Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

18:55, 18.06.2021

PSD's Rafila: Establishment of Agency for Development of Health Infrastructure - creation of new "bureaucratic structure"

PSD (Social Democratic Party) MP Alexandru Rafila said on Friday that the establishment of the Agency for the Development of Health Infrastructure, an institution introduced in the National Recovery and Resilience…

11:15, 02.06.2021

April's arrivals in Romania's tourist accommodation establishments 26.6 times higher YoY

Arrivals in tourist accommodation establishments this April were 26.6 times higher YoY, while overnight stays in such facilities were 18.9-fold the number in the year-ago period, the National Institute of Statistics…

20:20, 11.05.2021

Parliament: Project referring to establishment of investigation committee regarding pandemic rejected

Senators and deputies have issued a negative vote, on Tuesday, on the draft decision that would have established a Parliamentary Investigation Committee regarding the real situation, the situation reported by the…

20:00, 04.05.2021

Senate rejects establishment of inquiry committee into evacuation and transfer of Foisor Hospital patients

The Senate rejected, in Tuesday's sitting, the draft decision aimed at setting up an inquiry committee into the organization of the evacuation and transfer of the patients hospitalized in the Foisor Clinical Hospital…

15:35, 29.03.2021

PSD to submit request for committee of inquiry into 'falsification' of COVID-19 pandemic data

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) National Standing Bureau has decided to submit arequest for the establishment of a parliamentary committee of inquiry into the "falsification" of the COVID-19 pandemic data, the…

08:45, 26.03.2021

Government approves establishment of legal framework for COVID-19 testing in pharmacies

The government approved the establishment of the legal framework for COVID-19 testing in pharmacies, Health Minister Vlad Voiculescu announced on Thursday, according to AGERPRES. "Today, in the government meeting,…

17:00, 19.03.2021

PNRR/Establishment of Wood Exchange, administrative reform of Romsilva

The establishment of the Wood Exchange and the administrative reform of the Romsilva National Forests Authority are among the points of interest found in Chapter 2 of Pillar I of the National Recovery and Resilience…

08:10, 09.03.2021


Orthodox feast: Forty Martyrs of Sebaste Anti-Communist Political Prisoners' Day 1944-1989 1371 - Establishment of a Catholic bishopric in Siret, capital city of Moldavia. The first holder of the office was Franciscan…

17:40, 01.03.2021

Romania, Bosnia and Herzegovina celebrated the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations

The Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) welcomes the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Romania and Bosnia and Herzegovina and emphasizes that the European and Euro-Atlantic…

08:05, 26.02.2021


1838 - Birth of philologist, poet, prose writer, playwright and journalist Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu, member of the Romanian Academy (d. August 25, 1907) 1891 - Establishment of the Society of Romanian Architects,…

08:50, 22.01.2021

JusMin says not obsessing over undoing court section, not feather in his cap

Justice Minister Stelian Ion said on Thursday evening that he does not obsess over undoing the court section for investigation of judicial crimes (SIIJ), adding that he will not turn the issue into a feather in…

12:25, 01.01.2021


Orthodox feast: Feast of the Circumcision of Christ; Saint Basil the Great, Archbishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia (New Year) 1432 - Death of Alexander the Good, ruler of Moldova (1400-1432). 1558 - Death of chronicler…

18:50, 18.12.2020

Exhibition dedicated to 160 years since establishment of "Gheorghe Lazar" National College, opened at MNIR

The exhibition "Gheorghe Lazar National College - 160 years of Romanian education", organized on the occasion of the 160th anniversary of the establishment of the educational institution, was opened on Friday at…

23:40, 03.12.2020

Gov't to approve establishment of National Cyber Security Directorate at Friday's meeting

The Government is to approve, on Friday, a draft emergency ordinance on the establishment of the National Cyber Security Directorate, as a public institution, with legal personality, under the coordination of the…

08:10, 02.12.2020


1845 - Establishment, in Paris, of the Society of Romanian Students, with Ion Ghica, C.A. Rosetti and Scarlat Varnav among member personalities 1911 - Birth of writer Ieronim Serbu (d. December 8, 1972) 1927 -…

19:55, 25.11.2020

Iohannis: I do not intend to promote establishment of so-called lockdown after the elections

President Klaus Iohannis gave assurances on Wednesday that he does not intend to promote the establishment of a quarantine at the national level after the elections. "I do not intend to promote the establishment…

13:45, 06.11.2020

ForMin Aurescu: Proposals received for establishment of over 600 polling stations abroad

More than 600 proposals to set up polling stations abroad have been registered so far for the parliamentary election scheduled for December 6, Foreign Affairs Minister Bogdan Aurescu told a press conference on…

19:40, 05.11.2020

EduMin approves establishment of excellence centres in each county and Bucharest municipality

The Minister of Education and Research, Monica Cristina Anisie, approved, by order, the establishment of centers of excellence in each county and in Bucharest municipality. According to a press release of the MEC…

11:25, 05.11.2020

TeraPlast enters biodegradable packaging market with investment of almost 12 ml euros

TeraPlast Group is seeking funding of about 5.8 million euro under the state aid scheme for stimulating investments with a major impact on the economy for its 11.8-million euro project "Establishment of a new production…

10:51, 02.11.2020

Arrivals in tourist reception facilities, down 39.5%, in September

The number of arrivals registered in the tourist accommodation establishments in September 2020 stood at 794,500, down by 39.5% compared to September 2019, foreign tourists representing 4.1%, according to data…

08:20, 23.10.2020


1443 - Stefan, the first known Romanian mural painter created the murals of the Christian Orthodox Church of Densus (Hunedoara County) 1861 - Establishment in Sibiu of the ASTRA Transylvanian Association for Romanian…

20:55, 08.10.2020

Gov't to approve payment facilities for outstanding budget debt after state of alert establishment

The government is to approve by emergency ordinance payment facilities for outstanding budget debts accrued after the date of the establishment of the state of emergency,managed by the central fiscal body, after…

08:50, 20.08.2020

Gov't considers state-aid schemes for agriculture

The government on Wednesday considered in first reading several draft pieces of legislation regarding the establishment of state-aid schemes for agriculture, including cattle breeders, pig farmers, poultry farmers,…

15:24, 15.07.2020

CCR rules Law on Day of the Treaty of Trianon constitutional

Romania's Constitutional Court (CCR) on Wednesday rejected the constitutional challenge filed by President Klaus Iohannis and decided that the establishment of June 4 as the Day of the Treaty of Trianon is constitutional.According…

16:18, 14.07.2020

Law on establishment of minimum coefficients of the salary scale is unconstitutional

Romania's Constitutional Court (CCR) on Tuesday unanimously decided that the Law regarding the establishment of the minimum coefficients of the salary scale at the national level is unconstitutional. According…

19:33, 07.07.2020

Draft law regarding establishment of September 27 as date of local elections - adopted

Senators adopted on Tuesday the legislative draft regarding the establishment of the date of the local elections as September 27.The draft law was approved by 81 votes "in favour", 8 "against", and 39 abstentions.…

14:01, 16.06.2020

CAB registers file sent by CNSAS requesting establishment of quality of Securitate collaborator of BNR Mugur Isarescu

The Bucharest Court of Appeal (CAB) registered the file sent by the National Council for the Study of Securitate [the communist-era political police] Archives (CNSAS) requesting the establishment of the "quality…

17:30, 29.05.2020

Health protocols to be applied in all of the hotels in Greece for their safe reopening and operation, in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic

Recommended dates for the reopening of hotels in Greece (which have been closed since the country first went into lockdown):June 1: Reopening of year-round hotels June 15: reopening of all other tourist accommodation…

10:52, 12.05.2020

Jena față de devoalarea „Sistemului”

Autor:  Octavian ANDRONIC Mă intrigă puternic faptul că după apariția „Spovedaniei lui Rizea”, un text cu evident potențial devastator, apetitul comentatorilor, cu doar câteva excepții (Romoșan, Nistorescu) de…

11:27, 05.05.2020

Official statistics: 69.8 pct plunge for arrivals in Romania's tourist accommodation establishments this March

Arrivals in tourist accommodation establishments this March took a plunge of 69.8 pct from the year-ago period to 242,100, the National Institute of Statistics (INS) said on Tuesday.In February 2020, when the Covid-19…