Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

21:50, 02.08.2023

Romanian national safely flown out of Niger to Paris, another three to follow

A Romanian national was flown out of Niger on one of the evacuation flights organized by the French authorities and safely arrived in Paris, the Foreign Affairs Ministry informed on Wednesday.Another three Romanian…

11:30, 02.08.2023

Începe UNTOLD 2023. De mâine sunt așteptați la Cluj peste 350.000 de petrecăreți. Organizatorii susțin că show-ul va aduce o infuzie de 80 de milioane…

De mâine începe UNTOLD 2023, cel mai grandios și faimos festival muzical de la noi. Ajuns la cea de-a opta ediție, evenimentul ține până duminică și va primi în medie circa 100.000 de participanți în fiecare zi.…

09:05, 02.08.2023

UNTOLD 2023 începe joi. Care e programul festivalului și cum va fi vremea la Cluj. Line-up UNTOLD 2023

UNTOLD 2023 își va deschide porțile în perioada 3-6 august, la Cluj-Napoca. În cele patru zile de festival, pe scenele din Cluj-Arena vor urca zeci de artiști internaționali, DJ cunoscuți în toată lumea, dar și…

11:45, 01.08.2023

France will start evacuation of French, EU citizens from Niger

France will evacuate French and European citizens from Niger, starting on Tuesday, its foreign ministry said, days after a junta seized power in the west African country, according to Reuters. The overthrow last…

08:36, 01.08.2023

August 1 in history

August 1 in historyTankers Day CITESTE SI Romania men's basketball team qualify for quarterfinals of University Games in Chengdu 31/07/2023 13 ASTRA Rock Festival-goers offered free tent camping on grounds of namesake…

22:15, 31.07.2023

Romania men's basketball team qualify for quarterfinals of University Games in Chengdu

Romania men's basketball team qualified on Monday for the quarterfinals of the World University Games in Chengdu (China), by beating South Africa 91-33 (27-12, 22-12, 20-2, 22-7), in their last match in Group B.…

18:50, 31.07.2023

ASTRA Rock Festival-goers offered free tent camping on grounds of namesake Sibiu-based open-air museum

ASTRA Rock Festival-goers (August 11 - 13) have the unique opportunity to be the first tourists to benefit from free tent camping on the grounds of the Astra Open-air Museum sitting in Dumbrava Sibiului; this facility…

17:00, 29.07.2023

National module of extinguishing forest fires, in DG ECHO's pre-positioning programme

The Department for Emergency Situations within the Ministry of Internal Affairs, through the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations, participates, between July 30 and September 2, with a national module…

11:15, 28.07.2023

15 manichiuri la modă în această vară

15 manichiuri la modă în această vară Trendurile în materie de nail art sunt în continuă schimbare și aduc întotdeauna noutăți în funcție de sezon. Așa cum probabil deja intuiți, în sezonul cald se poartă unghiile…

12:55, 26.07.2023

Ioana Bivolaru, accredited ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of Romania to France

President Klaus Iohannis signed on Wednesday the decree accrediting Ioana Bivolaru as ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of Romania to the French Republic, with residence in Paris, the Presidential Administration…

12:05, 25.07.2023

Untold 2023 este sold-out. Ar mai fi o șansă pentru doritorii de bilete

Untold 2023 este sold-out. Organizatorii anunță că pentru ediția a 8-a a celui dintâi festival muzical din România (3-6 august a.c.), totodată unul din primele zece din lume, nu mai sunt abonamente. Singura cale…

11:45, 20.07.2023

Over 138,000 persons enter Romania on Wednesday, including 16,000 Ukrainian nationals

Over 138,000 persons enter Romania on Wednesday, including 16,000 Ukrainian nationals. The General Inspectorate of the Border Police (IGPR) informs that, on Wednesday, 138,217 people entered Romania through the…

11:35, 20.07.2023

14,000 public sector jobs, put on market since the beginning of the year (online platform)

14,000 public sector jobs, put on market since the beginning of the year (online platform). A total of 14,000 public sector jobs have been put on the job market since the beginning of this year, and 90% of them…

08:25, 20.07.2023

July 20 in history - Day of Romanian Aviation and Air Forces

July 20 in historyOrthodox feast day of Prophet Elijah of Tishbe CITESTE SI Dominic Fritz meets John Malkovich: European Capital of Culture attracts the best to the city 19/07/2023 20 French ambassador Auer: We…

21:55, 19.07.2023

Dominic Fritz meets John Malkovich: European Capital of Culture attracts the best to the city

The European Capital of Culture - Timisoara - attracts the best to the city and brings out the best in us - was the message of the mayor Dominic Fritz, after Wednesday's meeting with the great American actor John…

08:45, 19.07.2023

Irina Begu qualifies for the final round of BCR Iasi Open

Irina Begu qualifies for the final round of BCR Iasi Open.Romanian tennis player Irina Begu qualified on Tuesday for the final round of the BCR Iasi Open (WTA 125) tournament, with total prize money of 100,000…

16:45, 18.07.2023

Cu ce să înlocuiești cafeaua: alternative simple, dar la fel de energizante - Băutura este considerată ”licoarea zeilor”

Cu ce să înlocuiești cafeaua: alternative simple, dar la fel de energizante. Ți se întâmplă ca, uneori, după-amiaza, să te ia așa… o sfârșeală și o oboseală nemaipomenite? Iată câteva băuturi care te pot revitaliza.…

19:00, 13.07.2023

Romina Gingasu, wife of businessman Piero Ferrari, investments of tens of millions of euros in real estate

For several years, Romina Gingasu, the wife of businessman Piero Ferrari – who owns 10% of Ferrari’s shares, valued at no less than $6.5 billion – has been investing in luxury real estate, both abroad and in Romania.…

19:55, 08.07.2023

Sute de oameni au sfidat, la Paris, interdicția de a protesta, la o săptămână după revoltele urbane care au aruncat Franța în haos. VIDEO

Sute de protestatari au sfidat sâmbătă, 8 iulie, interdicția de a mărșălui în centrul Parisului împotriva violențelor poliției, la o săptămână după revoltele violente declanșate de uciderea tânărului Nahel în suburbia…

16:20, 03.07.2023

Finalistul de anul trecut de la Wimbledon se retrage în ultima clipă

Jucătorul australian de tenis Nick Kyrgios s-a retras de la Wimbledon în ajunul turneului din acest an, după ce nu a reușit să se refacă după o accidentare la încheietura unei mâini."Am încercat din răsputeri să…

18:45, 30.06.2023

Table tennis - EG 2023: Romania women's team to play final against Germany

Table tennis - EG 2023: Romania women's team to play final against Germany. The Romanian women's table tennis team qualified for the finals of the European Games in Krakow - Malopolska (Poland), on Friday, after…

13:05, 21.06.2023

DefMin Tilvar: Romanian battlegroup, important contribution to NATO deterrence, defense posture in the Black Sea

Tilvar: Romanian battlegroup, important contribution to NATO deterrence, defense posture in the Black Sea. The NATO battlegroup in Romania for which France is the framework nation, is an "important contribution…

08:30, 20.06.2023

EU power-market design talks fail amid French nuclear rift

European Union energy ministers failed to agree on how to overhaul the bloc’s electricity market, with disagreement over how to treat nuclear power holding up a key law meant to help the bloc navigate the low-carbon…

13:15, 19.06.2023

DefMin Tilvar to visit France

DefMin Tilvar to visit France. Romania's Defence Minister Angel Tilvar starts today an official visit to France throughout Wednesday at the invitation of his French counterpart Sebastien Lecornu, told Agerpres.…

09:15, 19.06.2023

4.1-Richter-scale magnitude quake shakes Gorj county

4.1-Richter-scale magnitude quake shakes Gorj county. An earthquake with a magnitude of 4.1 on the Richter scale occurred on Monday morning in Oltenia, in Gorj county, at 8:26 a.m. local time, according to data…

08:51, 19.06.2023

NATO's Geoana tours Campia Turzii Air Base

NATO's Geoana tours Campia Turzii Air Base. Deputy Secretary General of NATO Mircea Geoana on Sunday toured the 71st General Emanoil Ionescu Air Base at Campia Turzii, where he found a degree of "flawless" interoperability…

08:51, 19.06.2023

National Asessment starts today, with eigth grade graduates taking Romanian language exam

National Asessment starts today, with eigth grade graduates taking Romanian language exam.Eighth grade graduates will take the written exam in Romanian language and literature of the National Assessment on Monday,…

08:51, 19.06.2023

MAE says there have been no calls coming from Romanians regarding transit of Bulgarian-Greek border

MAE says there have been no calls coming from Romanians regarding transit of Bulgarian-Greek border. The Foreign Affair Ministry (MAE) informs that no calls were received from Romanian citizens regarding the transit…

08:45, 19.06.2023

ForMin Odobescu, French counterpart Colonna discuss bilateral ties in phone conversation

ForMin Odobescu, French counterpart Colonna discuss bilateral ties in phone conversation. Romania's Foreign Minister Luminita Odobescu on Sunday had a telephone conversation with France's Minister for Europe and…

15:10, 18.06.2023

Studenții „de 10”, recompensați cu abonamente la Untold sau Neversea

Cei mai buni studenți din România primesc abonamente la Untold sau Neversea. Astfel, cei care finalizează sesiunea de vară cu nota maximă – 10 – vor primi abonamente pentru unul dintre festivaluri. După perioada…