Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

22:25, 09.02.2024

Dialogue between ForMin Odobescu and British counterpart on future support of Ukraine

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Luminita Odobescu, had a telephone conversation with her British counterpart, the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Commonwealth and Development, David Cameron, on Friday.The…

14:25, 07.02.2024

Senate's Corlatean, French ambassador emphasize strategic importance of security in Black Sea area

The President of the Committee for Foreign Policy of the Senate, Titus Corlatean, received, on Tuesday, the ambassador of the French Republic in Bucharest, Nicolas Warnery, at the beginning of his mandate in Romania,…

21:55, 06.02.2024

Cum și-a adaptat Rusia mașinăria de război pentru a prelua inițiativa strategică pe front. Rezultatul poate fi o înfrângere ucraineană, spune un strateg…

De la începutul invaziei, Moscova și-a îmbunătățit structura de comandă și control, capacitatea de apărare, strategia de asalt - chiar dacă una simplă, bazată frecvent pe soldați „de unică folosință” - și-a dezvoltat…

21:45, 06.02.2024

Ciuca: I trust that Romanian MEPs continue to be vocal in supporting Government in Chisinau at European level

The President of the Senate, Nicolae Ciuca, highlighted, on Tuesday, in the meeting with the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration from Chisinau, Mihai Popsoi, that Romania…

13:35, 06.02.2024

Republic of Moldova is in front line of hybrid war orchestrated by Kremlin (ForMin Odobescu)

The Republic of Moldova is "in the front line of the hybrid war orchestrated by the Kremlin," stated, on Tuesday, the minister of Foreign Affairs, Luminita Odobescu, in a joint press statement with her counterpart…

20:50, 05.02.2024

ForMin Odobescu in Sofia: We are coordinating to achieve common goal of joining Schengen with land borders

ForMin Odobescu in Sofia: We are coordinating to achieve common goal of joining Schengen with land bordersRomania and Bulgaria are coordinating to achieve, "as soon as possible," the common goal of having their…

09:45, 01.02.2024

Șeful CIA a scris un articol de o duritate fără precedent: analiza care dă fiori lumii întregi

Nu este tocmai obișnuit ca șeful CIA să scrie un articol lung pentru a-și explica poziția față de cea mai gravă criză internațională în care este implicată agenția externă americană. Dar asta face William Burns…

14:00, 31.01.2024

Șeful CIA: Războiul din Ucraina slăbește lent controlul lui Putin asupra puterii

Războiul Rusiei împotriva Ucrainei a erodat controlul președintelui rus Vladimir Putin asupra puterii, a slăbit armata rusă și a alimentat un ”curent subteran de nemulțumire” în interiorul țării, a afirmat William…

11:46, 31.01.2024

Războiul din Ucraina a erodat puterea lui Putin și a permis SUA să recruteze mai mulți spioni ruși, spune șeful CIA

„Curentul subteran” de dezamăgire a rușilor față de conducerea lor creează o oportunitate de recrutare care apare o dată la o generație pentru CIA”, a scris șeful serviciului secret american într-un eseu pentru…

10:16, 31.01.2024

Turkey's foreign minister paying visit to Bucharest

Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey Hakan Fidan will pay a visit Bucharest on Wednesday.According to the Romanian Foreign Ministry, the Turkish official will have a meeting with the head of diplomacy…

05:35, 31.01.2024

Sfârșitul entuziasmului: directorul CIA nu vede cu optimism evoluția Ucrainei în conflictul cu Rusia în 2024

Anul 2024 va fi probabil unul dificil pentru Ucraina în lupta sa cu Rusia în 2024, a declarat marți directorul CIA, William Burns, afirmând totodată că întreruperea ajutorului american pentru administraţia de la…

23:36, 30.01.2024

Italia, scandalizată de tratamentul „degradant și umilitor” aplicat unei italience care a fost adusă în lanțuri și cătușe la un tribunal din Ungaria |…

Italia și-a exprimat marți, 30 ianuarie, indignarea față de tratamentul aplicat de Ungaria unei femei italiene care a apărut în fața unui tribunal din Budapesta cu lanțuri și încătușată pentru a fi acuzată că a…

10:45, 30.01.2024

Over 60,000 people enter Romania on January 29, including 5,954 Ukrainian citizens

As many as 61,822 people, including 5,954 Ukrainian citizens, entered Romania on Monday, January 29, the General Border Police Inspectorate (IGPF) reported on Tuesday.According to IGPF, at the border crossings…

14:30, 29.01.2024

MAE notes with concern allegations of involvement of UNRWA members in Hamas attacks on Israel

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) said on Monday that it has taken note with "utmost concern" of recent serious accusations regarding the alleged involvement of staff members of the United Nations Relief and…

14:50, 28.01.2024

China nu-și poate opri declinul (Foreign Policy)

Profesorul universitar Howard W. French, de la Universitatea Columbia, explică în Foreign Policy de ce marele motor chinez al creșterii economice e defect și țara nu mai este destinată să conducă lumea în următoarele…

18:05, 26.01.2024

Romania no longer under infringement procedure for three industrial combustion plants

The infringement procedure in which Romania was in, related to the industrial emissions produced by three combustion plants, has been stopped, informs a press release from the Ministry of Environment, Waters and…

15:55, 25.01.2024

Pentagonul dezminte informațiile privind retragerea trupelor sale din Siria

Informațiile din presă potrivit cărora SUA ar lua în considerare posibilitatea retragerii trupelor sale din Siria nu sînt veridice. Despre acest lucru a declarat pentru RIA Novosti un reprezentant de rang înalt…

12:05, 24.01.2024

Republic of Moldova’s foreign minister resigns as country moves towards EU

The Republic of Moldova‘s foreign minister announced his resignation on Wednesday, saying he had fulfilled his objective of steering the country towards the European Union, a process that pro-Russian separatists…

10:10, 23.01.2024

Scheduled events for January 23

Scheduled events for January 23PRESIDENCY: - Annual meeting with the heads of diplomatic missions accredited in Romania, with a speech by president Klaus Iohannis DIPLOMACY: - Foreign Affairs minister Luminita…

19:55, 22.01.2024

Moldova's ForMin Popescu to visit Romania

Moldova's Foreign Minister Nicu Popescu will be paying a working visit to Bucharest on Tuesday to meet his Romanian counterpart Luminita Odobescu and other state officials, according to the MOLDPRES news agency.According…

11:25, 22.01.2024

Over 14,000 Ukrainians enter Romania on Saturday and Sunday

Over 14,000 Ukrainians enter Romania on Saturday and SundayApproximately 313,400 people, Romanian and foreign citizens, and over 95,100 means of transport completed the border control formalities on Saturday and…

18:20, 19.01.2024

Foreign Minister Odobescu meets Azerbaijani incoming ambassador

Foreign Minister Odobescu meets Azerbaijani incoming ambassadorMinister of Foreign Affairs Luminita Odobescu met on Friday with incoming ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan to Romania Gudsi Dursun Oglu Osmanov…

15:15, 19.01.2024

Seven foreign citizens with illegal stay, detected by immigration police

Seven foreign citizens from Bangladesh, Pakistan, Syria and the Republic of Moldova were detected by the Bacau immigration police with illegal residence, the County Police Inspectorate (IPJ) informed on Friday."As…

09:55, 19.01.2024

Nearly 6,500 Ukrainian citizens enter Romania on Thursday

Nearly 6,500 Ukrainian citizens entered Romania on Thursday, while a total of about 149,600 Romanian and foreign citizens and about 45,800 means of transport completed control formalities at border crossings throughout…

13:00, 18.01.2024

ForMin Odobescu in Davos speaks of Romania's support for Western Balkans countries

Foreign Minister Luminita Odobescu spoke on Wednesday, on the first day of her participation in the World Economic Forum in Davos, about the support Romania is giving to the Western Balkans countries in terms of…

19:30, 10.01.2024

ForMin Odobescu to participate in Snow Meeting, focusing European security

Foreign affairs minister Luminita Odobescu Thursday through Friday will participate in the informal "Snow Meeting" on foreign policy and security issues, traditionally organised by Lithuania in Trakai.The event…

16:36, 09.01.2024

De ce nu s-a prăbușit Rusia

După invazia Ucrainei în februarie 2022, multe voci occidentale au lăudat posibilitatea dezintegrării Rusiei. S-au amăgit. În ciuda unei serii de articole triumfaliste care vorbesc despre „renașterea” Occidentului,…

15:10, 04.01.2024

Sri Lankan citizen, caught 33 years after killing a foreign citizen in Bucharest

A 52-year-old Sri Lankan citizen was detected in the town of Moers, Germany, following the exchange of information carried out by the SIRENE Bureau of the International Police Cooperation Center - IGPR, with the…

11:20, 04.01.2024

6,447 companies running on foreign capital established in Romania in first 11 months of 2023

The number of newly established foreign-owned companies in Romania decreased by 6.2% in the first 11 months of this year, compared to the same period in 2022, to 6,447 units, according to data centralized by the…

10:40, 04.01.2024

Arad border police find several foreigners hidden in a truck among tyres

The Arad border police found several persons from Pakistan, Ethiopia and Afghanistan hidden in a truck among tyres ready to cross the Nadlac II border checkpoint illegally, with the Romanian driver currently facing…