Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

22:21, 01.03.2022

DefMin Dincu: Defence Ministry does not send recruitment orders, not planning on mobilizing reserves

The Minister of National Defence, Vasile Dincu, stated on Tuesday that a conflict between NATO and the Russian Federation is "totally improbable" and emphasized that the Ministry of National Defence (MApN) does…

20:00, 23.02.2022

Government approves memorandum of understanding with Polish authorities on increasing cooperation on state reserves

The Government approved a memorandum of understanding at Wednesday's meeting on increasing cooperation in the field of state reserves and providing resources for crisis situations between the Romanian and Polish…

12:20, 21.02.2022

CO of NATO's Multinational Corps South-East HQ placed on reserve duty

President Klaus Iohannis has signed, on Monday, the decree placing Lieutenant General Tomita-Catalin Tomescu on reserve duty, ceasing his active duty engagements with the Ministry of National Defence, starting…

08:30, 15.02.2022

Viceguvernatorul de la Reserve Bank of India: interzicerea criptomonedelor este 'cea mai recomandabilă alegere'

T. Rabi Sankar de la Reserve Bank of India a comparat criptomoneda cu schemele ponzi și a spus că interzicerea acestora, nu reglementarea lor, ar fi „cea mai recomandabilă alegere” pentru guvernul indian, conform…

17:00, 01.02.2022

Romania’s central bank FX reserves rise to €43.1 bln in January

The National Bank of Romania announced on Tuesday that its foreign exchange reserves excluding gold, rose by €2.63 bln to €43.106 bln at the end of January, compared to the previous month, according to a press…

08:45, 27.01.2022

DefMin Dincu says Romania's strategic reserve, designed for several thousand possible refugees

Romania is currently planning a strategic reserve that includes an important stock of places where thousands of potential refugees could be housed, National Defense Minister Vasile Dincu told private television…

17:16, 26.01.2022

Dramă în familia unui cunoscut actor de la Hollywood. Fiul său a murit la doar 26 de ani

La 64 de ani, Michael Madsen a anunţat moartea fiului său Hudson în vârstă de 26 de ani. Data exactă a decesului nu a fost dezvăluită de autorităţile hawaiene. „Avem inima frântă şi suntem copleşiţi de durere pentru…

17:05, 26.01.2022

Fiul actorului Michael Madsen s-a împuşcat în cap. Era militar şi avea 26 de ani

Al treilea dintre cei cinci copii ai actorului american Michael Madsen, care era si finul lui Quentin Tarantino, a fost gasit fara viata la domiciliul sau din Wahiawa, Hawai, pe 25 ianuarie. Autoritatile au indicat…

14:20, 03.01.2022

Central Bank international reserves, up to EUR 40,475 million, in December

On 31 December 2021, the National Bank of Romania's (BNR) foreign exchange reserves stood at EUR 40,475 million, compared to EUR 39,283 million on 30 November 2021, BNR informs in a press release, agerpres reports.…

14:40, 02.12.2021

BNR's foreign exchange reserves drop to 39.282 billion euros in November

The National Bank of Romania's foreign exchange reserves stood at EUR 39,283 million, on 30 November 2021, compared to EUR 39,843 million on 31 October 2021, according to a press release of the central bank, agerpres…

17:55, 15.11.2021

Dragu: The reserve fund available to Gov't must not be political instrument manipulated by PM

The President of the Senate, Anca Dragu, considers that the Reserve Fund available to the Government should not be "a political instrument manipulated from the prime minister's pen," a reason for which the Save…

15:31, 01.11.2021

Romania’s Central Bank FX reserves fall to €39.8bln in October

The National Bank of Romania (NBR) announced on Monday that its foreign exchange reserves excluding gold, totalled €39.843bln at the end of October 2021 compared to €41.216bln in the previous month, according to…

14:35, 01.11.2021

Romania's end-October forex reserves dip to 39.843 billion euros

As of end-October, the forex reserves of the National Bank of Romania (BNR) stood at 39.843 billion euros, 3.33 pct down from 41.216 billion euros at the end of this September, the central bank announced in a release.…

17:21, 11.10.2021

PSD's Ciolacu: Criminal complaint filed over Reserve Fund allocations to handpicked mayor's offices

Chairman of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Marcel Ciolacu announced on Monday that the Social Democrats have filed a criminal complaint against the government headed by acting Prime Minister Florin Citu for…

15:05, 03.10.2021

8 vacant ICU COVID-19 beds, other than ones reserved for patients with medical conditions

Eight ICU beds for COVID-19 patients, other than those reserved especially for people with certain medical conditions that are confirmed with SARS-CoV-2, are available nationally, the Strategic Communication Group…

14:55, 02.10.2021

11 vacant ICU COVID-19 beds, other than ones reserved for patients with medical conditions

Eleven ICU beds for COVID-19 patients, other than those reserved especially for people with certain medical conditions that are confirmed with SARS-CoV-2, are free nationally,the Strategic Communication Group (GCS)…

14:50, 01.10.2021

BNR's forex reserves increase drop in September to 41.216 billion euro

The foreign currency reserves of the National Bank of Romania clocked in, at the end of September 2021, at 41.216 billion euro, a decrease by 0.96 pct compared to the level of 41.616 billion euro recorded on August…

20:30, 28.09.2021

Government will allocate funds for medicine, preparation of ICU beds for COVID-19 pandemic

The Government will allocate, during Wednesday's session, the sum of 460 million lei from the Reserve Fund for expenses with medicine and preparation of the necessary ICU beds to managing the COVID-19 pandemic,…

20:10, 06.09.2021

Asociaţia Esperando organizează ultima întâlnire din cadrul proiectului REAL

În perioada 8-10 septembrie, în Baia Mare va avea loc cea de-a 5-a întâlnire din cadrul proiectului Reserve a Lane For the Disabled (Rezervă un culoar pentru cei cu dizabilități). Asociaţia Esperando, în calitate…

18:45, 06.09.2021

USR PLUS: Florin Citu increases the amount for local mayors and barons 4 times

Save Romania Union - Party of Liberty, Unity and Solidarity Alliance (USR PLUS) reproaches Prime Minister Florin Citu not allocating the necessary money to Health, but that, according to the latest version of the…

15:00, 02.08.2021

BNR's foreign reserves go up by almost 6% in July, to 39.008 billion Euro

The foreign reserves of the National Bank of Romania (BNR) were, at the end of July 2021, at 39.008 billion Euro, rising by 5.9% from the level of 36.831 billion Euro registered on June 30 2021, the central bank…

14:20, 01.07.2021

Romania's end-June forex reserves drop by 1.96 pct advance to 36.831 billion euros

The forex reserves of the National Bank of Romania (BNR), end-June, stood at 36.831 billion euros, down 1.96 pct from 37.570 billion euros at the end of this May, the central bank announced in a release. Inflows…

17:10, 28.06.2021

Indienii încep să-și vândă aurul, investind în criptomonede

Mantra pasionaților de criptomonede că Bitcoin ar fi echivalentă cu aurul, câștigă tot mai mulți adepți printre cei mai mari deținători de metal prețios din lume. În India, unde gospodăriile dețin peste 25.000…

13:50, 02.06.2021

Romania's end-May forex reserves down 1.91 pct, to 37.57 billion euros

Forex reserves at the National Bank of Romania stood at 37.570 billion euros at the end of May 2021, down 1.91% from the level of 38.304 billion euros registered at the end of the previous month, the central bank…

12:56, 31.05.2021

DefMin Ciuca on Military Reservist Day: We owe them respect for bringing Romania's army forwards

Seniors, those who had a military career for decades in the service of the country, are and always will be a source of inspiration for the future generations, the minister of Defence, Nicolae Ciuca, says, in a…

14:35, 22.05.2021

Băncile importante renunță la criptomonede: motivul din spatele deciziei

Din cauza volatilității monedelor virtuale, băncile renunță la criptomonede. Acest lucru a fost anunțat într-un mesaj pe pagina oficială de Tweeter , astfel că nu vor mai accepta depozitele în monede virtuale,…

17:41, 04.05.2021

BNR's forex reserves advance 7.26pct in April 2021, to 38.304bn euros

As of April 30 2021, the National Bank of Romania's foreign exchange reserves were standing at 38,304 million euros, as against 35,709 million euros on March 31, 2021, BNR, the central bank, announced on Tuesday.…

17:55, 10.03.2021

Bloomberg Intelligence: Bitcoin to overtake gold as reserve asset

Bitcoin is in the process of replacing gold as a digital reserve asset, according to a report by Bloomberg Intelligence (BI), says Finextra. Increasing demand and diminishing supply means that Bitcoin has the potential…

14:11, 01.02.2021

Romania’s international reserves (foreign currencies and gold) rise in to 42.559 million euro in January

On 31 January 2021, Romania’s international reserves (foreign currencies and gold) stood at EUR 42,559 million, compared to EUR 42,517 million on 31 December 2020, according to BNR. On 31 January 2021, the National…

20:01, 15.01.2021

Voiculescu: Romania will be affected by slowdown in vaccine deliveries; we have reserve, campaign continues

Health Minister Vlad Voiculescu said on Friday that Romania will also be affected by the slowdown in the delivery of anti-COVID vaccine doses by the producer Pfizer, but the vaccination campaign will continue,…