Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

20:01, 20.07.2021

JusMin: Overall, coalition doesn't seem to really want Section for Justice Crimes' Investigation's disbanding

The Minister of Justice, Stelian Ion, announced that his proposal for the disbanding of the Section for the Investigation of Judicial Crimes (SIIJ), discussed in the meeting of the ruling coalition on Tuesday,…

11:00, 15.07.2021

President of Metro Free Trade Union prosecuted for influence peddling and blackmail

Anti-corruption prosecutors on Wednesday evening started prosecution proceedings against president of the 'Unitatea' Metro Free Trade Union (USLM), Ion Radoi, for influence peddling and blackmail. According to…

09:16, 14.07.2021

JusMin Ion: I wonder who of our neighbours has an interest in us not joining Schengen

Justice Minister Stelian Ion asked himself on Tuesday, in a televised TVR dispute with the leader of UDMR (Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania) deputies, Csoma Botond, on the subject of the dissolution of the…

15:21, 13.07.2021

Moarte înfiorătoare. Un adolescent român a murit, după ce un ciob i-a secționat o venă

Adelin Petru Bogasiu avea 19 ani și locuia cu familia, în Italia. În momentul accidentului erau cu toți în vacanţă, pe insula Polvese, potrivit presei italiene, citate de stiridiaspora.ro.Potrivit martorilor, dar…

19:45, 12.07.2021

PM Orban: We continue to look for consensual solution with respect to the dismantling of the..

PNL (National Liberal Party) leader Ludovic Orban on Monday stated that the discussions in the governing coalition regarding the dismantling of the Section for Investigating Crimes in Justice will continue until…

19:11, 12.07.2021

Leader of UDMR Deputies: Justice Minister is sliding into 'Stalinism'; Dan Barna joins this delirium

Leader of the UDMR (Democratic Union of Hungarians in Romania) Deputies Csoma Botond on Monday told that the Minister of Justice, Stelian Ion, has a "totally unacceptable" attitude and "he is sliding into Stalinism,"…

14:56, 12.07.2021

Florin Citu, about SIIJ: The solution must be found in Romania's Parliament

Prime Minister Florin Citu said, asked if the coalition could be broken due to the Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania's (UDMR) refusal to accept the solution coming from the Government regarding the Section…

19:11, 07.07.2021

Kelemen Hunor: No blockage in coalition, we support SIIJ abolition; mistakes of past musn't..

Deputy Prime Minister Kelemen Hunor, the chair of the Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR) stated on Wednesday that there is no blockage within the governing coalition on the topic of the dismantlement…

19:05, 07.07.2021

Orban: PNL supports draft regarding SIIJ abolition in form adopted by government

The chairman of the National Liberal Party (PNL), Ludovic Orban, said on Wednesday that the PNL supports the draft regarding the abolition of the Section for the Investigation of Judicial Crimes (SIIJ) in the form…

17:26, 06.07.2021

Crimă înfiorătoare, la Balş: ar fi secţionat gâtul unei femei, pe trotuar!

Scene de groază în oraşul Balş, judeţul Olt. Un bărbat în vârstă de 41 de ani este acuzat de tentativă de omor după ce ar fi secţionat gâtul unei femei cu o lamă de ras. Suspectul a fost reţinut de procurori şi…

16:55, 06.07.2021

Incident cumplit în județul Olt, după ce o femeie a fost tăiată, în stradă, cu o lamă de ras. A fost găsită a doua zi dimineaţa, cu gâtul secţionat

În noaptea de 4-5 iulie, un incident deosebit de violent a avut loc pe o stradă din orașul Balș, județul Olt. O femeie a fost găsită a doua de dimineață cu gâtul secționat. Aceasta ar fi fost tăiată cu o lamă de…

17:50, 05.07.2021

Minister of Justice: I expect Senate to meet next week and put dismantlement of SIIJ on agenda

Minister of Justice Stelian Ion announced on Monday that Parliament may meet in extraordinary session to discuss the bill on the repeal of the Section for the Investigation of Judicial Crimes (SIIJ), following…

12:20, 26.06.2021

Dr. Singh, o nouă operație de succes: deget salvat după ce a fost tăiat de flex!

CARANSEBEȘ – Un bărbat din Cornereva, în vârstă de 43 de ani, a ajuns pe masa de operație la Spitalul Municipal de Urgență Caransebeș, în urma unui accident în gospodărie! Bărbatul a fost adus la spital după ce…

09:11, 17.06.2021

CCR: Priority principle to applying EU law, not to be perceived in sense of removing or disregarding national constitutional identity

The priority principle for the application of European law must not be perceived in the sense that national constitutional identity is removed or disregarded, shows the reason for the decision by which the Constitutional…

13:45, 14.06.2021

Orban: PNL has flexibility in finding best solution to abolish SIIJ

The National Liberal Party (PNL) is consistent in its support for the abolition of the Section for the Investigation of Judicial Crimes (SIIJ) and has flexibility in finding the best solution agreed upon in the…

17:30, 09.06.2021

DNA: CVM report highlights certain issues that could affect the clampdown on corruption

The National Anti-corruption Directorate (DNA) says that it has made and is making special efforts to continue the fight against high-level corruption, but points out that the European Commission's latest report…

19:40, 05.06.2021

Copil rănit de tatăl furios care voia să o înjunghie pe mamă. Băiatul de 10 ani a ajuns la spital cu un deget secţionat

Un băiat în vârstă de 10 ani, din comuna vasluiană Pogoneşti, a ajuns la spital, vineri seară, cu un deget secţionat, după ce a fost agresat chiar de tatăl său. Copilul voia să-şi apere mama, care era în pericol…

15:30, 28.05.2021

Documentary dedicated to 100th anniversary of King Mihai I's birth, at Bucharest International Film Festival

The 17th edition of the Bucharest International Film Festival will take place between September 3 and 12, and it will showcase, for the first time, a new historical section, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of…

21:30, 07.05.2021

JustMin Ion, NGOs discuss national anti-graft strategy, disbanding justice crime investigation body

Justice Minister Stelian Ion on Friday had first talks with 14 NGOs operating in justice and related areas to discuss Romania's anti-corruption strategy and disbanding the court Section for the Investigation of…

11:31, 26.04.2021

Descoperite tulburătoare, în Arad: cadavru secționat, găsit între șinele de tren

In urma unui apel la 112, politistii au gasit trupul sectionat la aproximativ 150 de metri de trecerea la nivel cu calea ferata situata langa Statia CFR din localitatea Vladimirescu."Din primele verificari, a reiesit…

18:25, 30.03.2021

Senate's Dragu: Dismantling of SIIJ and justice laws, good arguments for lifting of CVM

Senate President Anca Dragu considers that Romania has taken the necessary steps to eliminating the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism (CVM) this year, a fact also acknowledged by the Vice President of the…

17:00, 19.03.2021

PM Citu on bill dismantling SIIJ: We'll attempt a change in the Senate

Prime Minister Florin Citu declared on Friday at the end of the government meeting that he further wants the bill on the abolition of the Section for the Investigation of Judicial Crimes (SIIJ) to clear Parliament…

19:45, 18.03.2021

House Law Committee issues favorable report on bill dismantling Section for Investigation of Judicial Crimes

The Chamber of Deputies' Law Committee issued on Thursday a favorable report on an amended version of the bill dismantling the Section for the Investigation of Judicial Crimes. The vote on the bill was 17 to 11.…

19:45, 18.03.2021

Social Democrat leader Ciolacu: We will challenge bill dismantling SIIJ in Constitutional Court

Chairman of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Marcel Ciolacu said on Thursday that the Social Democrats will challenge the bill dismantling the Section for the Investigation of Judicial Crimes (SIIJ) in the Constitutional…

10:55, 18.03.2021

USR's Barna: Conclusion of CVM for Romania - one of gov't's major objectives

The conclusion of the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism (CVM) for Romania is one of the major objectives of the Government, says Deputy Prime Minister Dan Barna, according to AGERPRES. "Achieving this goal…

16:55, 17.03.2021

Deputy PM Barna holds talks with EC Vice President Jourova: Ending CVM monitoring depends on Romania alone

Deputy Prime Minister Dan Barna discussed today with European Commission Vice President Vera Jourova, focusing mainly on the future Rule of law Report on Romania and Romania's progress towards closing the process…

18:06, 24.02.2021

CINE E ANIMALUL!? O căţeluşă a fost găsită grav rănită, având partea din spate secţionată cu un laţ, în Mureş!

Poliţiştii din judeţul Mureş s-au autosesizat şi au deschis o anchetă, după ce pe Facebook au apărut imagini cu o căţeluşă care a fost grav rănită, având partea din spate cecţionată cu un laţ. animalul abandonat…

13:50, 24.02.2021

Anchetă în Mureş, după ce o căţeluşă a fost găsită grav rănită, având partea din spate secţionată cu un laţ

Poliţiştii din judeţul Mureş s-au autosesizat şi au deschis o anchetă, după ce pe Facebook au apărut imagini cu o căţeluşă care a fost grav rănită, având partea din spate cecţionată cu un laţ. animalul abandonat…

18:50, 18.02.2021

Gov't adopts bill on dismantling Section for Investigation of Judicial Crimes

The government adopted today the bill on the abolition of the Section for the Investigation of Judicial Crimes (SIIJ), Prime Minister Florin Citu announced. "It's a promise made by the governing coalition, but…

19:06, 15.02.2021

TransportMin Drula: We want greatest part of Bucharest Ring Motorway sections opened to traffic by end-2022

Expectations are for the greatest part of the two sections of the Bucharest Ring Motorway to be opened to traffic by the end of 2022 and the rest to be delivered by 2023, Minister of Transport Catalin Drula said…