Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

18:05, 23.05.2022

President of the Bundesrat: Giving thanks and solidarity, reason for my visit to Romania

The President of the Federal Council (Bundesrat) of the Federal Republic of Germany, Bodo Ramelow, Minister-President of Thuringia, said on Monday that his visit to Romania is motivated by the desire to give thanks…

14:36, 23.05.2022

Senate's President Florin Citu to pay working visit to Finland

The President of the Senate, Florin Citu, will pay a working visit to Helsinki, Finland, on Tuesday, where he will have meetings with the President of the Finnish Parliament and representatives of the parliamentary…

08:46, 11.05.2022

Senate President Citu paying visit to Poland

The President of the Senate, Florin Citu, is paying an official visit to Warsaw on Wednesday, at the invitation of his Polish counterpart, Tomasz Grodzki, during which he will have meetings with the MPs and with…

12:15, 06.05.2022

President of the Republic of Lithuania Nauseda, welcomed by President Iohannis at Cotroceni Palace

The President of the Republic of Lithuania, Gitanas Nauseda, was welcomed on Friday at the Cotroceni Presidential Palace by President Klaus Iohannis with military honors on the ceremonial stage. Fii la curent cu…

17:36, 02.05.2022

Senate's Citu: 'PNL could collaborate with USR again in near future, PSD coalition is unnatural'

The President of the Senate, Florin Citu, stated that in the period of the National Liberal Party (PNL) - Save Romania Union (USR) Alliance he learned very much, even though political maturity was incomplete with…

18:51, 28.04.2022

Senate delegation to go on a visit to Republic of Moldova

The President of the Senate, Florin Citu, said on Thursday that he will lead a delegation of the Upper House of Parliament that will travel to the Republic of Moldova in the next weeks, the visit, established initially…

13:15, 23.04.2022

Senate's Citu: May Light of Resurrection reunite us all in spirit of generosity & love of our neighbour

The President of the Senate, Florin Citu, transmitted, on Saturday, to the faithful who celebrate the Resurrection of the Lord health, peace and prosperity. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro…

19:26, 20.04.2022

Președintele Consiliului European s-a întâlnit, astăzi, la Kiev, cu Zelenski. Mesajul TRANȘANT al lui Charles Michel

 The President of the #European Council Charles Michel met with Volodymyr Zelenskyy in #Kyiv . pic.twitter.com/FYRwF70gl8 — NEXTA (@nexta_tv) April 20, 2022 În timpul vizitei sale în Ucraina, Charles Michel a vizitat…

20:10, 13.04.2022

Senate President Citu, invited to Kyiv by President of Ukraine's Verkhovna Rada Ruslan Stefanchuk

The President of the Senate, Florin Citu, was invited by the President of the Verkhovna Rada, Ukraine's legislative body, Ruslan Stefanchuk, to conduct an official visit to Kyiv, the Senate informed on Wednesday.…

09:20, 13.04.2022

President of World Bank Group to pay official visit to Romania

The President of the World Bank Group, David Malpass, is going to pay his first official visit to Romania on Wednesday and Thursday. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro pe Facebook stiripesurse.ro…

18:50, 06.04.2022

Deputies Chamber committee for freedom of expression violations debates on Emilia Sercan case

The President of the Committee for culture, arts, mass media of the Deputies Chamber, Iulian Bulai, on Wednesday organized a debate on the violations of the right to freedom of expression committed in the case…

22:50, 04.04.2022

Parliament/Zelenskiy: 'I am convinced Romania will participate in rebuilding Ukraine after the war'

The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, said on Monday that he was convinced that Romania would participate in rebuilding his country after the war and mentioned that he wanted a dialogue to support the…

21:25, 29.03.2022

Senate's Citu discusses with US House of Representatives' Pelosi defence capability consolidation, Visa Waiver program

The President of the Senate, Florin Citu, who is visiting the United States of America, has met with the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, with whom he discussed the importance of Romania in…

11:25, 22.03.2022

Senate delegation led by Florin Citu to conduct working visit to USA

The President of the Senate, Florin Citu, will conduct a working visit to the United States of America, in Washington DC, in the March 24 - 30 period, the agenda featuring meetings with representatives of the US…

08:36, 22.03.2022

Polish President Duda to be welcomed by President Iohannis at Cotroceni Palace

The President of Poland, Andrzej Duda, will pay a visit to Bucharest on Tuesday, and will be welcomed, at 16:00, at the Cotroceni Palace, by President Klaus Iohannis. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește…

12:40, 21.03.2022

Polish President Duda to be welcomed Tuesday by President Iohannis at Cotroceni Palace

The President of Poland, Andrzej Duda, will pay a visit to Bucharest on Tuesday, and will be welcomed, at 16:00, at the Cotroceni Palace, by President Klaus Iohannis. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește…

21:40, 18.03.2022

President of International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies visits Romania, Ukraine

The President of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), Francesco Rocca, will make an official visit to Romania and Ukraine. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește…

12:55, 17.03.2022

President of Spanish Government Pedro Sánchez received by PM Ciuca at Victoria Palace

The President of the Spanish Government, Pedro Sánchez, visiting Romania, was received on Thursday at Victoria Palace by Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca, Agerpres reports. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește…

08:36, 17.03.2022

President of Estonia, Prime Minister of Spain to be in Bucharest on Thursday

The President of Estonia, Alar Karis, and the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Spain, Pedro Sanchez, will be on a visit to Bucharest on Thursday, Agerpres reports. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește…

20:25, 16.03.2022

Romania's Crown Custodian Margareta thanks Romanians for solidarity with Ukraine refugees

The President of the Romanian Red Cross, Custodian of the Crown of Romania, Margareta, thanked, on Wednesday, in Tulcea, all Romanians for the support granted to refugees from Ukraine and assured all those trying…

18:10, 15.03.2022

Presidents Iohannis, Radev discuss speedy commissioning of Bulgaria - Greece interconnector

The Presidents of Romania and Bulgaria Klaus Iohannis and Rumen Radev discussed on Tuesday the diversification of energy sources and transport routes amid efforts to reduce energy reliance on the Russian Federation.…

08:25, 15.03.2022

Bulgaria's President to pay working visit to Bucharest on Tuesday

The President of the Republic of Bulgaria, Rumen Radev, will pay a working visit to Romania on Tuesday, Agerpres reports. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro pe Facebook stiripesurse.ro…

20:50, 10.03.2022

E ziua actorului pe seama căruia se râde mult: Cele mai tari glume cu Chuck Norris!

Născut la 10 martie 1944, Carlos Ray “Chuck” Norris este un legendar actor american, care și-a câștigat faima în filmele de acțiune. Nu se știe de unde a pornit totul, dar faima lui este legată mai puțin de talentul…

14:15, 09.03.2022

Senate President Citu: I asked we stop all commercial exchanges with Russia

The President of the Senate, Florin Citu, supports the stopping of all commercial exchanges with Russia, and in this sense submitted an amendment to Government Emergency Ordinance no. 25/2021 so that Russian firms…

18:46, 07.03.2022

Her Majesty Margareta to visit mobile refugee camp in Siret on Tuesday

The President of the Romanian Red Cross, Her Majesty Margareta, will be present on Tuesday at the mobile refugee camp in Siret. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro pe Facebook stiripesurse.ro…

16:51, 04.03.2022

Health Insurance House approves procedure by which refugees from Ukraine can access medical services

The President of the National Health Insurance House (CNAS) Adela Cojan approved the procedure by which foreign citizens or stateless persons in special situations, coming from the area of the armed conflict in…

12:26, 24.02.2022

Senate head Citu: Finance Ministry should make analysis of companies with Russian shareholders

The President of the Senate, Florin Citu, emphasized on Thursday that Russia must support the consequences of aggression against Ukraine and said that the Finance Ministry must make a detailed analysis of all companies…

08:30, 24.02.2022

Senate's Citu: Russia's aggression to suffer strongest, fastest reaction from international community

The President of the Senate, leader of the liberals Florin Citu, strongly condemns the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, Agerpres reports. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește…

09:55, 22.02.2022

Senate's Citu: Recognition by Russia of 'independence' of Donetsk, Luhansk separatist regions, flagrant violation of international law

The President of the Senate, Florin Citu, leader of the National Liberal Party, states that the recognition by Russia of the 'independence' of the separatist regions of Donetsk and Luhansk represents a flagrant…

18:51, 13.02.2022

President Iohannis congratulates Frank-Walter Steinmeier for re-election as Federal President of Germany

Romanian President Klaus Iohannis congratulated, on Sunday, Frank-Walter Steinmeier for his re-election as Federal President of the Federal Republic of Germany, showing he looks forward to cooperating for a powerful…