Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

02:50, 05.07.2022

Curcubeul deasupra unei lumi intolerante

Fiecare dintre noi a avut o experienta în care s-a simtit deplasat, o situatie în care s-a simtit rusinat sau inconfortabil doar pentru ca a fost sau a facut ceva diferit fata de ceilalti. Oamenii sunt experti…

07:51, 17.04.2022

China a interzis difuzarea în direct, online, a jocurilor video neautorizate

Administraţia Naţională de Radio şi Televiziune a spus că platformele de orice fel nu trebuie să transmită live jocuri care nu sunt aprobate de autorităţile conexe. În special transmiterea în direct a jocurilor…

15:05, 25.03.2022

Pensioners request pension increase by 13% and abolishment of Pillar II mandatory private pension fund

Pensioners are requesting the Government to increase pensions by 13% until September, due to the accelerated price increase, the chairman of Romania's National Pensioners Federation (FNPR), Preda Nedelcu, declared…

18:50, 24.03.2022

Health minister: Four counties left where potassium iodide pills must be distributed

Health Minister Alexandru Rafila announced on Thursday, in Iasi, that there are four counties left in which the potassium iodide pills must be distributed, Agerpres reports. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri.…

19:35, 21.03.2022

Over 50,000 Romanians have already received a private pension

Over 50,000 Romanians benefited from the amounts accumulated in the private pension account Pillar II in the period 2016 - 2021, most of them being relatives of some taxpayers who died, or contributors who retired…

13:35, 16.03.2022

Ministry of Labor: Contribution for Pillar II of pensions will increase from 3.75% to 4.75%

Contributions to private pension funds (Pillar II) will increase from 3.75% to 4.75%, after the Government approved on Wednesday an Emergency Ordinance in this sense, the Ministry of Labor announced in a press…

17:40, 15.03.2022

Antibiotice Iasi has already produced over 15 ml potassium iodide pills

Drug maker Antibiotice Iasi has already produced more than 15 million potassium iodide pills of the contracted amount of 30 million, Health Minister Alexandru Rafila told a news conference on Tuesday. Fii la curent…

13:36, 07.03.2022

Antibiotice Iasi to make 2.5 million potassium iodide pills every 48 hours

Health Minister Alexandru Rafila announced that, starting Tuesday, the Antibiotice Iasi Company will manufacture 2.5 million potassium iodide pills every 48 hours, mentioning that the necessity is for maximum 30…

11:20, 15.02.2022

BCR Pensii becomes first Pillar IV occupational pension fund administrator in Romania

BCR Pensii is the first company in Romania to be authorised by the Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF) as an administrator of Pillar IV occupational pension funds, the company announced on Tuesday. Pillar IV…

15:51, 09.02.2022

PM discusses with President of Association for Privately Managed Pension Funds about strengthening Pillar 2

On Wednesday, Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca had a meeting with Radu Craciun, President of the Association for Privately Managed Pension Funds in Romania (APAPR), during which they underscored the need to strengthen…

11:31, 31.01.2022

PSD's Ciolacu: We've discussed optimising PNRR from outset; EC does not cap pensions

National chairman of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Marcel Ciolacu said on Monday that pensions are not capped by the European Commission, adding that he will discuss with specialists, including contributions…

18:25, 17.01.2022

AURSF requests ample national debate regarding future of privately administered pensions

The Association of Romanian Users of Financial Services (AURSF) has taken notice of the appearance in the public space, in the context of the application of the different measures comprised in the National Recovery…

13:05, 11.01.2022

President Iohannis: Education, one of pillars of improving climate change response

President Klaus Iohannis stated, on Tuesday, that education is one of the "pillars of improving response" to climate change, Agerpres reports. "Education, environment protection and combating climate change are…

10:15, 04.12.2021

Romania’s National Cathedral has become a cardinal point, Patriarchal Auxiliary Bishop Ieronim says

“The National Cathedral has become a cardinal point,” the Patriarchal Auxiliary Bishop Ieronim of Sinaia said on the third anniversary of the consecration of the Cathedral’s altar. The bishop referred to the fact…

09:06, 07.09.2021

ZidArt – Street Art Festival la Bacău. Bună Dimineaţa cu Adina Şuhan (07.09.2021)

Adina Şuhan – realizator Bună Dimineaţa ZidArt – Street Art Festival la Bacău, sâmbătă, 11 septembrie 2021 la Insula de Agrement Bacău. Fondatorul ZidArt , Lucian Popa a stat de vorbă cu noi în matinalul de la…

14:25, 27.08.2021

Festivalul ZidArt devine internațional. . Timp de trei săptămâni, 13 artiști români și străini selectați prin concurs își vor implementa viziunea asupra…

Festivalul de artă urbană ZIDART – Street Art Festival a ajuns la cea de-a patra ediție. Bacăul va intra pe harta internațională a artei stradale prin participarea a trei artiști din Argentina și Spania, se arată…

00:35, 25.08.2021

Alte picturi murale marca ZidArt

Începând din această toamnă, Bacăul va avea încă 12 picturi murale publice ce urmează să fie realizate de comunitatea ZidArt în cadrul proiectului “Pillars of humanity”, a anunțat viceprimarul Cristian Ghingheș.…

08:00, 24.08.2021

„Pillars of humanity”: ZidArt va realiza încă 12 picturi murale în municipiul Bacău

Începând din această toamnă, Bacăul va avea încă 12 picturi murale publice ce urmează să fie realizate de comunitatea ZidArt în cadrul proiectului „Pillars of humanity”, a anunțat viceprimarul Cristian Ghingheș.…

11:00, 15.07.2021

Lucian Bode: Reform of Police Academy, fundamental pillar for future of Internal Affairs Ministry

The reform of the Police Academy is a fundamental pillar for the future of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MAI), said on Thursday Minister of Internal Affairs Lucian Bode. "We have launched a comprehensive reform…

13:00, 29.06.2021

Citu: In PNRR 3rd pillar we allotted 400 million euro for professional and dual education

Prime Minister Florin Citu recalled, on Tuesday, that in the 3rd pillar of the National Plan for Recovery and Resilience (PNRR) 400 million euro were allotted for dual education, in the context in which this "is…

18:35, 07.05.2021

Iohannis, ahead of Porto Summit: Post-pandemic reconstruction money goes to the social pillar

President Klaus Iohannis said on Friday that the COVID-19 pandemic affects not only people's health and economies, but also their social structure, pointing out that Europewide solutions are needed. The Romanian…

09:45, 07.05.2021

Assets of optional pension funds exceed 3.1 bln lei as of March 31

Assets held by optional pension funds (Pillar III) stood at over 3.1 billion lei as of March 31, 2021, up 30.37 percent YoY, shows data of the Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF). Government securities accounted…

09:10, 05.05.2021

Mandatory private pension funds over 80 billion RON in assets at the end of March 2021

Mandatory private pension funds (Pillar II) had assets worth 80.238 billion RON, on March 31, 2021, rising by 33.34 pct from March 31, 2020, according to the data from the Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF).…

10:36, 25.04.2021

Nadine este elevă de liceu la 44 ani! Face pregătire pentru Bac. ”Mâine mă ascultă la română și geografie”

Nadine este elevă de liceu la 44 ani! Mamă, scriitoare, speaker și, din nou, după 25 de ani prezentatatoare de televiziune, Nadine Emile Voindrough dă bacalauteatul la vară și nu ascunde experiența asta. Învață…

14:45, 20.04.2021

Assets held by Pillar II and Pillar III pension funds top 80 bln lei

The assets managed by Pillar II and Pillar III pension funds topped 80 billion lei, while the annual contributions are in excess of 10 billion lei, according to data presented on Tuesday in a specialist video conference…

19:40, 04.04.2021

Ludovic Orban, on NATO Day: Romania - stability pillar in the region; We continue to be reliable allies of the Alliance

Romania is a pillar of stability in the region, due to its membership in the North Atlantic Alliance, and NATO Day is celebrated in our country under the sign of Euro-Atlantic solidarity, through constant support…

17:15, 19.03.2021

PNRR/Pension system reform, tax reforms, a EUR 110 million worth of budget

The 'Pension system reform and tax reforms', Component 1 of Pillar III (Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth) of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), has an initial negotiating budget of EUR 110…

17:15, 19.03.2021

PNRR / Romania to develop digitalized "eco islands" for local waste selective collecting

Romania will modernize and complete integrated management systems of municipal waste and will develop digitalized "eco islands" for selective collecting waste, at a local level, according to the National Recovery…

17:00, 19.03.2021

PNRR/Establishment of Wood Exchange, administrative reform of Romsilva

The establishment of the Wood Exchange and the administrative reform of the Romsilva National Forests Authority are among the points of interest found in Chapter 2 of Pillar I of the National Recovery and Resilience…

08:05, 14.03.2021

Monica PILLAT: Norocul meu a fost să mă nasc într-o familie ale cărei doamne mi-au devenit modele de nobleţe sufletească, dar şi de imaginaţie creatoare

Destinul familiei Pillat se identifică, din multe puncte de vedere, cu istoria dureroasă a ultimului veac românesc, dar se înscrie și într-o jertfelnicie creștină care, trebuie să recunoaștem, cu greu mai poate…