Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

10:05, 27.12.2023

Turkey’s parliamentary committee approves Sweden’s NATO membership

The foreign affairs committee of the Turkish parliament on Tuesday gave its approval for Sweden to join NATO, reported Turkey‘s Anadolu news agency, according to Politico.  This brings Sweden a step closer to joining…

10:25, 22.12.2023

Employees of the Ministry of Finance, Fiscal Agency and Customs go on a Japanese strike

The members of the Meridian National Trade Union, employees of the Ministry of Finance and subordinate institutions, will go on a Japanese strike on Wednesday, December 27, unhappy that they will be exempted from…

08:45, 15.12.2023

Measures to implement Digital Services Act on single market for digital services, approved by government

The draft law establishing a series of measures necessary for the application of the Digital Services Act on the single market for digital services was approved Thursday in a government meeting, the Executive informs…

15:31, 14.12.2023

A strong supporter and defender of multilateral diplomacy, Romania celebrates 68 years of UN membership

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs welcomes the 68th anniversary of Romania's admission to the United Nations on December 14."During the 68 years of UN membership, Romania has been a strong supporter and defender…

18:05, 13.12.2023

IntMin Predoiu, Israeli counterpart meet with members of families of citizens kidnapped by Hamas

IntMin Predoiu, Israeli counterpart meet with members of families of citizens kidnapped by HamasInterior Minister Catalin Predoiu met on Wednesday a delegation led by Israeli Interior Minister Moshe Arbel, which…

13:51, 11.12.2023

Pressure mounts on Hungary to unblock EU membership talks and funds for Ukraine

Pressure mounted on Hungary on Monday not to veto the opening of European Union membership talks and the supply of economic aid to war-torn Ukraine at a pivotal EU summit this week, after Prime Minister Viktor…

12:05, 30.11.2023

Russia’s Lavrov sparks rift at European security meeting

Member countries are divided over the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe’s annual foreign ministers’ meeting on Thursday with Baltic nations and Ukraine refusing to attend over the presence of…

13:15, 29.11.2023

PM Ciolacu gives two assignments to ministers for December: 2024 budget and reorganization of ministries

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu has given two assignments to the members of the Cabinet for the beginning of December: the budget for 2024 and the reorganization of ministries."I also have two assignments for the…

10:50, 29.11.2023

EU members reach preliminary agreement on reducing industrial emissions

EU member countries and the European Parliament said Wednesday they have reached a preliminary agreement on curbing industrial emissions, including those from intensive poultry and pig farms and from ore mines,…

21:30, 27.11.2023

Ex-HealthMin accused of abuse of office Ioana Mihaila resigns from REPER leadership

Ex-HealthMin accused of abuse of office Ioana Mihaila resigns from REPER leadershipThe former minister of health Ioana Mihaila announced on Monday that she has resigned as a member of the REPER National Bureau.…

15:05, 25.11.2023

Women's rights promotion - a priority commitment of Romania's, Foreign Ministry says

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs welcomes the observation, on November 25, of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and reaffirms its commitment to promoting the rights of all women…

11:35, 24.11.2023

12 Romanian citizens and family members evacuated from Gaza Strip arrive in Romania

12 Romanian citizens and family members evacuated from Gaza Strip arrive in RomaniaA group of 12 Romanian citizens and family members evacuated from the Gaza Strip arrived in Romania on Friday aboard a flight operated…

11:05, 17.11.2023

DIICOT, FBI raids on members of Sandu Syndicate, wanted in the US for USD 5 million fraud

DIICOT, FBI raids on members of Sandu Syndicate, wanted in the US for USD 5 million fraudThe Directorate for the Investigation of Organised Crime and Terror (DIICOT) prosecutors and law enforcement with the Service…

20:00, 16.11.2023

EC demands that Romania, Austria transpose Directive on protection of collective interests of consumers

EC demands that Romania, Austria transpose Directive on protection of collective interests of consumersThe European Commission decided on Thursday to send a reasoned opinion to Romania and Austria for not having…

16:56, 16.11.2023

EC asks five states and Romania to correctly transpose directive on waste

EC asks five states and Romania to correctly transpose directive on wasteThe European Commission decided on Thursday to initiate infringement proceedings by sending formal letters of formal notice to Romania, Bulgaria,…

14:15, 16.11.2023

Romania strongly supports North Macedonia's goal of EU membership, says ForMin Odobescu

Romania strongly supports North Macedonia's goal of EU membership, says ForMin OdobescuRomania strongly supports North Macedonia's goal of joining the European Union, foreign affairs minister Luminita Odobescu,…

08:16, 14.11.2023

86 Romanian citizens, family members, evacuated from Gaza Strip, touched down in Romania

86 Romanian citizens, family members, evacuated from Gaza Strip, touched down in RomaniaA group of 86 Romanian citizens and family members evacuated from the Gaza Strip touched down in Romania on Tuesday morning…

21:45, 13.11.2023

Romanian Crown Custodian receives insignia of honorary member of Moldova's Academy of Sciences

Romanian Crown Custodian receives insignia of honorary member of Moldova's Academy of SciencesThe Custodian of the Romanian Crown, Her Majesty Margareta, received on Monday the insignia of an honorary member of…

19:55, 11.11.2023

41 Romanians and family members, evacuated from Gaza Strip will set off for Romania

The 41 Romanian citizens and family members recently evacuated from the Gaza Strip will leave for Romania on a flight made with the support of the Ministry of National Defense, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE)…

18:55, 08.11.2023

Rafah border crossing closed, 51 Romanian citizens and family members to be evacuated at later date

Rafah border crossing closed, 51 Romanian citizens and family members to be evacuated at later dateThe evacuation from the Gaza Strip of the 51 Romanian citizens and family members who had received the consent…

08:46, 08.11.2023

Another 51 Romanian citizens from Gaza Strip and family members to cross from Gaza to Egypt

Another 51 Romanian citizens from the Gaza Strip and their family members will be able to go through the Rafah border crossing on Wednesday to enter the territory of the Arab Republic of Egypt, the Ministry of…

15:45, 07.11.2023

EU set to move ahead on Ukraine membership bid with conditions

The European Union’s executive arm will meet later Tuesday to finalize a decision on whether to recommend formally opening Ukraine’s membership talks, with expectations of a positive outcome for Kyiv but with conditions…

08:56, 07.11.2023

103 Romanian citizens, family members from Gaza permitted to cross into Egypt

Romania's Foreign Ministry (MAE) has reported that 103 Romanian citizens from the Gaza Strip and their family members on Monday night was given permission to transit the border crossing from Rafah into Egypt.They…

15:40, 02.11.2023

PM Ciolacu asks ministers for permanent dialogue with European Commission officials to meet PNRR milestones

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu asked on Thursday the ministers coordinating the reform to hold permanent consultations with the European Commission representatives, including at technical level, so that the National…

14:55, 02.11.2023

Germany’s Baerbock backs advancing Ukraine’s EU membership bid

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock on Thursday threw her weight behind the European Union granting Ukraine a new milestone next month in Kyiv’s quest for integration in the West as its fights a Russian invasion,…

09:20, 27.10.2023

76 MEPs call for Gaza ‘immediate ceasefire’ in letter to EU chiefs

Seventy-six Members of the European Parliament sent a letter to EU Commission and Council leaders on Thursday to push for an ‘immediate ceasefire’ in Gaza to allow humanitarian access, ahead of the EU countries’…

21:10, 19.10.2023

România, exemplu pentru statele membere UE. Țara noastră, lăudată de comisarul european pentru Afaceri Interne

Ylva Johansson, comisarul european pentru Afaceri Interne, a lăudat progresul României în domeniul controlului frontierelor, al migraţiei şi azilului, în cadrul discuţiilor purtate la Luxemburg, la secţiunea Afaceri…

14:50, 18.10.2023

Descoperă produsele AIESEC București, una dintre cele mai mari organizații internaționale de tineri pentru tineri

Ți-ai dorit să pleci în străinătate, să descoperi și să experimentezi alte stiluri de viață din alte țări?Te-ai gândit vreodată că poți avea parte de o experiență unică, care îți va impacta viața nu numai la nivel…

11:00, 17.10.2023

EU urges reforms, single market in Western Balkans to boost membership bids

The European Union wants to bring six Western Balkan countries closer to membership of the bloc but wants them first to implement reform and create their own single market, European Commission President Ursula…

13:05, 16.10.2023

Factoring market surpasses 4 billion euros mid-year, after 10 pct advance (association)

The Romanian factoring market surpassed the 4 billion euros mark halfway through 2023, after a 10% advance compared to the same period last year, according to the half-yearly research conducted by the Romanian…