Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

17:20, 27.05.2024

Energy federation head Daraban signals problem with settlemet payments fund

Energy federation head Daraban signals problem with settlemet payments fund

We have a problem in the way financial sources are secured for the Transition Fund from which payments are made for settlement and I believe that, at the moment, at the two ministries, there are somewhere over…

13:00, 06.04.2024

Romanias green transition to be boosted by two IFC key projects

Romania's green transition to be boosted by two IFC key projects

Makhtar Diop, managing director of the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the investment division of the World Bank, announced this week two major deals designed to catalyse the country's green transition,…

07:05, 02.02.2024

Proiect finalizat la firma IZA SRL din confinanțării de la Fonduri Norvegiene – „Production Capacity Development for Transition from Plastics to Recycled…

Firma IZA SRL a finalizat proiectul de investiție „Production Capacity Development for Transition from Plastics to Recycled and Biodegradable Packaging” finanțat cu sprijinul granturilor acordate prin mecanismul…

11:10, 13.12.2023

Nations strike deal at COP28 to transition away from fossil fuels

Representatives from nearly 200 countries agreed at the COP28 climate summit on Wednesday to begin reducing global consumption of fossil fuels to avert the worst of climate change, a first of its kind deal signaling…

21:10, 03.12.2023

Iohannis highlights importance of involvement of young people in order to effectively manage climate change

President Klaus Iohannis emphasized, on Sunday, during a meeting with representatives of the European Youth Forum, the importance of involving young people in the efficient management of climate change and of acquiring…

09:31, 01.11.2023

H2O: Transition, instalația Liviei Mateiaș care invită publicul la contemplare asupra apei și importanței acesteia

H2O: Transition este o instalație care invită publicul la contemplare asupra apei și importanței acesteia, fiind un element care se regăsește în toate formele vieții. Expoziția de artă realizată de Livia Mateiaș…

23:36, 18.10.2023

Declaraţie de condamnare a programului de rachete balistice al Iranului. România se asociază

România se asociază Declaraţiei de condamnare a programului de rachete balistice al Iranului. Declaraţia este emisă în contextul marcării, la 18 octombrie 2023, a etapei de tranziţie – Transition Day, la 8 ani…

11:25, 18.10.2023

Proiect de investite la firma IZA SRL. „Production Capacity Development for Transition from Plastics to Recycled and Biodegradable Packaging”

Firma IZA Srl lanseaza un nou proiect de invezstitie „Production Capacity Development for Transition from Plastics to Recycled and Biodegradable Packaging” prin co-finanțare de la Innovation Norway în Programul…

13:26, 13.10.2023

Commission approves EUR 24 million Romanian state-aid scheme to support investment in sea, inland ports

The European Commission on Friday announced having approved an up to EUR24 million Romanian scheme (RON 118.6 million) to support investments in sea and inland ports in the context of Russia's war against Ukraine.…

09:35, 03.10.2023

UTCN lansează proiectul EIC BIGALPS, care dezvoltă o tehnologie de bio-cimentare pentru a rezolva alunecările de teren

Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj-Napoca (UTCN) este onorată să anunțe lansarea Proiectului BIGALPS, proiect de tip EIC Transition, care are ca scop revoluționarea domeniului stabilizării pământului. Acest proiect,…

13:15, 27.09.2023

Telecom authority head: 5G technology to be majority in Romania at 2026-end

Telecom authority head: 5G technology to be majority in Romania at 2026-endTelecommunications operators give us hope that, sometime by the end of 2026, 5G technology will be the majority in Romania, but the transition…

15:21, 26.09.2023

We are in a critical point regarding Romania's energy transition (minister Burduja)

Romania is on the threshold of an energy revolution for which it needs a vision, defined in the Integrated National Plan for Energy and Climate Change (PNIESC), and in parallel work is being done on an energy strategy…

17:56, 21.09.2023

Romania must use all low carbon emitting resources to achieve decarbonisation goals (senior offcial)

Romania must use all low carbon emitting resources to achieve decarbonisation goals (senior offcial)Renewable energy sources, nuclear energy and natural gas form the backbone of the energy transition in Romania,…

14:15, 21.09.2023

Ministerul Cercetării: Proiectele care vizează sinergii cu acţiunile Orizont Europa şi alte programe europene primesc finanţare prin două apeluri noi

  „Apelurile sunt dedicate, pe de o parte, sprijinirii intervenţiilor din regiunile mai puţin dezvoltate şi, pe de altă parte, intervenţiilor din regiunea mai dezvoltată. În concordanţă cu politicile europene,…

13:45, 19.09.2023

First master's program in Romania in cyber security, accredited by EIT Digital, at UBB Cluj-Napoca

Babes-Bolyai University (UBB) from Cluj-Napoca announces the initiation of a master's program in English in Cyber Security, intended to prepare future specialists in this field of vital importance in the context…

21:00, 07.09.2023

Iohannis - Kerry meeting: Climate, energy transition co-operation makes partnership with US stronger

Iohannis - Kerry meeting: Climate, energy transition co-operation makes partnership with US strongerClimate and energy transition co-operation makes partnership with US stronger, President Klaus Iohannis said on…

19:26, 24.08.2023

More funds for de minimis aid schemes for transition to circular economy

More funds for de minimis aid schemes for transition to circular economyThe Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism (MEAT) amends the ordinance on the regulation of financial measures by establishing…

10:05, 01.08.2023

Light travel-art într-un road-residency spre Los Angeles. Grupul E T A J artist-run space traversează pentru prima dată Oceanul, în căutarea visului american

Călătoria-performance "iMigrate. The Biology of Transition" documentează, din multiple perspective artistice, drumul migranților români spre Țara Făgăduinței. Într-un road-residency spre America, Mircea Modreanu,…

14:10, 29.05.2023

Ministrul francez al domeniului Digital, Jean-Noël Barrot, ameninţă cu ”interzicerea” Twitter în UE

”Twitter, dacă nu se conformează regulilor noastre, va fi interzis, în caz de recidivă, în Uniunea Europeană”, a subliniat la postul Franceinfo ministrul. Désinformation : “Si Twitter ne se conforme pas à nos règles,…

13:50, 21.03.2023

Greece seeks to overhaul EU’s power grid in green transition

Greece will put forward a plan to overhaul the European Union’s electricity grids in order to lay the foundations for a massive rollout of renewable power, Bloomberg reports. The country wants to boost so-called…

13:36, 30.01.2023

PNL preparing transition team for gov't rotation (sources)

The National Liberal Party (PNL) is preparing a transition team for the government rotation in May, according to PNL sources participating in the meeting of the National Political Bureau taking place today at the…

12:40, 13.12.2022

Romania to have some delay in transition to electric vehicles, due to high prices, charging infrastructure

Romania will have some delay in the transition to electric vehicles, one of the major obstacles being the high price of the vehicles and the insufficient charging infrastructure, reveals the data of a select report,…

05:35, 16.11.2022

Expoziție de arte vizuale semnată de Armand Landh

Artistul gorjean Armand Landh (Army) expune la Galeriile Municipale de Artă din Târgu Jiu. Filiala Târgu Jiu a Uniunii Artiștilor Plastici din România, în parteneriat cu Primăria Municipiului Târgu Jiu și Centrul…

11:35, 01.11.2022

Ministry of Education disapproves of transition to 'winter schedule', which involves reducing duration of classes and breaks

The Ministry of Education sent an address to the school inspectorates requesting that educational units be supported to keep their normal schedule, stressing that they disapprove of the transition to the "winter…

11:31, 20.10.2022

PM Ciuca: I do not accept transition of schools to online because of the lack of heating in schools

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca emphasized, on Thursday, during a video conference with the county prefects, that the transition of schools to the online program during the cold season due to the "heating" is not…

18:40, 19.10.2022

Top energy official says there is political will for transition to regulated market

Top official with the Romanian Energy Ministry Constantin Stefan told the Senate abuse inquiring committee that there is political will to move to a partially regulated market. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri.…

16:05, 04.10.2022

Environment Minister: Romania earmarks 41pct of money received through PNRR for green transition

Increasing the resilience of ecosystems and reducing the risk of their degradation and disappearance is Romania's approach within the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), where 41pct of the 29 billion…

15:11, 08.09.2022

Chaotic climate transition could mean losses to Romania (report)

A chaotic climate transition could mean significant losses to Romania, both in terms of competitiveness against other countries in the region and attracting investments, as well as in terms of implementing sustainable…

12:21, 02.09.2022

PM Ciuca: Breaking away from Russian hydrocarbon going in energy transition direction

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca maintains that breaking away from Russian hydrocarbon sources is going, from a strategic point of view, in the sense already drawn up on a Euro-Atlantic level for energy transition.…

14:50, 16.05.2022

PM Ciuca: Development of decarbonization strategy at Transgaz, example of good practice for transition to green economy

The development of the decarbonization strategy at Transgaz level, based on a consultative agreement with the European Investment Bank (EIB), is an approach that is part of the Government's objectives for the transition…