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14:11, 17.11.2021

Eurozone October inflation confirmed at 4.1% y/y on energy spike

Eurozone inflation surged to more than twice the European Central Bank‘s target in October, the European Union’s statistics office Eurostat confirmed on Wednesday, with more than half of the jump due to a spike…

13:26, 11.11.2021

EU Commission raises 2021 eurozone growth forecast

The European Commission lifted its growth projection for the bloc on Thursday, while warning of mounting headwinds as the fourth wave of the coronavirus pandemic hits the continent, according to Politico. The Commission…

13:55, 29.10.2021

Eurozone inflation rises to 4.1% for October, hitting a new 13-year high

Eurozone annual inflation spiked to 4.1% in October, while economic growth accelerated to 2.2% in the third quarter, preliminary Eurostat data showed on Friday, according to Politico.  Headline inflation significantly…

15:20, 22.10.2021

Eurozone inflation expectations hit ECB target of 2%

A key market gauge of eurozone inflation expectations rose on Friday to 2%, the European Central Bank‘s (ECB) inflation target for the first time in seven years, putting pressure on the central bank as it weighs…

12:36, 20.07.2021

Eurozone banks see small tightening of credit standards in Q3

  The European Central Bank (ECB) said on Tuesday that eurozone banks expect corporate loan demand to surge in the third quarter and see just a moderate tightening of credit standards or loan approval criteria,…

13:41, 14.07.2021

Investors fear Europe Inc’s Q2 earnings rebound probably as good as it gets

European corporate earnings are expected to have more than doubled in the second quarter of 2021, but many investors fear volatility could follow as the idea sinks in that Europe Inc has probably reached peak momentum,…

19:10, 13.07.2021

Klaus Iohannis: In Romania's vision, a European Union of the future is inseparable from European unity and solidarity

President Klaus Iohannis said on Tuesday that the European Union of the future is, in Romania's vision, a project that is inseparable from the idea of unity and solidarity, and for a "more integrated" union there…

12:15, 05.07.2021

Euro zone business activity soared in June as lockdowns lifted

Eurozone businesses expanded activity at the fastest rate in 15 years in June as the easing of more COVID-19 restrictions brought life back to the bloc’s dominant service industry, a survey showed on Monday, according…

18:36, 06.05.2021

O teorie economică din secolul XIX ar putea arunca apă rece pe relansarea post-pandemie

Consumatorii care au făcut economii în timpul pandemiei ar putea fi descurajați din a cheltui pe măsură ce economia iese din pandemia de COVID-19 dacă o teorie economică din secolul XIX are dreptate, relatează…

15:15, 26.01.2021

CFA Romania's Cabat: Romania probably moving towards switching to European single currency in 2030

Romania's switching to the European single currency, the euro, is likely to be postponed until 2030 due to the ongoing coronavirus crisis, Dragos Cabat, a member on the CFA Society Romania board, said on Tuesday,…

14:15, 15.10.2020

Despre Dora Maar și Pablo Picasso, personajele Slavenkăi Drakulić, alături de Carmen Mușat, Iulia Popovici și Alina Purcaru

  Vineri, 16 octombrie, începând cu ora 18.00, Editura Pandora M în parteneriat cu Librăria Humanitas Kretzulescu vă invită la lansarea romanului „Dora și Minotaurul. Viața mea cu Picasso” de Slavenka Drakulić,…

10:50, 24.09.2020

Fiscal Council's Daianu: Public budget mustn't be played in politics' roulette

Romania could record an economic growth of 4-5 pct next year, but it needs to keep budget spending "tight", said, for AGERPRES, Daniel Daianu, chairman of the Fiscal Council and coordinator of the convergence analysis…

12:03, 09.07.2020

UE va susține intrarea Bulgariei și Croației în Zona euro în următorii trei ani / Anunțul urmează să fie făcut în câteva zile - surse

Oficialii Zonei euro sunt pregătiți să accepte intrarea Croației și Bulgariei în Mecanismul European al Ratelor de Schimb (ERM-2), o etapă preliminară pentru adoptarea euro în următorii trei ani, au…

17:04, 07.07.2020

Comisia Europeană estimează o recesiune mai adâncă și o revenire mai lentă pentru Zona Euro decât prognozase anterior

Economia Zonei Euro va intra într-o recesiune mai adâncă în acest an și își va reveni mai lent în 2021 decât se credea înainte, arată prognoza Comisiei Europene publicată…

17:33, 10.06.2020

Orban: We have in view reaching objectives necessary for Romania to fulfill euro accession criteria

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban stated that the Government has in view reaching the objectives necessary for Romania to fulfill the accession criteria for the Eurozone, giving as an example, amongst others, the reduction…

13:30, 09.06.2020

Ireland, Romania record highest economic growth in EU in Q1 2020

Ireland and Romania have recorded the highest economic growth in the 27 EU member states in the first quarter of 2020 compared to the same period in 2019, according to data released on Tuesday by the European Statistical…

19:08, 08.05.2020

Christine Lagarde: Criza ar putea majora împrumuturile eurozonei cu 1.500 de miliarde de euro

Guvernele din zona euro ar putea fi nevoite să împrumute suplimentar 1.500 miliarde de euro anul acesta, pentru a-şi ţine economiile pe linia de plutire, pe fondul crizei provocate de pandemia de coronavirus (COVID-19),…

13:24, 16.01.2020

President Iohannis: We will continue to take steps towards accession to Schengen area and eurozone

President Klaus Iohannis said on Thursday that further action will be taken to ensure Romania's accession to the Schengen area and the eurozone.  "We will continue to take steps towards accession to the Schengen…

13:16, 06.01.2020

Bulgaria, Romania, among EU countries with highest increases in industrial producer prices in November

Industrial producer prices dropped 1 per cent in the EU as a whole, and 1.4 per cent in the Eurozone, in November 2019, compared with the same period of 2018, showed data published on Monday by Eurostat. For the…

12:25, 11.12.2019

ENEL, încă odată printre liderii mondiali în sustenabilitate

Indicii au recunoscut rolul principal al Enel în promovarea unui model de afaceri sustenabil prin integrarea problemelor ESG în strategia și practicile de afaceri Filialele Enel, Endesa, Enel Américas și Enel Chile,…

05:42, 14.10.2019

​Financial report: Trichet sare în apărarea lui Mario Draghi. Brexit: câteva zile înaintea summitului crucial. Polonia - testul pentru democraţie

Financial Times: Jean-Claude Trichet sare în apărarea lui Mario Draghi (editorial scris de fostul președinte al BCE) ● Les Echos: Brexit: cu câteva zile înaintea unui summit crucial, speranța…

11:26, 03.10.2019

Noile măsuri luate de Banca Centrală Europeană l-au iritat pe Trump, iar Draghi arată cu degetul către politicile fiscale

​​În plin război comercial și valutar, decizia de joi a Băncii Centrale Europene, ultima dinaintea predării mandatului de Draghi către viitoarea șefă Christine Lagarde, a produs iritare peste ocean. Draghi…

03:14, 01.10.2019

Mario Draghi, apel către ţările din Eurozona pentru uniunea fiscală

După opt ani la cârma BCE şi la o lună de la demisie, Mario Draghi lansează un mesaj puternic şi explicit: "Este mai urgent ca niciodată" ca fiecare ţară din Uniunea Europeană să crească cheltuielile…

17:37, 18.09.2019

Romania in July records biggest growth of construction work in EU

Construction work in Romania recorded a growth of 39.5 pct in July 2019, compared to the similar period of 2018, that being the most significant advance amongst the EU member states, show the data published on…

13:28, 19.08.2019

Romania's inflation is three times higher than the European average (Eurostat)

Romania recorded the highest annual inflation rate among the EU member states in July 2019, with a rise of 4.1 percent in consumer prices, increasing compared to the level recorded in June, namely 3.9 percent,…

14:24, 19.07.2019

Eurostat: Romania, highest governmental deficit, among lowest public debts in EU, in Q1

At the European Union level, Romania had the highest governmental deficit in Gross Domestic Product in the first quarter of this year, with 4.5pct of GDP, whereas in the Eurozone, the governmental deficit was 0.5pct…

13:33, 04.07.2019

Romania - 5th place in EU in terms of rise in retail trade, in May

Luxembourg, Ireland, Slovenia, Portugal and Romania recorded in May the most significant advance in the European Union retail trade compared to the similar period in 2018, according to data released on Thursday…

20:36, 03.07.2019

Governor Isarescu says central bank, mandated to bring Romania into Eurozone

Governor of the National Bank of Romania (BNR) Mugur Isarescu said on Wednesday, after Parliament appointed in a joint session the members to the new BNR board of directors, that BNR is mandated to prepare Romania…

17:46, 19.06.2019

Romania sees biggest advance in construction works among EU member states

Construction works in Romania recorded a 6.2pct increase in April 2019, compared with March 2019, the biggest advance among EU member states, according to the Eurostat data released on Wednesday.By comparison,…

16:46, 04.06.2019

Central bank governor Isarescu: National Bank has balanced approach to euro adoption

The National Bank of Romania (BNR) has a balanced approach to the adoption of the euro, BNR governor Mugur Isarescu said on Tuesday, mentioning that this requires a high real convergence, as well as keeping the…