Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

16:40, 01.05.2024

Irina Begu qualifies for 2nd round of ITF tennis tournament in Wiesbaden

Irina Begu qualifies for 2nd round of ITF tennis tournament in Wiesbaden

The Romanian tennis player Irina Begu qualified on Tuesday in the round of 16 of the ITF tournament in Wiesbaden (Germany), with total prizes of 100,000 dollars, after defeating the Czech Dominika Salkova, 6-0,…

06:55, 15.04.2024

Şeful producătorului ceh de armament CSG vizează ca acesta să ocupe un loc important pe piaţa mondială, prin achiziţia companiei americane Kinetic

Şeful producătorului ceh de armament CSG vizează ca acesta să ocupe un loc important pe piaţa mondială, prin achiziţia companiei americane Kinetic

Dar mai întâi Strnad, cehul de 31 de ani, proprietar şi preşedinte al Czechoslovak Group (CSG), un mare furnizor al Ucrainei, trebuie să învingă o ofertă rivală pentru compania mamă a Kinetic, Vista Outdoor, pentru…

20:05, 04.04.2024

Senate President Ciuca, Czech officials discuss concerns about rising populism and extremism in Europe

Senate President Ciuca, Czech officials discuss concerns about rising populism and extremism in Europe

Senate President Nicolae Ciuca said in Prague on Thursday that the discussions he had with Czech officials also focused on concerns about the rise of populism and extremism in Europe, in the context of the European…

18:56, 04.04.2024

Senator Ciuca in Prague: NATOs eastern flank must be very well protected by deterrence, defence measures

Senator Ciuca in Prague: NATO's eastern flank must be very well protected by deterrence, defence measures

NATO's eastern flank must be very well protected "by deterrence and defence measures", and for that to happen we have to strengthen relations between Romania, the Czech Republic and Poland, Romanian Senate Chairman…

23:15, 03.04.2024

Senates Ciuca says relations between Romania, Czech Republic to remain at least as good

Senate's Ciuca says relations between Romania, Czech Republic to remain at least as good

The president of the Senate, Nicolae Ciuca, highlighted, on Wednesday, in the meeting with the head of the Czech state, Petr Pavel, that the relations between the two states would remain at least as good as until…

12:56, 28.03.2024

Putin says Russia will not attack NATO, but F-16s will be shot down in Ukraine

Putin says Russia will not attack NATO, but F-16s will be shot down in Ukraine

Russia has no designs on any NATO country and will not attack Poland, the Baltic states, or the Czech Republic, but if the West supplies F-16 fighters to Ukraine, then they will be shot down by Russian forces,…

14:30, 08.03.2024

Romania, largest share of female investors on stock exchange of countries where XTB fintech platform is present

Romania, largest share of female investors on stock exchange of countries where XTB fintech platform is present

Romania is the undisputed leader in terms of the share of women among investors in countries where the XTB fintech platform is present, with a rate of 20% as of 2023. According to a press release from the specialized…

14:20, 08.03.2024

Romania to co-host 2026 European Womens Handball Championship

Romania to co-host 2026 European Women's Handball Championship

The Executive Committee of the European Handball Federation (EHF) has allocated the Women's EHF EURO 2026 to Poland, Romania, Czechia, Slovakia and Turkey in a move to bring top women's handball to as many European…

17:35, 07.03.2024

Fermierii cehi au împăștiat bălegar în fața clădirilor guvernamentale din Praga și au blocat străzile cu tractoarele, în cadrul unor noi proteste | VIDEO

Fermierii cehi au împăștiat bălegar în fața clădirilor guvernamentale din Praga și au blocat străzile cu tractoarele, în cadrul unor noi proteste | VIDEO

Fermierii cehi au aruncat joi, 7 martie, bălegar în faţa clădirilor guvernamentale şi au blocat străzile din Praga cu tractoarele, reluând solicitările pentru mai mult sprijin din partea statului, reducerea birocraţiei…

16:50, 22.02.2024

Sorana Cirstea manages sensational victory in quarter-finals of WTA 1,000 tournament in Dubai

Romanian tennis player Sorana Cirstea managed a sensational victory over Czech Marketa Vondrousova, the reigning Wimbledon champion, 2-6, 7-6 (7/1), 6-2 on Thursday in the quarter-finals of the WTA 1,000 tournament…

15:00, 19.02.2024

Protest al fermierilor din Cehia față de politicile agricole ale UE. Tractoare, în centrul orașului Praga

Sute de fermieri au ajuns luni, 19 februarie, cu tractoarele pe o stradă din centrul orașului Praga, capitala Cehiei, în cadrul unui protest față de costurilor ridicate ale energiei, birocrația sufocantă și a politicile…

09:25, 18.01.2024

CEZ vrea să achiziţioneze distribuitorul ceh de gaze GasNet (Reuters)

Compania cehă de utilităţi CEZ şi grupul de private equity CVC Capital Partners intenţionează să plaseze săptămâna viitoare oferte concurente pentru GasNet, cel mai mare distribuitor de gaze din Cehia, au declarat…

17:00, 23.12.2023

IntMin Predoiu: We need the Police to be very strong in the years to come

Romania needs a strong and modern Police, to be able to deal with the security challenges, the Minister of the Interior, Catalin Predoiu, said on Saturday, while mentioning the recent tragedy in the Czech Republic."We…

18:00, 22.12.2023

Czechs mourn victims of university shooting as police patrol public areas

Czechs mourned the victims of the country’s worst mass shooting as police tightened security around schools and other public buildings across the country on Friday after a student gunman killed 14 people at a university…

14:15, 22.12.2023

Patriarch Daniel: Violence leading to death is increasingly present in contemporary society

Violence leading to death is increasingly present in contemporary society, in contradiction with the sacred gift of life that comes from God, said the Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church, Father Daniel, in…

14:00, 22.12.2023

Patriarhul Daniel, după atacul armat din Cehia: Violenţa aducătoare de moarte este tot mai prezentă în societatea contemporană

"Vestea tragicului eveniment din după-amiaza zilei de joi, 21 decembrie 2023, produs la Universitatea Carolină din Praga, în urma căruia şi-au pierdut viaţa 15 persoane, alte 25 persoane fiind rănite, ne-a îndurerat…

21:35, 21.12.2023

President Iohannis says appalled by shooting in Prague /Romania stands with Czech people

President Klaus Iohannis says he is appalled by the shooting that occurred on Thursday afternoon in Prague, stressing that Romania is with the Czech people."Appalled by the shooting in #Prague today, that claimed…

20:30, 21.12.2023

Klaus Iohannis, după tragedia din Cehia: Sunt consternat de împuşcăturile din Praga, care au făcut atâtea victime | Mesaje transmise de Marcel Ciolacu…

 Preşedintele Klaus Iohannis a declarat că este consternat de atacul armat din Praga de joi seară care a dus la pierderea atâtor vieţi nevinovate.   „Sunt consternat de împuşcăturile de astăzi din Praga, care au…

09:00, 18.12.2023

Compania cehă de apărare Czechoslovak Group preia producătorul italian de puşti de vânătoare Armi Perazzi

CSG, deţinută de antreprenorul Michal Strnad, a cunoscut o expansiune rapidă datorită, în parte, creşterii puternice a livrărilor de echipamente şi muniţii către Ucraina, precum şi achiziţiilor. Perazzi, care produce…

11:35, 11.12.2023

Approximately 190 tons of waste brought from four European countries, sent back from border

The authorities in western counties of Arad and Bihor blocked the entry into the country of 14 trucks loaded with 190 tons of waste brought from Denmark, Germany, Austria and the Netherlands, which were supposed…

07:55, 24.11.2023

Producătorul ceh de arme Colt CZ Group a făcut o ofertă de fuziune cu Vista Outdoor din SUA, care o evaluează la 1,7 miliarde de dolari

Acordul vine pe fondul vânzării planificate de către Vista a afacerii sale de produse sportive către compania privată de apărare şi producţie civilă Czechoslovak Group (CSG), anunţată în octombrie, într-un acord…

15:25, 22.11.2023

Discussions on Romanian-Czech relations, security situation, EU enlargement, addressed by ForMin, Czech Senate's head

Minister of Foreign Affairs Luminita Odobescu had a meeting on Wednesday at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) headquarters with the President of the Senate of the Czech Republic, Milos Vystrcil, on a visit…

19:40, 21.11.2023

Romania, Czech Republic can better play role in EU, NATO if support each other(Senate head)

Senate president, Nicolae Ciuca, wrote on Facebook, on Tuesday, after meeting his Czech counterpart, Milos Vystrcil, that Romania and the Czech Republic have an excellent bilateral relationship, with perspectives…

10:10, 21.11.2023

Scheduled events for November 21

Scheduled events for November 21PRESIDENCY:- President Klaus Iohannis is paying an official visit to the Republic of Senegal PARLIAMENT:- Secret joint meeting of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies devoted to…

16:56, 16.11.2023

EC asks five states and Romania to correctly transpose directive on waste

EC asks five states and Romania to correctly transpose directive on wasteThe European Commission decided on Thursday to initiate infringement proceedings by sending formal letters of formal notice to Romania, Bulgaria,…

16:36, 23.10.2023

Ciuca: Let's never forget heroes of Romanian Army who fell on western front

The President of the Senate, Nicolae Ciuca, laid, on Monday, a wreath of flowers at the troixa in Dobroutov, Czech Republic, erected in honor of the Romanian soldiers who gave their lives for the liberation of…

15:00, 12.10.2023

Poland, Czech Republic extend border controls with Slovakia

Poland and the Czech Republic will extend temporary controls on their borders with Slovakia into November as countries seek to restrict the flow of illegal migrants, according to Reuters. The Polish government…

13:21, 04.10.2023

Slovakia putting temporary controls on border with Hungary amid migration rise

Slovakia will impose temporary controls on its border with Hungary due to a rising number of illegal migrants, the government said on Wednesday, a reaction to checks that the Czech Republic and Poland put on Slovak…

14:25, 03.10.2023

President Iohannis participates in Granada in European Political Community summit, European Council's informal reunion

President Klaus Iohannis will participate on Thursday, in Granada, in the third Summit of the European Political Community (EPC), and on Friday he will be present at the informal meeting of the European Council,…

11:40, 28.09.2023

Germany announces border controls to combat migrant surge

Germany will introduce new border controls with Poland and the Czech Republic this week, the German interior minister announced on Wednesday, saying that more should be done to protect the European Union‘s fragile…