Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

17:06, 15.05.2024

PM Ciolacu on price increases in stores: No economic grounds for such practices

PM Ciolacu on price increases in stores: No economic grounds for such practices

Prime minister Marcel Ciolacu said on Wednesday in Constanta, when asked about such products that have been reduced in quantity but are sold at the same price as before, that, in his view, there are no economic…

19:25, 17.04.2024

CBD: A Natural Ally in the Battle Against Back Pain

Back pain is a common affliction that affects millions of people worldwide, ranging from mild discomfort to chronic agony, and it can significantly impact daily life. In recent years, CBD (Cannabidiol), a compound…

08:30, 27.02.2024

President, Senate head and PM to participate in event on good practices for the environment

President Klaus Iohannis, Senate President Nicolae Ciuca and Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu on Tuesday will participate in the event entitled "Good practices for the environment advanced by civil society," organised…

11:25, 14.02.2024

Cum să alegi semineul perfect: Ghidul suprem pentru un cămin confortabil

În căutarea unei adăugiri de impact pentru locuința dvs.? Descoperiți fascinația și funcționalitatea semineelor, elemente care au o istorie bogată ce datează încă din antichitate. De la focul primordial până la…

21:30, 23.11.2023

Concluziile specialiștilor invitați la ediția de la Timișoara a conferinței „MAGNETICO. How to attract and retain talents improving employer branding…

Aproximativ 150 de specialiști locali din domeniul resurselor umane au participat, pe 2 noiembrie 2023, la conferința „MAGNETICO. How to attract and retain talents improving employer branding and creating meaningful…

21:45, 30.10.2023

Pe 2 noiembrie, proiectul „MAGNETICO. How to attract and retain talents improving employer branding and creating meaningful HR practices”, dedicat specialiștilor…

Pe 2 noiembrie 2023, BusinessMark invită specialiștii de resurse umane din Timișoara la conferința „MAGNETICO. How to attract and retain talents improving employer branding and creating meaningful HR practices”.…

19:55, 24.05.2023

ANPC president signs 11 orders to stop deceptive practices by banks, another 8 banks to follow

President of the National Consumer Protection Authority (ANPC) Horia Constantinescu announced on Wednesday having signed 11 orders to stop deceptive practices by banks, and that another 8 banks would be sanctioned…

13:05, 16.05.2023

Eleven banks fined a combined 550,000 RON for misleading commercial practices in installment calculation method

Eleven banks operating in Romania were found to apply misleading commercial practices in the installment calculation method, which is why the National Consumer Protection Authority (ANPC) fined them a combined…

19:30, 20.03.2023

EduMin Deca: United Arab Emirates - a model of good practices in education for sustainable development

The United Arab Emirates is to Romania a model of good practices in many fields, including education for sustainable development, Education Minister Ligia Deca said on Monday, who, together with her Emirati counterpart…

16:11, 09.12.2022

Raiffeisen Bank gives back 13.4 million euros to 5,530 customers affected by unfair commercial practices

Raiffeisen Bank has started returning the amounts established by an Order of the president of the National Authority for Consumer Protection (ANPC) in relation to the bank's unfair commercial practices, so far…

11:10, 15.11.2022

Cum s-au schimbat nevoile angajaților astăzi și ce pot face companiile pentru atrage talentele? Aflăm la prima ediție „MAGNETICO. How to attract and retain…

Evenimentele din seria „MAGNETICO. How to attract and retain talents improving employer branding and creating meaningful HR practices” continuă, ajungând de această dată la Timișoara. Prima ediție a conferinței…

17:25, 09.11.2022

„Ambasadorii cei mai buni sunt angajații noștri. Orice spot publicitar pălește în fața acestora”. Iată cum a fost la prima ediție „MAGNETICO. How to attract…

Pe 2 noiembrie 2022, s-a desfășurat cu succes prima ediție „MAGNETICO. How to attract and retain talents improving employer branding and creating meaningful HR practices” organizată de BusinessMark la Cluj-Napoca.…

12:55, 27.09.2022

Iohannis: DNA, European model for a provider of expertise, best practices in the fight against corruption

President Klaus Iohannis said on Tuesday that Romania's National Anti-Corruption Directorate (DNA) has made great progress, becoming a model at the European level for a provider of expertise and best practices…

19:10, 10.08.2022

Guide of best agricultural practices for climate change vailable to farmers (MADR)

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MADR) provides farmers with a Guide of best agricultural practices for climate change, in order to face the challenges in the context of the intensification of…

15:15, 28.04.2022

PM Ciuca: OECD accession - opportunity to implement best practices and standards

The process of joining the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is an opportunity to implement best practices and standards, Romania's goal being to provide citizens with all the economic…

22:15, 15.04.2022

Premier Ciuca visiting Green Group: 'A good practices model gov't encourages'

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca visited on Friday the company Green Group, from eastern Buzau County, which operates in the field of waste recycling, in order to find out what are the problems faced by the market…

13:15, 10.03.2022

COVID-19 vaccination to be conducted mainly in family physicians' practices

The National COVID Vaccination Coordination Committee (CNCAV) mission will end in the coming weeks, and the vaccination against COVID-19 will be conducted mainly at the family physicians' practices, Secretary of…

12:20, 10.03.2022

Those responsible for speculation of fuel prices to be held accountable for unfair commercial practices

Those responsible for the speculation created on Wednesday evening by the increase in prices at the pump, at the gas stations, will be responsible for unfair commercial practices, said on Thursday the Minister…

23:31, 02.03.2022

Consumer watchdog finally wins unfair business practices lawsuit against Raiffeisen Bank SA

The National Consumer Protection Authority (ANPC) announced on Wednesday having definitively won the unfair business practices lawsuit against Raiffeisen Bank SA, and that the financial institution will consequently…

20:00, 18.01.2022

Energy suppliers' association rejects claims through which suppliers are being accused of unfair practices

The Romanian Power Suppliers Association (AFEER) firmly rejects claims circulated in public space through which suppliers are being accused of unfair practices and says that many problems occurred because of delays…

18:45, 03.09.2021

Raiffeisen Bank, 100K RON fine for illegal interest rate manipulation

The National Authority for Consumer Protection (ANPC) has issued a fine to Raiffeisen Bank worth 100,000 RON (rd 20,280 euro) for incorrect commercial practices and decided to suspend the bank's activity regarding…

13:11, 08.05.2021

MAE: Elimination of gender-based discriminatory practices - an essential pillar of democratic societies

The principle of equal treatment and unrestricted access to opportunities of assertion for women and men, together with the elimination of discriminatory practices based on gender criteria for equal access of women…

20:35, 26.04.2021

Plenum of Senate adopts bill on unfair commercial practices between businesses

The Senate plenum adopted, on Monday, the bill regarding the unfair commercial practices between businesses within the agricultural and food supply chain. The bill, initiated by National Liberal Party (PNL) MP…

15:40, 06.04.2021

30pct of family physicians in Romania choose to use their practices in vaccination campaign

Chairman of Romania's National COVID-19 Vaccination Coordination Committee (CNCAV) Valeriu Gheorghita said on Tuesday that 3,082 family physicians have opted to use their own practices to administer the COVID-19…

10:22, 21.02.2020

EduMin Anisie says good practice in student mobility exchanges between EU, member states needed

Romania's acting Education Minister Monica Anisie says a permanent exchange of information and best practices is needed between the European Union and its member states regarding the mobility of students, students…

12:57, 25.11.2019

Regional awareness-raising campaign against gender-based violence in Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania

A regional awareness-raising campaign against gender-based violence in Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania which will run for 16 days has been launched by the Strategic Police Matters Unit (SPMU) of the Organisation…

10:02, 31.10.2019

Totul despre afaceri la Business Model Innovation în Craiova

Evenimentul Business Model Innovation şi-a deschis lucrările în această dimineaţă la Craiova. Cei mai de seamă consultanţi şi oameni de afaceri vorbesc despre transformarea modelului de business. Printre temele…

11:07, 25.10.2019

Matematica şi Muzica ”se-ngână şi-şi răspund”, în cadrul programului Erasmus+, de la ...

În perioada 14-19 octombrie 2019, la Colegiul Naţional "Mihai Eminescu", Suceava, a avut loc cea de a doua întâlnire a proiectului Erasmus+ "E.learning.– European schooL practicEs for teAching and leaRNING of maths"…

15:12, 07.10.2019

Opposition leader Orban calls criminal offence PM Dancila's promise to MPs to sway them

National leader of the opposition National Liberal Party (PNL) Ludovic Orban on Monday warned the Social Democrats, at rule, claiming that any promise of money or public offices made to lawmakers to change their…

08:54, 16.08.2019

43 de scurtmetraje în competiţia Bucharest International Dance Film Festival 2019

În închiderea festivalului: Magui Maryn: L'urgence d'Agir * 30 de scurtmetraje, din 15 ţări, au intrat în competiţia internaţională; * 8 filme româneşti au fost selectate în competiţia naţională; * 5 filme scurte…