Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

14:20, 03.01.2024

Curtea de Conturi anunță controale mamut în 2024

Auditorii Curţii de Conturi vor efectua, în 2024, peste 2.800 de misiuni de audit şi de verificare a modului de ducere la îndeplinire a recomandărilor (follow-up), conform Programului de activitate pe acest an,…

10:35, 29.12.2023

Small pensions to rise following recalculation, large ones to stagnate, PM says

Prime minister Marcel Ciolacu declared on Thursday night for Romania TV private broadcaster that starting from 2024, small pensions will rise following recalculation, while large ones will stagnate, calling on…

09:46, 27.12.2023

More than 800 people found following alerts from Schengen Information System

The Romanian police and partners from the states of the European free movement area detected, between December 15-21, 858 people, 63 vehicles and 37 documents that were the subject of alerts introduced in the Schengen…

08:50, 27.12.2023

Contraband cigarettes, smuggled by 3 Bulgarian women, discovered by service dog Ebasa at Henri Coanda Airport

More than 4,000 packs of contraband cigarettes were discovered on Tuesday at the Bucharest Henri Coanda Otopeni International Airport, with the help of the dog Ebasa, the Romanian Border Police informs, in a statement…

11:35, 15.12.2023

Romania’s Foreign Ministry summons Russian ambassador over drone incident

Romania’s Foreign Ministry summoned Russian Ambassador Valeri Kuzmin on Thursday in response to the latest incident involving a Russian drone that fell on Romanian territory overnight, according to Euractiv. Following…

00:10, 07.12.2023

Participarea secretarului de stat Traian Hristea la reuniunea de follow-up a Conferinței internaționale privind ajutorul umanitar acordat civililor palestinieni…

Continue reading Participarea secretarului de stat Traian Hristea la reuniunea de follow-up a Conferinței internaționale privind ajutorul umanitar acordat civililor palestinieni din Fâșia Gaza at Info real.

21:55, 24.11.2023

Actualul guvern olandez, îngrijorat de poziția lui Geert Wilders și a partidului său, privind spijinul militar pentru Ucraina

Executivul condus de liberalul Mark Rutte, şi-a exprimat vineri preocuparea cu privire la ajutorul militar oferit Ucrainei de Olanda, în cazul în care Geert Wilders și partidul său de extremă dreapta, care au câştigat…

15:20, 09.11.2023

Deși apreciază valoarea programelor de dezvoltare a abilităților de conducere, companiile românești nu le alocă resurse

Studiu KPMG Majoritatea companiilor românești nu investesc în programe de leadeship – doar 45% dintre companiile participante la studiul ”Leadership și Followership în organizațiile din România”, realizat de KPMG…

20:00, 08.11.2023

Libertatea și-a lansat canalul de WhatsApp. Abonați-vă pentru a primi pe telefon cele mai importante articole

E și mai ușor să fiți la curent materialele scrise de jurnaliștii noștri, prin intermediul aplicației de WhatsApp! Începând de acum Libertatea are un canal oficial, la care vă invităm să vă abonați pentru a primi…

14:35, 08.11.2023

Intrakat Group acquires Aktor construction company

Intrakat considers the Romanian market a top priority Intrakat Group, an industry leader in Greece's construction, infrastructure, concessions/Private Public Partnerships (PPPs), and waste management sectors, announced…

10:15, 07.11.2023

Banc: "Băi, mi-a dat mă-ta follow pe insta." Continuarea te va amuza teribil

Se spune că râsul este un medicament puternic și acest lucru a fost și demonstrat. Adună oamenii în moduri care declanșează schimbări fizice și emoționale sănătoase în organism. Râsul îți întărește sistemul imunitar,…

22:15, 26.10.2023

President Iohannis sends message of condolences to his American counterpart following armed attack in Lewisto

President Klaus Iohannis sent on Thursday a message of condolences to the President of the United States of America, Joe Biden, following the armed attack in Lewiston, Maine."On behalf of the Romanian citizens…

16:36, 26.10.2023

OMV Petrom delists from London Stock Exchange

OMV Petrom announces the entry into force of the delisting of GDRs from the standard listing segment of the Official List of the Financial Conduct Authority and the cessation of trading of GDRs on the Main Market…

00:00, 18.10.2023

(VIDEO)Raid israelian în Gaza. Spital bombardat, cel puţin 200 de persoane ucise

Update. Armata israeliană a atribuit marţi organizaţiei palestiniene Jihadul Islamic atacul care a lovit incinta unui spital din oraşul Gaza, potrivit autorităţilor locale, transmite AFP. „Din analiza sistemelor…

19:55, 13.10.2023

Zeci de morți și de răniți în Gaza. Israelul a bombardat zona, în timp ce zeci de mii de palestinieni migrează spre sud - VIDEO

În  timp ce oamenii din orașul Gaza eliberau zona, armata Israelului a bombardat cartierul rezidențial Al-Kahmara, potrivit mai mult postări și înregistrări video postate pe rețelele de socializare. Atenție, imagini…

12:10, 12.10.2023

Cum poți depista prietenii și followerii falși pe rețelele de socializare

Una dintre cele mai mari amenințări la care trebuie să fii atent pe rețelele sociale este frauda comisă de oameni care nu sunt cine pretind că sunt, scrie Phil Muncaster pe blogul ESET. Iată cum să îi recunoști.

09:35, 08.10.2023

346 Romanian, foreign citizens brought to Romania from Israel with two TAROM flights

Following the moves made by the Crisis Cell, 346 Romanian and foreign citizens were repatriated from Israel, on the night of Saturday to Sunday, with two flights operated by TAROM company - 189 first flight, respectively…

12:40, 05.10.2023

Artful Living, the premium application dedicated to on-demand services, developed by a Romanian start-up

A Romanian start-up announces the launch of the first application of premium services for home maintenance and personal care, following a 250,000 euro investment.The innovation was presented during this year's…

11:06, 02.10.2023

Bangladeshi migrants found at border hidden in cabbage long-vehicle

Twenty migrants from Bangladesh were caught, on Monday, when they were trying to leave Romania illegally, on the western border, hidden in a lorry transporting cabbage to Italy. The long vehicles was driven by…

14:50, 30.09.2023

Drone alert issued, searches performed amid possible Romanian airspace breach during attack on Ukraine

As groups of drones headed towards Ukraine were detected near the border with Romania on Friday night, the National Defense Ministry (MApN) alerted the Air Police Service and notified the General Emergency Management…

20:40, 28.09.2023

#GreenEnergy/Cemacom completes implementation of Cemacon Green Energy Farm project, worth 1.052 mln euros

Cemacon has successfully completed the implementation of the Cemacon Green Energy Farm project, worth a total of 1.052 million euros, of which the non-refundable financial assistance was 472,999 euros, according…

18:25, 27.09.2023

PSD and PNL to discuss next year's elections in coalition meeting of following week

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu, chairman of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), said on Wednesday in an interview with private broadcaster Digi 24 that the PSD and the National Liberal Party (PNL) will discuss the…

12:05, 18.09.2023

Bulgaria sends team to inspect drone that landed in Black Sea resort

Bulgaria‘s defence ministry said on Monday it had sent a special unit to inspect and deactivate a drone carrying explosives which landed on Sunday evening in the Black Sea town of Tyulenovo, according to Reuters.…

15:55, 14.09.2023

VIDEO. O nouă teorie halucinantă la televiziunile rusești: Volodimir Zelenski este un agent al MI6

La televiziunile rusești a fost vehiculată o nouă teorie halucinantă chiar de către fostul șef al diviziei de la Moscova a Interpol, general-maiorul Vladimir Ovcinski, acesta afirmând că președintele Ucrainei,…

09:05, 11.09.2023

No drone parts confirmed in areas other than those previously investigated (official)

No drone parts confirmed in areas other than those previously investigated (official)The Romanian Defence Ministry (MApN) announces that the presence of drone fragments in an area other than those previously investigated…

14:45, 09.09.2023

PM Ciolacu: Romanian authorities in close contact with Moroccan authorities and are ready to offer assistance

The Romanian authorities are in close contact with the Moroccan authorities and are ready to offer assistance, Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu announced on Saturday.Following the devastating earthquake in Morocco,…

10:46, 08.09.2023

Kosovo President reiterates commitment to EU, NATO after Stoltenberg meeting

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani called on Serbia to do more work to align itself with EU and NATO values, highlighting Kosovo’s ongoing dedication and compliance in a press conference with NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg…

17:55, 04.09.2023

Education trade union leader: Gov't hasn't abandoned anything promised, no talk of strike

Education trade union leader: Gov't hasn't abandoned anything promised, no talk of strikeThe Government has not abandoned anything already regulated and promised, and at the moment there is no talk of a strike,…

21:00, 28.08.2023

2Mai accident/IntMin announces preliminary investigation for negligence of the IPJ Constanta head

The minister of Internal Affairs, Catalin Predoiu, announced on Monday evening that, following the report of the Control Body on the road tragedy of 2 Mai seaside resort it was decided to initiate a preliminary…

15:00, 27.08.2023

Crevedia Explosion/Second death following Crevedia LPG station fire, explosions

Secretary of state with the Internal Affairs Ministry, Raed Arafat announces that a new death has been registered, following the fire in Crevedia LPG station fire, Agerpres reports."Now another death has been confirmed…