Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

08:45, 21.01.2021

NATO's Geoana: Looking forward to working with new US administration

An internally united America at home and involved in NATO, Europe and the world is a guarantee for our shared peace, democracy, security and prosperity, says Mircea Geoana, Deputy Secretary General of the North…

17:25, 06.12.2020

Un politician promite că va impune prin lege o oră de somn la prânz, dacă va câștiga alegerile

Vijai Sardesai, liderul partidului Goa Forward, din India, face o promisiune electorală mai puțin obișnuită. Sardesai spune că va face obligatorie o oră de somn, dacă va câștiga alegerile, scrie The Guardian.

08:45, 19.11.2020

Google lansează unul dintre cele mai importante update-uri pentru Chrome din ultima vreme

Google promite de luni bune că lucrează la îmbunătăţirea performanţei browser-ului Chrome, în special la optimizarea consumului de resurse, iar acum, cu sprijinul Microsoft, care foloseşte platforma Chromium pentru…

15:40, 12.11.2020

UDMR's MP Biro Rozalia: It's our duty to move forward in women's leadership

One of the conclusions of the Global Forum of Women Leaders, in Reykjavik, held online from 9-11 November was that the proportion of women leaders, rd 20 pct, is well below the percentage of women in society, that…

13:56, 15.10.2020

PM Orban: Extremely important investments moving forward will be in health infrastructure

Romania is the only EU member state to increase investments in the first half of 2020, compared with the first half of 2019, Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said on Thursday, mentioning that moving forward important…

19:05, 05.10.2020

Bursa Română de Mărfuri: Volumul tranzacţiilor încheiate pe platformele spot şi forward a depăşit 36 TWh în primele nouă luni

” Trendul ascendent al pieţei de gaze naturale, trend pe care îl anticipăm odată cu dispariţia prevederilor nefericite ale binecunoscutei OUG 114, a continuat în cursul trimestrului trei, cu evoluţii  pozitive…

13:15, 21.09.2020

BVB's Hanga: Promotion to Secondary Market status, step forward for Romanian business community

Promoting the Romanian capital market to the Emerging market status is a step forward for the entire Romanian business community, Radu Hanga, president of the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB), said on Monday."The…

20:15, 06.08.2020

The Motans lansează “Spirit Ateist” cu lyric video, o piesă manifest despre viața trăită pe fast-forward

La scurtă vreme după ziua sa de naștere, The Motans își bucură fanii cu un cadou muzical, o piesă care se numește “Spirit Ateist” compusă de artist și produsă de Viky Red. Piesa este un manifest despre viața trăită…

11:40, 06.08.2020

EnviMin Alexe says focus on environmental projects priority moving forward

The main priority moving forward is to focus on environmental projects so that Romania may enjoy as much money as possible from the funding at its disposal, Minister of the Environment, Waters and Forestry (MMAP)…

12:57, 10.07.2020

ARADON Opinii. Presa de fast-food

Pe fast-forward. Trăim totul pe fast-forward. Fast learning, fast food, fast life, fast everything. Nimic nu merge în ritm lent. Nimic nu mai e de acceptat pe varianta încet, cu calm, pe îndelete. Nici măcar presa.…

12:52, 28.04.2020

UEFA va ajuta federaţiile membre cu 236,5 milioane euro

UEFA a anunţat că va ajuta cu 236,5 milioane euro cele 55 de federaţii membre, pentru ca acestea să poată trece peste dificultăţile datorate pandemiei de coronavirus, informează Agerpres . Acest ajutor este legat…

14:05, 27.02.2020

USR's Barna: PNL endorsing Nicusor Dan - step forward for single anti-PSD candidate in Bucharest

Chairman of the Save Romania Union (USR) Dan Barna said on Thursday that the National Liberal Party (PNL) leader Ludovic Orban's announcement about endorsing Nicusor Dan for the City Hall race is "a great step…

08:53, 24.11.2019

Dancila: I voted for Romania going forward, not backwards

Social Democratic Party (PSD) candidate in the presidential election Viorica Dancila said she voted for a Romania "going forward, not backwards," and "from the heart for Romania and the Romanians."  "I have voted…

18:55, 20.11.2019

ForMin Aurescu, SecState Pompeo discuss forward Black Sea NATO presence

Romania's Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu on Wednesday met US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo on the sidelines of a meeting in Brussels of NATO chief diplomats. The two senior officials reviewed the agenda of…

09:28, 12.11.2019

Invictus Romania team, officially presented; team captain: Courage means moving forward each day

Team Romania at the 2020 Invictus Games - to be attended by soldiers injured in war zones - was officially presented on Monday evening, in the presence of Defence Minister Nicolae Ciuca.  The minister spoke about…

12:45, 16.10.2019

Outgoing PM Dancila: I hope the new Gov't carry forward the projects destined to saving people

Outgoing Prime Minister Vioica Dancila voiced her hope on Wednesday for the new Government to carry forward the projects destined to saving people, adding that, during her mandate, a series of measures have been…

11:28, 03.10.2019

UiPath va găzdui, în Las Vegas, Forward III, primul eveniment global pentru comunitatea RPA. Daniel Dines, unul dintre speakeri

Daniel Dines, CEO și fondator UiPath va vorbi în Las Vegas despre evoluția relației dintre oameni și roboți la primul eveniment global dedicat specialiștilor și utilizatorilor tehnologiei RPA (Robotic Process Automation,…

11:26, 29.07.2019

Iohannis: National Anthem Day, moment we look forward with confidence and optimism to nation's future

President Klaus Iohannis passed on a message on Monday on the occasion of Romania's National Anthem Day, stating that this is the moment when "we look forward with confidence and optimism to the future of our nation." …

09:45, 25.07.2019

PM Dancila says governance not endangered; ruling coalition to move forward

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila, the national leader of the majority Social Democratic Party (PSD), on Wednesday said that, in her opinion, the government is not endangered and the ruling coalition will move forward…

14:25, 18.04.2019

Jocurile de culise ale Festivalului Scrumbiei de la Galaţi. Cum se împart banii publici „cu dedicaţie“

Caietul de sarcini al licitaţiei pentru organizarea festivalului a stârnit suspiciuni din start, dat fiind că trupa Mandinga, cerută în mod expres pentru concertul din 21 aprilie, este reprezentată de firma Forward…

17:25, 11.04.2019

PSD says looking forward to finding what actually worries PES about it

Romania's Social Democratic Party (PSD) says the announcement from the leader of the Party of European Socialists (PES) regarding PES freezing relations with PSD does not reflect "the overall position of the PES,"…

11:18, 02.01.2019

VIDEO: Fast forward: cum se produce Tesla Model 3 pe banda de asamblare

Actuala linie de modele BMW oferă destule "bunătăți" pentru orice fan al mărcii germane, iar vârfurile de gamă sunt construite pentru toate gusturile. Dacă Seria 7 li se adresează celor care vor excelență în confort,…

09:37, 19.12.2018

Tax on greed on bank assets as of 1 January put forward by gov't, with rd 3 bl lei impact

The government puts forward as of 1 January 2019 a duty called "tax on greed" on the financial-banking institutions, in case the 3-month and 6-month interbank offered rate ROBOR, which serves as benchmark for floating-rate…

16:23, 14.12.2018

IntMin Carmen Dan, about OUG on Codes: To be seen, technically, if we can move forward

Minister of Internal Affairs Carmen Dan declared on Friday that the decision regarding the drafting of an emergency ordinance amending the Criminal Codes was a political one, and such an approach "is not a bad…

20:25, 05.12.2018

Profețiile lui Bill Gates din 1999. Câte s-au îndeplinit

Pănă la ce punct aceste previziuni au devenit realitate. Iată câteva dintre ele: 1. Comparator de prețuri Bill Gates: ”Serviciile automatizate de comparare a prețurilor se vor dezvolta, ceea ce va permite oamenilor…

10:57, 02.11.2018

PM Netanyahu says he's looking forward to the day when Romania moves its Embassy to Jerusalem

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated on Thursday in an interview broadcast by Antena 3 private television station that he is looking forward to the day when Romania, alongside other countries, moves…

15:54, 15.10.2018

Iohannis, Mattarella on economic relationship, looking forward to new investments

AGERPRES special correspondent Madalina Cerban reports: President Klaus Iohannis stated on Monday that he talked to his Italian counterpart Sergio Mattarella about the economic relationship between Romania and…

11:54, 08.06.2018

DefMin Fifor evokes in Brussels need for strategic approach of forward presence on Eastern Flank

Minister Mihai Fifor evoked, on the first day of the NATO Defense Ministers' meeting in Brussels, the importance of fully implementing the decisions made within the alliance, referring in particular to the need…

10:42, 03.05.2018

Recrutarea intră pe fast forward în era reţelelor sociale. Secrete pentru a-ţi găsi rapid şi uşor locul de muncă ideal

Tinerii activi pe piaţa muncii îşi doresc să aplice pentru un job şi să fie angajaţi printr-un proces  cât mai simplu şi rapid. Aceştia se aşteaptă ca angajatorii să aibă o atitudine proactivă şi să ducă ofertele…

09:54, 13.02.2018

Hunedoara: Avarie la rețeaua de apă pe strada Furnalelor

Se sistează furnizarea apei potabile în: LOCALITATEA: HUNEDOARA DATA: 13-02-2018                      INTERVAL ORAR: 09:00 – 13:00. STRĂZI AFECTATE: Furnalelor. MOTIVUL: Eliminare avarie rețea apa str. Furnalelor…