Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

12:21, 15.12.2022

Purchase and use of cyber security software products and services from Russia, prohibited

Romania has adopted a law that prohibits the acquisition and use, by public authorities, of cyber security software products and services from the Russian Federation, informs the National Cyber Security Directorate…

10:35, 15.12.2022

Explozie masivă la cea mai mare rafinărie din Siberia: Două persoane au murit și alte două rănite VIDEO

Două persoane au decedat și alte două au fost rănite în urma unei explozii masive urmată de un incendiu la o rafinărie de petrol din Angarsk, în sud-estul Siberiei, a declarat joi, 15 decembrie, guvernatorul regiunii…

10:25, 15.12.2022

VIDEO. Explozie masivă la cea mai mare rafinărie din Siberia: Două persoane au murit și alte două rănite

Două persoane au decedat și alte două au fost rănite în urma unei explozii masive urmată de un incendiu la o rafinărie de petrol din Angarsk, în sud-estul Siberiei, a declarat joi, 15 decembrie, guvernatorul regiunii…

09:05, 15.12.2022

Cel puțin doi morți și doi răniți, după o explozie la o rafinărie din Siberia

Două persoane au murit și alte două au fost rănite în urma unei explozii masive urmată de un incendiu la o rafinărie de petrol din Angarsk, în sud-estul Siberiei, a declarat joi guvernatorul regiunii Irkutsk, Igor…

11:51, 14.12.2022

Message at 67th anniversary of Romania's admission to UN underlines importance of rules-based international order (MAE)

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) conveyed, on Wednesday, a message on the occasion of the 67th anniversary of Romania's admission for membership in the United Nations, in which he shows that the rules-based…

15:40, 05.12.2022

Romania has become independent from Russian oil, embargo won't affect us (energy minister)

The embargo on Russian oil will not affect Romania, considering that the oil companies in our country have found alternative resources and no longer bring oil from the Russian Federation, the minister of Energy,…

13:30, 30.11.2022

ForMin Aurescu, Czech counterpart discuss support for Schengen, Eastern Partnership, Ukraine

Romanian Minister of Foreign Affairs Bogdan Aurescu had a meeting on Wednesday with his Czech counterpart, Jan Lipavsky, on the sidelines of the Meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers in Bucharest, during which they…

10:10, 29.11.2022

NATO 2022 Bucharest: Ministerial begins in Bucharest

The meeting of the ministers of foreign affairs from the member countries of the North Atlantic Alliance begins on Tuesday, in Bucharest, being the first high-level event of NATO in a state on the Eastern Flank,…

09:25, 28.11.2022

ForMin Aurescu: In the following days, all eyes will be on Bucharest

Romania is hosting, in the coming days, the first high-level event of the North Atlantic Alliance in a state on the Eastern Flank, on the front line of NATO's defense, after the armed aggression of the Russian…

16:00, 23.11.2022

Parliament briefed about deployment to Romania of two radar systems

The senators and deputies gathered on Wednesday in a joint sitting were briefed about President Klaus Iohannis's decision regarding the deployment to Romania of two radar systems, for the fulfillment of specific…

18:26, 22.11.2022

More than 30 sea mines neutralized in the western Black Sea basin

The Chief of Staff of the Naval Forces (SMFN), Rear Admiral Mihai Panait, said on Tuesday, during a meeting with foreign military attachés accredited in our country, that from February until now, after the attack…

13:40, 10.11.2022

PM Ciuca: New border point with Ukraine confirms the relations and solidarity between our countries

The opening of a new border crossing point between Romania and Ukraine represents a significant event that confirms the relations and solidarity between the two countries, and in these tragic moments that the Ukrainian…

10:15, 06.11.2022

MAE rejects Russian president assertions that Romania would have territorial claims against Ukraine

Romania's Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Saturday rejected the statements expressed by the president of the Russian Federation in his speech on the occasion of the National Unity Day, "which falsely induce" the…

16:56, 31.10.2022

Rusia a lovit 3 hidrocentrale importante din Ucraina. Peste 350.000 de oameni din Kiev, fără curent electric

Un complex hidroenergetic important, aflat la la Kremenchuk, în central Ukraine, a fost atacat, a anunțat guvernatorul regional, fără a precizat dacă obiectivul a fost lovit și avariat, potrivit Reuters.Pe de altă…

16:31, 31.10.2022

Rusia a lovit 3 hidrocentrale importante din Ucraina. Peste 350.000 de oameni din Kiev, fără curent electric

Un complex hidroenergetic important, aflat la la Kremenchuk, în central Ukraine, a fost atacat, a anunțat guvernatorul regional, fără a precizat dacă obiectivul a fost lovit și avariat, potrivit Reuters.Pe de altă…

19:25, 25.10.2022

Senate acting president in Zagreb reaffirms Romania's commitment to participate in Ukraine's reconstruction

The acting president of the Senate, Alina Gorghiu, participated, on Tuesday, in the first parliamentary summit of the Crimea Platform, which took place in Zagreb, Croatia, where she condemned the aggression of…

17:55, 24.10.2022

ForMin Aurescu: Illegal aggression of Russian Federation against Ukraine, flagrant violation of principles of international law

The illegal aggression of the Russian Federation, a member of the UN Security Council, against Ukraine, represents a flagrant violation of the principles and norms of international law, established, in particular,…

00:25, 14.10.2022

President of the Senate Defense Committee, ambassador of Ukraine, about Russia's aggression

The President of the Committee for Defense with the Romanian Senate, Nicoleta Pauliuc, received, on Thursday, the ambassador of Ukraine in Bucharest, Ihor Prokopchuk, the discussions aiming at the aggression of…

00:10, 12.10.2022

Romania gets a new mandate of UNHRC member

The election of Romania for a new mandate in the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) represents a confirmation of the recognition it enjoys within international organizations with activities in the field, as well as…

22:01, 11.10.2022

Parliament heads Gorghiu, Ciolacu meet Georgian President, pledge support for Georgia's EU-related reforms

Acting Senate president Alina Gorghiu and Chamber of Deputies Speaker Marcel Ciolacu had a joint meeting on Tuesday with President of the Republic of Georgia, Salome Zourabichvili, who is on an official visit to…

15:26, 08.10.2022

Primele imagini date de oficialii ruși cu modul în care arată Podul Crimeei, după explozia de sâmbătă dimineață

Comitetul de Investigații al Federației Ruse a publicat un videoclip de la locul exploziei de pe podul Crimeea. Imaginile, distribuite și de canalul Nexta , prezintă mai mulți oficiali prezenți pe pod care analizează…

20:10, 07.10.2022

President Klaus Iohannis reiterated, in Prague, Romania's openness to reconstruction process of Ukraine

President Klaus Iohannis reiterated, in Prague, Romania's position regarding the independence, territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine and the continuation of our country's constant support, on multiple…

13:15, 02.10.2022

DefMin Dincu, on official visit to Chisinau, voices support for Ukraine's sovereignty, integrity and independence

Minister of Defense, Vasile Dincu, declared on Saturday, in Chisinau, that NATO is not looking for a confrontation with the Russian Federation and that it unequivocally supports Ukraine's sovereignty, integrity…

14:55, 26.09.2022

(VIDEO) Atac cu morți la o școală din Rusia

Un bărbat înarmat a deschis focul la o școală din centrul Rusiei, omorând mai mulți oameni. Cel puţin nouă persoane au fost ucise şi 20 rănite, printre care copii, într-o şcoala din oraşul Ijevsk, capitala regiunii…

12:35, 26.09.2022

ATAC ARMAT la o școală din Rusia! Sunt morți și răniți FOTO/VIDEO

Un bărbat înarmat a intrat într-o școală din centrul Rusiei și a început să tragă. Cel puțin nouă oameni au fost uciși, iar alți 20 au fost răniți, conform autorităților ruse, citate de BBC. Atacul a avut loc în…

17:06, 22.09.2022

Acting Senate President Gorghiu meets Moldovan Parliament President Grosu during visit to neighbouring country

The interim President of the Senate, Alina Gorghiu, who is currently paying a visit to the Republic of Moldova, September 21-22, has had a meeting with the President of Parliament from our neighbouring country,…

12:25, 21.09.2022

PM Ciuca: Concerned noting of President Putin's statements, calmly analyze situation together with NATO partners

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca declared on Wednesday that he noted with concern the statements of Russian President Vladimir Putin regarding the partial mobilization of the army of the Russian Federation and the…

11:21, 15.09.2022

Romania bans use of Russian antivirus software in public institutions

The Government of Romania approved on Wednesday the draft law on the protection of IT systems of public authorities and institutions in the context of the invasion launched by the Russian Federation against Ukraine,…

19:15, 14.09.2022

Government approves draft law on prohibition of purchase&use of antivirus software from Russian Federation

The government approved on Wednesday the draft law on the protection of the IT systems of public authorities and institutions in the context of the invasion launched by the Russian Federation against Ukraine, the…

17:45, 13.09.2022

Romania files Declaration of Intervention in proceedings brought by Ukraine against Russian Federation at International Court of Justice

Romania filed on Tuesday the Declaration of Intervention in the proceedings brought by Ukraine against the Russian Federation at the International Court of Justice (ICJ), with Minister of Foreign Affairs Bogdan…