Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

08:50, 16.02.2022

Ukraine hit by cyber attack as U.S. questions Russian troop pullback

Kyiv appeared to blame Russia for a cyber attack on Tuesday as U.S. President Joe Biden warned that more than 150,000 Russian troops were still amassed near Ukraine‘s borders after Moscow’s announcement of a partial…

16:26, 20.01.2022

There is no question of lifting measures to limit COVID, we remain very cautious, attentive, still monitoring (EmergencySituations' head)

The head of the Emergency Situations Department (DSU), Raed Arafat, said on Thursday that lifting the measures to limit the spread of COVID-19 is out of the question, noting that great caution and care should still…

14:26, 14.01.2022

Justice Ministry participates in filling questionnaire for US Annual Trafficking in Persons Report

The Justice Ministry announces it has participated this week in completing the answer of the Romanian authorities on the assessment questionnaire sent by the US Department of State for the 2022 Trafficking in Persons…

14:45, 03.12.2021

Concluzia lui Dan Petrescu după discuția cu FRF: „Subiectul este încheiat. «Next question»”

Dan Petrescu (53 de ani), antrenorul abordat de FRF pentru a prelua echipa națională a României, spune că rămâne concentrat la munca pe care o are de făcut la CFR Cluj până la finalul anului. Totodată, a lăsat…

08:50, 02.12.2021

PSD's Ciolacu: It is out of the question for me to ever support compulsory vaccination

The chairman of the Social Democratic Party (PSD),Marcel Ciolacu, said on Wednesday evening that vaccination against COVID-19 should not be compulsory, agerpres reports. "It is out of the question for me to ever…

16:45, 22.11.2021

De ce apare de fiecare dată un steag în alb și negru în podcastul lui Morar

În vreme de pandemie, Mihai Morar s-a alăturat altor vedete care s-au apucat de podcast, pe care l-a numit „Fain & Simplu”. Recent, matinalul de la Radio Zu a dezvăluit ce semnifică steagul în alb și negru pe care…

15:31, 11.10.2021

PSD's Ciolacu informs president there can be no question of minority government without substantial majority in Parliament

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) communicated to President Klaus Iohannis on Monday, at the Cotroceni (Presidential Palace) consultations that without a substantial majority in Parliament "there can be no question…

08:50, 06.10.2021

PSD's Ciolacu: It is out of question to negotiate anything with PNL on support of minority government

Chairman of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Marcel Ciolacu said on Tuesday evening that the best solution for overcoming the political crisis in Romania is to prepare early elections, ruling out a possible negotiation…

08:31, 01.10.2021

Prințul Harry, „bătut” de unul dintre nepoții reginei Elisabeta a II-a

Mike Tindall, nepotul prin alianță al reginei Elisabeta a II-a, a povestit că i-a tras odată un pumn prințului Harry. Acesta dorea să vadă  cum vor reacționa bodyguarzii prințului, relatează Insider. Tindall este…

11:00, 30.09.2021

Nepotul rugbist al reginei Elisabeta a II-a spune că i-a tras un pumn prințului Harry pentru a vedea cum vor reacționa bodyguarzii săi

Mike Tindall, nepotul prin alianță al reginei Elisabeta a II-a, a relatat că i-a tras odată un pumn prințului Harry pentru a vedea cum vor reacționa bodyguarzii săi, relatează Insider.Tindall este un fost jucător…

15:26, 07.09.2021

PNL's Bogdan: Giving up on Florin Citu, out of the question

The First Deputy Chairman of PNL (National Liberal Party) Rares Bogdan highlights that the liberals will not give up on Florin Citu from his position as Prime Minister. "We are not giving up on Florin Citu, he…

19:45, 28.07.2021

“Faith”, noul album de la Pop Smoke, a debutat pe primul loc in Billboard Hot 200

“Faith”, noul album al lui Pop Smoke, a debutat pe primul loc in SUA, fiind al doilea album al lui Pop ce ajunge pe primul loc, dupa prima saptamana. Dupa lansarea “Faith”, “Shoot For The Stars Aim For The Moon”…

15:56, 15.06.2021

PNL's Orban: The motion of censure will not get any votes from coalition MPs

National chairman of the National Liberal Party (PNL) Ludovic Orban said on Tuesday that the motion of censure tabled by the opposition Social Democratic Party (PSD) against the Citu government will not get any…

12:45, 19.05.2021

Transport Minister Drula questions usefulness of airport metro line in its current form

The density of the area from Tokyo station to Otopeni Airport is the lowest in Bucharest and, therefore, the question arises whether this investment of 700 million euros is useful in this form, Minister of Transport…

08:31, 17.05.2021

PSD not to support PNL's minority government, such a thing, out of the question

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) rules out the possibility of supporting a possible minority government of the National Liberal Party (PNL), PSD leader Marcel Ciolacu said on Sunday evening. "We will not support…

13:20, 19.04.2021

Liberal Bogdan: Political crisis must end very fast, no question of changing the prime minister

National Liberal Party (PNL) Deputy Chairman Rares Bogdan declared, on Monday, before the PNL leadership meeting, that the tensions in the governmental coalition that emerged after the revocation of Vlad Voiculescu…

13:11, 19.04.2021

PNL's Orban: PM benefits from full support, no question of changing political configuration

Prime Minister Florin Citu is benefiting from the full support of the National Liberal Party(PNL) and there is no question regarding the political configuration, declared on Monday, the chairman of PNL, Ludovic…

21:16, 07.04.2021

Leader of UDMR Senators Lorand: An alliance with AUR is of question

UDMR (Democratic Union of Hungarians of Romania) has never discussed an alliance with AUR (Alliance for Romanians' Unity), this proposal being a "frivolous" one, because one cannot have a pro-minority attitude…

21:05, 01.04.2021

Health Minister: Vaccine incentives out of question at this moment

Health Minister Vlad Voiculescu said today that the grant of vaccine incentives to reward people who get the Covid jab is currently out of question. "Vaccination is voluntary. The grant of incentives is out of…

19:30, 30.03.2021

Ombudsperson questions Premier about reasons for non-publication of CNSU 2021 decisions in Official Journal

Ombudsperson Renate Weber is asking Prime Minister Florin Citu to state the reasons why the 20 decisions adopted by the National Committee for Emergency Situations (CNSU) since the beginning of the year have not…

17:06, 24.03.2021

Ludovic Orban: There is also possibility for me to run for presidency

The President of the Chamber of Deputies and National Liberal Party (PNL) leader, Ludovic Orban, said on Wednesday that there is also the possibility for him to run for presidency, adding that the PNL must support…

13:55, 15.03.2021

AEP: Questionnaire sent to heads of polling stations indicates good organization of 2020 parliamentary elections abroad

The Permanent Electoral Authority (AEP) informed on Monday that the poll conducted among the presidents of the polling stations abroad and their deputies reveals a majority opinion according to which the organization…

16:40, 14.03.2021

Bucharest Mayor Dan: I desire another mayoral mandate; presidential run in 2024 out of question

The General Mayor of Bucharest, Nicusor Dan, stated that he desires another mandate at the helm of the City Hall and that a candidacy in the 2024 presidential elections is out of the question, mentioning, in regards…

18:00, 22.02.2021

PSD's Ciolacu tells PM Citu his 10 minute speech costs Romania 600,000 euros in loans

National chairman of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Marcel Ciolacu told a plenary sitting of the Chamber of Deputies on Monday that Prime Minister Citu borrowed 600,000 euros in the 10 minutes he spoke during…

19:06, 15.02.2021

Orban: Florin Citu - present next Monday in Prime Minister's Question Time

Prime Minister Florin Citu will participate next Monday in the Prime Minister's Question Time in the Chamber of Deputies, announced the Chamber Speaker Ludovic Orban, leader of the National Liberal Party (PNL).…

12:01, 15.02.2021

PM Citu: Making COVID-19 vaccination mandatory, out of the question

Prime Minister Florin Citu said on Monday that the vaccination against the novel coronavirus will not be mandatory, according to AGERPRES. "This is a law that has been with Parliament for three years; it has nothing…

19:15, 09.11.2020

PSD's Ciolacu: The IMF will be here in January if this incompetent gov't remains in office

Tax and fee hikes are in store if the Orban Government remains in office and "the IMF will be here in January," House Speaker and leader of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Marcel Ciolacu said on Monday during…

12:15, 23.09.2020

Cum te poate ajuta literatura in afaceri

"Literatura este una dintre cele mai interesante si semnificative expresii ale umanitatii", spunea omul de afaceri american Phineas Taylor Barnum. Este o idee impartasita si de multi lideri din prezent, printre…

20:13, 06.07.2020

PM Orban: I signed 'No Convicts in Public Office' initiative, we back enshrining integrity into law

Attending on Monday the Prime Minister's Question Time, PM Ludovic Orban told the Chamber of Deputies' plenum that he is a signatory of the 'No Convicts in Public Office' initiative, and that the National Liberal…

17:12, 06.07.2020

Orban: PSD seeks to unfoundedly connect me to activity of state company

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban stated, on Monday, in the plenary of the Chamber of Deputies, at the "Prime Minister's Question Time", that the subject for which he was invited has no connection to his activity as…