Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

11:41, 28.06.2023

Lituania cumpără două sisteme de rachete sol-aer NASAMS pentru Ucraina

Președintele Lituaniei, Gitanas Nausėda, a anunțat achiziționarea de către țara sa sisteme de rachete sol-aer NASAMS, care vor fi transferate în Ucraina. „Apărarea aeriană este esențială în lupta împotriva agresorului”,…

16:55, 06.06.2023

Joint Statement of Bucharest Nine leaders: We strongly support Ukraine's Euro-Atlantic aspirations

The leaders of the countries of the Bucharest Nine have issued a joint statement supporting Ukraine's NATO membership "once conditions allow it".Ukraine is an integral part of the Euro-Atlantic area and its security…

10:55, 05.06.2023

Stoltenberg says Swedish NATO deal can be reached after more talks

An agreement on Sweden joining NATO could be reached in time for a summit of the alliance next month in Lithuania, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said on Sunday after meeting Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan,…

07:35, 12.05.2023

Eurovision 2023. România a ratat calificarea în finală

Theodor Andrei n-a reușit să se califice în marea finală programată sâmbătă, confirmând astfel predicțiile specialiștilor în ceea ce privește calitatea slabă a melodiei propuse de țara noastră. Theodor Andrei a…

14:35, 11.05.2023

SĂ VEDEM CE IESE – Theodor Andrei se luptă azi pentru un loc în finala Eurovision

România, prin Theodor Andrei, are șansa azi să ajungă în finala Eurovision 2023. Artistul Româna a fost în ultimele zile ținta multor critici, în special legate de aparițiile sale în public. Piesa României este…

11:31, 11.05.2023

Eurovision 2023 - Theodor Andrei va cânta joi pe scena de la Liverpool. Cum se poate vota

Theodor Andrei va cânta, joi, pe scena Eurovision M&S Bank Arena de la Liverpool, iar evenimentul va fi transmis în direct si în exclusivitate de TVR 1, TVR International si TVR+, de la ora 22.00.  Publicul din…

18:46, 02.05.2023

President Iohannis recalls Romanian ambassadors to Croatia, Lithuania, Latvia

On Tuesday, President Klaus Iohannis signed decrees recalling the Romanian ambassadors to Croatia, Lithuania and Latvia. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro pe Facebook stiripesurse.ro…

16:45, 02.05.2023

Baltics look to NATO for air defence support

Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia are asking fellow NATO members to ramp up the air defence support to secure the Baltic part of the military alliance’ Eastern Flank in case of an attack ahead of revamping defence…

14:50, 28.04.2023

Head of PM's Chancellery Abrudean: Romania aims to include Ukraine, Rep.Moldova, Georgia as partners in I3M projects

The head of the Prime Minister's Chancellery and the national coordinator for the Three Seas Initiative (I3M), Mircea Abrudean, stated that Romania aims to include Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova and Georgia as…

19:05, 29.03.2023

Scurt ghid de evadare din Rusia. Cum au fugit din țară criticii lui Putin și ai războiului din Ucraina

Sincronizarea este totul. Dacă vrei să fugi, e bine să o faci vineri târziu sau sâmbătă devreme, când răspunsul poliției poate fi mai lent. Apoi, trebuie să te miști repede. Să mergi pe drumuri secundare. Să schimbi…

22:15, 28.03.2023

'Carpathian Vipers' detachment, on allied missions of Enhanced Air Policing in Baltic States

The "Carpathian Vipers" detachment of the Romanian Air Force will participate, between April and July, in allied missions of the Enhanced Air Policing in the Baltic States."I wish success to the 'Carpathian Vipers'…

16:16, 28.03.2023

EU backs retaliation against economic coercion

The European Union has agreed to allow retaliation against countries that put undue economic pressure on EU members to change their policies, such as the trade restrictions the bloc says China has imposed on Lithuania,…

21:30, 18.03.2023

„Putin, Haga te așteaptă”. Mesajul special transmis de Lituania liderului rus după emiterea mandatului de arestare de către CPI

Lituania i-a transmis un mesaj ferm președintelui rus Vladimir Putin, după ce a fost emis un mandat de arestare pe numele acestuia de către Curtea Penală Internală (CPI) pentru presupuse crime de război, relatează…

10:31, 16.03.2023

Pățania unor tineri sub dictatura lui Putin

O studentă pe nume Olesya Krivtsova a fost denunțată de colegii ei pentru poziția ei împotriva războiului. A reușit să părăsească Rusia și se află în siguranță. Ea risca o pedeapsă cu închisoarea pentru acuzații…

22:05, 13.03.2023

ForMin Aurescu - political consultations with Lithuanian counterpart; development of bilateral relations, situation in Ukraine discussed

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bogdan Aurescu, had on Monday bilateral political consultations with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania, Gabrielius Landsbergis, on the occasion of his official visit…

14:00, 08.02.2023

Border police catch 31 migrants hiding in two westbound cargo trucks

Arad border police caught 31 migrants of various nationalities as they attempted to illegally cross the border into Hungary hidden in two long haul trucks headed for Germany and Lithuania, respectively, that were…

23:55, 30.01.2023

ForMin Aurescu, Lithuanian counterpart Landsbergis discuss air police missions in Baltic Sea

The minister of Foreign Affairs, Bogdan Aurescu, had a telephone conversation with his counterpart from Lithuania, Gabrielius Landsbergis, on Monday, in the context in which the head of Romanian diplomacy referred…

23:35, 30.01.2023

Valencia s-a despărţit de antrenorul Gennaro Gattuso

Gruparea FC Valencia a anunţat că s-a despărţit, de comun acord, de antrenorul Gennaro Gattuso, care fusese numit în funcţie în urmă cu şapte luni. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro…

19:26, 26.01.2023

Bill ammends Strategic Airlift Capability MoU

On Thursday, the Romanian government approved a bill amending a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the defence ministries of Bulgaria, Estonia, Finland, Hungary, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland,…

15:20, 23.01.2023

Russia and NATO member Estonia expel envoys, downgrade relations

Russia said on Monday it was downgrading diplomatic relations with NATO member Estonia, accusing it of “total Russophobia”, and Tallinn responded by telling Moscow’s envoy to the Baltic nation to leave, according…

12:15, 07.12.2022

EU steps up WTO cases against China for patent, Lithuania action

The European Union will proceed with two cases against China at the World Trade Organization (WTO) on Wednesday after talks to resolve the issues with its largest trading partner failed to yield results, according…

11:06, 30.11.2022

US tries to break EU deadlock over Russian oil price cap

U.S. officials have stepped in to try to persuade Poland and other EU countries to agree on a plan to hit Vladimir Putin‘s war fund by capping the price paid for Russian oil, according to Politico. As time runs…

15:20, 25.11.2022

Poland's Duda: It is best to have Patriot missile system deployed on Ukraine's territory

The best option for Poland's security is the deployment of Patriot missiles on Ukraine's territory, but this decision belongs to the allies, Polish President Andrzej Duda told on Friday a joint press conference…

08:35, 25.11.2022

President Iohannis, on 2nd day of visit to Lithuania, to attend international symposium, summit on strengthening Eastern Flank

President Klaus Iohannis continues his official visit to Lithuania, being scheduled to participate in the international symposium called "The Idea of Europe," but also to attend the summit dedicated to strengthening…

16:45, 24.11.2022

Iohannis: We can boost cooperation with Lithuania, high-tech, financial technologies, cybersecurity envisaged

Cooperation with Lithuania can be scaled up, as areas such as top technologies, financial technologies and cybersecurity are being considered, President Klaus Iohannis said on Thursday in a press conference delivered…

15:20, 24.11.2022

Iohannis: Romania supports Moldova, yet more, better direct interconnections needed

Romania supports the Republic of Moldova in terms of electricity problems and stressed that the direct interconnections between the two countries need to be improved, as they are insufficient, on Thursday said…

13:45, 24.11.2022

President Klaus Iohannis welcomed by Lithuanian counterpart Gitanas Nauseda

President Klaus Iohannis has started on Thursday the official visit to Lithuania, where he was welcomed by his Lithuanian counterpart Gitanas Nauseda, at the Presidential Palace in Vilnius, told Agerpres. Fii la…

13:06, 24.11.2022

Presedintele Klaus Iohannis, decorat de omologul leton

Presedintele Klaus Iohannis a fost decorat, joi, de omologul lituanian, Gitanas Nauseda, cu 39; 39;Marea Cruce a Ordinului pentru Meritele Lituaniei Grand Cross of the Order for Merits to Lithuania.La randul sau,…

08:35, 24.11.2022

President Iohannis to pay ofiicial visit to Lithuania

President Klaus Iohannis will pay an official visit to Lithuania, on Thursday, where he will meet his counterpart Gitanas Nauseda, as well as Lithuania's Speaker of the Seimas (Parliament) Viktorija Cmilyte-Nielsen,…

13:01, 22.11.2022

President Iohannis to pay official visits to Latvia and Lithuania

President Iohannis will pay an official visit on Wednesday to the Republic of Latvia, followed by an official visit to the Republic of Lithuania, scheduled on Thursday, and the President's participation in the…