Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

13:46, 29.06.2021

New loans granted by Romanian banks over Jan - April 2021 up 32 pct YoY

Despite the adverse context of the pandemic, new corporate and retail loans granted by Romanian banks in the first four months of 2021 increased 32 percent to 34 billion lei from 25.7 billion lei registered in…

12:10, 28.06.2021

Ukraine, U.S. to start Black Sea military drills despite Russian protest

Ukraine and the United States will start a military exercise on Monday involving more than 30 countries in the Black Sea and southern Ukraine, despite Russian calls to cancel the drills, according to Reuters. …

08:40, 18.06.2021

BNS requests Government to return upon decision of delaying increase of children's allowance

The National Union Block (BNS) is requesting the Government to return upon the decision of delaying the growth of children's' allowance, foreseen to take place on July 1, 2021 and to show availability for consulting…

08:40, 18.06.2021

UK Ambassador Noble: Almost one million Romanians have chosen to live in the UK, despite Brexit

British Ambassador Andrew Noble said on Thursday at the Queen's Day reception that approximately one million Romanians have chosen to live in the UK, in the context of Brexit, the vagaries of the weather and culinary…

11:41, 14.06.2021

NATO to toughen G7 message on China despite Beijing’s cries of ‘slander’

NATO leaders are expected to brand China a security risk to the Western alliance when they meet on Monday, a day after the G7 rich nations issued a statement on human rights in China and Taiwan that Beijing said…

18:05, 09.06.2021

Macron vows to continue to meet public despite assault

The French President, Emmanuel Macron has insisted he will continue to meet the public despite security fears after he was assaulted on a walkabout on Tuesday, according to The Guardian.  Macron was speaking as…

13:00, 28.05.2021

Elicopterul NASA, prima problemă majoră pe Marte

Sistemul de navigație al mini-elicopterului a înregistrat o eroare de sincronizare sâmbătă, în momentul în care Ingenuity se deplasa pe Planeta Roșie, relatează Agerpres, citând The Guardian. Vehiculul a reușit,…

17:45, 19.05.2021

New passenger car registrations in EU27 soar 218.6% in April

Erste Group Research announced on Wednesday that the EU27 saw its year-on-year growth of new passenger car registrations jump to 218.6% in April, following last year’s low base of -76.3% y/y due to strict lockdowns…

12:40, 19.05.2021

COTAR: ASF raises RCA tariff, despite decrease in number of accidents

The Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF) has increased the reference tariff of Civil Auto Liability insurance (RCA), despite the number of auto accidents going down, reads a press release sent on Wednesday by…

21:05, 11.05.2021

Ambassador of Israel calls for strengthened role of multicultural societies against rising anti-globalization trends

Israel's ambassador to Romania, David Saranga, believes that amid the rising anti-globalization trends, the role of multicultural societies must be strengthened, report agerpres. "Despite the past, with both good…

18:55, 15.04.2021

Central bank cautions of cryptocurrencies' high volatility and risk

The National Bank of Romania (BNR) notes that the public interest in virtual currencies (also called crypto-assets) is on a steady upward trend and cautions that, in its opinion, these remain highly volatile and…

19:20, 07.04.2021

UPDATE WHO Regional Director for Europe: Romania succeded in proving health workers' dedication

Romania has very well succeeded in proving institutional capacity, community solidarity and the heroic devotion of its health workers, said WHO Regional Director for Europe Hans Kluge, as he participated on Wednesday…

19:05, 07.04.2021

WHO Regional Director for Europe: Romania succeded in proving health workers' dedication

Romania has very well succeeded in proving institutional capacity, community solidarity and the heroic devotion of its health workers, said WHO Regional Director for Europe Hans Kluge, as he participated on Wednesday…

12:15, 25.02.2021

PM Citu says Romania's Covid vaccination campaign successful, despite defeatist expectations

Prime Minister Florin Citu said on Thursday that, against all those who didn't give it a chance, Romania is running a successful Covid vaccination campaign, according to AGERPRES. "The biggest challenge this year…

19:55, 29.01.2021

"Matei Bals" fire/ Twenty NGOs make a call to decency and transparency

A number of 20 NGOs sent a "Call for Decency and Transparency" to the Government and subordinate institutions, investigative bodies, the College of Physicians and political leaders from the ruling coalition and…

13:41, 05.01.2021

Romanian companies to allocate 14pct of IT budgets for cybersecurity in 2021

Romanian companies are willing to increase their budget to improve cybersecurity and allocate 14pct of IT budgets for this, but it is insufficient, according to a study commissioned by Safetech Innovations, a Romanian…

18:30, 30.12.2020

Youth and Sport Minister: I intend to make significant contribution to entire world of sports

The Minister of Youth and Sports, Eduard Novak, stated in his New Year's message that he intends to make a "significant contribution to the entire world of sports" during his mandate. ''Dear colleagues, collaborators…

14:20, 02.12.2020

Catalyst Romania launches new venture capital fund to invest more than 40 million euros

Catalyst Romania Investment Fund, backed by 3TS Capital Partners, is launching its second fund aimed at financing technology, media and telecom companies, after the completion of the first round of capitalization,…

11:15, 19.11.2020

Romania closes Nations League campaign in 1-1 draw with Northern Ireland

Romania and Northern Ireland both completed their Nations League campaign (Group B) with a 1-1 (0-0) draw, as they faced off on Wednesday evening at Belfast's Windsor Park stadium, according to AGERPRES. Despite…

19:56, 09.11.2020

Președintele Ucrainei are coronavirus. Mesajul lui Vladimir Zelenski: Nu există oameni norocoși

Președintele Ucrainei, Vladimir Zelenski, a anunțat pe contul său de twitter că a fost testat positiv la noul coronavirus, relatează agenția TASS. Acesta susține că se simte bine și se află în autoizolare.”Nu există…

13:15, 04.11.2020

VIDEO. Nelu Tătaru anunță că testele rapide pentru despitarea COVID-19 vor fi distribuite, de joi, în unitățile de primiri urgențe

Testele rapide pentru despistarea COVID-19 vor fi distribuite, de joi, în unitățile de primiri urgențe, a anunțat ministrul Sănătății, Nelu Tătaru. „Aceste teste sunt pentru cei care prezintă...

15:50, 21.10.2020

HealthMin Tataru: Doctors will not give up fighting against COVID-19 despite current fatigue

Health Minister Nelu Tataru said on Wednesday in Targu Mures that although there is a state of fatigue among the health professionals seven months into the COVID-19 pandemic, he does not believe the professionals…

16:05, 18.10.2020

Un medic ATI din Cluj îi îngrijește pe bolnavii de COVID-19 aplicând ce a învățat în Italia. Rata de supraviețuire din secția lui este printre cele mai…

Un medic specialist în terapie intensivă din Cluj, care lucrează la Pneumoftiziologie, îi tratează pe pacienții români după metodele învățate în spitalele din Italia, o țară decimată de COVID-19. Rata de supraviețuire…

22:35, 13.10.2020

Second stage of National Super Rally Championship has been cancelled

The second stage of the National Super Rally Championship - Mangalia Trophy, scheduled for October 16-17, 2020 in southeastern Mangalia, will no longer be able to take place due to the large number of COVID-19…

19:56, 10.09.2020

Alter-Native International Short Film Festival to be held outdoors, Oct 7-11

The organizers of the 28th edition of the Alter-Native International Short Film Festival have announced that the event, scheduled for October 7-11, will not be canceled, but will be organized outdoors. According…

17:45, 31.08.2020

Noi detalii privind pacienta rănită de tomograf la Timișoara. Anunțul făcut de firma de mentenanță

Apar noi detalii în cazul pacientei din Timișoara care a fost rănită  în timp ce i se făcea o tomografie computerizată. Firma care se ocupă de mentenanţa tomografului susţine că perioada contractului expirase.…

13:25, 14.08.2020

PM Orban says pensions to rise by whopping 14 pct Gov't pledges to finance

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban announced Friday that the government will adopt a decision to increase pensions by 14 percent, adding that rising retirement benefits was a "difficult decision", but that the Executive…

10:45, 13.08.2020

Încă un focar de coronavirus a izbucnit în România: 126 de bătrâni despitați pozitiv, într-un centru din Craiova. Unul a murit

Un nou focar de coronavirus izbucnit într-un centru de bătrâni din România și care a evoluat chiar și după primele măsuri impuse de conducere. Focarul este activ la Căminul pentru Persoane Vârstnice Craiova, unde…

16:45, 04.08.2020

FPPG: BRUA gas pipeline, essential stage for development of National Natural Gas Transmission System

The Bulgaria-Romania-Hungary-Austria gas interconnector (BRUA) is an essential stage in the development of the National Natural Gas Transmission System, according to the representatives of the Oil and Gas Employers'…

16:35, 04.08.2020

Agriculture Ministry allocates 1.2 bln lei for compensation of drought-affected farmers

The Ministry of Agriculture will allocate 1.2 billion lei for the compensation of drought-affected farmers, and the necessary funds will be earmarked at the upcoming budget revision, Minister of Agriculture and…