Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

Over 2,000 people protest in Victoriei Square


Over 2,000 people attended a rally organized by Rezistenta, Insistam, in in Bucharest on Sunday evening. 
The protesters have chanted slogans against the Government and the (PSD) such as "PSD, ciuma rosie" (PSD, the red plague); "Hotii, hotii" (Thieves, thieves); "Cuib de hoti si mafioti" (Den of thieves and mobsters); "Suntem uniti, nu platiti" (We are united, not bought); "Romania, trezeste-te!" (Wake up, Romania!); "!" (Down with Liviu Dragnea) "Nu vrem sa fim condusi de hoti" (We do not want to be led by thieves). 


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