioanele de luptă Eurofighter din Germania au ajuns miercuri în România. Avioanele vor ajuta supravegherea spațiului aerian în cadrul misiunii de poliție aeriană întărită Air Policing South (eAPS).Avioanele de…

19:00, 22.11.2023

Avioanele de luptă Eurofighter din Germania au ajuns, miercuri, în România - 4 aeronave au aterizat la Baza Mihail Kogălniceanu

 Avioanele de luptă Eurofighter din Germania au ajuns miercuri în România. Avioanele vor ajuta supravegherea spațiului aerian în cadrul misiunii de poliție aeriană întărită Air Policing South (eAPS).Avioanele de…

09:50, 22.11.2023

Romania beat Switzerland to win EURO 2024 qualifying Group I

Romania beat Switzerland to win EURO 2024 qualifying Group IRomania won the UEFA Euro 2024 qualifying Group I after defeating the Swiss side 1-0 (0-0) on Tuesday evening at the National Arena in Bucharest. They…

15:00, 21.11.2023

Germany freezes new spending commitments as budget woes deepen

The German government has imposed a freeze on most new spending commitments in what an economy ministry spokesperson on Tuesday said was a necessary step as Chancellor Olaf Scholz‘s coalition grapples with a deepening…

13:10, 18.11.2023

Romania's boxer Marin to fight for gold at the U-22 European Championships

Romanian boxer Loredana Andreea Marin on Friday progressed to the final of the lightweight (W60kg) event at the EUBC Under-22 European Boxing Championships in Budva, Montenegro, after defeating Germany's Lutfiye…

19:36, 11.11.2023

Ciolacu - meeting with Olaf Scholz: We talked about Romania's accession to Schengen

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu had a meeting with Olaf Scholz, the Federal Chancellor of Germany, in Spain, on Saturday, the two discussed the economic, social and geopolitical challenges facing the whole of Europe,…

18:21, 11.11.2023

Marcel Ciolacu publică imagini luând prânzul cu Olaf Scholz și spune că a discutat cu acesta despre aderarea României la Schengen. VIDEO

Marcel Ciolacu a avut sâmbătă, 11 noiembrie, în Spania, o întâlnire cu Olaf Scholz, premierul român afirmând că a discutat cu cancelarul german despre "provocările economice, sociale şi geopolitice cu care se confruntă…

16:46, 11.11.2023

Ciolacu, despre aderarea la Schengen: România are în cancelarul Germaniei un prieten şi un susţinător

Romania has in ???????? @Bundeskanzler a friend & a supporter in its accession into the #Schengen area. We are confident that together with Germany we can build a stronger, united & fair Europe. pic.twitter.com/qxuapfCfDj…

14:00, 11.11.2023

Iohannis: Veterans Day in Theaters of Operations, of peace triumphing over war2

President Klaus Iohannis considers that veterans are "true examples for the younger generations" and points out that Veterans Day in Theaters of Operations represents a symbol of peace triumphing over war."Like…

19:35, 10.11.2023

Romania is an exceptional partner, deserves our help, when needed, says German ambassador Gebauer

Romania is an exceptional partner, deserves our help, when needed, says German ambassador GebauerRomania is an "exceptional partner" in NATO and deserves Germany's support "when needed", declared, on Friday, the…

13:55, 10.11.2023

German Ambassador: Four Luftwaffe fighter aircraft to be deployed to Romania at November-end

German Ambassador to Romania Peer Gebauer announced on Friday that the German Luftwaffe Air Force will deploy four Eurofighter aicraft in Romania for a limited period of time from the end of November."The repeated…

12:25, 10.11.2023

Germany’s Scholz talks up NATO spending pledge, FCAS fighter deal

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Friday said his government would adapt its defence budget to ensure the country achieves the NATO spending target of 2% of GDP even after a special 100 billion euro defence fund…

08:45, 10.11.2023

Marcel Ciolacu participating in Congress of European Socialists in Malaga, Spain

Social Democratic Party (PSD) Chairman and Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu will be in Malaga, Spain, on Friday and Saturday, where he will participate in the Congress of European Socialists.According to the programme…

10:56, 09.11.2023

Germany to send fighter jets to Romania to support NATO

Germany will deploy four Eurofighter jets to Romania to support NATO‘s air policing mission from the end of November, a security source said, weeks after Russian attacks on Ukrainian Danube River ports, according…

13:40, 06.11.2023

G7’s political relevance at stake over Israel-Gaza response

The Group of Seven (G7) bloc of wealthy democracies risks eroding its relevance as a force to tackle major geopolitical crises over an apparent struggle between its member nations to agree on a firm, united approach…

16:15, 05.11.2023

Un tată și-a luat fetița ostatică și a aruncat cocktailuri Molotov pe întreaga pistă din Hamburg – VIDEO

Activitatea aeroportului din Hamburg rămâne oprită din cauza bărbatului care și-a luat ostatică propria fiică, poliția continuă negocierile cu acesta. Negocierile cu bărbatul au durat toată noaptea și au continuat…

07:25, 05.11.2023

Aeroportul din Hamburg a fost închis după ce un bărbat înarmat a pătruns cu mașina pe pistă și a tras de două ori în aer

Toate cursele către și dinspre aeroportul din Hamburg, Germania, au fost oprite duminică dimineață, în timp ce poliția germană încearcă să rezolve o situație suspectă de luare de ostatici, potrivit unui purtător…

11:20, 03.11.2023

Migrants from Ethiopia found hiding among medical equipment in lorry at Nadlac Border Crossing Point

Authorities with the Nadlac Border Crossing Point detected, on Friday morning, three people from Ethiopia trying to leave the country illegally, hidden in a lorry carrying medical equipment.The driver of the lorry…

14:55, 02.11.2023

Germany’s Baerbock backs advancing Ukraine’s EU membership bid

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock on Thursday threw her weight behind the European Union granting Ukraine a new milestone next month in Kyiv’s quest for integration in the West as its fights a Russian invasion,…

08:50, 27.10.2023

European Union fails to pressure Kosovo and Serbia to end standoff

EU leaders on Thursday failed to convince Kosovo and Serbia to make a breakthrough in the protracted push to normalise ties between the two Balkan neighbours, according to France24. Kosovan Prime Minister Albin…

12:20, 23.10.2023

US, allies hold talks on concerns Israel-Hamas war will spread

US President Joe Biden and the leaders of France, Germany, the UK and Canada spoke on Sunday about strategies to prevent the Israel-Hamas war from spreading to the wider Middle East, according to Bloomberg. The…