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21:21, 17.04.2024

Agriculture funding agencies make payments worth over 19 million euro in past 3 days

Agriculture funding agencies make payments worth over 19 million euro in past 3 days

The Agency for Payments and Intervention in Agriculture (APIA) has made payments for the 2023 application year totalling about 900,000 euros (over 4.4 million lei), and beneficiaries of European funds granted through…

19:21, 22.03.2024

National funds decentralisation, regardless of funding source, to follow EU funds decentralisation (minister)

National funds decentralisation, regardless of funding source, to follow EU funds decentralisation (minister)

Investment and European funds minister Adrian Caciu in Craiova on Friday said that after the decentralisation of European funds, the next step will be the decentralisation of national funds, regardless of the source…

18:40, 01.03.2024

EU unblocks about €2 billion from suspended funding for Hungary

EU unblocks about €2 billion from suspended funding for Hungary

Hungary managed to unblock about €2 billion in European Union funds as Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s government made further progress in the recovery of crucial financing, according to Bloomberg. The European Commission…

11:36, 28.02.2024

MEP Nica: I have secured up to 20% of ERDF funding for the steel industry

Social Democratic Party (PSD) MEP Dan Nica on Wednesday said in a press statement that he has "extraordinary news for Galati and for Romania" as after addressing the European Parliament he managed to secure European…

17:00, 23.02.2024

Cumparari directe Constanta: Funding Plan Investment SRL, controlata de Bogdan-Dragos Marinescu, fost consilier la MIPE, va consulta Primaria Independenta…

Contractul "Consultanta in reabilitarea energetica a cladirilor publiceldquo; a fost atribuit de Primaria comunei Independenta societatii Funding Plan Investment SRL. Contractul a fost atribuit prin negociere directa…

09:50, 01.02.2024

UN says aid for Gaza is ‘completely dependent’ on UNRWA

The United Nations humanitarian chief warned of catastrophe if countries don’t resume funding for the main relief agency in the Gaza Strip, after assistance was paused over Israeli allegations that some of its…

12:50, 31.01.2024

Norway urging UNRWA donors to “reflect on wider consequences” of cutting funding

Norway, a top donor to the U.N. agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA), is urging countries that have cut funding to the agency to consider the consequences of their actions on the population in Gaza, its foreign…

11:36, 30.01.2024

Caciu on changing pension taxation threshold: Let the finance minister come with funding impact

Minister of European Investment and Projects Adrian Caciu said on Tuesday that the proposal to raise to RON 3,000 from RON 2,000 the threshold up to which contributory pensions are not taxed can be discussed, and…

19:11, 23.01.2024

Energy minister, Transgaz sign funding contracts worth 93.58 million euros

Energy Minister Sebastian-Ioan Burduja and Transgaz Director General Ion Sterian signed financing contracts worth 93.58 million euros for the construction of the Black Sea - Podisor and Ghercesti - Jitaru natural…

20:35, 22.01.2024

Acte de corupție în cadrul ONU 

Angajații ONU care activează în Irak cer mită de la oamenii de afaceri locali pentru a obține contracte ONU pentru reconstrucția țării. Despre acest lucru a relatat publicația britanică The Guardian, cu referire…

10:55, 12.01.2024

Sunak pledges Ukraine funding, security guarantee in Kyiv visit

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said the UK would increase military funding for Ukraine by some £200 million ($260 million) to £2.5 billion, in a show of commitment to Kyiv as military action in the Middle East draws…

05:55, 12.01.2024

Argentina preia de la Venezuela coroana nedorită a inflaţiei în America Latină

Argentina, un important producător de cereale în America de Sud, a raportat joi o inflaţie anuală de 211,4%, preţurile crescând cu 25,5% numai în luna decembrie. În Venezuela, afectată de ani de criză economică…

13:20, 16.12.2023

HealthMin Rafila: 3,500 health projects with PNRR funding underway in Romania

A total of 3,500 health projects funded under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) are currently underway in Romania, Health Minister Alexandru Rafila announced on Friday evening at an event organised…

13:41, 22.11.2023

PM Ciolacu: The time has come for gov't to get directly involved in funding football academies

PM Ciolacu: The time has come for gov't to get directly involved in funding football academiesPrime Minister Marcel Ciolacu says that the time has come for the Romanian government to get directly involved in funding…

16:50, 16.11.2023

Gov't approves funding of National Integrated Social Assistance System

Gov't approves funding of National Integrated Social Assistance SystemThe government has approved funds for the implementation of the "Integrated National Social Assistance System - SNIAS", necessary for the digital…

20:30, 13.11.2023

PNL's Ciuca: Coalition clarified funding the pension law

PNL's Ciuca: Coalition clarified funding the pension lawNational leader of the National Liberal Party (PNL) Nicolae Ciuca said on Monday that at a meeting of the governing coalition the sustainability of funding…

20:55, 03.11.2023

Câciu, despre consilierul de la Ministerul Investiţiilor şi Proiectelor Europene care a încheiat contracte de 500.000 de euro într-o zi: Vreau să schimb…

„Nu mai este subaltern. Nu mi-a cerut consultanţă. Eu intenţionez să schimb legislaţia. Aceste lucruri se întâmplă în România pentru că e prea permisivă. Trebuie schimbată. Nu se prevede nicăieri în legislaţie…

20:45, 01.11.2023

Demitere de urgență și tot nu e suficient. Sfidare la Ministerul Investițiilor!

Contracte de consultanță de aproape 715 mii de euro (3,55 milioane de lei) făcute de Bogdan Dragoș Marinescu, consilier la Ministerul Investițiilor și Proiectelor Europene (MIPE), în toiul discuțiilor despre austeritate…

17:56, 23.10.2023

Finance minister: Implementation of new fiscal measures expected to save the budget 8 bln RON by year-end

Finance Minister Marcel Bolos said on Monday in the central city of Alba Iulia that the implementation of new fiscal measures, such as restricting and capping public expenditures, are expected to save 8 billion…

10:05, 19.10.2023

EU launches call on industry to apply for ammunition production ramp-up funding

The European Commission on Wednesday published its first call for industries to benefit from EU funds to ramp up their production capacities of ammunition and missiles, according to Euractiv. In the Act in Support…

10:50, 18.09.2023

Local authorities slam Romanian government’s decision to drop EU funding for hospitals

Romania’s Health Ministry has dropped six of the 27 hospitals originally scheduled to be upgraded or expanded under the country’s National Recovery and Resilience Plan, with local officials either claiming the…

19:26, 24.08.2023

More funds for de minimis aid schemes for transition to circular economy

More funds for de minimis aid schemes for transition to circular economyThe Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism (MEAT) amends the ordinance on the regulation of financial measures by establishing…

09:20, 24.08.2023

Funding worth 320 million euros for best Romanian researchers

The best Romanian researchers, both from the country and from the diaspora, "will receive millions of euros" for their research projects, through the Centers of Excellence competition, announced on Wednesday the…

10:15, 17.08.2023

EU funding for Russia and Belarus reallocated towards Ukraine and Republic of Moldova

The EU transferred 135 million euros initially allocated for programs with Russia and Belarus towards strengthening the cooperation with Ukraine and Republic of Moldova, it said in a statement on Wednesday afternoon,…

15:55, 09.08.2023

Funding for Romania - Ukraine culture, tourism projects postponed due to war

The monitoring committee of the Interreg NEXT Romania - Ukraine Programme has decided to postpone the funding of low-value projects in the fields of tourism and culture due to the current situation in Ukraine.The…

12:25, 27.07.2023

All cancer patients included in new diagnosis and treatment programmes (PM Ciolacu)

The Government will approve an ordinance and a decision to unlock funding for diagnostic genetic testing and personalised medicine services for cancer patients, Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu announced Thursday,…

14:15, 28.04.2023

Tourism Minister Cadariu: 2,153 funding contracts signed this year on Pillar I of Start-Up Nation Romania

A total of 2,153 contracts were signed this year for Pillar I of Start-Up Nation Romania, and another 608 for Pillar II Start-Up Diaspora, while 836 were signed for the Woman Entrepreneur, Minister of Entrepreneurship…

14:31, 25.04.2023

Central banks signal end of bank turmoil with cut in dollar funding line

The world’s top central banks are cutting the frequency of their dollar liquidity operations with the U.S. Federal Reserve from May, sending the clearest signal yet that last month’s financial market volatility…

21:10, 20.04.2023

Gov't working on co-funding mechanism for public administration projects

Minister of European Investment and Projects Marcel Bolos said on Thursday in Ploiesti that the problem of co-funding projects that the local administrations run on European funds should be solved, adding that…

19:20, 10.04.2023

EconMin Spataru: We propose more funding schemes for industrial development in new government programme

Minister of Economy Florin Spataru, said on Monday in southwestern Craiova that the new government programme will include several funding schemes aimed at industrial growth, especially in areas where industry is…