Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

11:20, 20.12.2022

Putin orders FSB to step up surveillance of Russians and borders

President Vladimir Putin on Monday ordered the Federal Security Services to step up surveillance of Russian society and the country’s borders to prevent risks from abroad and traitors at home, according to Reuters.…

12:36, 12.12.2022

1,370 persons vaccinated against COVID in the last week

As many as 1,370 persons were vaccinated against COVID, in the week of December 5 - 11, of which 742 with Pfizer Omicron adapted to the new strains of coronavirus, whose administration began on November 28, the…

17:55, 29.11.2022

Gov't approves National Strategy for Surveillence, Control and Prevention of HIV/AIDS infection cases

The Government approved on Tuesday the new 2022-2030 National Strategy for the surveillance, control and prevention of HIV/AIDS cases, told Agerpres. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro…

12:05, 28.11.2022

536 people get the Covid shot in the past week

As many as 536 people have received the coronavirus jab with either the Pfizer, Moderna or Johnson&Johnson vaccine in the week of November 21 - 27, the National Public Health Institute's National Center for…

11:20, 25.11.2022

INSP: 96,996 acute respiratory infections registered between 14-20 November

The National Center for Surveillance and Control of Communicable Diseases (CNSCBT) within the National Institute of Public Health (INSP) informed on Friday that 96,996 cases of acute respiratory infections were…

12:15, 21.11.2022

INSP: 612 persons vaccinated against COVID-19 in the past week

The number of Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson&Johnson vaccine doses administered during the week of 14-20 November was 612, of which 116 represented the first dose, 121 the second dose, 202 the third dose and 123…

14:40, 17.11.2022

INSP: 79,866 acute respiratory infections registered between 7-13 November

The National Center for Surveillance and Control of Communicable Diseases (CNSCBT) within the National Institute of Public Health (INSP) informed on Thursday that 79,866 cases of acute respiratory infections were…

20:00, 31.10.2022

Momentul prăbușirii podului din India, surprins de camerele de supraveghere. Nouă persoane, arestate în anchetă

Camerele de supraveghere arată momentul în care un pod din vestul Indiei s-a prăbușit duminică, aruncând oameni direct în râu. Podul era plin de turiști care se bucurau de Diwali, Festivalul Luminilor în hinduism,…

17:16, 03.10.2022

More than 1,600 persons vaccinated against COVID in past week

A number of 1,675 doses of the Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson&Johnson vaccines were injected over 26 September - 2 October, in Romania, of which 401 represented the first dose, 405 the second dose, 569 the third…

09:01, 03.10.2022

First case of using electronic surveillance bracelet, announced by Bucharest Police

The Bucharest police announced, on Sunday evening, the first case of using the electronic surveillance bracelet, the device being mounted on a man who assaulted his concubine. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri.…

13:46, 26.09.2022

More than 1,542 persons vaccinated against COVID in past week

A number of 1,542 doses of the Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson&Johnson vaccines were injected over September 19 - 25, in Romania, of which 384 represented the first dose, 320 the second dose, 566 the third dose…

13:25, 19.09.2022

Over 1,600 persons have been vaccinated against COVID last week

A number of 1,630 doses of Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson&Johnson vaccines were inoculated over September 12 - 18, of which 355 represented the first dose, 317 - the second dose, 646 - the third dose and 312 -…

15:15, 13.09.2022

Supravegherea chineză, viitorul Occidentului!

Sub conducerea lui Xi Jinping, guvernul țese o rețea de supraveghere de care niciun cetățean chinez nu poate scăpa. Dar chiar și în Occident, revoluția digitală se înclină spre tiranie. În noua lor carte, „Surveillance…

14:15, 11.07.2022

Over 3,200 persons vaccinated against COVID-19 July 4 to 10

A total of 3,252 doses of Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccine were administered during the week of 4 to 10 July, of which 457 represented the first dose, 690 - the second dose, 1,210 - the third dose…

18:46, 23.03.2022

Alpha Bank Romania lansează pe piaţa locală trei fonduri de investiţii

”Alpha Bank Romania lansează pe piaţa locală trei fonduri de investiţii ce fac parte din Alpha (LUX) Global Funds, administrate de Alpha Asset Management A.E.D.A.K., membră a Grupului Alpha Bank specializată în…

08:36, 04.03.2022

ALARMĂ TOTALĂ! Schimburi de focuri la centrala nucleară Zaporojie VIDEO

Un atac al rușilor în noaptea de joi spre vineri la centrala nucleară Zaporojie, cea mai mare de acest fel din Europa, a declanșat o alarmă în toată lumea după izbucnirea unui incendiu. Autoritățile ucrainene au…

04:10, 04.03.2022

UPDATE – Un incendiu a izbucnit la centrala nucleară de la Zaporojie, cea mai mare din Europa / Avertismentul ministrului de Externe ucrainean – VIDEO

Conform primarului din Enerhodar, Dmytro Orlov, focul a fost provocat de bombardamentul continuu asupra clădirilor şi unităţilor centralei. Anterior, el anunţase lupte intense între forţele ucrainene şi cele ruseşti…

14:46, 16.02.2022

Draft law on implementation of technical surveillance warrants ordered in criminal law, unconstitutional (sources)

The Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) admitted, on Wednesday, the notifications regarding the draft law for the approval of OUG 6/2016 on some measures for the execution of the technical surveillance warrants…

14:25, 10.01.2022

Danish intelligence chief jailed following surveillance scandal

The head of Denmark’s military intelligence service, Lars Findsen, has been jailed, charged with leaking classified material, local media reported on Monday according to Bloomberg.  Last month, Danish police arrested…

21:30, 07.01.2022

Cutremur cu magnitudinea de 6,6 în China

Un cutremur cu magnitudinea de 6,6 s-a produs sâmbătă dimineaţa în Qinghai, o provincie puţin populată din nord-vestul Chinei, a anunţat Institutul american de geofizică (USGS), relatează AFP. Epicentrul cutremurului,…

21:06, 07.01.2022

Cutremur de 6,5 grade! Unde a fost resimțit seismul care a stârnit panică în rândul populației

Potrivit Centrului German de Cercetare pentru Geoștiințe (GFZ), cutremurul a avut loc sâmbătă, 8 ianuarie 2022, la ora locală 1:45 am, la o adâncime mică de 10 km.Cutremurele de mică adâncime sunt resimțite mai…

19:40, 06.12.2021

2,000-plus migrants rescued at sea by 'Stefan cel Mare' border police ship during Mediterranean mission

The 'Stefan cel Mare' maritime surveillance ship of the Romanian Border Police returned on Monday to the Port of Constanta from a four-month migration prevention and combat mission in the Mediterranean, during…

17:15, 05.12.2021

People entering Romania from Dec. 20 to complete Passenger Locator Form

People entering Romania will have to complete a passenger locator form from December 20, head of the Emergency Management Department (DSU) Raed Arafat said on Sunday. The remarks were made at a news briefing at…

18:05, 03.09.2021

63-year-old man, first West Nile virus death this season

Four local cases of West Nile virus infection in humans have been registered between June 7 - September 2, and one of the infected persons has died, the National Center for the Surveillance and Control of Communicable…

14:46, 27.08.2021

First three cases of West Nile virus infection this season

Three local cases of West Nile virus infection in humans have been registered by August 25, one each in Bucharest City and the counties of Olt and Bacau, informs the National Center for the Surveillance and Control…

19:20, 10.04.2021

Andrei Marga: Despre lumea post-pandemică

Pandemia a făcut să dispară mai mult de un milion de oameni, a afectat grav viața altor milioane și a provocat pagube imense – cele mai mari după Al Doilea Război Mondial. În mod firesc, ea a stârnit reflecții…

19:40, 02.04.2021

Over 4,200 border police officers on duty during Catholic Easter holidays

Over 4,200 police officers will be deployed daily at the state border during the Catholic Easter holidays for surveillance and control, cross-border crime prevention and combat activities, the Border Police General…

18:00, 05.03.2021

Two cases of South African COVID variant confirmed in Romania

The public health authorities announced on Friday that Romania has confirmed its first two cases of the South African coronavirus variant, reported by xinhuanet.com. The South African variant was detected in a…

18:45, 23.02.2021

Romania records 164 cases of new SARS-CoV-2 infection UK variant

As many as 164 cases of the new SARS-Cov-2 infection UK variant B.1.1.7 lineage have so far been confirmed in Romania, according to a statement from the Ministry of Health (MS) released on Tuesday. "The Ministry…

07:45, 21.02.2021

DE DINCOLO DE STATUIA LIBERTĂȚII – Dana NEACȘU – Lovitura de stat epistemică a democrației americane

Dr. Shoshana Zuboff, profesor emerit la Harvard Business School, autorul cărții „The Age of Surveillance Capitalism.” a petrecut exact 42 de Post-ul DE DINCOLO DE STATUIA LIBERTĂȚII – Dana NEACȘU – Lovitura de…