Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

13:40, 08.04.2020

GCS: 335 criminal cases opened for offense of hindering disease combat

A number of 335 criminal cases have been opened through the authorised structures of the Interior Ministry (MAI) for the offense of hindering disease combat, a felony stipulated and punished by article 352 of the…

14:10, 03.04.2020

Criminal files opened on people hampering disease control hit 285

As many as 285 criminal files have so far been opened by the authorised departments of the Interior Ministry for the commission of hampering disease control, a criminal offence, the Strategic Communication Group…

11:03, 01.04.2020

DGPMB: 25 policemen of Precinct No.19 isolated at home

As a result of an epidemiological investigation, the doctor of Police Precinct No.19 ordered that 25 policemen of this unit be isolated at home, after three of them came into contact with a worker of another Interior…

14:02, 31.03.2020

More criminal files open on people hampering disease control

As many as 15 criminal files have been opened the last 24 hours by the authorised departments of the Interior Ministry for the commission of hampering disease control, a criminal offence, the Strategic Communication…

23:57, 30.03.2020

StateSec Despescu announces Military Ordinance 5: Extension of flight suspension to and from Spain and Italy

Interior Ministry (MAI) Secretary of State Bogdan Despescu on Monday evening announced the adoption of Military Ordinance No. 5, which provides extending the suspension of airline flights to and from Spain and…

22:33, 29.03.2020

Interior Minister Vela presents new measures on prevention of COVID-19 spread

Interior Minister Marcel Vela, in a press statement at the Interior Ministry (MAI) headquarters on Sunday, presented new measures meant to prevent and manage the COVID-19 epidemic spread, provided by Military Ordinance…

16:27, 26.03.2020

Pro Romania's Ponta demands resignation of PM Orban: We need national union gov't headed by Raed Arafat

The Chairman of Pro Romania party, Victor Ponta, on Thursday urged Prime Minister Ludovic Orban to resign from office, on his Facebook page, maintaining that the solution would be a national union government headed…

09:25, 25.03.2020

Interior Ministry activity, most important in last 30 years

Over 27,000 employees of the Interior Ministry (MAI) have carried out patrol missions in the hospitals areas in the last 24 hours, ensuring security at quarantine units, checking on people in isolation, accompanying…

23:47, 24.03.2020

DSU's Arafat: We have 794 persons confirmed with COVID-19, 79 healed and 11 dead

Head of the Department for Emergency Situations Raed Arafat pointed out that until Tuesday evening at 20:00, a number of 794 persons had been confirmed with the novel coronavirus, 79 healed and 11 died. "The situation…

20:54, 24.03.2020

PM Orban: There will be limitations of citizens' movement during the day

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban has announced on Tuesday that, this evening, the Interior Minister will present a military ordinance with restrictions on movement during the day, with people still being allowed to…

13:53, 22.03.2020

GCS: 129 criminal cases opened for crime of hindering disease combat

A number of 129 criminal cases have been opened so far, through the authorised structures of the Interior Ministry (MAI) for committing the offense of hindering disease combat, a felony stipulated and punished…

21:54, 21.03.2020

IntMin Vela: No wide novel coronavirus community spread on Romania's territory

Interior Minister Marcel Vela on Saturday said that, following the establishment of the state of emergency, there is no wide novel coronavirus community spread on Romania's territory. "There is no wide community…

16:58, 21.03.2020

Secretary of State with the Interior Ministry (MAI) Raed Arafat: Avoid all activities that are not essential

Secretary of State with the Interior Ministry (MAI) Raed Arafat posted on Saturday a message through which he urges to avoid, "to the maximum," the activities which are not essential during this period and also…

08:54, 20.03.2020

HealthMin Costache: Border Police daily stops trucks attempting to get equipment out of the country

Health Minister Victor Costache said on Thursday that there are daily attempts to get trucks loaded with sanitary materials out of the country, which are blocked by the Border Police. "There are attempts, but we…

09:36, 18.03.2020

DSU's Arafat: National Centre of Intervention Management and Coordination has been activated

Secretary of State with the Interior Ministry (MAI) Raed Arafat said on Tuesday evening that the National Centre of Intervention Management and Coordination has been activated, which becomes operational on Wednesday…

09:35, 18.03.2020

MAI's Despescu: Checks on isolation observance, strengthened nationwide

Secretary of State with the Interior Ministry (MAI) Bogdan Despescu announced on Tuesday evening that mixed teams of investigation and documentation are established nationwide and there are strengthened checks…

08:40, 18.03.2020

Arafat: INSP, authority in charge with monitoring testing and reporting situations generated by coronavirus

The National Public Health Institute (INSP) has been designated as the authority in charge with monitoring testing and the integrated reporting of the situations generated by the novel coronavirus, head of the…

08:40, 18.03.2020

DSU's Arafat: Resident doctors, volunteer students and pupils to be redistributed if necessary

Resident doctors, volunteer students and pupils will be redistributed if necessary, as of Wednesday, to support the medical personnel in the hospitals and emergency services, head of the Emergency Situation Department…

17:37, 17.03.2020

ANCOM to implement all measures to remove, limit access to fake news

The National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications (ANCOM) will implement the measures in the presidential decree regarding the establishment of a state of emergency on Romania's territory,…

17:35, 16.03.2020

Iohannis:Interior Ministry, medical units, social care services may hire additional staff without contest

President Klaus Iohannis announced on Monday that the Interior Ministry (MAI) structures, the medical units and the social care services may hire additional staff with no contest, as part of the measures enforced…

00:38, 14.03.2020

Eight Romanian citizens repatriates with a Romanian Air Forces aircraft

Eight Romanian citizens in Italy will be brought back to the country this evening with an aircraft of the Romanian Air Forces. Upon arrival, they will be taken by the Public Health Directorate and placed in quarantine.…

21:09, 12.03.2020

Interim PM Orban: The measures we took were effective

Interim Prime Minister Ludovic Orban has said on Thursday that the measures taken to combat the infection with the novel coronavirus were effective as the number of infected persons remained at 50 persons. "The…

16:41, 11.03.2020

Bucharest hospital goes into quarantine

The Dimitrie Gerota Hospital of Bucharest went into quarantine Wednesday, with the inpatients and the staff staying there for 14 days, according to head of the Emergency Management Department (DSU) Raed Arafat.…

14:25, 04.03.2020

Acting IntMin Vela convenes National Emergency Management Committee

Acting Interior Minister Marcel Vela convened a meeting of the National Emergency Management Committee for today at 14:00hrs, at the headquarters of the Interior Ministry (MAI). According to sources, the topics…

13:03, 03.03.2020

Acting PM Orban tells police officers to do their job lawfully

Acting Prime Minister Ludovic Orban urged the employees of the Interior Ministry (MAI) to perform their duties in accordance with the law, saying that the MAI departments are vital to securing public peace, to…

14:20, 26.02.2020

Gov't approves establishment of integrated communication group on COVID-19

The Government has approved the establishment of an integrated communication group at the level of the Department for Emergency Situations (DSU), with representatives of the Interior Ministry, the DSU, the Health…

17:06, 19.02.2020

IntMin Designate Vela: Zero tolerance for those not doing their duty

Interior Minister-designate Marcel Vela said on Wednesday, at the 2019 activity review of the Romanian Police, that he has 'zero' tolerance for those who do not understand to do their duty or break the law, instead…

13:39, 19.02.2020

Interim HealthMin: There is no patient with coronavirus in Romania; diagnosis capacity has been extended

Interim Health Minister Victor Costache stated on Tuesday that there is no patient infected with coronavirus (COVID-19) in Romania and, at national level, the diagnosis capacity has bee extended, outside Bucharest…

16:15, 05.02.2020

IntMin Vela, UK Ambassador Noble, on Brexit, bilateral strategic partnership

The strategic partnership between Romania and the United Kingdom, as well as Brexit were among the topics of the discussions between Interior Minister Marcel Vela and Andrew Noble, the UK Ambassador in Bucharest,…

16:32, 30.12.2019

PM Orban: Decisions on reorganisation of ministries - to be most likely adopted by 15 Jan

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban has stated on Monday that the decisions regarding the reorganisation and functioning of ministries will be most likely adopted by 15 January."At the last meeting I requested you to…