Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

15:55, 14.02.2023

LUX Film Days 2023, at opening of Timisoara 2023 - European Capital of Culture program

The Liaison Office of the European Parliament in Romania and Cinema Victoria in Timisoara invite the public, during the opening weekend of the Timisoara 2023 - European Capital of Culture program, to discover the…

09:16, 07.02.2023

MEP Eugen Tomac opens legal action against EU Council, on non-acceptance of Romania in Schengen Area

MEP Eugen Tomac (EPP, the People's Movement Party, PMP) announced on Monday, in a video post on Facebook, that he decided, as a member of the European Parliament, to open an action against the Council of the European…

13:30, 30.01.2023

EU watchdog seeks powers, funds for lawmaker probe body

A European Parliament body supervising anti-lobbying and lawmakers’ conduct rules must be given the power and money to launch independent investigations into abuses in the wake of a major corruption scandal, the…

10:45, 03.01.2023

Graft scandal escalates with bid to lift EU lawmakers’ immunity

The president of the European Parliament said she’s started an “urgent procedure” to waive the immunity of two more socialist lawmakers suspected of involvement in a sprawling corruption scandal involving Qatar,…

18:11, 02.01.2023

Parlamentul European a demarat procedura de ridicare a imunităţii pentru doi eurodeputaţi în ancheta de corupţie legată de Qatar

Parlamentul European a anunţat luni, 2 ianuarie, că a iniţiat o procedură de urgenţă, în urma unei cereri formulate de justiţia belgiană, pentru ridicarea imunităţii a doi eurodeputaţi în cadrul anchetei de corupţie…

15:50, 20.12.2022

Roberta Metsola, in Bucharest: I would like to see more women in your Parliament

The president of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola, declared, on Tuesday, during a meeting with young Romanians, in the Aula of the Law Faculty, that she would like more women to be in the Bucharest legislature,…

14:40, 20.12.2022

EP's Metsola: War in Ukraine made us realize that we took democracy, rule of law for granted

The war in Ukraine has made European citizens realize that the values that seemed natural have been called into question, both outside the EU and inside the community space, said the president of the European Parliament,…

13:46, 20.12.2022

EP's Metsola says system weaknesses needs to be solved when referring to corruption case in EU legislature

President of the European Parliament (EP) Roberta Metsola stated on Tuesday, while referring to the corruption scandal in the EU legislature, that there are weaknesses of the system which must be solved and the…

12:35, 20.12.2022

EP President Metsola says to fight so that Romania joins Schengen in 2023

President of the European Parliament (EP) Roberta Metsola stated on Tuesday that she will fight so that Romania joins Schengen in 2023, told Agerpres. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro…

22:21, 19.12.2022

PM Ciuca receives European Parliament's president Metsola; energy security, Schengen expansion - among topics discussed

Prime minister Nicolae Ciuca had, on Monday, at the Victoria Palace, a meeting with the president of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola, who is on her first official visit to Romania, the two high-ranking…

21:46, 19.12.2022

Ciolacu: We are not allowed to lose trust, Romania will continue to be part of European solution

The president of the Chamber of Deputies, Marcel Ciolacu, declared on Monday in the plenary session of the Parliament, where the president of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola, is present, that Romania must…

21:16, 19.12.2022

European Parliament's president: Romania to join Schengen and to do it soon

Romania will join the Schengen area and will do it so soon, the president of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola, said on Monday in the joint plenary session of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies, informează…

21:01, 19.12.2022

Austria's veto, fully unfair, EU's unity, cohesion, paramount to protect democratic values (Senate's Gorghiu)

The Senate's caretaker, Alina Gorghiu, welcomed on Monday, during the meeting with the president of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola, the support that she and the institution she leads gave to Romania for…

17:51, 19.12.2022

President Iohannis: EP corruption scandal, complicated matter

President Klaus Iohannis Monday qualified the corruption scandal in the European Parliament as "a complicated matter", adding that the prosecutors must be allowed to investigate this case, told Agerpres. Fii la…

16:20, 19.12.2022

EP's Roberta Metsola: Romania belongs to the Schengen area

Romania belongs to the Schengen area, the president of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola, said on Monday in Bucharest, told Agerpres. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro pe Facebook…

15:35, 15.12.2022

European Parliament President Metsola to meet University of Bucharest students on Tuesday

The President of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola, will pay a visit to Romania early next week, on Tuesday, when she is to meet the students of the University of Bucharest, as part of the event "Together…

15:10, 15.12.2022

EP's Metsola's first mention about Schengen (sources)

The first mention of the Schengen matter in the European Council meeting on Thursday was made by President of the European Parliament (EP) Roberta Metsola, in her speech delivered in the beginning of the meeting…

11:50, 14.12.2022

Scandalul de corupție de la Bruxelles dă apă la moară extremei-drepte: „UE dă lecții lumii, mai bine și-ar face curățenie în propria casă”

Sătui să fie acuzați și criticați de la Bruxelles, lideri precum Marine Le Pen sau Viktor Orban jubilează acum, observând că problemele de corupție sunt vizibile în instituțiile UE, scrie Politico. De ani de zile,…

13:01, 13.12.2022

MEP Tudor Ciuhodaru asks EP for a clear accession calendar of Romania to Schengen and sanctioning procedures

MEP Tudor Ciuhodaru asked the European Parliament, gathered in plenary this week in Strasbourg, to verify once again that Romania meets all the conditions for accession to the Schengen area, to establish a very…

13:10, 12.12.2022

EU chiefs shocked by European Parliament corruption probe

European Union foreign ministers expressed dismay on Monday over a Belgian investigation into allegations that World Cup host Qatar had lavished cash and gifts on European Parliament officials to influence decision-making,…

14:05, 09.12.2022

President of the European Parliament Metsola to visit Romania, where she will talk to students

The head of the European Commission's Representative Office in Romania, Ramona Chiriac, on Friday stated that, on December 20, the President of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola, will pay a visit to Romania,…

14:26, 08.12.2022

Romania-Schengen/JusMin Predoiu: LIBE Committee president supports Romania's accession

The chairman of the European Parliament's Commission for Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs - LIBE, Juan Fernando Lopez Aguilar, at a meeting with Romanian Justice minister Catalin Predoiu, in Brussels,…

11:25, 08.12.2022

MEP Guido Reil apolagises to Romanians for his speech in October

MEP Guido Reil apologized for the criticisms brought to our country in a speech he delivered in the European Parliament in October, his reaction being published on Thursday by Social-Democrat deputy Natalia Intotero…

21:40, 07.12.2022

Catalin Drula: Shameful press conference of Nehammer and Weber in Austria

Save Romania Union (USR) President, Catalin Drula on Wednesday considered as "shameful" the press conference held by Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer and the leader of the EPP group in the European Parliament,…

12:06, 06.12.2022

Denying Romania, Bulgaria and Croatia’s Schengen bid will weaken the EU

The European Commission and the European Parliament have both given their approval to admit Romania, Bulgaria and Croatia into the Schengen Agreement, according to politico.eu. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri.…

14:06, 24.11.2022

Un baros mânjit cu sânge, „cadou” pentru Parlamentul European

Avocatul lui Evgheni Prigojin, care a fondat grupul de mercenari Wagner, a „predat” Parlamentului European un baros cu sigla Wagner mânjită cu sânge, posibil artificial. Videoclipul a apărut pe canalele Z de propagandă…

12:16, 24.11.2022

VIDEO. Rușii își pierd mințile! Șeful mercenarilor Wagner amenință Parlamentul European cu barosul cu urme de sânge, după ce a declarat Rusia stat care…

O înregistrare video publicată de una dintre firmele lui Evgheni Prigojin, șefului mercenarilor Wagner, numit și „Bucătarul lui Putin” arată o amenințare macabră făcută de acesta la adresa Parlamentului European…

12:15, 24.11.2022

„Cadoul” sinistru al mercenarilor Wagner pentru Parlamentul European: un baros mânjit de SÂNGE - VIDEO

Video-ul s-a viralijat cu repeziciune pe rețelele de socializare, unii anunțând că o „servietă cu informații” a fost înmânată de un angajat al lui Prigojin unui reprezentant al PE, relatează HotNews.ro.În fapt,…

12:05, 24.11.2022

„Cadoul” sinistru al lui Evgheni Prigojin pentru Parlamentul European. Ce a produs mânia Kremlinului: imaginile, virale în mediul online - VIDEO

Video-ul s-a viralijat cu repeziciune pe rețelele de socializare, unii anunțând că o „servietă cu informații” a fost înmânată de un angajat al lui Prigojin unui reprezentant al PE, relatează HotNews.ro.În fapt,…

13:46, 09.11.2022

USR's Drula: Meeting with European Parliament President on support granted for Romania's accession to Schengen

Chairman of the Save Romania Union (USR) Catalin Drula announced that he had a meeting, on Wednesday, with President of the European Parliament Roberta Metsola and the discussions targeted the support for Romania's…