Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

10:55, 05.03.2024

Poland’s prime minister criticizes Hungary and Slovakia foreign ministers for meeting Lavrov

Poland’s prime minister criticizes Hungary and Slovakia foreign ministers for meeting Lavrov

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk on Monday sharply criticized the Hungarian and Slovak foreign ministers for meeting with their Russian counterpart during a regional forum in Turkey, according to AP News. Tusk…

11:20, 20.02.2024

China ready to work with EU to uphold free trade, multilateralism, foreign minister says

China is ready to work with the European Union to uphold free trade, practice multilateralism, and promote an equal and orderly multi-polar world and inclusive economic globalisation, its foreign minister said…

19:55, 22.01.2024

Moldova's ForMin Popescu to visit Romania

Moldova's Foreign Minister Nicu Popescu will be paying a working visit to Bucharest on Tuesday to meet his Romanian counterpart Luminita Odobescu and other state officials, according to the MOLDPRES news agency.According…

08:45, 22.01.2024

ForMin Odobescu attending Foreign Affairs Council in Brussels

ForMin Odobescu attending Foreign Affairs Council in BrusselsMinister of Foreign Affairs Luminita Odobescu is participating on Monday in the meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the EU Member States - the Foreign…

18:20, 19.01.2024

Foreign Minister Odobescu meets Azerbaijani incoming ambassador

Foreign Minister Odobescu meets Azerbaijani incoming ambassadorMinister of Foreign Affairs Luminita Odobescu met on Friday with incoming ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan to Romania Gudsi Dursun Oglu Osmanov…

12:40, 29.11.2023

Ukraine has received 300,000 of EU’s promised million shells says foreign minister

The European Union has delivered about 300,000 of its promised million shells to Ukraine so far, Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said on Wednesday while attending a NATO meeting in Brussels, according…

22:05, 21.11.2023

ForMin Odobescu, online intervention at G7+ Foreign Ministers' Meeting on Ukraine Energy Sector Support

Foreign affairs minister Luminita Odobescu participated on Tuesday in the G7+ Foreign Ministers' Meeting on Ukraine Energy Sector Support, co-hosted by Foreign Minister Hayashi Yoshimasa and Secretary of State…

08:50, 23.10.2023

Foreign Minister Odobescu to attend Foreign Affairs Council meeting in Luxembourg

Foreign Minister Odobescu to attend Foreign Affairs Council meeting in LuxembourgForeign Affairs Minister Luminita Odobescu will participate on Monday in the meeting of the heads of diplomacy of the European Union…

19:05, 19.10.2023

US ambassador Kavalec on 143 years of Romanian-American ties: Our strategic partnership is stronger than ever

US ambassador Kavalec on 143 years of Romanian-American ties: Our strategic partnership is stronger than everUS ambassador in Bucharest Kathleen Kavalec said on Thursday at Peles Castle, where she attended an event…

07:55, 16.10.2023

Serghei Lavrov, ministrul rus de externe, a ajuns în China. Președintele Vladimir Putin este așteptat la summitul „Noile drumuri ale mătăsii”

Serghei Lavrov, șeful diplomației ruse, a sosit la Beijing, a anunţat luni, 16 octombrie, Moscova, înaintea unei vizite preconizate în China a preşedintelui Vladimir Putin, cu ocazia celui de-al treilea forum al…

14:05, 14.10.2023

Foreign Minister Odobescu welcomes UK Ambassador Noble on farewell visit

Foreign Minister Odobescu welcomes UK Ambassador Noble on farewell visitAmbassador of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to Romania Andrew Noble was welcomed by Minister of Foreign Affairs…

15:35, 10.10.2023

LIVETEXT Israelul anunță un atac de amploare împotriva unor ținte din Gaza, Hamas respinge respinge orice negociere privind ostaticii până la finalul…

Confruntările armate dintre Israel și gruparea Hamas continuă pentru a patra zi. Pe timpul nopții, Israelul a bombardat Fâșia Gaza. Grupările palestiniene au lansat, de asemenea, rachete. Marți dimineață, sirenele…

12:10, 02.10.2023

Război în Ucraina, ziua 586: Reuniune istorică la Kiev. Cum ar putea schimba ea soarta conflictului cu Rusia - LIVE TEXT

UPDATE 12:00 - O mamă și fiicele sale, rănite într-un bombardament rusesc la HersonCel puţin trei persoane, membre ale aceleaiţi familii, au fost rănite într-un bombardament rusesc în oraşul Herson (sud) duminică…

11:15, 02.10.2023

Borrell: Uniunea Europeană va spori ajutorul militar pentru Ucraina

Şeful diplomaţiei europene, Josep Borrell, a promis duminică, 2 octombrie, la Kiev sporirea ajutorului militar al UE pentru a susţine Ucraina în războiul cu Rusia, după ce Congresul SUA a votat o măsură care evită…

10:00, 22.09.2023

VIDEO. Nagorno-Karabah: Dispută verbală la ONU între Armenia și Azerbaidjan

Armenia şi Azerbaidjanul s-au angajat într-o dispută verbală în faţa Consiliului de Securitate al ONU, joi, 21 septembrie, legată de regiunea Karabah, în timp ce mai multe ţări membre, printre care Franţa, au cerut…

22:10, 31.08.2023

Rusia aşteaptă ”garanţii” şi nu promisiuni pentru a reveni în acordul cerealelor, anunţă Lavrov în urma unei întâlniri la Moscova cu omologul său turc…

Rusia s-a retras în iulie din Acordul de la Istanbul din iulie 2022 privind exportul cerealelor ucrainene la Marea Neagră, mediat de ONU şi Turcia, care prevede şi o facilitare a exportului cerealelor şi îngrăşămintelor…

08:45, 31.08.2023

ForMin Odobescu to participate in informal meeting of EU foreign ministers

ForMin Odobescu to participate in informal meeting of EU foreign ministersRomanian Foreign Minister Luminita Odobescu will be present on Thursday at the informal meeting of EU Foreign Ministers (Gymnich type),…

20:00, 14.06.2023

DefMin Tilvar, Georgia's Matiashvili discuss Black Sea security

DefMin Tilvar, Georgia's Matiashvili discuss Black Sea security. Black Sea security and diversifying bilateral military co-operation were among the subjects discussed by Romania's Defence Minister Angel Tilvar,…

19:50, 14.06.2023

USR congress to convene on Saturday, unveil 'Romania 2024' agenda, general election preparations

USR congress to convene on Saturday, unveil 'Romania 2024' agenda, general election preparations. A convention of the Political Congress of the Save Romania Union (USR) will take place on Saturday in Bucharest,…

18:40, 14.06.2023

Foreign Minister-designate Odobescu says Romania's accession to Schengen, a priority, hoping solution by year-end

Foreign Minister-designate Odobescu says Romania's accession to Schengen, a priority, hoping solution by year-end. Foreign Minister-designate Luminita Odobescu said on Wednesday, at the hearings of Parliament's…

10:00, 31.05.2023

EU leaders tell Republic of Moldova they are not alone against aggression

EU leaders are coming to tell Moldovan citizens that they are not alone in the face of aggression, Republic of Moldova‘s Foreign Minister Nicu Popescu told a press conference on Tuesday, adding that the EU will…

08:20, 23.05.2023


1871 - Birth of Garabet Ibraileanu, literary critic and historian, posthumously awarded honorary membership of the Romanian Academy (d. March 12, 1936) CITESTE SI Earthquake of 4.6 on the Richter scale in Arad…

22:15, 22.05.2023

Earthquake of 4.6 on the Richter scale in Arad county, Monday evening

An earthquake with a magnitude of 4.6 on Richer occurred on Monday, at 20:46 local time, in Banat, Arad county, according to the information made public by the National Research - Development Institute for Earth…

20:30, 22.05.2023

At FAC meeting in Brussels, Foreign Minister Aurescu emphasizes need for Russia's international isolation

Foreign Affairs Minister Bogdan Aurescu, attending on Monday the Foreign Affairs Council meeting in Brussels, emphasized the need for Russia's international isolation to continue, and voiced support for the fast…

10:35, 22.05.2023

ForMin Aurescu participating in Foreign Affairs Council meeting

ForMin Aurescu participating in Foreign Affairs Council meeting. Bogdan Aurescu will participate on Monday in the meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the European Union member states (Foreign Affairs Council -…

15:35, 13.04.2023

Kyiv calls for NATO to secure Black Sea and integrate Ukrainian defences

NATO should play a bigger role in security in the Black Sea, and integrate Ukraine’s air and missile defences with those of alliance allies, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitro Kuleba said on Thursday, according…

10:40, 06.04.2023

Interview/ Mircea Geoana: Kremlin leadership uses nuclear rhetoric in most unprofessional and irresponsible way

The Kremlin leadership has been using nuclear rhetoric in the most unprofessional and irresponsible way, even before the beginning of the war it has unleashed in Ukraine, because a nuclear power such as the Russian…

15:00, 04.04.2023

VIDEO. Stoltenberg: „Putin a avut ca obiectiv declarat al invaziei Ucrainei să aibă de-a face mai puțin cu NATO. El obține exact opusul”

Aderarea Finlandei la NATO ce are loc în cursul zilei de marți, 4 aprilie, va fi un eveniment istoric și un rezultat direct al invaziei Rusiei în Ucraina, a declarat șeful NATO, Jens Stoltenberg, mai adăugând că…

10:01, 31.03.2023

Foreign Affairs Minister Aurescu to participate in conference on Black Sea Security on April 13

Foreign Affairs Minister Bogdan Aurescu participated on Thursday in the first working meeting of the Bucharest 9 (B9) Foreign Ministers' meeting in Lodz, Poland, where he announced that the first High Level Conference…

14:41, 29.03.2023

Republic of Moldova seeks sign on EU accession talks by year-end

Republic of Moldova is hoping for a sign by the end of the year at least that EU accession talks can begin as the former Soviet republic races to implement reforms proposed by Brussels, Foreign Minister Nicu Popescu…