Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

18:15, 15.06.2024

(VIDEO) Prinţesa Kate, prima apariţie după diagnosticul de cancer

(VIDEO) Prinţesa Kate, prima apariţie după diagnosticul de cancer

Kate Middleton, Prinţesa de Wales , a marcat sâmbătă prima ei apariţie publică din acest an după diagnosticul de cancer şi după operaţia abdominală suferită în ianuarie. Kate a participat la parada Trooping the…

17:40, 11.06.2024

Se lanseaza volumul Roman Dacia and the Roman Army la Muzeul National de Istorie a Romaniei

Se lanseaza volumul Roman Dacia and the Roman Army la Muzeul National de Istorie a Romaniei

Muzeul National de Istorie a Romaniei va gazdui miercuri, 12 iunie 2024, incepand cu ora 12:00, lansarea volumului "Roman Dacia and the Roman Army", aparut la Editura MEGA, dedicat remarcabilului profesor Liviu…

07:45, 09.06.2024

Ostatica Noa Argamani, eliberată de ziua tatălui ei şi la timp pentru a-şi vedea mama bolnavă în stadiu terminal

Ostatica Noa Argamani, eliberată de ziua tatălui ei şi la timp pentru a-şi vedea mama bolnavă în stadiu terminal

La câteva ore după ce a fost salvată după opt luni de captivitate în Gaza, ostatica israeliană eliberată Noa Argamani, 26 de ani, a ajuns la un spital din Tel Aviv pentru a-şi vedea mama bolnavă în stadiu terminal,…

13:00, 18.04.2024

Singurul actor din lume care l-a întruchipat pe Ion Țiriac într-un film/VIDEO! Pelicula s-a bucurat de succes în Germania

Singurul actor din lume care l-a întruchipat pe Ion Țiriac într-un film/VIDEO! Pelicula s-a bucurat de succes în Germania

Ion Țiriac a fost un campion al tenisului, dar și un antrenor, mentor și  manager colosal. ”Modelator de campioni”, după cum chiar influentul om de afaceri s-a autointitulat pe drept cuvânt. Însăși îmbogățirea…

19:30, 26.02.2024

Postage set marking 200th anniversary of Avram Iancu's birth to hit the stores on Tuesday

The National Stamp Company Romfilatelia announces the release, starting on Tuesday, of the anniversary postage set titled "200 Years Since Avram Iancu's Birth". According to a Romfilatelia statement, the set consists…

09:25, 26.02.2024

National Bank puts into circulation silver coin on 270 years since birth of Gheorghe Sincai

As of 26 February 2024, the National Bank of Romania puts into circulation, for numismatic purposes, a silver coin dedicated to 270 years since the birth of Gheorghe Sincai. According to a National Bank of Romania…

13:00, 12.02.2024

Almost twice as many deaths registered in December 2023 as against number of live births

The natural growth in Romania remained negative (-10,486) in December 2023, the number of deaths being almost double the number of live births, according to data published by the National Institute of Statistics…

12:30, 19.01.2024

„Cea mai tristă zi de naștere din lume”. Familia celui mai tânăr ostatic al Hamas a marcat prima lui aniversare

Kfir Bibas a fost răpit, în timpul atacului din 7 octombrie, din kibbuțul Nir Oz din sudul Israelului împreună cu părinţii săi și cu fratele lui în vârstă de patru ani. Copilul este considerat cel mai tânăr ostatic…

18:00, 20.12.2023

Metropolitan Archbishop of Bucharest Aurel Perca: We solemnly celebrate event that has no equal in human history

Roman Catholic Metropolitan Archbishop of Bucharest Aurel Perca, in his Pastoral Letter for Christmas, says that we are solemnly celebrating an event that has no equal in the history of mankind and we have reason…

13:40, 20.11.2023

National Bank launches numismatic issue dedicated to 200 years since the birth of Lascar Catargiu

National Bank launches numismatic issue dedicated to 200 years since the birth of Lascar CatargiuThe National Bank of Romania, as of 20 November 2023, will put into circulation for numismatic purposes a gold coin…

17:30, 24.10.2023

Opening of tribute exhibition "120 years since birth of Prince Nicolae", on board Marasesti frigate

The opening of the tribute exhibition "120 years since the birth of Prince Nicolae" took place on Tuesday, on board the Marasesti frigate, a ship that was in the service of the Romanian Navy between 1920 and 1961.The…

08:50, 15.10.2023


National Day of Electronic Trade1451 - Prince of Moldova Bogdan II (1449-1451) is killed at Reuseni by Petru Aron, with the support of part of the Moldavian boyars. Bogdan II, the son of Alexander the Kind and…

08:30, 14.10.2023


OCTOBER 14 IN HISTORYChristian Orthodox feast: Pious Saint Parascheva of Iasi 1465 - Bucharest's first mention / writ in a document as princely residence of Radu cel Frumos (Radu the Fair), Wallachia's voivode…

08:30, 06.10.2023


1437 - The Apatiu Understanding between insurgents and nobility, certified by the Convention of Cluj-Manastur (October 10, 1437), narrowing the clauses in favour of the rioters obtained in a previous agreement,…

09:56, 04.10.2023

„Drake, m-a părăsit iubita fiindcă mi-am cheltuit toți banii pe bilete la concertul tău!”. Cum a reacționat rapperul, după ce a văzut afișul fanului său

Celebrul rapper Drake, 36 de ani, a uimit, din nou, la concertul său din Miami, SUA, de săptămâna trecută. I-a oferit 50.000 de dolari unui fan care scrisese pe un afiș că și-a cheltuit toți banii pentru a veni…

08:31, 04.10.2023


1332 - Letter issued by papal Chancellery in Avignon, attesting the existence of the social classes in SW Moldova, mentioning "the powerful of those lands" 1853 - Crimean War begins (1853-1856). The Romanian Principalities…

08:26, 01.10.2023


Military Divers Day, agerpres reports. Breast Cancer Day National Day of Romanian Gastronomy and Wine (first Sunday of October) 1855 - Publication of Steaua Dunarii (The Star of the Danube) magazine, a political,…

08:30, 30.09.2023


1496 - Stephen the Great completed the foundation of St. Nicholas Church of Popauti, agerpres reports. 1882 - Death of playwright and translator Mihail Pascaly (b. 1830) 1882 - Birth of geographer Constantin I.…

08:40, 28.09.2023


Czech Language Day 1737 - Greek Catholic Bishop Ioan Inochentie Micu Clain (Klein) filed a fresh memorandum to Vienna Court demanding, on behalf of the "Romanian nation" in Transylvania that the rights of the local…

08:11, 27.09.2023


SEPTEMBER 27 IN HISTORY1461 - First mention in a document of the Giurgiu Route, an important commercial road connecting the Danube riparian town to Transylvania 1827 - Birth of historian and philologist Alexandru…

08:35, 25.09.2023


SEPTEMBER 25 IN HISTORYThe Day of Giving 1396 - The Battle of Nicopolis. Allied crusader armies commanded by Hungary's King Sigismund of Luxemburg (1387-1437), joined by Wallachia's ruler Mircea the Elder (1386-1418),…

09:15, 23.09.2023


SEPTEMBER 23 IN HISTORYAutumnal equinox 1386 - Beginning of the rule of Mircea cel Batran in Wallachia (September 23, 1386 - January 31, 1418) 1768 - Death in exile in Rome of Ioan Inocentiu Micu Clain (Klein),…

08:25, 14.09.2023


SEPTEMBER 14 IN HISTORYOrthodox Great Feast: The Elevation of the Holy Cross Day of Romanian Engineers National Day of the Builder 1472 - Moldova's ruler Stephen the Great (1457-1504), married Princess Maria Asanina…

08:26, 12.09.2023


SEPTEMBER 12 IN HISTORY1869 - Birth of chemist Gheorghe Gh. Longinescu, honorary member of the Romanian Academy (d. March 7, 1939) 1869 - Death of poet and prose writer Constantin Stamati, a founding member of…

08:30, 11.09.2023


SEPTEMBER 11 IN HISTORY1851 - Romanian emigration joins the European Central Democratic Committee in London 1878 - Romania's diplomatic agency in Vienna is promoted to legation (Romania's first legation abroad)…

08:20, 09.09.2023


1804 - Major fire breaks out in Bucharest: Curtea Domneasca (the historic Princely Court) and part of the city are destroyed 1861 - Birth of actress Agatha Barsescu (d. November 22, 1939) 1878 - King Carol I adopts…

10:00, 05.09.2023


1858 - Birth of poet, prose writer Alexandru Vlahuta, honorary post-mortem member of the Romanian Academy (d. November 19, 1919) 1921 - Birth of historian, literary theoretician and critic Adrian Marino (d. March…

14:55, 04.09.2023

David Popovici donates birthday to charity

Double world swimming champion David Popovici is donating his birthday to a charity and aims to collect donations worth 45,000 euros, money that will be used by the Hope and Homes for Children Foundation to purchase…

08:20, 03.09.2023


1546 - Death of Petru Rares, ruler of Moldova (1527-1538; 1541-1546) 1848 - Third National Assembly in Blaj. The Romanians declared they didn't recognize "the union" of Transylvania with Hungary and started gathering…

08:36, 02.09.2023


1442 - Battle on the upper reaches of the River Ialomita, ended with Iancu de Hunedoara's brilliant victory over the Turks, led by Shehabeddin, the Beylerbey of Rumelia. The victory on the Ialomita marked the beginning…