Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

08:40, 17.11.2023

Sweden’s NATO bid delayed in Turkish parliament

The Turkish parliament’s foreign affairs commission delayed a vote on Sweden‘s NATO membership bid on Thursday in a further setback to the Nordic country’s hopes of joining the Western alliance after 18 months…

14:45, 15.11.2023

It is essential to promote programmes that encourage use of digital technologies among the elderly (presidential adviser)

It is essential to promote programmes that encourage use of digital technologies among the elderly (presidential adviser)It is essential to promote support programmes and initiatives that encourage the use of digital…

11:36, 14.11.2023

Turkish approval for Sweden’s NATO bid draws closer

Turkey’s parliament is set to hold a debate this week over Sweden’s bid to join the NATO military alliance, as President Recep Tayyip Erdogan seeks to improve defense relations with US-led allies, according to…

19:06, 06.11.2023

USR: 'Chancellor Nehammer violates Romanians' rights by blocking Romania's Schengen accession'

USR: 'Chancellor Nehammer violates Romanians' rights by blocking Romania's Schengen accession'The opposition Save Romania Union (USR) asked the Austrian lawmakers in the Austria - Romania Friendship Group who visited…

13:45, 02.11.2023

PM says new pension law brings fairness to the system, asks that it be treated as a priority

PM says new pension law brings fairness to the system, asks that it be treated as a priorityThe new pension law "will do justice" to the millions of pensioners and bring fairness to the system, Prime Minister Marcel…

08:45, 01.11.2023

PM Ciolacu: New pension law is sustainable and fair

The new pension law is sustainable and fair, declared Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu, on Tuesday evening, on private broadcaster Romania TV, following the meeting of the governing coalition in which the Minister…

18:00, 31.10.2023

Romania aims to become first country at Black Sea to have offshore wind legislation

Romania aims to become the first country bordering the Black Sea to have legislation in the offshore wind sector, said National Energy Regulatory Authority (ANRE) President George-Sergiu Niculescu, at the Global…

14:30, 31.10.2023

Mihai Daraban: I don't understand why the Romanian State punishes the business environment in such a way

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania (CCIR) organized on October 31 this year the conference "Austerity measures vs. The business environment", during which, in the presence of representatives of entrepreneurs…

21:41, 30.10.2023

President of the Senate Ciuca meets Israeli Ambassador Reuven Azar, wife of Romanian kidnapped in Gaza

The President of the Senate, Nicolae Ciuca, on Monday met with the ambassador of Israel to Romania, Reuven Azar, and with the wife of the Romanian citizen who is being held hostage in the Gaza Strip, in which context…

20:00, 30.10.2023

PNL's Roman: The simple motion against Bolos is a string of invectives, insults

National Liberal Party (PNL) lawmaker Florin Roman told a plenary sitting of Parliament on Monday that the simple motion against Finance Minister Marcel Bolos is "a whole string of invectives, personal attacks,…

09:50, 21.10.2023

Svetlana Tihanovskaia, rivala lui Lukașenko, se află într-o vizită la Chișinău. „Sunt încântată să-mi încep vizita la Moldova, la invitația președintei…

Începând de vineri, 20 octombrie, lidera opoziției din Belarus, Svetlana Tihanovskaia, efectuează, o vizită de două zile în Republica Moldova, la invitația șefei statului Maia Sandu. Anunțul a fost făcut de însăși…

10:25, 17.10.2023

Romanian parliament readopts special pensions reform after constitutional check

Romania’s Chamber of Deputies quickly passed the law on special pensions in line with the EU Commission’s request to unblock a third recovery fund installment on Monday after the Constitutional Court ruled the…

20:40, 16.10.2023

Ciolacu, after adoption in Parliament of law on special pensions: I believe Constitutional Court's decisions are implemented

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu, leader of PSD, declared on Monday, after the adoption of the special pensions bill, that the decisions of the Constitutional Court are being implemented."I believe that the decisions…

20:20, 16.10.2023

Parlamentul lui Mickey Mouse? Un tren care transporta europarlamentari la Strasbourg a ajuns, din greșeală, la Disneylan

Un tren care transporta sute de europarlamentari și funcționari ai Parlamentului European a ajuns luni, pentru scurt timp, la Disneyland, după ce a greșit drumul spre Strasbourg, scrie Politico. Who's on the EU…

09:20, 09.10.2023

President Iohannis to meet Portuguese PM, Assembly President and Lisbon Mayor

President Klaus Iohannis ends his state visit to Portugal on Monday, being scheduled to meet Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Costa, President of the Assembly of the Portuguese Republic Augusto Santos Silva, and…

14:35, 07.10.2023

Dodon: "Gazul, care vine în Moldova, este rusesc"

Igor Dodon, secretarul executiv al Partidului Socialiștilor din Republica Moldova (PSRM), într-o intervenție video a făcut o remarcă privind declarațiile controversate ale responsabililor din Moldova, care spun…

14:50, 04.10.2023

Commissioner Valean: Road safety investments come with both human and economic benefits

Road safety investments come not just with human, but with economic benefits as well, at a time when the total cost of traffic accidents in Europe is estimated to be somewhere between 2 and 3 percent of the EU's…

11:06, 30.09.2023

Law for which Ciolacu pledges responsibility increases taxes, impoverishes Romanians (PNL MP Vilceanu)

Liberal MP Dan Vilceanu, former minister of finance, stated on Friday night that he signed the notification to the Constitutional Court on the package of laws for which the Government pledged responsibility in…

10:56, 27.09.2023

Dorin Recean, însoțit de Alaiba și Parlicov, într-o vizită oficială în Germania: Care este scopul deplasării

Prim-ministrul Dorin Recean va efectua o vizită de lucru la Berlin, în cadrul căreia va participa în calitate de invitat la Forumul germano-român, alături de omologul său român, Marcel Ciolacu și cancelarul german…

20:00, 26.09.2023

Parliament/PM Ciolacu: We will tax by 70 percent all illicit wealth

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said Tuesday that the Government will massively increase fines, confiscate on a large scale the proceeds of tax evasion and will tax by 70 percent all illicit wealth."We all want a…

10:05, 26.09.2023

Parliament takes note of Defence Ministry's request on purchase of 32 F-35 aircraft

Parliament takes note of Defence Ministry's request on purchase of 32 F-35 aircraftThe standing bureaus of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate took note, on Tuesday, of the request of the Ministry of National…

15:25, 25.09.2023

Environmental organisations call for parliamentary inquiry committee on former EvirMin activity

Agent Green and the Animal Rights Coalition are calling on Parliament to set up a parliamentary inquiry committee to analyse the work of former Environment Minister Barna Tanczos, who they claim "blocked the implementation…

14:20, 25.09.2023

Loan agreement with EBRD, worth 590 M euros, submitted to Parliament for ratification

President Klaus Iohannis on Monday signed the decree regarding the submission to Parliament for ratification of the Loan Agreement (Second programmatic financing for development policies for green and inclusive…

11:55, 25.09.2023

EnergMin Burduja: Parliament might pass offshore wind energy bill in December

EnergMin Burduja: Parliament might pass offshore wind energy bill in DecemberAn offshore wind energy bill could reach government in two weeks' time, at the latest, and December should be a feasible deadline for…

09:25, 25.09.2023

  Moldova își va păstra acordul cu Gazprom ca să evite posibile crize – Ministru

‘Înghesuită’ între Ucraina și România, stat membru al Uniunii Europene, în decembrie 2022, țara a încetat să mai apeleze la gazele furnizate de  Gazprom , iar acum, cu sprijinul financiar al UE, se bazează pe surse…

03:00, 24.09.2023

Manifestație la Londra în favoarea revenirii în Uniunea Europeană

Furioși ori animați de speranță, câteva mii de eurofili au manifestat sâmbătă la Londra în favoarea revenirii Regatului Unit în Uniunea Europeană. Manifestanții s-au deplasat până în Parliament Square, unde un…

21:26, 22.09.2023

UDMR's Kelemen: The motion of censure does not currently have the necessary support

UDMR's Kelemen: The motion of censure does not currently have the necessary supportThe motion of censure currently does not have the necessary support in Parliament to lead to the fall of the government, national…

19:20, 19.09.2023

Catalin Drula says USR to submit motion of censure against package of fiscal measures

Catalin Drula says USR to submit motion of censure against package of fiscal measuresSave Romania Union (USR) parliamentarians will submit a motion of censure on the package of fiscal measures, stated the leader…

17:10, 19.09.2023

UDMR's Kelemen: UDMR disagrees with central level interference with local administrations

UDMR's Kelemen: UDMR disagrees with central level interference with local administrationsThe Hungaraian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR) disagrees with the central government interfering with the activity of…

20:45, 18.09.2023

HealthMin Rafila: Motion is a summary of a person's Facebook posts

HealthMin Rafila: Motion is a summary of a person's Facebook postsThe Minister of Health, Alexandru Rafila, said on Monday that the motion submitted to the Parliament against him is the summary of some Facebook…