Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

15:46, 31.10.2021

Health Ministry, Interior Ministry authorised to sign COVID-19 patient transfer agreement with Germany

Romania's National Emergency Management Committee (CNCAV) approved at a Sunday meeting Decision 96 authorising the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, via the Emergency Management Department…

08:45, 06.10.2021

Ambassador Stanescu: Bilateral economic exchanges with Germany could exceed 33 billion EUR this year

Bilateral economic exchanges with Germany have continued to recover visibly after a relative stagnation in 2020 and could exceed 33 billion EUR this year, Romania's ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany,…

20:05, 24.08.2021

President Iohannis meets with ambassadors of Italy, Palestine, Germany and the Republic of Chile

President Klaus Iohannis welcomed on Tuesday, at the Cotroceni Palace, the approved ambassadors of the Italian Republic, Palestine, the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Chile, on the occasion of…

19:15, 24.08.2021

Ambassador Peer Gebauer officially takes over mandate as Germany's ambassador

Ambassador Peer Gebauer officially took over on Tuesday his mandate as ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Romania, after presenting to the President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, the letter of credence…

14:21, 19.08.2021

MAE: ForMin Aurescu receives agreed ambassador of Germany to Romania Peer Gebauer

Minister of Foreign Affairs Bogdan Aurescu on Thursday received Peer Gebauer, the agreed ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in Romania, who presented copies of his accreditation letters.According to…

18:56, 01.08.2021

MAE:Conditions for entry in Germany revised, în the context of COVID-19 pandemic

The German authorities have revised the conditions for entry into the Federal Republic of Germany in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, so that, starting on Sunday, all persons at least 12 years old must present,…

21:00, 21.07.2021

Outgoing German ambassador honored with 'For Merit' National Order

President Klaus Iohannis signed on Wednesday the decree on the decoration of outgoing German ambassador to Romania, Cord Hinrich Meier-Klodt. According to the Presidential Administration, the German diplomat is…

20:06, 16.07.2021

Florin Cîţu, mesaj de condoleanţe după bilanţul tragic al inundaţiilor din Germania

Premierul Florin Cîţu a transmis vineri un mesaj de condoleanţe şi a exprimat solidaritatea cu poporul şi guvernul german, după inundaţiile devastatoare din ultimele zile în Germania, unde şi-au pierdut viaţa peste…

19:50, 16.07.2021

PM Citu extends condolences to families of flood victims in Western Europe

On Friday, Romania's Prime Minister Florin Citu sent messages of condolence to the families of flood victims in Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Germany, voicing his solidarity with the people stricken…

12:35, 16.07.2021

President Iohannis sends condolence message to German counterpart following flood casualties

President Klaus Iohannis sent, on Friday, a message of condolence to the President of the Federal Republic of Germany, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, informs the Presidential Administration. "I found out with sadness…

18:40, 14.07.2021

German Ambassador welcomed by Minister Aurescu in farewell visit

he Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bogdan Aurescu, on Wednesday welcomed the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in Bucharest, Cord Meier-Klodt, on the occasion of the latter ending his mission in Bucharest.…

19:25, 27.05.2021

Cultural personalities awarded by President Iohannis

President Klaus Iohannis signed today the decrees awarding several cultural personalities. The President awarded writers Georg Aescht and Ana Livia Hagiu (Ana Muresan) with the Cultural Merit Order, Category A…

21:51, 07.04.2021

Parliament: Favorable opinions for ambassadors proposed for Austria, Germany, Japan, Chile, Ireland, Kuwait

Emil Hurezeanu, proposed ambassador to Austria, and Adriana-Loreta Stanescu, proposed to the Federal Republic of Germany, are among the six people who will lead Romania's diplomatic missions abroad and who received,…

15:40, 22.02.2021

President recalls 23 ambassadors, including George Maior from the US, Emil Hurezeanu from Germany

President Klaus Iohannis signed today the decrees recalling 23 Romanian ambassadors, including ambassador to the US George Maior and ambassador to Germany Emil Hurezeanu, the Presidential Administration informs,…

15:30, 18.02.2021

Romania's accession to Schengen, discussed by chairman of Senate Foreign Policy Committee with German Ambassador

The Cooperation and Verification Mechanism for Romania and our country's accession to Schengen, a "legitimate objective" that remains valid through a "possible gradual procedure", were among the topics addressed…

18:20, 08.01.2021

Mildner Steffen, cultural rehabilitation specialist, decorated post-mortem by president Iohannis

President Klaus Iohannis has signed a decree for the post-mortem decoration of Mildner Steffen from the Federal Republic of Germany, a former specialist in rehabilitations in the cultural field. According to the…

14:45, 19.11.2020

Lansarea Romanian Young Academy, un proiect de cercetare interdisciplinară

Ministrul afacerilor externe Bogdan Aurescu a participat joi, 19 noiembrie 2020, la deschiderea conferinţei care marchează lansarea Romanian Young Academy, un proiect de cercetare interdisciplinară, dezvoltat în…

16:11, 12.10.2020

Iohannis: Romania, alongside German EU Presidency at centre of EU consolidation process

President Klaus Iohannis on Monday sent a message on the occasion of the 23rd session of the Romanian-German Governmental Commission for the issue of ethnic Germans in Romania."The political relations between Romania…

14:21, 08.10.2020

Entire territory of Romania included by German authorities on epidemiological risk areas

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) informs on Thursday that the German authorities have decided to include Romania on the list of epidemiological risk areas, according to Agerpres.MAE shows that information…

16:45, 30.09.2020

ForMin Aurescu, Nigerian counterpart Oneyama discuss collaboration within international organizations in phone conversation

Minister of Foreign Affairs Bogdan Aurescu had on Wednesday a telephone conversation with his counterpart from the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Godfrey Oneyama, at the request of the Nigerian side.According to…

12:05, 27.07.2020

Romanian workers at farm in Germany, quarantined over COVID-19

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) informs that a farm in the Dingolfing-Landau region, where about 480 people work, mostly Romanian citizens, was placed in quarantine by the German local authorities after several…

14:37, 08.06.2020

316 Romanian citizens are brought back to country, with support from Foreign Affairs Ministry

As many as 316 Romanian citizens were repatriated from Germany and Spain, following the steps taken to facilitate the return to the country of the Romanian nationals abroad who were affected by the measures restricting…

17:18, 22.05.2020

MAE:Romanian citizen who worked for Germany-based company with confirmed COVID-19 cases has died

Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) on Friday informed that a Romanian citizen who worked for a meat-processing company based in the German locality Birkenfeld, where there were recorded several cases of confirmed…

08:52, 16.04.2020

MAE: Romanian citizen infected with novel coronavirus died in Germany, he was a seasonal worker

A Romanian citizen infected with the novel coronavirus died in Germany, where he was a seasonal worker, in the Baden-Wurttemberg region, informs the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE). According to the Ministry,…

09:29, 03.03.2020

Ambassador Cord Meier-Klodt on Germans who left communist Romania:They are longing for their birthplaces

The Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, Cord Meier-Klodt, on Monday evening said that the departure of some of the members of the German community from the communist Romania meant a trauma for them,…

20:50, 27.02.2020

President Iohannis decorates literary critic Ilina Gregory

President Klaus Iohannis has signed on Thursday the decoration decree of literary critic Ilina Gregory, according to a release of the Presidential Administration. The head of state bestowed the "Educational Merit"…

12:53, 20.02.2020

MAE hails 140th anniversary of diplomatic relations with France, Germany and UK

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) hails the anniversary on Thursday of 140 years since the establishment of diplomatic ties with the French Republic, the Federal Republic of Germany and the United Kingdom of…

21:29, 18.12.2019

President of the Federation of the Jewish Communities in Romania, Aurel Vainer, decorated by German state

The President of the Federation of the Jewish Communities in Romania, Aurel Vainer, was awarded the Cross of Merit in rank of officer of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany by Ambassador Cord…

16:45, 13.05.2019

Germany's Ambassador Cord Meier-Klodt: We have never opposed Romania's entry into Schengen area

The Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Romania, Cord Meier-Klodt, stated on Monday in Galati that the country he represents has never opposed Romania's entry into the Schengen area, according to Agerpres.I…

18:57, 20.12.2018

PM Dancila: 'Austrian Chancellor's visit tomorrow; bilateral relations and EU Council Presidency, discussion topics'

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila announced that Friday Austria's Chancellor will be paying a visit to Bucharest, the discussions going to be aimed at both the bilateral relations and as efficient as possible coordination…