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13:10, 21.05.2024

Q1 job vacancies number stands at 35,000 (statistics)

Q1 job vacancies number stands at 35,000 (statistics)

The number of job vacancies stood at 35,000 in the first three months of 2024, an increase of 1,700 compared to the previous quarter, but compared to the same period last year, it decreased by 12,100, according…

11:30, 20.02.2024

Number of job vacancies fell to 33,300, in Q4 of 2023

The number of vacant jobs, at the national level, was 33,300 in the fourth quarter of 2023, down by 8,600 compared to the same period in 2022 and by 6,700 compared to the previous quarter, according to the data…

11:45, 21.08.2023

Number of job vacancies drops to 39,400 in Q2 2023

Job vacancies in Q2 2023 stood at 39,400, by 7,700 fewer compared to the previous quarter, shows data released on Monday by the National Institute of Statistics (INS).The estimated job vacancy rate in Q2 was 0.77…

10:40, 20.02.2023

Number of job vacancies drops to 41,900 in Q4 2022

The number of job vacancies decreased to 41,900 in the fourth quarter of 2022, down by 3,400 compared to the previous quarter, according to data provided on Monday by the National Institute of Statistics (INS).…

14:00, 18.08.2022

Number of job vacancies drops to 46,000 in Q2

Job vacancies in Q2 2022 stood at 46,000, by 1,300 fewer than in the previous quarter, according to data released on Thursday by the National Institute of Statistics (INS). Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri.…

11:25, 19.05.2022

Number of vacancies rises to 47,000 in first quarter (statistics)

Job openings in Romania stood at 47,000 in the first three months of 2022, up by 1,700 compared to the previous quarter, according to data published on Thursday by the National Institute of Statistics (INS). Fii…

15:55, 02.02.2022

Nearly 24K job vacancies at the national level

A number of 23,662 jobs are vacant at the national level, on Wednesday, in the registers of the National Agency for Employment (ANOFM), according to data provided by economic agents, a release sent by the institution…

15:35, 08.12.2021

ANOFM: Nearly 18,700 job vacancies nationally; 308 jobs through Eures Romania

Nearly 18,700 jobs are vacant at the national level, on Wednesday, while the employers in the European Economic Area (EEA) are offering to Romanian workers 308 jobs, shows data centralized by the National Agency…

11:45, 18.11.2021

Official statistics: Number of job vacancies goes up to 47,300 in Q3

Job vacancies in Q3 2021 stood at 47,300, by 7,700 more than in the previous quarter, according to data released on Thursday by the National Institute of Statistics (INS), agerpres reports. The job vacancy rate…

12:41, 19.05.2021

INS: Increase of job vacancies in Romania during the first quarter 2021

The National Statistics Institute (INS) announced on Wednesday that in the first quarter of 2021, the number of job vacancies in Romania was 38,400 as it increased by 2,800 compared to the previous quarter and…

11:05, 19.05.2021

Official statistics: Job vacancies increase to 38,400 in Q1

Job vacancies in Q1 2021 stood at 38,400, by 2,800 more than in the year-ago period, according to data released on Wednesday by the National Institute of Statistics (INS). The job vacancy rate in Q1 was 0.79 percent,…

17:56, 13.04.2021

People willing to get vaccinated without appointment can go to AstraZeneca serum centres with vacancies

People who want to get vaccinated directly, without an appointment, can come on their own to the centers with AstraZeneca serum where not all the places are occupied, said the chairman of the National Committee…

18:30, 24.02.2021

PM Citu says public sector is free to hire new people; salary envelope needs to be observed

Prime Minister Florin Citu on Wednesday said that institutions and public authorities will be able to hold interviews to fill vacancies, on condition they observe the salary envelope provided in the budget. Asked…

15:35, 24.02.2021

Chamber of Deputies: Competitions may be held for filling vacancies in public institutions and authorities

The Chamber of Deputies, as a decision-making body, amended, on Wednesday, the Government Emergency Ordinance (OUG) 183/2020, including the possibility of holding, over a period of 6 months, the competitions for…

10:10, 19.08.2020

INS: Number of vacant jobs drops to 34,200 in Q2 2020

The number of job vacancies was 34,000 in the second quarter of 2020, down almost 7,600 jobs compared to the previous quarter, according to a press release of the National Institute of Statistics (INS) on Wednesday.…

11:05, 21.02.2020

Romania ranks 1st in terms of companies having hard-to-fill IT&C vacancies

More than half (58 percent) of the companies in the 27 EU member states reported that in 2018 they were confronted with difficulties in filling in the vacancies of IT&C (information technology and communication)…

11:42, 19.11.2019

Official statistics: 55,000 job vacancies in Q3, of which almost one quarter in the manufacturing industry

Job vacancies in Q3 2019 stood at 55,000, in line with the figure registered in the previous quarter, with the manufacturing industry accounting for almost a quarter of the total (specifically 13,600), according…

10:36, 19.08.2019

Vacancy rate down 0.07 percentage points in Q2 compared to previous quarter

The job vacancy rate in Q2 of 2019 stood at 1.11 percent, declining by 0.07 percentage points compared to the previous quarter, with the number of job vacancies standing at 55,000, by 3,200 less jobs, according…

19:05, 22.07.2019

ANOFM: Over 26,334 job vacancies at national level Monday

A number of 26,334 job vacancies at national level were registered on Monday by the National Employment Agency (ANOFM), which receives data provided by economic agents, informs ANOFM.Most of the jobs offered at…

10:57, 20.05.2019

Number of job vacancies down to 58,200 in Q1 of 2019

The number of job vacancies in the first quarter of this year was 58,200, down 600 compared to the previous quarter and 200 compared to the same quarter of 2018, according to data released by the National Institute…

11:56, 21.05.2018

Number of vacancies in Q1, 2018 stands at 58,400

The number job vacancies increased by 3,700 in Q1, 2018 as compared to the previous quarter, to 58,400, the National Institute of Statistics (INS) informed on Monday.  As compared to the same quarter of 2017, the…

12:28, 18.11.2016

Kob vacanciesc, up 1.34pct in Q3 2016, most of them in public sector

The number of job vacancies reached 62,900 in the third quarter of 2016, up 1.34pct against the previous quarter and 0.18pct y-o-y, according to data released on Friday by the National Statistics Institute (INS).The…

00:04, 03.02.2016

OMV Petrom face angajări

Compania petrolieră OMV Petrom angajează absolvenţi în domeniile: Inginerie Mecanică, Inginerie Civilă, Inginerie Chimică, Ştiinţa Materialelor, Automatizare şi Instrumentaţie, Inginerie Electrică, Ingineria Petrolului,…