Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

18:10, 17.04.2024

Forta Dreptei party to have Saturday its first congress since its establishment

Forta Dreptei party to have Saturday its first congress since its establishment

Forta Dreptei party [Right Force] will hold its first congress on Saturday, at the Palace of the Parliament, during which elections for the national leadership will take place. Also, the candidates for the local…

06:20, 12.04.2024

Sexul, genul și delirul ideologic: Reticența establishment-ului medical de a vorbi onest despre realitatea biologică

Sexul, genul și delirul ideologic: Reticența establishment-ului medical de a vorbi onest despre realitatea biologică

Niciodată nu poate fi justificat să distorsionezi realitatea în serviciul unei cauze sociale ori politice, indiferent cât de justă ar fi acea cauzăAsociația Medicală Americană afirmă că termenul de „sex” - în sensul…

19:01, 24.03.2024

Iohannis, trompeta BRICS în războiul Rusia&China vs. Occident

Establishmentul american începe să se prăbușească și în Europa, după ce a fost făcut țăndări în Orientul Mijlociu de încăpățânatul Benjamin Netanyahu. Pericolul UE este, însă, mai mare și asta fiindcă la mijloc…

22:10, 28.12.2023

Gov't approves establishment of Romanian Agency for Technological, Industrial Cooperation for Security and Defense

The Government approved in Thursday's meeting an emergency ordinance aimed at establishing the Romanian Agency for Technological and Industrial Cooperation for Security and Defense (ARCTIS).According to a press…

13:55, 20.12.2023

PNL's Ciuca: Changes in establishment and operation of micro-enterprises, assumed under PNRR

PNL's Ciuca: Changes in establishment and operation of micro-enterprises, assumed under PNRRThe changes in the establishment and operation of micro-enterprises are the result of the commitments undertaken through…

18:41, 16.11.2023

Gov't approves establishment of Investment and Development Bank

Gov't approves establishment of Investment and Development BankThe Government approved on Thursday the articles of association of the Investment and Development Bank - S.A.. According to a Government press release,…

22:30, 23.10.2023

Senate: Establishment of Institute for Support of EU Integration of Republic of Moldova, bill passed

The Senate adopted on Monday the legislative proposal establishing the Institute for the Support of the EU Integration of the Republic of Moldova, during the accession negotiations.According to the bill, initiated…

13:30, 12.10.2023

Peste un milion de români au cumpărat RCA de la firmele de asigurări din afara țării

Vânzările societăților de asigurare care vând polițe în România în baza pașaportului european au crescut puternic în prima jumătate de an, scrie Economica.net, care citează date oficiale.Primele brute subscrise…

12:15, 15.09.2023

Numismatic issue dedicated to 70 years since establishment of Court of International Commercial Arbitration

Numismatic issue dedicated to 70 years since establishment of Court of International Commercial ArbitrationThe National Bank of Romania (BNR) will put into circulation for numismatic purposes a silver coin dedicated…

15:50, 09.09.2023

Războiul din Caucaz ar putea începe înainte de alegerile din SUA: Este o amenințare pentru UE și Ucraina

Unii politicieni francezi sunt susținătorii aprigi ai separatiștilor armeni din Karabakh, care se află sub controlul Rusiei și care se opun în mod constant încheierii păcii cu Azerbaidjan. În timp ce Europa consolidată…

19:40, 14.08.2023

Economy minister signs approval for establishment of "Mamaia Nord Resort" DMO

Minister of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism Stefan-Radu Oprea signed on Monday in Navodari the approval notice for the establishment of the "Mamaia Nord Resort" Destination Management Organization (DMO) and…

08:11, 07.08.2023


Representatives of the seven powers (United Kingdom, France, Austria, Prussia, Russia, Turkey, Kingdom of Sardinia) sign the Paris Convention, according to which the two Romanian principalities were to be named…

11:20, 03.08.2023

Arrivals at Romania's tourist accommodation establishments, up 17.3pct in H1 2023

Arrivals at Romania's tourist accommodation establishments, up 17.3pct in H1 2023Arrivals at Romania's tourist accommodation establishments including apartments and rooms for rent in H1 2023 totalled 5.616 million…

19:15, 07.07.2023

Establishment, dissolution, financing of Romanian community centers abroad, approved by Gov't with Foreign Ministry's approval

President Klaus Iohannis promulgated, on Friday, the normative act for the amendment and completion of Law no. 86/2016 regarding the establishment of Romanian community centers abroad.The law provides that their…

12:20, 20.06.2023

Chamber of Deputies clears legislative proposal for establishment of National Museum of Roma History and Culture

Chamber of Deputies clears legislative proposal for establishment of National Museum of Roma History and Culture. The legislative proposal regarding the establishment of the National Museum of Roma History and…

18:45, 19.06.2023

Draft law on establishment of Film and Cultural Investment Office approved by Senate

Senators adopted on Monday the draft law for the approval of Government Emergency Ordinance No. 39/2023 on the establishment of the Film and Cultural Investment Office, as well as for the establishment of certain…

16:25, 07.06.2023

Revolta celor mai mari CEO din America împotriva establishmentului de la Washington

După ce a reușit să implice Europa în războiul său proxy împotriva Rusiei, America este hotărâtă să repete cu succes același scenariu și în privința Chinei. Dar aici, consecințele pentru noi (economice, într-o…

08:50, 07.06.2023

Public healthcare, social work establishments to go on Japanese-style strike

Public healthcare, social work establishments to go on Japanese-style strike. The health workers' trade unionists will launch a Japanese-style strike today in the public healthcare and social work establishments,…

17:36, 24.05.2023

Emergency ordinance on establishment of Film and Cultural Investment Office adopted by government

The Government adopted on Wednesday the Emergency Ordinance on the establishment of the Film and Cultural Investment Office, as well as on the establishment of institutional measures for the management of the state…

08:20, 05.05.2023

May 5 in history

1862 - Establishment in Bucharest of the first shooting sport association of Romania CITESTE SI Patriarch Daniel in message to Patriarch Porfirje of Serbia: News of the tragic event in Belgrade saddened us deeply…

23:35, 26.04.2023

Contraofensiva ucraineană este inevitabilă - Prigojin acuză establishment-ul rus de trădare

Contraofensiva ucraineană este inevitabilă - Prigojin acuză establishment-ul rus de trădareLiderul unităţii paramilitare ruse Wagner, Evgheni Prigojin, a descris miercuri drept "inevitabilă" contraofensiva armatei…

14:31, 26.04.2023

Autoritatea de Supraveghere Financiară poate să dispară în câțiva ani, din cauza politicilor financiare păguboase

Exsită deja pe piața asigurarilor RCA două companii care funcționează prin Freedom of Establishment, Axeria Iard şi Hellas. Potrivit presei de specialitate, ele au deja cote de piaţă semnificative. Pentru a putea…

00:11, 04.01.2023

Ministry of Agriculture develops draft decision for establishment of Milk and Dairy Products Observatory

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MADR) has drawn up the methodological rules for the application of the Milk and Dairy Products Law no. 307/2022, as well as the Guide to definitions and terms…

16:41, 19.12.2022

Parliament approves establishment of NATO battlegroup on Romania's territory, under leadership of France

The plenary session of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate approved, on Monday, with 309 votes "in favour" and five "against", the establishment of the NATO battlegroup on the territory of Romania, under the…

13:50, 08.12.2022

President Iohannis asks Parliament to re-examine law on establishment of Romanian community centres abroad

President Klaus Iohannis sent to Parliament, for re-examination, the law on the establishment of Romanian community centres abroad, which modifies and completes Law no. 86/2016, told Agerpres. Fii la curent cu…

13:55, 05.12.2022

BNR launches silver coin dedicated to 140 years since establishment of Bucharest Stock Exchange

The National Bank of Romania (BNR) launched on Monday, in the numismatic circuit, a silver coin to mark 140 years since the establishment of the Bucharest Stock Exchange, told Agerpres. Fii la curent cu cele mai…

07:40, 15.11.2022

Putin ar fi primit 6 condiții pentru un acord de pace cu Ucraina / Rusia trebuie să-și scoată armata din Trasnistria

Lui Putin i s-ar fi propus pe căi neoficiale semnarea unui acord de pace cu Ucraina. Informațiile au fost vociferate inclusiv de un cunoscut profesor rus, Valerii Solovei, specialist în științe politice. Acesta…

17:20, 28.10.2022

Government approves establishment of Romanian Agency for Investments and Foreign Trade

The Government approved, on Friday, an Emergency Ordinance on the establishment, organization and functioning of the Romanian Agency for Investments and Foreign Trade, as well as for the amendment of the Emergency…

13:15, 25.10.2022

Head of Bucharest Stock Exchange Hanga says establishment of Central Counterparty to be postponed again

The Central Counterparty is one of the pillars of the stock exchange's development, but we are moving very quickly towards a new postponement of its launch, and the target will be for it to be authorized by the…

11:15, 24.10.2022

Romania's tourist accommodation capacity up 0.8pct as of July 31

Bed places in Romania's tourist accommodation establishments increased by 0.8% on July 31, 2022, y-o-y, while tourist accommodation establishments were down 0.3% according to data with the National Institute of…