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18:26, 30.05.2024

Finance Ministry borrows 651 million lei from banks

Finance Ministry borrows 651 million lei from banks

The Finance Ministry (MF) borrowed on Thursday 651 million lei through a government bond issue with a residual maturity of 20 months at an average yield of 6.14% per year.The nominal value of the issue was 400…

10:10, 28.05.2024

„Alegerea dificilă” a intrării în haos

Are oare dreptate J.Borrell, șeful diplomației europene când, vorbind în fața studenților la Universitatea Europeană de la Florența spunea că UE se află în fața „unei alegeri dificile”?

11:05, 24.05.2024

Cum depistezi boala Lyme în situația în care ai fost mușcat de căpușe?

Cum depistezi boala Lyme în situația în care ai fost mușcat de căpușe?

Simptomele mușcăturii de căpușăPrincipalele simptome ale bolilor transmise de căpușe sunt:- prezența punctelor roșii în jurul mușcăturii- amețeală- dureri de cap și de articulații- febra- umflătură în locul afectat-…

14:45, 21.05.2024

Ministry of Finance borrows 75 million RON from banks on Tuesday

Ministry of Finance borrows 75 million RON from banks on Tuesday

The Ministry of Finance borrowed 75 million RON from the commercial banks, on Tuesday, in addition to Monday's auction, when it borrowed 539.5 million RON through a benchmark state bond issue with a residual maturity…

19:20, 22.04.2024

Ministry of Finance borrows over 505 million RON from banks, on Monday

Ministry of Finance borrows over 505 million RON from banks, on Monday

The Ministry of Finance borrowed, on Monday, 505.3 million RON from the commercial banks through an issue of state bonds, with a residual maturity of 37 months, at an average yield of 6.26% per year, told Agerpres.…

15:30, 12.04.2024

Ministry of Finance borrows 60 million RON from banks, on Friday, in addition to Thursdays auction

Ministry of Finance borrows 60 million RON from banks, on Friday, in addition to Thursday's auction

The Ministry of Finance borrowed, on Friday, 60 million RON from banks, in addition to Thursday's auction, when it borrowed 580 million RON through a benchmark state bond issue with a residual maturity of 84 months,…

18:20, 11.04.2024

Ministry of Finance borrows 580 million RON from commercial banks on Thursday

Ministry of Finance borrows 580 million RON from commercial banks on Thursday

The Ministry of Finance borrowed on Thursday 580 million RON through an issue of state bonds, with a residual maturity of 84 months, at an average yield of 6.58% per year, told Agerpres. The nominal value of the…

15:56, 28.03.2024

Ministry of Finance borrows over 1 billion RON from commercial banks, on Thursday

Ministry of Finance borrows over 1 billion RON from commercial banks, on Thursday

The Ministry of Finance borrowed, on Thursday, 1.070 billion RON from commercial banks, through an issue of benchmark state bonds, with a residual maturity of 31 months and an average yield of 6.13% per year, according…

10:50, 27.03.2024

Sezonul căpușelor și boala Lyme. Specialiștii propun o nouă soluție

Sezonul căpușelor și boala Lyme. Specialiștii propun o nouă soluție

Boala Lyme și sezonul căpușelor Temperaturile în creștere ce au urmat unei ierni ușoare ajută căpușele să devină active și să transmită, în număr mai mare și mai devreme, boala Lyme. Conform Institutului Național…

18:25, 18.03.2024

Govt borrows over RON 807 million on Monday off banks

Gov't borrows over RON 807 million on Monday off banks

The Ministry of Finance (MF) on Monday borrowed RON 807 million off banks in an issue of benchmark bonds of a residual maturity of 85 months and an average yield of 6.58% per annum, according to data published…

15:05, 15.03.2024

Finance ministry borrows additional 75 million lei from banks

Finance ministry borrows additional 75 million lei from banks

The Ministry of Finance attracted on Friday 75 million lei from banks, in addition to Thursday's auction, when it borrowed 800 million lei through a benchmark government bond issue with a residual maturity of 115…

14:15, 12.03.2024

EU should consider joint borrowing for defence, economic security says Spain

EU should consider joint borrowing for defence, economic security says Spain

The European Union should consider jointly borrowing to finance investment in economic security and defence, Spain‘s Finance Minister Carlos Cuerpo said on Tuesday, joining France, Belgium and Estonia in calls…

14:55, 04.03.2024

Finance ministry plans to borrow RON 6.52 billion from commercial banks in March

Finance ministry plans to borrow RON 6.52 billion from commercial banks in March

The Finance Ministry (MF) planned for March 2024 loans from commercial banks amounting to RON 5.8 billion, to which RON 720 million may be added through additional non-competitive bidding sessions related to bond…

15:00, 20.02.2024

Ministry of Finance on Tuesday borrows RON 75 million from banks in addition to Monday's auction

The Ministry of Finance on Tuesday borrowed RON 75 million from banks in addition to Monday's auction, when it drew RON 443.2 million through a benchmark government bond issue with a residual maturity of 39 months…

23:30, 19.02.2024

UE solicită Rusiei să-i elibereze imediat pe toți deţinuţii politici din țară, după moartea lui Aleksei Navalnîi

Moartea neaşteptată şi şocantă a lui Aleksei Navalnîi este încă un semn al represiunii accelerate şi sistematice din Rusia, iar Uniunea Europeană îşi reiterează apelul adresat Moscovei de a-i elibera imediat şi…

15:35, 19.02.2024

Ministry of Finance borrows over 443 million lei from banks

The Ministry of Finance (MF) borrowed on Monday 443.2 million lei from banks through a benchmark government bond issue with a residual maturity at 39 months and an average yield of 6.21% per year, according to…

15:55, 12.02.2024

Finance Ministry raises RON 784 ml from banks

The Public Finance Ministry raised on Monday RON 784 million from banks through a benchmark bond issue with a residual maturity of 86 months, at an average yield of 6.42 pct per annum, the National Bank of Romania…

17:05, 05.02.2024

Ministry of Finance borrows 1.5 billion lei from banks

Ministry of Finance borrows 1.5 billion lei from banksThe Ministry of Finance (MF) on Monday borrowed 1.503 billion lei from banks through an issue of benchmark government bonds and another of discounted treasury…

15:20, 01.02.2024

Ministry of Finance planning to borrow over RON 6.2 billion from banks in February 2024

The Ministry of Finance (MF) is planning to raise this February RON 5.5 billion from commercial banks, to which another RON 705 million may be added through additional non-competitive bidding sessions related to…

19:10, 22.01.2024

Ministry of Finance borrows 343.1 mln RON from banks on Monday

The Ministry of Finance (MF) borrowed on Monday 343.1 million RON from the banks, through an issue of benchmark state bonds, with a residual maturity of 169 months and an average return of 6.43% per year, according…

11:56, 18.01.2024

Cel mai mare grup din Parlamentul European vrea să desființeze postul lui Borrell

Cea mai mare formațiune politică din Parlamentul European, Partidul Popular European (PPE), propune în proiectul său de manifest electoral schimbarea abordării politicii externe și de apărare a UE prin crearea…

16:35, 15.01.2024

Ministry of Finance borrows over 1.7 billion RON from banks on Monday

Ministry of Finance borrows over 1.7 billion RON from banks on MondayThe Ministry of Finance (MF) borrowed, on Monday, 1.753 billion RON from banks, through two issues of state bonds, according to data published…

16:25, 11.01.2024

Fiance Ministry borrows over 2.6 billion lei off banks

The Ministry of Finance (MF) borrowed 2.621 billion lei from banks on Thursday through two government bond issues, according to data published by the National Bank of Romania (BNR).The ministry borrowed 1.768 billion…

19:40, 08.01.2024

Ministry of Finance borrows on Monday over 1.5 bln RON from banks

The Ministry of Finance (MF) borrowed on Monday over 1.5 billion RON from banks, through two issues, one of state bonds and one of discounted treasury certificates, according to data made public by the National…

17:55, 14.12.2023

Finance Ministry borrows 638.3 million lei from banks

Finance Ministry borrows 638.3 million lei from banksThe Finance Ministry (MF) on Thursday borrowed 638.3 million lei from banks through a benchmark government bond issue with a residual maturity of 25 months and…

18:16, 13.12.2023

Finance Ministry borrows over 550 million euro from banks

Finance Ministry borrows over 550 million euro from banksThe Ministry of Finance (MF) borrowed 554.7 million euros from banks on Wednesday through two issues of government bonds with coupons, according to data…

17:25, 11.12.2023

Ministry of Finance borrows almost RON 1.5 B off banks on Monday

Ministry of Finance borrows almost RON 1.5 B off banks on MondayThe Ministry of Finance (MF) borrowed RON 1.486 billion from banks on Monday, through two issues of state bonds, according to data made public by…

18:25, 07.12.2023

Ministry of Finance draws on Thursday almost 2 bn RON from banks

The Ministry of Finance (MF) borrowed, on Thursday, a total amount of 1.997 billion RON from banks, through two issues of government securities, according to data published by the National Bank of Romania (BNR).The…

06:30, 07.12.2023

Borrell a cerut Israelului să ofere ONU oportunitatea de a sprijini populația din Gaza

Șeful UE pentru politică externă le-a cerut, de asemenea, membrilor UE din Consiliul de Securitate al Națiunilor Unite și partenerilor similari să susțină apelul secretarului general al organismului mondial Antonio…

17:36, 28.11.2023

Ministry of Finance borrows over half a billion euros off banks on Tuesday

Ministry of Finance borrows over half a billion euros off banks on TuesdayThe Ministry of Finance (MF) borrowed 512.7 million euros from banks on Tuesday, through two issues of state bonds, according to data made…