Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

00:01, 13.04.2021

Social Democrats calling on PM to file blank resignation for it to become effective if vaccination target is missed

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) is calling on Prime Minister Florin Citu to file his blank resignation for it to come in effect if the country's announced COVID vaccination target is missed, because - PSD claims…

16:31, 04.03.2021

WhatsApp a introdus două funcții noi pe aplicația de desktop

Aplicația de desktop a celor de la WhatsApp disponibilă pentru Mac și PC primește astăzi două funcții noi, de video calling și voice calling. Disponibile de mult timp pentru versiunile de iOS și Android ale aplicației,…

15:40, 18.02.2021

Aplicațiile mobile de video calling au ținut productivitatea ridicată în timpul pandemiei

Sondaj Tapttitude 70% dintre participanții la studiu au încetat să mai folosească aplicații pentru rezervări de călătorii în 2020. 56.7% au renunțat să mai folosească aplicații de ride-sharing, preferând mersul…

13:45, 28.01.2021

PETA, ținta ironiilor pe Twitter după ce a afirmat că jignirile ca "porc" sau "leneș" rănesc animalele

Organizația People For the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) a fost puternic ironizată pe platformele social media săptămâna aceasta după ce a afirmat pe Twitter că folosirea unor cuvinte ca &"porc&" sau…

11:35, 18.01.2021

MEP Ciolos calling on European Parliament for urgent debate on Navalny case

Chairman of the Renew Europe group in the European Parliament Dacian Ciolos is calling the detention of Alexei Navalny a 'coward gesture' of the regime led by Vladimir Putin, calling on the European Parliament…

16:45, 12.01.2021

Union leader Husanu: After calling us heroes, gov't turned its back on us, froze pay

Several dozen trade unionists of the Sanitas health workers' federation participated on Tuesday in a rally before the Government House demanding an increase in the pay of health workers and social assistance workers…

14:00, 30.12.2020

Cities Association calling on Gov't to comply with 10-working day term for consulting associative structures

The Association of Romanian Cities (AOR) is calling on the government to comply with the 10-working day term required for consulting associative structures on the draft Government Emergency Ordinance on a set of…

22:45, 21.12.2020

President Iohannis is calling parties to consultations for PM-candidate designation

President Klaus Iohannis is calling, on Tuesday, the chairmen of the political parties and formations represented in Parliament for consultations in view of designating the candidate for the position of Prime Minister.…

19:36, 04.12.2020

Răspundem vibe-ului de vară cu piesa Calling, lansată de Hagen Feetly

După ce a cucerit platformele de streaming cu piesa U got me, Hagen Feetly tocmai a lansat, de curând, Calling. Piesa este un mix între muzica electronică şi dance, care ne duce într-un road trip de vară. Chiar…

15:20, 03.12.2020

On International Day of Persons with Disabilities, President Iohannis calls for unity, solidarity, inclusive society

On Thursday, December 3, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, President Klaus Iohannis sent a message calling for unity and solidarity to build an inclusive society, according to AGERPRES. "On the…

10:35, 24.11.2020

PMP calling for debate on law repealing special pensions for lawmakers, mayors

The People's Movement Party (PMP) is calling for a joint convention of Parliament's standing bureaus for a plenary debate on the law repealing special pensions for lawmakers and mayors, PMP Chairman Eugen Tomac…

22:35, 29.10.2020

PSD's Grindeanu calling on Gov't to release 2021 budget blueprint as per public transparency requirements

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) renewed its call on the government, specifically on Finance Minister Florin Citu, to keep with public transparency and release next year's budget blueprint, PSD first Deputy Chairman…

21:50, 29.10.2020

Putin, despre vaccinurile rusești, dezvoltatori și vaccinarea în masă

CHIȘINĂU, 29 оct — Sputnik. Principala cerință pentru vaccinurile împotriva coronavirusului este siguranța și eficacitatea, acestea fiind furnizate atât în ​​medicamentele rusești dezvoltate de Centrul Gamalei,…

18:50, 11.10.2020

PSD leader Ciolacu calling on all political forces to care about people's lives instead of percentages

Romania must prepare itself to avoid a medical catastrophe, national chairman of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Marcel Ciolacu said on Sunday, adding that it was time for all political forces to shake hands…

23:05, 25.09.2020

Călin Dobra, președintele Consiliului Județean Timiș, depistat cu COVID-19

Președintele Consiliului Județean Timiș, Călin Dobra, care candidează din partea PSD pentru un nou mandat la șefia CJT, a fost depistat cu COVID-19. Căllin Dobra a fost testat pozitiv după ce a intrat în contact…

15:15, 07.09.2020

ALDE calling for schools to re-open after local elections

National chairman of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (ALDE) Calin Popescu Tariceanu is calling for the postponement of school reopening until after the local elections, so that the government may have two…

17:00, 03.08.2020

Social Democratic Youth calling on Gov't and President Iohannis to present new school year outline

The Social Democratic Youth Organization (TSD) this Monday called on the government and on President Klaus Iohannis to urgently present the teaching and learning conditions for the 2020 - 2021 school year in the…

20:09, 08.07.2020

Iohannis calling on Parliament to fast-track debate on law clarifying quarantine and isolation

President Klaus Iohannis on Wednesday called on Parliament to "urgently" debate the draft law clarifying the terms of quarantine and isolation."It's the time to set aside the political differences and concentrate…

19:19, 06.07.2020

Orban:The pot, meaning the PSD, is calling the kettle black; I never took anything

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban stated, on Monday, at the Prime Minister's Hour in the plenary of the Chamber of Deputies, on the debate regarding COVID-19 acquisitions, that "the pot, meaning the PSD [Social Democratic…

01:04, 05.05.2020

Pomenirea Sfintei Irina

Irina a fost singură fiica a lui Liciniu, rege în cetatea Maghedon. Sfânta Mucenița Irina s-a născut păgână, iar numele ei a fost la început Penelope. Când a împlinit șase ani, tatăl ei a zidit pentru ea, dincolo…

09:42, 04.05.2020

FICE calls on MEC to consider holding national exams in August or calling them off in 2020

The International Federation of Educational Communities - Romania Section (FICE Romania) calls on the Ministry of Education and Research (MEC) to consider holding a single Baccalaureate session in August and the…

08:37, 28.04.2020

PM Orban says many risks identified related to reopening schools

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said on Monday evening that there were many voices calling for the reopening of schools, but government's analysis has identified many risks, which is why the decision was taken for…

15:58, 08.04.2020

Ombudsman calling for logging to stop during state of emergency

Romania's Ombudsman on Wednesday posted an own petition on its website, calling attention to logging."The Ombudsman's Office has issued an own petition calling attention to massive deforestation of the country's…

21:55, 07.02.2020

Sean Paul colaboreaza cu Tove Lo pentru single-ul “Calling On Me”

Legendarul Sean Paul, castigator premii GRAMMY, a revenit cu o colaborare surprinzatoare, “Calling On Me”, featuring Tove Lo. De-a lungul timpului, Sean a avut colaborari cu unii dintre cei mai mari artisti la…

19:14, 06.01.2020

PM Orban: PNL, in favour of calling early elections

The National Liberal Party (PNL) is in favor of calling early elections, a context in which a commission made up of party leaders will investigate the real possibilities to carry them out and will hold exploratory…

11:36, 17.10.2019

Iohannis calling for review of Law amending the Labour Code on overtime penalties

President Klaus Iohannis on Thursday submitted to Parliament for review a law amending the Labour Code in terms of penalties in the form of fines of between 1,500 lei and 3,000 lei, for non-compliance with overtime…

12:06, 11.10.2019

Outgoing PM Dancila: Calling on PNL, President Iohannis to publicly pledge pensions, salaries are paid on time

Outgoing Prime Minister Viorica Dancila on Friday called on the National Liberal Party (PNL) and President Klaus Iohannis to publicly pledge that pensions and salaries will be paid on time and raised according…

10:36, 10.09.2019

PM Dancila calling on Romanian MEPs to back Rovana Plumb's candidacy for EU Commissioner regardless of political hue

Leader of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), Prime Minister Viorica Dancila, called on Monday on all Romanian MEPs to support Rovana Plumb's candidacy for EU Commissioner.  Dancila told a press conference held…

07:55, 23.08.2019

Începe Festivalul „Jazz at Bran Castle”

La Castelul Bran începe astăzi o nouă ediţie a festivalului ‘Jazz at Bran Castle’, ce reunește 20 de artiști din cinci țări. Cea de-a șaptea ediție a festivalului „Jazz at Bran Castle” va avea loc în perioada 23-25…

17:08, 29.07.2019

Opposition PNL calls for immediate resignation of gov't

The opposition National Liberal Party (PNL) is calling for the immediate PNL resignation of the government, PNL MP Florin Roman said on Monday."The National Liberal Party is calling for the immediate resignation…